政府が開示を拒否する、安倍元首相の「国葬文書」開示を!訴訟 Lawsuit for Disclosure of Documents on State Funeral of Shinzo Abe

#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice
#情報公開 #Information Disclosure

現在の寄付総額 Current Total Raised

81,000円 ¥ 81,000


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1,000,000円 ¥ 1,000,000

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14 人 14 supporters

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安倍元首相の国葬の是非は、国会で審議されませんでした。官邸と「法の番人」内閣法制局が協議して、閣議決定による実施にゴーサインを出しました。ところがその協議記録をTansaが情報公開請求すると、政府は不開示に。「記録していない」「捨てた」という理由です。重要な公文書が、ないはずがありません。民主主義の基本は「記録」「公開」「検証」です。公文書の隠蔽や改ざんに、裁判で歯止めをかけます。 The state funeral for former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was not deliberated in the Diet but decided by the Cabinet after discussions with the “Guardian of Laws,” the Cabinet Legislation Bureau. When asked to disclose records, the government refused, claiming “no records exist” or “they were discarded.” Such statements are dubious given their importance. “Record,” “Disclosure,” and “Review” are pillars of democracy. This lawsuit seeks to prevent the concealment and falsification of public documents.












2024年9月30日、特定非営利活動法人Tansaが国を東京地裁に提訴しました。原告代理人は、公益社団法人自由人権協会(JCLU) 所属の弁護士5人です。















相談者: 内閣官房内閣総務官室、内閣府大臣官房総務課

相談年月日: 令和4年7月12日〜14日











1. 文書の作成・保存義務が法で定められていること





公文書管理法 第4


1 法令の制定又は改廃及びその経緯

2 前号に定めるもののほか、閣議、関係行政機関の長で構成される会議又は省議(これらに準ずるものを含む。)の決定又は了解及びその経緯

3 複数の行政機関による申合せ又は他の行政機関若しくは地方公共団体に対して示す基準の設定及びその経緯

4 個人又は法人の権利義務の得喪及びその経緯

5 職員の人事に関する事項

2. これまで国葬に関して国や政府による議論が続けられてきたこと







3. 世論調査で示されていた民意














原告代表 渡辺周さん(Tansa編集長)









喜田村洋一 ミネルバ法律事務所(第二東京弁護士会)


二関辰郎 新平河町法律事務所(第二東京弁護士会)


高橋涼子 原後綜合法律事務所立川事務所(第二東京弁護士会)


小野高広 原後綜合法律事務所(第二東京弁護士会)


西村友希 原後綜合法律事務所越谷事務所(埼玉弁護士会)




*Translated by Google Translate


This was four days after former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was murdered.

On July 12, 2022, bureaucrats in the Prime Minister's Office, under the orders of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, went to consult with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau about the decision to hold a state funeral by cabinet decision alone. Public opinion is split on whether to hold a state funeral. The Prime Minister's Office went to the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, the "guardian of the law," to ask for its opinion.

The two sides held talks over three days from July 12th to 14th.

Tansa has requested a record of the discussion under the Freedom of Information Act.

▲The process leading up to the decision to hold a state funeral

However, the records were not made public. The reason given was that "the records were either not kept or were thrown away." There is no law that stipulates the implementation of state funerals. For that reason, Prime Minister Kishida held a meeting with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, as he stated in a press conference on July 14th, "We are making a decision after thoroughly coordinating with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau." There is no way that records of such important discussions would not exist.

The Freedom of Information system is a treasure of a democratic society. It allows citizens to obtain public records that are concentrated in the executive branch and to verify them for the future.

This trial is a fight to take the freedom of information back into our hands.

Overview of the case

In this case, they are seeking disclosure of the "State Funeral Documents," which are records of discussions held between the Cabinet Secretariat and Cabinet Office and the Cabinet Legislation Bureau from July 12 to 14, 2022, regarding holding a state funeral by cabinet decision.

On September 30, 2024, the nonprofit organization Tansa filed a lawsuit against the government in the Tokyo District Court. The plaintiffs are represented by five lawyers from the Japan Civil Liberties Union (JCLU).

Regarding the state funeral documents, Tansa had requested disclosure from the Cabinet Secretariat and the Cabinet Office under the Freedom of Information Act, but a decision was made not to disclose them on October 28, 2022. The reasons for non-disclosure are as follows:

Cabinet Secretariat: "The documents in question have not been created or acquired, or have been discarded, and are no longer in our possession."

Cabinet Office: "We have not created, obtained, or possessed any administrative documents related to the disclosure request, so we will not disclose them."

However, then Prime Minister Kishida stated at a press conference that the Cabinet's decision to hold a state funeral was "a decision that was made after thorough coordination with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau," and in the Diet that "after thorough confirmation with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, we made this decision based on the judgment that we were able to make the decision as a government." It is unthinkable that the contents of the discussions would not be recorded, or that they would be discarded.

