結婚の自由をすべての人に訴訟(同性婚訴訟) The ”Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuit

#ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ #Gender/Sexuality

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

6,077,082円 ¥ 6,077,082


目標金額 Target amount

5,000,000円 ¥ 5,000,000

サポーター Supporter

843 人 843 supporters

支援する Support a Case

A class-action lawsuit for the right to same sex marriage, the first of its kind in Japan.
We filed law suits in the district courts of Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya , Osaka and Fukuoka.

【愛知】控訴審第3回期日(名古屋高裁2024年6月27日) ご案内

[Aichi] Notice regarding the third hearing of the appeal trial (Nagoya High Court, June 27, 2024)

2024/6/3 13:12






                  「次は6月、プライドマンスだよ~」というタイトルが書かれた、スケジュール案内の画像  案内内容① 名古屋レインボープライドで応援 6月15日(土) オアシス21 銀河の広場  公益社団法人MARRIAGE FOR ALL JAPANのブースにけじすべ訴訟メンバーも参加します  一緒に楽しみましょう  イベントの詳細はNRPのHPやSNSをご確認ください  案内内容② けじすべ訴訟を傍聴で応援 6月27日(木)11時 名古屋高等裁判所1階1号法廷(第1審の期日と同じ建物・同じ法廷です)  ※早めに行って整理券を受け取る必要が生じる可能性もあります。 状況が分かり次第お知らせします。  イメージカラーの赤色の旗をもったあひるが参加者を案内するように旗を掲げて歩いているイラスト







前回大好評だった傍聴ツアーを今回も開催します! ぜひ奮ってご参加ください。

10:00  地下鉄鶴舞線・桜通線「丸の内」駅1番出口地上に集合


10:20  裁判所へ移動

11:00  裁判傍聴

12:00頃 裁判終了後解散予定






登壇予定/愛知弁護団 ほか







Regarding the Aichi lawsuit "Freedom to Marry for All," we are pleased to announce the third hearing of the appeal court, a tour of the hearing, and a hearing report session.

The "Freedom to Marry for All" Aichi lawsuit is currently being heard in appeal.

The district court ruling was handed down on May 30, 2023, clearly stating that the law violated Article 24, Paragraph 2 and Article 14 of the Constitution.

The appeal hearing seeking progress on the decision is nearing its climax.

We would like to thank everyone who continues to attend and support us.

An image of the schedule with the title "Next up is June, Pride Month!" Information 1: Support with Nagoya Rainbow Pride Saturday, June 15th Oasis 21 Galaxy Square Members of the Kejisube lawsuit will also participate at the booth of the Public Interest Incorporated Association MARRIAGE FOR ALL JAPAN - come and have fun together For details of the event, please check the NRP website or social media. Information 2: Support the Kejisube lawsuit by attending the hearing Thursday, June 27th, 11am Courtroom 1 on the 1st floor of Nagoya High Court (same building and courtroom as the first hearing) *It may be necessary to arrive early to receive a numbered ticket. We will let you know as soon as the situation is known. An illustration of a duck holding a red flag, the image color, walking with the flag aloft to guide participants

[Third oral argument date]

Date and time: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11:00-11:30

Location: Nagoya High Court, 1st floor, Courtroom 1 (same building as Nagoya District Court)

Contents: The appellant will make a statement and the defense team will explain the contents of the documents submitted.

*Admission to the hearing will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

[Observation tour]

The hearing tour, which was very popular last time, will be held again this time! Please come and join us!

10:00 Meet at the ground level at Exit 1 of Marunouchi Station on the Tsurumai and Sakura-dori subway lines

The defense team will talk about key points of the third oral argument date.

10:20 Move to the court

11:00 Court Observation

The trial will be dismissed around 12:00.

[Date Reporting Session]

It will be streamed online on the Youtube Marifor channel.

We plan to report not only on the date of the third oral argument, but also on the trial for permission to change the appellant's surname and Nagoya Rainbow Pride.

Date and time: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 7pm to 8pm

URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/keAsdtJtc9Y?si=pYNJf0kYTUT9Xyol

Scheduled to appear: Aichi Bar Association and others

[Latest litigation information]

We will be posting updates on X (formerly Twitter) from time to time. Please take a look.


[Litigation documents]

Litigation documents that are available for public viewing are posted on Call4 ( https://www.call4.jp/info.php?type=items&id=I0000031 ).

*The preparatory documents scheduled to be submitted at the third hearing of the appeal court will be uploaded after the hearing.


[Aichi] Report on related court case (trial for permission to change surname)

2024/5/18 12:38








              氏の変更を希望した背景事情  鷹見さん大野さんの生活状況と、二人に生じている支障を整理した図  鷹見さんと大野さんの生活実態: ふうふとしてともに里子を育て生活  鷹見さんの生活: 日常生活では「大野」で生活、公的書類は「鷹見」の記載  鷹見さんと里子の関係: 鷹見さんのみが里親、関係を示す書類上は「鷹見」として記載  大野さんと里子の関係: 法律上のふうふではないため、手続き上は「里親の同居人」  周囲の人からの質問例: 「普段の姓と公的書類やクレジットカードの姓が違うのはどうして?」 「姓が違う男性の二人暮らし?どういう関係?」  周囲との関係で生じる支障: ・性的指向を詮索されるリスク ・意に沿わない状況で、同性カップルだと打ち明けせざるをえないリスク ・リスクを避けるため、周囲に鷹見さんとの 同居を知られないよう常に注意を払う負担





              氏の変更の手続きの経過をまとめた図  ・経過 2023年11月 氏の変更許可を求めて家事審判申立て 2024年2月 裁判官による審尋、調査官による調査を実施 2024年3月 「やむを得ない事由」を認め氏の変更を許可する審判 2024年4月 家庭裁判所の許可に関する書類を持参して手続き  ・戸籍法が定める氏の変更に必要な要素 「やむを得ない事由」があること、家庭裁判所の許可、役所への届出 (戸籍法107条1項)






              裁判所の判断ポイント①二人の具体的な生活実態  ・二人の関係について 「互いに円滑にコミュニケーションをとって協力しながら、 子育てを中心として安定した生活を継続している」 「婚姻し育児をしている異性同士の夫婦と実質的に変わらない生活実態」 「男女が相協力して生活を営む結合としての夫婦と同様」 「婚姻に準じる関係にある」 まとめると、二人の生活実態について丁寧に調査をした上で、男女の夫婦と変わらない家族であると評価した。  ・二人の困りごとについて 「合理的かつ具体的な社会生活上の支障が生じている」と、鷹見さん、大野さんそれぞれに既に現実に支障が生じていると認定。 事情の説明のため、意に沿わない状況で性的指向を打ち明けざるをえない場面があることの不利益などを評価。

