警察庁が保有する秘密個人情報ファイル簿の情報公開訴訟 FOIA case against the NPA
警察庁の秘密ファイルの開示を求めています。 FOIA case against the National Police Department asking for the disclosure of the ”secret” File.
- 国の安全、外交上の秘密その他の国の重大な利益に関する事項を記録する個人情報ファイル
- 犯罪の捜査、租税に関する法律の規定に基づく犯則事件の調査又は公訴の提起もしくは治安の維持のために作成し、または取得した個人情報ファイル
Government agencies must abide by the Act on Administrative Personal Information Protection Act to protect personal information they handle.
This law requires that when an administrative organization owns a personal information file, it notifies the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications in advance (Article 10 paragraph 1) and prepares and publishes a personal information file list (Article 11 paragraph 1) You
On the other hand, the law provides an exception event that does not require the advance notice and the creation and publication of the file list.
As a type of this exception,
- Personal information file that records matters concerning national security, diplomatic secrets and other important interests of the country
- Personal information file created or acquired for criminal investigation, investigation of a criminal case based on the provision of tax law, prosecution or maintenance of security
there is. If these conditions are met, the possession of the personal information file itself is kept secret. It is a so-called secret file.
How many secret files are held by the National Police Agency, and what kinds of secret files are there? It has not been revealed at all.
The Information Clearing House of the plaintiff in this case has made a request to the National Police Agency for information disclosure about the number of personal information files considered as secret files, the names of the files, and the outline of the personal information contained.
Then, it was made non-disclosure (information disclosure law Article 5 No. 3 and No. 4) except for the registered item name out of 122 “held personal information management book”.
One of them is the image posted on the case page. Disclosure of only such black-out materials does not fit the purpose of the Information Disclosure Act.
The Clearinghouse filed a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court in March 2018 seeking cancellation of this non-disclosure decision and mandatory disclosure.
Please support this case in order to realize appropriate disclosure of police information and democratic control.
2020. 11. 18
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