The purpose of this lawsuit is to have the decision not to disclose overturned and for the state funeral documents to be disclosed.


The starting point is the question of why a state funeral, which would divide public opinion and require public funds, was decided upon by cabinet decision without consulting the Diet.

Tansa focused on the Prime Minister's press conference on July 14, 2022. Although it had only been six days since former Prime Minister Abe was assassinated, Prime Minister Kishida stated that he had coordinated with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau to hold a state funeral by cabinet decision.

The Cabinet Legislation Bureau is responsible for checking whether bills submitted to Cabinet meetings are in accordance with the Constitution and other laws. It is also known as the "guardian of the law."

Prime Minister Kishida has claimed that the cabinet decision was made with the approval of the "guardian of the law."

Therefore, on July 26, Tansa filed a request for disclosure of the records of the discussions with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau.

Only one document was made public: a record of a meeting entitled "Regarding the Cabinet's decision to hold a state funeral for a former prime minister as a national ceremony."

▲The disclosed "interview record"

Although the contents of the discussions were not included, the following entry in the "Record of Meeting" caught my attention.

Consultant: Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, General Affairs Division

Consultation date: July 12th to 14th, 2020

This means that discussions were held over three days, from July 12th to 14th, between the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, the Cabinet Secretariat, and the Cabinet Office.

We therefore made requests for disclosure of information to the Cabinet Secretariat and the Cabinet Office.

However, what was disclosed was a four-page document titled "Regarding the Cabinet's decision to hold state funerals for former prime ministers as a national ceremony." This is a reference document used during the discussions. It is not a record of the meeting.

There was a three-day meeting, so there was no way there wouldn't be minutes. I once again requested disclosure from the Cabinet Secretariat and the Cabinet Office.

The result was that "documents do not exist." The reason given was that either the records had not been created or had been discarded.

In January 2023, Tansa filed a review request. A review request is a system in which the Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Review Board, which is made up of legal experts such as lawyers and former judges, reviews whether the decision was correct.

In June 2024, a report was issued stating that "both of the decisions not to disclose the information in the two cases were appropriate." This led us to decide to file this lawsuit.

The issues in this lawsuit

In this trial, the plaintiff must prove the existence of documents that the other party claims "do not exist."

To do this, we will show how important this document is from three points of view and argue that it "could not possibly not exist."

1. The obligation to create and preserve documents is stipulated by law

First, you need to understand the Freedom of Information Act and the Public Records Management Act, which are said to be the "two wheels of a car."

Article 1 of the Public Records Management Act defines public records as "intellectual resources shared by the people that support the foundation of a healthy democracy."

Article 4 stipulates the obligation to create documents , and Article 6 stipulates the obligation to preserve documents .

What's important is that Article 4 clearly states what documents you are obligated to create.

Article 4 of the Public Records and Archives Management Act

In order to contribute to the achievement of the purpose of Article 1, officials of administrative organs must prepare documents on the matters listed below and other matters, except in cases where the matters concerned are minor, so that the process leading to the decision-making, including the background within the administrative organ, and the performance of the administrative organ's affairs and business can be reasonably traced or verified.

1. Enactment, amendment, or repeal of laws and regulations and their history

2 In addition to those prescribed in the preceding paragraph, decisions or approvals of Cabinet meetings, meetings consisting of the heads of relevant administrative agencies, or ministerial meetings (including those equivalent thereto) and the background thereto

3. The establishment of standards and their history as agreed between multiple administrative agencies or as presented to other administrative agencies or local governments

4. Acquisition or loss of rights and obligations of individuals or corporations and the circumstances surrounding them

5. Matters concerning personnel affairs

2. The country and the government have been discussing state funerals.

The Cabinet Secretariat and the Cabinet Office claim that the documents were "not created" and "discarded," but this is exactly the case regarding the process of the Cabinet decision under Article 4, paragraph 2. Article 4 excludes "matters in which the processing is minor."

But this is not the case when we consider the second point.

Whether holding a state funeral by cabinet decision is in accordance with the constitution and the law was an important issue for the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, as there has been ongoing discussion by the nation and the government regarding state funerals.

Before the war, there was a "State Funeral Order" that allowed for state funerals to be given to members of the imperial family and people who had made distinguished contributions to the country, but this expired in 1947. After the war, the only state funeral was for former Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru in 1967, but the following year in the Diet, an issue arose over expenditure from reserve funds, which do not require a Diet resolution. Finance Minister Mizuta Mikio responded, "After all, we need to create some kind of standard."

When Prime Minister Sato Eisaku passed away in 1975, a "national funeral" was held. According to the Nikkei newspaper at the time, government and LDP leaders met to discuss the matter, lasting 1 hour and 40 minutes. Yoshikuni Ichiro, Director-General of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, cited the absence of legislation regarding state funerals. Yoshikuni also expressed the view that if a state funeral were held, "it would encompass the three branches of government - legislative, executive, and judicial - and would include attendance by the Diet and the courts."