              裁判所の判断ポイント②同性カップルの法的保護  ・同性カップルの法的保護について  ・「婚姻の本質の1つの側面は、親密な関係に基づき永続性を持った生活共同体を構成することにあると解されるところ、この点は、異性カップルと同性カップルとで変わりはない」 ・「諸外国で同性婚その他の同性カップルの公証制度を導入する国が現れている」 ・「我が国においても、同性カップルに一定の法的保護を与える自治体が現れ、国民意識も同性カップルを肯定的に捉える方向に変化しつつある」 この社会情勢を踏まえて  「婚姻に準じる関係にある同性カップルについて、現行法の許す限り、一定程度、異性カップルに対するのと同質の法的保護を与えることは社会通念上も許容されるというべき」














              結婚の自由・平等の実現に向けて  ・根本的な解決のためには 姓が同じになることで解決できる不利益は…ごく一部  「どういう関係なの?」が詮索にすぎないときは「姓が同じだから何らかの親族関係なんだろうな」と思われるので不必要な詮索へのリスクは軽減できる。  法律上の関係を正確に問われる場面では、引き続き他人のまま →根本解決には、婚姻の平等の実現が必要  ・同じ姓を望むかは様々 鷹見さん、大野さんにとっては、二人とも大野さんの姓になれることが二人にとってより幸せで、より安全な生活を送れる選択肢でした。 でも、カップルにとってベストな選択肢は様々。 重要なのはふうふになることを望む二人に選択肢が生まれることです



名古屋地方裁判所 第1号法廷


オアシス21 銀河の広場

公益社団法人MARRIAGE FOR ALL JAPANのブースにけじすべ訴訟メンバーも参加します  一緒に楽しみましょう








1. A step forward towards realizing legal protection!

In the Aichi lawsuit titled "Lawsuit for Freedom to Marry for All," Aichi Prefecture-based couple Toshimasa Ohno and Shoichi Takami (both pseudonyms for litigation purposes) are the plaintiffs (appellants) in the Nagoya High Court.

Takami has now filed a petition with the Nagoya Family Court and received permission to change his legal surname to be the same as Ohno's.

Although this is a separate court proceeding from this lawsuit, we are reporting it as a related lawsuit because we have obtained a ruling that will have social significance in realizing legal protections for same-sex couples.

(For the sake of convenience, we will use the pseudonyms used in the lawsuit below.)

2. Summary of the trial for permission to change surname

(1) Procedural history

Background circumstances behind the request to change the surname A diagram outlining Takami and Ohno's living situation and the obstacles they are facing Takami and Ohno's actual living conditions: Living together as a couple and raising a foster child Takami's life: In everyday life, he lives as "Ono", and official documents list him as "Takami" Takami's relationship with the foster child: Takami is the only foster parent, and documents showing their relationship list him as "Takami" Ohno's relationship with the foster child: As they are not legally a couple, for procedural purposes he is a "foster parent's roommate" Examples of questions from people around them: "Why is your everyday surname different from the surname on official documents and credit cards?" "Two men with different surnames living together? What's the relationship like?" Impediments arising from relationships with others: - Risk of being asked questions about their sexual orientation - Risk of having to reveal that they are a same-sex couple in situations against their will - Burden of constantly being careful to ensure that others do not know that they are living with Takami, in order to avoid these risks

Takami has always dreamed of getting married and changing her husband's surname, and since she began living with Ohno, she has used that surname.

On the other hand, Ohno usually keeps his sexual orientation a secret, and so he felt uneasy about people prying into why he was living with a man who was not related to him because he had a different surname from Takami. He therefore took care to ensure that acquaintances did not know that he was living with Takami.

For such a couple, if Takami could become Ohno's surname, they would be able to live a happier and safer life.

We adopted a child in September 2023, and as there were more opportunities to explain our relationship to others, we decided to try to change Takami's surname.

A diagram summarizing the steps in the procedure for changing a surname ・Steps November 2023: Petition for family court adjudication to request permission to change surname February 2024: Hearing by a judge, investigation by an investigator March 2024: Adjudication recognizing "unavoidable circumstances" and permitting the change of surname April 2024: Procedure completed by bringing documents related to permission from the family court ・Elements necessary for changing a surname as stipulated in the Family Registration Act: The existence of "unavoidable circumstances," permission from the family court, and notification to the government office (Family Registration Act, Article 107, Paragraph 1)

The family court will examine whether there are "unavoidable reasons" for the change of surname as stipulated in Article 107 of the Family Register Act.

If it is deemed unavoidable, permission will be granted.

The application was filed in November 2023, and after interviews with the court and investigators, approval was granted in March 2024.

(2) Key points of the court's decision

The Nagoya Family Court determined that there were "unavoidable reasons" for the change of surname, taking into account the actual living conditions of Takami and Ohno, as well as the social situation regarding legal protection for same-sex couples.

Court's decision point 1: The actual living conditions of the couple - Regarding their relationship: "They continue to live a stable life, focusing on raising their children, while communicating smoothly and cooperating with each other." "Their living conditions are essentially the same as those of a married couple of opposite sexes who are married and raising children." "Similar to a married couple, where a man and a woman cooperate with each other in their daily lives." "They have a relationship equivalent to marriage." In summary, after a thorough investigation into the actual living conditions of the couple, the court assessed that they are a family that is no different from a married couple of men and women. - Regarding the problems the couple faces, the court determined that "reasonable and concrete problems have arisen in their social lives," and that both Takami and Ohno are already experiencing real problems. The court evaluated the disadvantages of having to disclose their sexual orientation in situations against their will in order to explain their circumstances.

Court decision point 2: Legal protection for same-sex couples - Regarding legal protection for same-sex couples - "One aspect of the essence of marriage is understood to be the formation of a permanent living community based on an intimate relationship, and in this respect there is no difference between opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples." - "A number of foreign countries have introduced systems for notarizing same-sex marriages and other same-sex couples." - "In Japan, too, local governments are beginning to provide certain legal protections to same-sex couples, and public attitudes are also changing in a more positive direction toward same-sex couples." In light of this social situation, "It should be said that it is socially acceptable to provide a certain degree of legal protection of the same quality to opposite-sex couples to same-sex couples, to the extent that current law permits."

