結婚の自由をすべての人に訴訟(同性婚訴訟) The ”Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuit

#ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ #Gender/Sexuality

現在の寄付総額 Current Total Raised

7,019,600円 ¥ 7,019,600


目標金額 Target amount

10,000,000円 ¥ 10,000,000

サポーター Supporter

943 人 943 supporters

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A class-action lawsuit for the right to same sex marriage, the first of its kind in Japan.
We filed law suits in the district courts of Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya , Osaka and Fukuoka.








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Twitter 「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟・東京弁護団

Twitter 「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟九州弁護団

A class-action lawsuit for the right to same sex marriage, the first of its kind in Japan

On February 14, 2019, we simultaneously filed law suits in the district courts of Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka seeking the right for same sex couples to marry. 

On September 5, 2019, another law suit was filed in Fukuoka district court by a same sex couple.
 There are now five of these high-profile lawsuits going on in Japan. 

Why seek same-sex marriage?

A couple whose gender is legally the same can’t marry, which means that they are not entitled to certain rights afforded to married couples. For example, no matter how long they live together, the survivor can’t inherit the deceased’s properties without a will. When a same-sex couple are raising children together, parental authority is not granted to both. 

And if a Japanese national marries a partner of the opposite sex of a foreign nationality, that partner can acquire resident status to live in Japan, whereas a foreign partner of the same sex cannot acquire such status to enable him/her to stay in Japan as a spouse. 

Opposite-sex couples can enjoy protection in the form of common-law marriage without formal marriage registration. 

In this framework, eligibility for receiving pension as the surviving “spouse” is stipulated by law, while the survivor’s right to demanding compensation for damages is also protected through legal interpretation. But in the case of same-sex couples, similar protection enjoyed by opposite-sex common-law marriage is not fully established. Also, there has been a case in which a survivor whose same-sex partner had been killed was denied survivor benefits when he filed a lawsuit to have the right to make an application for these benefits in accordance with the Law for Providing Compensation to Innocent Victims of Crimes. 

Same-sex couples also suffer issues concerning health care. Although there is no legal restriction to force hospitals to accept only legally defined “families” as families, there are cases in which individuals whose partners are same-sex are denied explanation of a patient’s condition, visits, or consent for clinical treatment, because they are not considered the patients’ legitimate family members.

We cannot accept the idea that we don’t need enactment of the same-sex marriage as long as there is love. Even though the realization of same-sex marriage may not change the way people think immediately, it will definitely influence their reception of same-sex couples. This is also the reason why we are advancing this lawsuit for same-sex marriage.

There are many other areas where same-sex couples may be at a disadvantage in addition to the above.

When facing these difficulties, is believing “as long as we love each other” enough? Two men or two women love each other the same way as a man and a woman; is it not unequal treatment to deny them the right to marry and all the protections that brings? 

No matter how long a same sex couple is together, society does not formally recognize their union, love and commitment to each other. This thereby creates a perception that same sex love and relationships are “inferior” to heterosexual love and relationships. Living in this kind of cultural climate, many same sex relationships fall apart prematurely, believing there is “no future” for them. 

Why are we asking for money then?
The Japanese judiciary system is not able to pass judgements solely regarding interpretations of the Constitution itself. The court must decide first among many lawsuits that might have a concrete violation of rights against a defendant. Then among those determine if an examination of the Constitution is necessary. Only these latter cases decided as such shall be reviewed.
 It is not permitted to file an abstract lawsuit requesting a judgement on the constitutionality of marriage equality. We need to give specific cases of how same-sex couples’ rights have been violated. Therefore we will first make a claim for compensation then also add a claim that this is a constitutional violation. The amount of reparations is one million yen per plaintiff.

About our lawyers

“Marriage for All” team consists of more than 70 lawyers residing all over Japan. 

Your financial support covers all the expenses for the lawsuit except compensations for lawyers. These include revenue stamps, photo copies, transportation, compensation for professionals to prepare “opinion in writing”, and others.  

A lawsuit started in Fukuoka on September 5, 2019, in the same manner as we did on February 14, 2019. Your monetary support will also go to this law suit. 

“Marriage For All Japan” is aiming to realize a society in which everyone can have a choice of either getting married if they wish or remaining unmarried without being forced to do so, regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity. Let’s make same-sex marriage a reality in Japan and make marriage something for everyone by sharing our stories. Your support is truly appreciated. 

Translated by Kikumi Suda and  Eric Ellefsen
Translation sponsored by Fruits in Suits Japan

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Twitter 「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟・東京弁護団

Twitter 「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟九州弁護団




■北海道弁護団 8名
【札幌弁護士会】上田文雄 加藤丈晴 須田布美子 高橋友佑 綱森史泰 林拓哉 皆川洋美 本橋優子

■東京弁護団 36名(うち1名は愛知弁護団にも所属)
【東京弁護士会】安藤光里 上杉崇子 榎本一久 金子美晴 熊澤美帆 樋田早紀 佐藤真依子 清水皓貴 寺原真希子 中川重徳 永田真衣子 永野靖 半田虎生 北條友里恵 増井俊輔 溝田紘子 山下敏雅 油原麻帆
【第一東京弁護士会】井上皓子 宇治野壮歩 小谷磨衣 西村夏奈
【第二東京弁護士会】加藤慶二 佐藤樹 沢崎敦一 鈴木創大 仲村渠桃 藤井啓輔 三浦徹也 向井香織 横山佳枝
【千葉県弁護士会】喜田康之 南川麻由子
【神奈川県弁護士会】大﨑茉耶 齋藤信子

■愛知弁護団 5名
【愛知県弁護士会】砂原薫 堀江哲史 水谷陽子 矢崎暁子 山田麻登

■関西弁護団 7名
【大阪弁護士会】大畑泰次郎 寺野朱美 宮本庸弘 三輪晃義 森本智子 山岸克巳

■九州弁護団 24名
【福岡県弁護士会】安孫子健輔 石井謙一 石田光史 井上敦史 岩橋愛佳 太田千遙 太田信人 緒方枝里 久保井摂 後藤富和 武寛兼 寺井研一郎 徳原聖雨 富永悠太 仲地彩子 塙愛恵 吉野大輔 渡邉陽
【熊本県弁護士会】藤井祥子 藤木美才 森あい


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