Given these circumstances, the records of discussions on the legal basis for holding a state funeral for Prime Minister Abe cannot in any way be considered "minor."

3. Public opinion as shown by opinion polls

The third is public opinion.

At the time, many public opinion polls on state funerals conducted by the mass media showed that the majority were against them. Nevertheless, the state funeral was held without any deliberation in the Diet. The documents recording the contents of discussions with the Cabinet Legislation Bureau are essential records for the Kishida administration to guarantee the legitimacy of the state funeral.

Social significance

This lawsuit is being supported by the Japan Civil Liberties Union, a public interest incorporated association. The plaintiff, Tansa, is represented by five lawyers from the association. This symbolizes the significance of this lawsuit.

The Japan Civil Liberties Union was established in 1947 when the Constitution of Japan came into force, and has been working to protect fundamental human rights.

The Japan Civil Liberties Union was also a major driving force in the citizens' movement calling for the enactment of the Freedom of Information Act. Now that the system for free information is in turmoil, it is inevitable that the Japan Civil Liberties Union will fight this lawsuit from the citizens' perspective.

The basis of democracy is to keep records and make them available for verification by all members of society. Article 3 of the Freedom of Information Act stipulates that "anyone can make a request" regarding those who have the right to request disclosure. It is a system that is open to everyone, regardless of age.

We do not want to question the merits of state funerals. We want to put a stop to this so that democracy does not fall into dysfunction. In recent years, not only state funeral documents but also the concealment and falsification of public documents by the government has become widespread.

I hope that all those who respect democracy will support this trial.

Use of funds

In order to win the case, we will try to obtain various evidence. This will require new disclosure requests and interviews with related parties. The funds will be used to cover all costs associated with the case (including the costs of collecting evidence, such as disclosure requests, labor costs, and stamp duty).

In order to maintain our independence as a news organization, we do not accept any advertising fees from companies. We also do not charge subscription fees so that anyone can read our articles. Funds for operation are covered by donations from citizens and grants from foundations and funds. Currently, three full-time staff members handle all reporting and reporting while also taking on administrative responsibilities such as fundraising.

Plaintiff’s thoughts

Representative plaintiff: Shu Watanabe (Editor-in-Chief of Tansa)

False rumors are rampant on social media, and the mass media is not playing its role of monitoring the authorities. They just keep spouting "Imperial Headquarters Announcements." In this situation, if even the information disclosure system becomes meaningless, citizens will lose the means to know the truth.

In fact, the government is moving ahead without giving sufficient information to the public. In 2022, in addition to the state funeral, the Cabinet also approved the three national security documents and the construction of new nuclear power plants. Both were things that previous governments had been unable to do, but they were decided on easily.

Following the lawsuit, Tansa donors have made the following comments:

"The people are being completely taken for granted."

"It is unacceptable that important matters are decided by cabinet decisions without consulting the Diet, and that the intentional destruction of information disclosure and public record management is being carried out. We will add our anger to Tansa's lawsuit."

"The records are the property of the people."

We journalists bear a great responsibility for the current situation in which the government is mocking its citizens. This is where we need to step up, and although Tansa is a small organization, we are determined to take on the challenge and make a breakthrough.

Message from the lawyer in charge

Yoichi Kitamura, Minerva Law Office (Second Tokyo Bar Association)

The fact that the state funeral was decided by cabinet decision means that the voice of the people was not heard and there was no discussion in the Diet, the highest organ of state power. The responsibility towards history to leave records and verify them has not been fulfilled.

Tatsuro Futaseki Shinhirakawacho Law Office (Second Tokyo Bar Association)

For the media, power brings information, but there is also a relationship in which it becomes more difficult to obtain information if one criticizes it. If the government creates documents based on the Public Records Management Act and makes them public under the Information Disclosure Act, information can be obtained even after criticism. This is also important for the public's right to know.

Ryoko Takahashi, Harago Law Office Tachikawa Office (Second Tokyo Bar Association)

I have a simple question: why have such documents not been produced? If there was anything illegal going on, I would like to do everything in my power to have it rectified through this lawsuit.

Takahiro Ono, Harago Law Office (Tokyo Bar Association)

In this case, since the state is covering all expenses as a state funeral, it is inconceivable that no documentation was prepared in the process of deciding on a state funeral. All the considerations that went into this should be made public.

Yuki Nishimura, Harago Law Office, Koshigaya Office (Saitama Bar Association)

Everyone feels the need to mourn the death of a person, but if a country takes the lead in mourning a death by holding a state funeral, the decision-making process should be recorded in a verifiable form.


In order for a small organization like ours to win, we need the support and encouragement of the public who are backing this lawsuit. We appreciate your help.



東京都港区浜松町2-2-15 浜松町ダイヤビル2階
特定非営利活動法人Tansa 理事長 渡辺周

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