The court pointed out that the living conditions of Takami and Ohno are no different from those of an opposite-sex married couple, and that it is socially acceptable to give same-sex couples a certain degree of legal protection equivalent to that of opposite-sex married couples, and therefore granted permission to change their surname.

3. Comments from the two guests

Below are some excerpts from comments made by Takami and Ohno at the press conference.


"We're happy that they recognize us as a family."

"I hope this decision will inspire those who are living as if nothing exists.

I want to continue to work hard. My biggest wish is to pass on the legacy to the next generation."


"I'm happy that we're recognized as no different from a married couple."

"It's important for each family to be able to make the choice that's best for them. Changing the surname was the best choice for our family, but there are other couples out there who feel the same way, and others who don't. There are situations where LGBT people are forced into a situation where they have no choice, so it's good that a new option has been added."

4. Towards the realization of marriage equality

Of the disadvantages that arise in a couple's lives due to being excluded from the institution of marriage, only a small portion of them can be resolved by changing surnames.

We ask for your continued support for the "Freedom to Marry for All" lawsuit in order to find a fundamental solution.

Towards the realization of freedom and equality in marriage - For a fundamental solution, having the same surname can solve only a small portion of the disadvantages When the question "What kind of relationship are you?" is merely prying, people will assume "Since they have the same surname, they must be related in some way," and the risk of unnecessary inquiries can be reduced. When precise questions about their legal relationship are asked, they will remain strangers → For a fundamental solution, the realization of marriage equality is necessary - People want to have the same surname - There are many different options For Takami and Ohno, being able to both take Ohno's surname was the option that would have made them both happier and safer in life. However, there are many different options that are best for couples. What's important is that options are created for two people who want to become husband and wife.

Next hearing in the Aichi lawsuit

June 27, 2024 (Thursday) 11:00 (Third oral argument)

Nagoya District Court No. 1

An image of the schedule with the title "Next is June, Pride Month~"  Information content ① Support Nagoya Rainbow Pride Saturday, June 15th Oasis 21 Galaxy Plaza  Members of the Kejisube lawsuit will also participate in the booth of the Public Interest Incorporated Association MARRIAGE FOR ALL JAPAN. Let's have fun together  For details of the event, please check the NRP website or SNS  Information content ② Support the Kejisube lawsuit by observing Thursday, June 27th, 11:00 Courtroom No. 1 on the 1st floor of Nagoya High Court (same building and courtroom as the first hearing)  *It may be necessary to go early and receive a numbered ticket. We will inform you as soon as we know the situation.  An illustration of a duck holding a red flag, the image color, walking with the flag raised to guide the participants

Nagoya Rainbow Pride is also held in June.

Members of the defense team will be present at the Malifaux booth.

Let's walk in the parade together.

東京第一次訴訟控訴審 第3回口頭弁論期日(2024年4月26日)報告

Tokyo First Trial Appeal Third Oral Argument Session (April 26, 2024)

2024/5/11 19:09




日 時:2024年4月26日(金)10時30分から11時15分

場 所:東京高等裁判所101号法廷


出 席:控訴人4名 控訴人ら代理人19名  被控訴人代理人4名


1 弁論の更新


2 各書面提出(提出した各書面等はこちら



3 意見陳述

⑴ 控訴人大江さん・小川さんの意見陳述(意見陳述要旨はこちら




⑵ 控訴人西川さんの意見陳述(意見陳述要旨はこちら


⑶ 控訴人小野さんの意見陳述(意見陳述要旨はこちら



⑷ 代理人上杉の意見陳述(意見陳述要旨全文はこちら



⑸ 代理人加藤の意見陳述(意見陳述要旨全文はこちら



4 判決期日の指定


 2024年10月30日(水) 午前10時@東京高等裁判所101号法廷

5 期日報告会



【東京第一次訴訟】控訴審 第3回口頭弁論期日報告会

配信URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOa89rmTAVM&t=4s

日 時:2024年4月26日

A report from the Tokyo Bar Association.

The appellants and their lawyers respond to interviews in front of the Tokyo High Court

We are pleased to report that the third oral argument hearing in the appeal hearing for the "Freedom to Marry for All" Tokyo First Lawsuit (filed on February 14, 2019) has been held.

Date and time: Friday, April 26, 2024, 10:30 to 11:15

Venue: Tokyo High Court, Courtroom 101

Judges: Presiding Judge Sonoe Taniguchi, Judge Yoshiaki Shibata, and Judge Kazuhiro Yamaguchi (Second Civil Division)

Attendance: 4 appellants, 19 representatives for the appellants, 4 representatives for the appellee

[Contents of the second oral argument hearing]

1. Update of arguments

Because two judges other than the presiding judge were replaced, a procedure known as "update of arguments" was carried out at the beginning of the trial.

2. Submission of documents ( Click here for the documents submitted)

The appellants presented the 9th to 11th preparatory briefs for the appeal, which they had submitted by this date. In addition, the appellee (the State) presented the 2nd preparatory brief, which it had submitted by this date.

By this date, the appellants have submitted Appellant's Exhibit Explanation Nos. 14 to 19 and Exhibits KoA790 to 836. In addition, the appellee (the State) has submitted Exhibit Explanation No. 6 and Exhibits Otsu36 and 37 by this date.

 3. Statement of opinion

 (1) Statement of opinion by appellants Ms. Oe and Ms. Ogawa ( Click here for a summary of the statement of opinion)

 Oe and Ogawa have been together as a couple for 30 years since 1994, and they have stood up and appealed to society that "even if we are sexual minorities, we all have the same dignity."

Despite their difficulties, the couple explained how continuing to be plaintiffs in this lawsuit was a tough journey, and why they continued to do so in order to obtain their marriage.

 At the end, the two of them spoke in unison, expressing their hopes for the court, saying, "We believe that hope will surely come at the end of these difficult years."

 ⑵ Statement of opinion by the appellant Ms. Nishikawa ( Click here for a summary of the statement of opinion)

 Nishikawa explained that in the five years since the lawsuit was filed, plaintiff Sato Ikuo and other friends and acquaintances who had same-sex partners on their family register had all passed away, and that those left behind felt a sense of loss at the loss of their loved ones, as well as the discrimination that "legally they are strangers" and that "the time the two of them lived is legally nonexistent." Nishikawa pointed out that the first instance ruling lacked the perspective that "time is life for an individual," and asked the court to write the ruling with the understanding that this is an issue involving tens of thousands of lives.

 ⑶ Statement of opinion by the appellant Ms. Ono ( Click here for a summary of the statement of opinion)

 Ono said that she has lived with her partner Nishikawa for 20 years, and that even though people around them naturally accept them as one family, they are legally treated as two separate families. She then shared an episode that made her feel that "the existence of a system helps to naturally lead to social acceptance."

Finally, they strongly appealed to the court, "We are a family. Don't let the law tear us apart."

⑷ Statement of opinion by attorney Uesugi ( Click here for the full summary of the statement of opinion)

Counsel Uesugi argued that the original ruling of unconstitutionality is an unshakable minimum and cannot be rolled back; that the court should not pretend not to notice that laws that do not recognize marriage are a barrier to social acceptance for same-sex couples; and that freeing sexual minorities from discrimination based on sexual orientation is an appropriate guideline for interpreting the constitution today.

Then, attorney Uesugi concluded his statement by saying, "We are confident that the court will make a clear ruling that the law is unconstitutional."

⑸ Statement of opinion by attorney Kato ( Click here for the full summary of the statement of opinion)

Attorney Kato made it clear that, despite the fact that multiple unconstitutional or unconstitutional rulings have been piling up since the lawsuit was filed up until now, there has been no discussion in the Diet on protecting the relationships between so-called same-sex couples, and that the Diet is in a completely dysfunctional state.

They then clearly explained that a system other than the marriage system would not be able to completely resolve the disadvantages faced by same-sex couples, and made a strong appeal to the court, stating, "We can no longer wait. What is needed now is the system of marriage."

4. Designation of the judgment date

The court has set the following dates for judgment:

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 10:00 AM @ Tokyo High Court, Courtroom 101

5. Date report meeting

[Online deadline report session]

A hybrid deadline report meeting was held, broadcast live on YouTube and in person (archived).

[Tokyo First Case] ​​Appeal Court Third Oral Argument Session Report

Streaming URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOa89rmTAVM&t=4s

Date: April 26, 2024



2024/5/10 17:35




1 控訴人(原告側)は、2024年5月中をめどに学者意見書等を踏まえた準備書面を提出する。

2 被控訴人(被告側)は、2024年9月9日までに控訴人主張に対する反論の準備書面を提出する。

3 2024年9月25日に進行協議(非公開)を行い、判決に向けて日程等を協議する。次回の裁判日程についてもこの日に決定する。





[Tokyo First Lawsuit] Notice of the Third Appeal Hearing (Conclusion) (April 26, 2024)

2024/4/9 15:39


控訴審第2回口頭弁論期日の際、笑顔で「結婚の自由をすべての人に」「MARRIAGE FOR ALL JAPAN」と書かれた横断幕を掲げて東京地裁に向かう「結婚の自由をすべての人に」東京1次訴訟の原告と弁護団







日時   2024年4月26日(金)10時30分~

場所   東京高等裁判所101号法廷

事件番号 東京高等裁判所 令和5年(ネ)第292号



日時 2023年4月26日(金)12時30分~

会場 虎ノ門ホール

東京都港区西新橋1-9-5 酔心興栄ビル2階

最寄り駅 東京メトロ銀座線「虎ノ門」駅徒歩3分




Youtube生配信URL  https://youtube.com/live/jOa89rmTAVM

字幕配信用URL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84676861484?pwd=Rk5NMVU3TlRxcm50bGhFeDNOUEVpQT09




We would like to inform you of the third oral argument hearing (scheduled to conclude) in the appeal trial of the "Freedom to Marry for All" Tokyo First Lawsuit.

Smiling plaintiffs and their lawyers in the first Tokyo lawsuit for "Freedom of Marriage for All" head to the Tokyo District Court on the second day of oral arguments in the appeal trial, carrying banners that read "Freedom of Marriage for All" and "MARRIAGE FOR ALL JAPAN."

In the Tokyo First Lawsuit, "Freedom of Marriage for All," the first instance trial handed down a ruling of unconstitutionality on November 30, 2022, pointing out a violation of Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution, and the case is currently under review in the appeal court.

The third hearing will be the last hearing for the appeal court to hear the case and the date of the verdict will be decided.

Your support in various forms, such as attending court hearings, participating in and viewing court report meetings, and posting on social media, will help us. We appreciate your continued support.

The third meeting date and report session schedule are as follows:

[Tokyo First Lawsuit (Appeals)]

Third Oral Argument Date

Date and time: Friday, April 26, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

Venue: Tokyo High Court, Courtroom 101

Case number: Tokyo High Court, Reiwa 5 (Ne) No. 292

* It is expected that spectator tickets will be distributed. On the day of the hearing, a lottery for spectator tickets will be distributed at the Tokyo High Court. For more information, please check the court's website here .

[Date Reporting Session]

Date and time: Friday, April 26, 2023, 12:30 p.m.

Venue: Toranomon Hall

Suishin Koei Building 2F, 1-9-5 Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Nearest station: 3 minutes walk from Toranomon Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line

3 minutes walk from Uchisaiwaicho Station on the Toei Mita Line

8 minutes walk from JR Yamanote Line "Shinbashi" station

We also plan to stream the video on YouTube. The streaming URL is as follows:

Youtube live streaming URL https://youtube.com/live/jOa89rmTAVM

Subtitle distribution URL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84676861484?pwd=Rk5NMVU3TlRxcm50bGhFeDNOUEVpQT09

■The latest information on the Tokyo lawsuit "Freedom to Marry for All" will be posted on the official Tokyo Bar Association account on X (formerly Twitter) !

■Court documents, opinion statements, etc. are also made public here.

CALL4 case site


“Freedom to Marry for All” Tokyo Lawsuit (Second) Appeal Report

2024/4/1 14:22




1 控訴の理由







2 控訴人の情報


3 控訴記者会見



4 今後の予定


戦いは東京高等裁判所に移りますが、高等裁判所によりよい判決を言い渡してもらうため、控訴人、弁護団一同頑張ってまいります。 控訴審においても、引き続きご支援いただきますようお願いいたします。


This is a notice from the Tokyo Bar Team.

Regarding the ``Freedom of Marriage for All'' Tokyo Second Litigation, the first instance judgment (hereinafter referred to as the ``Judgment'') was handed down at the Tokyo District Court on March 14, 2024. We would like to inform you that the plaintiffs filed an appeal against this judgment on March 27 of the same year.

Appellants and their defense team holding a letter of appeal in front of the court

1 Grounds for appeal

In this judgment, the Tokyo District Court stated, ``The provisions of this case do not recognize marriage between same-sex couples, etc., and do not allow same-sex couples, etc. to enjoy legal benefits similar to those of marriage, or to social The reason why there is no system in place to allow same-sex couples to enjoy the benefits of notarization is that same-sex couples cannot enjoy the important personal interest of living a life consistent with their gender identity and sexual orientation. It is nothing short of depriving same-sex couples, etc.'' It cannot be recognized that there is such a thing, and it is in violation of Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution.''

Based on the results of personal examinations and witness examinations, the court found that legally same-sex couples form an irreplaceable family relationship just like legally opposite-sex couples. , the decision to determine that the current provisions of the Civil Code and the Family Register Act, which do not legally recognize marriage for same-sex couples, and the lack of legislation regarding legal systems such as marriage, are unconstitutional, which is highly commendable.

However, because the details of the system design are left to the discretion of the Diet, the lack of these provisions or any legislation at this stage could immediately be considered a violation of Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. Although it is recognized that the social situation has become such that it cannot be taken for granted that marriage is a legal system that should be legally recognized only for opposite-sex couples, at this stage the Constitution It is completely acceptable that Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the same law were not found to have been violated, as it cannot be said that Article 1 requires legal guarantee of marriage for same-sex couples. It's not a thing.

Until now, the Tokyo legal team has argued that sexual minorities such as transgenders and homosexuals and cisgender heterosexuals have the same personal value, and that the reality of the lives of legally same-sex couples is different from that of legally opposite-sex couples. I have repeatedly argued and proven that there is no legal basis for excluding same-sex couples from marriage because there is no difference between the two. Nevertheless, forcing legally same-sex couples into a system different from the current marriage system, such as a ``legal system similar to the current marriage system,'' stigmatizes legally same-sex couples as ``second-class citizens.'' It only serves to strengthen the status quo, which undermines the dignity of individuals.

This judgment does not accurately understand the concept of "individual dignity," and it must be said that the court's decision to not declare the provisions in question to be unconstitutional was unjust.

Therefore, in order to truly realize marriage equality, Tokyo Lawyers filed an appeal against this judgment on March 27, 2024.

2 Information on the appellant

The appellants are a total of eight plaintiffs in the Tokyo secondary lawsuit entitled "Freedom of Marriage for All": Ms. Hatogai, Mr. Kawachi, Mr. Yamagata, Mr. Kei, Mr. Fujii, Mr. Fukuda, Mr. Takeda, and Mr. Hitotsubashi. It's a name.

3 Appeal press conference

The appellants and their defense team hold a press club press conference.

After the appeal, we held a press conference at the Judicial Press Club, and the appellants, Mr. Hatogai and Mr. Yamagata, spoke about their thoughts on the appeal. In addition, the attorney read the comments of the appellants, Mr. Kawachi, Mr. Kei, Mr. Fujii, Mr. Fukuda, Mr. Takeda, and Mr. Hitotsubashi on their behalf.

4 Future plans

Details have not been decided at this time. We will contact you again once the details are decided.

The battle will now move to the Tokyo High Court, but the appellant and his defense team will do their best to have the high court hand down a favorable verdict. We ask for your continued support during the appeal hearing.

that's all


“Freedom to Marry for Everyone” Report on the First Instance Judgment in the Tokyo Litigation (Second Stage)

2024/3/26 16:03






日 時:2024年3月14日 午前10時30分~

場 所:東京地方裁判所103号法廷



出 席:原告8名 原告ら訴訟代理人 被告国指定代理人



















日 時:2024年3月14日 13:30~

場 所:霞が関プラザホール







以 上

"Freedom to Marry for Everyone" This is a notice from the Tokyo Bar Association.

On March 14, 2024, the final district court judgment was handed down in the second Tokyo lawsuit entitled "Freedom to Marry for All," and we are pleased to report that we obtained the fifth unconstitutional judgment. .

Plaintiffs and their defense team holding a flag reading "Unconstitutional Judgment" in front of the Tokyo District Court

Live broadcast of flag display: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG_a0UT5GuM

<Summary of judgment delivery date>

Date and time: March 14, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

Venue: Tokyo District Court Courtroom 103

Judges: Chief Judge Tomoyuki Hizawa, Judge Kenji Kaneda, Judge Ryohei Kawamoto

(Civil Affairs 44th Department A Council 1A Section)

Attendance: 8 plaintiffs, plaintiffs and other litigation attorneys, defendant country designated representative

Plaintiffs and defense team members marching with flags in front of the Tokyo District Court

<Summary of this judgment>

In the Tokyo secondary lawsuit, eight plaintiffs representing a variety of sexualities, including transgender, homosexual, and pansexual, argued that, based on five previous district court decisions, there is no legal system in place to protect same-sex couples as family members. In addition, the lawsuit alleges that the provisions in this case do not legally recognize marriage for same-sex couples, which violates Article 24, Paragraph 1, Article 24, Paragraph 2, and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution.

This judgment sets out the provisions in this case and the establishment of a system that will allow same-sex couples to enjoy legal benefits similar to those of marriage, and to enjoy the social benefits of notarization. The Constitution concluded that the lack of legislation violates Article 24, Section 2 of the Constitution. On the other hand, the court did not go so far as to rule that the fact that the provisions in this case do not legally recognize marriage for same-sex couples is unconstitutional.

○Summary of the judgment


○Full text of the judgment


<Significance of this judgment>

This judgment is the fifth unconstitutional judgment in the lawsuit and district court ruling on the "freedom of marriage for all," and the same-sex couples enjoy the same legal benefits as those of marriage under the provisions of this case and the law. The Tokyo This judgment follows a series of decisions by the District Court (first level), Nagoya District Court, and Fukuoka District Court.

The judgment also states that living a life in accordance with one's gender identity and sexual orientation is an "irreplaceable right" rooted in important personal interests, and also states that legally speaking, marriage is a right for same-sex couples. It clearly points out that enjoying the essence of sex is an important personal interest, and the provisions in this case do not legally recognize marriage between same-sex couples, nor do they provide any other system for enjoying the benefits. The court also held that this legally deprives same-sex couples of the important personal interest of living a life consistent with their gender identity and sexual orientation.

This judgment sends a clear message to the Diet, the legislative body, that it is ``strongly expected'' to ``legalize marriage'' for same-sex couples in an appropriate manner.

On the other hand, this judgment did not go so far as to determine that the provisions in this case, which do not legally recognize marriage for same-sex couples, are unconstitutional. This is extremely unfortunate.

Regarding this judgment, the Tokyo Lawyers' Association for the "Freedom to Marry for All" lawsuit and the National Liaison Committee for Lawyers for the "Freedom for Marriage" Lawsuit have released a statement for more details. Please see here .

○Statement of defense team


<Press conference/judgment report meeting>

After the verdict, a press conference and a meeting to report the verdict were held, which were also streamed live on YouTube.

Date and time: March 14, 2024 13:30~

Location: Kasumigaseki Plaza Hall

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpKBkUNJbRI (with archive)

After the meeting to report the verdict, everyone in the audience rejoiced together with the Sapporo High Court's unconstitutional ruling.

Plaintiffs and lawyers smile and rejoice over the Sapporo High Court's unconstitutional ruling

<At the end>

We will continue to work with you until the day when freedom and equality in marriage are truly realized and the dignity of sexual minorities is restored.

Lastly, all of the unconstitutional rulings, including this fifth unconstitutional ruling, would not have been possible without the efforts of our predecessors who have fought against discrimination and prejudice against sexual minorities, and without your support. . Thank you very much again.

that's all

【声明】「結婚の自由をすべての人に」北海道訴訟 上告にあたっての弁護団コメント

[Statement] ``Freedom to Marry for All'' Hokkaido Lawsuit Comments by Lawyers on Appeal

2024/3/25 19:51









March 25, 2024

“Freedom to Marry for Everyone” Hokkaido Litigation Lawyers

On March 14, 2024, the Third Civil Division of the Sapporo High Court ruled that the provisions regarding marriage in the Civil Code and the Family Registration Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions"), which do not provide for the recognition of same-sex marriages, We handed down a ground-breaking judgment stating that it violates Article 24 and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution.

However, according to media reports, even after receiving the above ruling, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stated at the House of Councilors Budget Committee on the 15th of the same month that the recognition of same-sex marriage was "not envisaged under the constitution," and reiterated the government's previous position. The government has repeatedly given negative answers, saying, ``At the very least, not having a provision regarding same-sex marriage does not violate the Constitution.'' In addition, the prime minister said, ``At this stage, the judgment has not yet been finalized, and similar lawsuits are continuing in other courts, so we will continue to monitor the decisions in these lawsuits.'' It is said that he said.

On March 17, 2021, the Sapporo District Court handed down the first unconstitutional judgment that this provision violates Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, and since then, four district courts (Sapporo, Tokyo, Fukuoka, and Nagoya) excluding Osaka have Five courts have ruled that the provision in question or the absence of a system to legally protect relationships between same-sex couples is unconstitutional. Opposition parties have already submitted bills to the Diet that would legalize same-sex marriage.

Despite this, no progress has been made in the Diet toward enacting the law. The appellants and their defense team were greatly disappointed by the Prime Minister's continued negative response, no matter how many unconstitutional rulings he made. I have come to believe that even the High Court's judgment is insufficient to move the Diet and the government, and that we must seek the judgment of the Supreme Court. Therefore, the appellants have now decided to file an appeal and a petition for acceptance of the appeal with the Supreme Court.

The specific grounds for the appeal and the reasons for the petition for acceptance of the appeal will be discussed by the defense team, but the Supreme Court believes that the way to eliminate the constitutional violation of this provision is to make marriage the same for same-sex marriages as for opposite-sex marriages. We will seek an even stronger ruling on the unconstitutionality of the law, making it clear that there is no other option but to enact legislation that recognizes it, and clearly stating that the Diet's failure to legislate it is illegal.

To achieve this, your support is most important. In preparing for this appeal, I would like to once again express my gratitude to all those who have supported this trial thus far, and ask for your continued support and cooperation.


[Statement] Lawyers' statement regarding the Hokkaido lawsuit appeals court ruling, "Freedom to Marry for Everyone"

2024/3/25 19:43




 1 はじめに



2 本日の高裁判決に至る経緯

 「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟は、同性のパートナーとの婚姻を望む原告(控訴人)らが、 本件規定は、①婚姻の自由を侵害するものである(憲法24条1項、13条違反)、②異性(愛)のカップルとの間に合理的理由のない差別を設けるものである(憲法14条1項違反)、③婚姻及び家族に関する立法として合理性が認められないものであり、国会の裁量の範囲を逸脱している(憲法24条2項違反)違憲なものであり、憲法に違反する法律の規定の改正を国会が怠っていることは違法であるとして、婚姻できないことによって被っている精神的な損害の賠償を求める訴訟である。全国の裁判所(札幌、東京、大阪、名古屋、福岡)に現時点で合計35名の原告らが訴えを起こしており、北海道訴訟では6名(3組のカップル)の原告となっている。 

 本日午前までの時点で、大阪を除く4つの地裁(札幌、東京、福岡及び名古屋)の5つの裁判体 で、本件規定ないしは同性カップルの関係を法的に保護する制度が存在しないことが違憲であると の判断を示してきた。


3 本日の札幌高裁の判決

 本日の札幌高裁の判決は、民法及び戸籍法の婚姻に関する諸規定(本件規定)は、憲法24条及 び14条1項に違反するとした。


 さらに、憲法14条1項違反の判断において、本判決は、国会が立法裁量を有することを考慮するとしても、本件規定が、異性愛者に対しては婚姻を定めているにもかかわらず、同性カップルに対して婚姻を許していないことは、現時点においては合理的な根拠を欠くものであって、本件規定 が定める本件区別取扱いは、差別的取扱いに当たるとして、同項にも違反するとした。

 判決は、以上のとおり、本件規定は憲法24条及び14条1項に違反するものであると判断した が、他方で、国会の議論や司法手続において、憲法の規定に違反することが明白になっていたとはいえないとして、国会が本件規定を改廃していないことが国家賠償法上違法であるとはいえないと した。もっとも、あわせて、国会に対し「根源的には個人の尊厳に関わる事柄であり、喫緊の課題として、自身の存在の喪失その対策を急いで講じる必要がある。同性婚につき異性婚と同じ婚姻制度を適用することを含め、早急に真摯な議論と対応をすることが望まれる」と指摘した。

4 弁護団の評価


 特に、本判決が、憲法24条1項が婚姻の自由を定め、同性間の婚姻についても異性間の婚姻と同程度に保障する趣旨であると判断した点は非常に画期的である。さらに、本件規定により、同性 間の婚姻を許しておらず、婚姻による社会生活上の制度保障を受けられないことが、個人の尊厳をなす人格が損なわれる事態であると認定したうえで、本件規定が、憲法24条の規定に照らして合理性を欠くものであり、現時点においてすでに国会の立法裁量の範囲を超える状態に至っていると断言していることは、高く評価することができる。


 なお、本日の判決は、原審に引き続き、国会が本件規定を改廃していないことが国家賠償法上 違法であるとはいえないとしたが、それは違憲状態をそのまま放置することを単に容認したものではない。本判決は、同性間の婚姻を定めることは、国民に意見や評価の統一を求めることを意味しないと指摘し、喫緊の課題として、早急に真摯な議論と対応をすることが望まれると述べている。 法改正に、もはや一刻の猶予もないことを指し示すものであることを、重ねて強調したい。

 国は、本件規定を違憲と判断したこの判決を真摯に受け止め、憲法に反するとされた現行の民法 及び戸籍法の改正に直ちに着手し、同性間にも婚姻を認める方向での法改正を速やかに実現すべきである。

March 14, 2024

“Freedom to Marry for Everyone” Hokkaido Litigation Lawyers

“Freedom to Marry for All” Litigation National Liaison Association of Lawyers

1 Introduction

The Third Civil Division of the Sapporo High Court (Presiding Judge Kiyofumi Saito, Justice Masahiro Yoshikawa, and Chief Justice Yasuhiro Ito) today decided on the Hokkaido Lawsuit entitled "Freedom to Marry for All" (hereinafter referred to as the "Hokkaido Lawsuit"). In the appellate court, the Civil Code and the Family Registration Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions in this case") regarding marriage do not provide for the recognition of marriage between persons of the same sex (meaning persons of the same gender in legal terms; the same shall apply hereinafter). ruled that it violates Article 24 and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution.

Today's Sapporo High Court judgment is the first high court level to rule on the unconstitutionality of a series of ``freedom to marry for all'' lawsuits filed across the country. For the first time in previous rulings, the court ruled that this provision violates all of Article 24 of the Constitution, including paragraph 1, and that it does not provide any legal protection to same-sex couples; The court ruled that the fact that it is not recognized is in itself a violation of the Constitution (Article 24 of the Constitution, Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution).

2. Background leading to today’s High Court judgment

The "Freedom of Marriage for All" lawsuit was filed by the plaintiffs (appellants) who wish to marry a partner of the same sex. (Violation of Article 13 of the Constitution), (2) It creates discrimination without rational grounds between couples of the opposite sex (love) (Violation of Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution), (3) It cannot be recognized as reasonable as legislation regarding marriage and family. It is considered unconstitutional as it exceeds the scope of the Diet's discretion (violating Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution), and it is illegal for the Diet to fail to amend the provisions of laws that violate the Constitution. This is a lawsuit seeking compensation for the psychological damage suffered as a result of being unable to do so. A total of 35 plaintiffs have filed lawsuits in courts across the country (Sapporo, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka), including six plaintiffs (three couples) in the Hokkaido lawsuit.

As of this morning, five courts in four district courts (Sapporo, Tokyo, Fukuoka, and Nagoya) excluding Osaka have ruled that the lack of this provision or a system to legally protect relationships between same-sex couples is unconstitutional. I have expressed my judgment that there is.

Regarding the Hokkaido lawsuit, on March 17, 2021, the Sapporo District Court stated that the Diet does not believe that this provision does not provide homosexuals with a legal means to enjoy even a portion of the legal effects of marriage. This is the first time that the Diet has made an unconstitutional judgment that it violates Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution as it constitutes discriminatory treatment that exceeds the scope of its discretion and lacks a rational basis, but the Diet is responsible for failing to amend this provision. The plaintiffs filed an appeal with the Sapporo High Court.

3 Today's Sapporo High Court Judgment

Today's Sapporo High Court judgment ruled that the various provisions regarding marriage in the Civil Code and Family Registration Law (the provisions in question) violate Article 24 and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution.

First, the judgment stated that Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution stipulates the freedom of marriage between persons, and the purpose is to guarantee same-sex marriages to the same extent as opposite-sex marriages. Ta. Furthermore, since this provision stipulates only marriage between opposite sexes, does not permit marriage between same sexes, and does not prescribe any alternative measures, it is based on the dignity of the individual, and sexual orientation and same sex He pointed out that the system lacks rationality in light of the provisions of Article 24 of the Constitution, which is understood to guarantee the freedom of marriage, and that, at least for now, it has reached a state where it is beyond the scope of the Diet's legislative discretion.

Furthermore, in determining the violation of Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, this judgment takes into account that the Diet has legislative discretion, and even though the provision in question stipulates marriage for heterosexual couples, Not allowing same-sex couples to marry currently lacks a rational basis, and the separate treatment stipulated in this provision amounts to discriminatory treatment, and it also violates the same paragraph.

As mentioned above, the judgment determined that the provision in question violates Article 24 and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, but on the other hand, it was clear that it violated the provisions of the Constitution during debates in the Diet and judicial proceedings. Therefore, it could not be said that the fact that the Diet had not amended or abolished this provision was illegal under the State Reparation Act. However, he also told the Diet that ``This is fundamentally a matter related to the dignity of the individual, and as an urgent issue, we must urgently take measures to address the loss of one's own existence. It is hoped that serious discussions and responses will be taken as soon as possible, including applying the system."

4 Evaluation of defense team

This judgment is groundbreaking in that it directly declares that the provision in question is unconstitutional.

In particular, this judgment is extremely groundbreaking in that it determines that Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution provides for the freedom of marriage, and that same-sex marriages are guaranteed to the same extent as opposite-sex marriages. Furthermore, the provisions of this case do not permit same-sex marriage, and the court recognizes that not being able to receive institutional security for social life due to marriage is a situation in which the dignity of the individual is impaired. It is highly commendable that the government asserts that the provision lacks rationality in light of the provisions of Article 24 of the Constitution, and that it is already beyond the scope of the Diet's legislative discretion.

Not only do homosexuals not enjoy the important legal effects of marriage, they are treated by society as inferior to heterosexuals, and their dignity is undermined on a daily basis. On the other hand, they have been instilled with a sense of inferiority by being treated by society as inferior to heterosexual men. I would like to point out that the only way to correct this situation is to allow homosexuals the same access to the marriage system as heterosexuals.

In addition, today's ruling continued from the original court's decision in that it cannot be said that the Diet's failure to amend or repeal the provisions in question is illegal under the National Reparations Act, but this merely allows the unconstitutional state to remain as it is. isn't it. This judgment points out that stipulating same-sex marriage does not mean asking the people to unify their opinions and evaluations, and states that it is desirable to have serious discussions and responses as soon as possible as an urgent issue. ing. I would like to reiterate that this shows that there is no time left for legal reform.

The government should take seriously this judgment that found this provision to be unconstitutional, and immediately begin to revise the current civil law and family register law, which are considered to be contrary to the constitution, and promptly amend the law to allow marriage between same-sex couples. It should be realized.


[Date Report] Hokkaido Litigation Appeal Court Judgment Date

2024/3/25 19:30


日 時:2024年3月15日15時00分から15時30分

場 所:札幌高等裁判所第802号法廷

裁判官:齋藤清文裁判長 吉川昌寛裁判官 伊藤康博裁判官






















札幌地方裁判所の前で、「結婚の自由をすべての人に」北海道訴訟の原告と弁護団、支援者が、「高裁でも違憲! 早く立法すればいいしょ」と書かれた横断幕やレインボーカラーの旗を掲げている。

判決言渡し期日が終了したあとは、控訴人の皆さんや弁護団、支援者の皆さんで集まり、札幌高裁の前で、「高裁でも違憲! 早く立法すればいいしょ」と書かれた旗を出し、支援者や報道関係者から拍手が沸き起こっていました!
















また、「結婚の自由をすべての人に」東京二次訴訟の原告さんや韓国で同性婚訴訟の実現を目指して活動を始めたMarriage for All Koreaのリュウ・ミンヒ弁護士からも祝福のメッセージをいただきました。

期日報告配信の様子が写っている。司会の満島てる子さん、控訴人である国見亮佑さん、たかしさん、中谷衣里さん、Cさんのほか、弁護団の綱森史泰弁護士、加藤丈晴弁護士、東京二次訴訟の原告である鳩貝さんと山縣さん、Marriage for All Koreaのリュウ・ミンヒ弁護士が得我を出手を振っている。











[Judgment date]

Date and time: March 15, 2024 from 15:00 to 15:30

Venue: Sapporo High Court Courtroom No. 802

Judges: Chief Judge Kiyofumi Saito, Judge Masahiro Yoshikawa, Judge Yasuhiro Ito

The Sapporo High Court (Appellate Court) judgment date for the Hokkaido lawsuit, "Freedom of Marriage for All," was held on March 14th, White Day!

The "Freedom to Marry for All" lawsuit began on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2019, when a lawsuit was filed in four district courts in Hokkaido (Sapporo), Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka.

The Hokkaido lawsuit started at the Sapporo District Court (first instance) on Valentine's Day and reached its goal at the Sapporo High Court (appellate court) on White Day.

The result is...!

In order to provide an easy-to-understand explanation to the appellants and their supporters who rushed to the hearing seats, Presiding Judge Kiyofumi Saito did not read out the summary of the judgment verbatim, but rather took his time reading each word, as if savoring the words. He handed down the verdict in gentle and easy-to-understand terms.

The conclusion was that although the claim for damages was dismissed, the provisions of the Civil Code and the Family Register Act that do not recognize marriage between persons of the same sex violate Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, and Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. In other words, it was an extremely ground-breaking statement that declared it ``unconstitutional''!

The judgment was one in which Presiding Judge Kiyofumi Saito, Judge Masahiro Yoshikawa, and Judge Yasuhiro Ito listened to the voices of the parties and supported them.

For details of the judgment, please read the summary of the judgment and the written judgment , but to summarize its contents...

・Sexual orientation is an innate tendency, and while there is no fundamental reason for society to treat heterosexuals and homosexuals differently, at the same time, from the individual's perspective, people are respected as individuals. It is the basis, a symbol of the individual's personality, and can constitute a part of the content of moral rights.

・Freedom of sexual orientation and same-sex marriage should be taken into account when examining legislative discretion under Article 24 of the Constitution, as important legal interests that can constitute part of the personal rights guaranteed as constitutional rights.

・Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution includes the purpose of defining marriage as a free association between people, and includes not only marriage between opposite sexes but also marriage between same sexes. It should be considered that the protection is provided to the same extent as in the case of

・Homosexuals not only suffer from disadvantages in social life due to not being able to get married, and the severity of the disadvantages is significant, but they also feel a sense of loss of identity and are unable to feel the significance of their existence. Such situations have resulted in the loss of the personality that constitutes the dignity of individuals.

・There are no indications that there will be any disadvantages or harm if same-sex marriage is established.

・Many countries allow same-sex marriage, and the United Nations Human Rights Committee has pointed out that same-sex marriage should be possible, and a survey of citizens shows that more than half of the people approve of same-sex marriage. ing

・Although local governments have implemented a partnership recognition system, it has no legal effect, and it cannot be said that the disadvantages caused by homosexuals not being able to marry have been eliminated.

・Given the disadvantages and social conditions that homosexuals face, the provisions of the Civil Code and Family Register Act that do not recognize same-sex marriage are, at least at present, beyond the scope of the Diet's legislative discretion, and are subject to Article 24 of the Constitution. violate

・Freedom of sexual orientation and marriage is an important legal interest, but homosexuals cannot marry someone of the same sex and cannot receive the institutional security of marriage, so they face significant disadvantages in various situations. is recieving

・Although the Diet has legislative discretion, the fact that the Civil Code and Family Registration Act do not allow homosexuals to marry which is permitted to heterosexuals currently lacks a rational basis and is considered discriminatory. The provisions of the Civil Code and Family Register Act that do not recognize same-sex marriages violate Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution.

As mentioned above, the Sapporo High Court's ruling was a wonderful one that fully considered the disadvantages of parties who want to get married, just like heterosexual people!

In the courtroom, many people, including the appellant, his defense team, and supporters in the audience, listened carefully to Presiding Judge Saito's words with tears in his eyes.

[Flag out]

In front of the Sapporo District Court, the plaintiffs, lawyers, and supporters of the Hokkaido lawsuit, which seeks to "bring the freedom of marriage to everyone," held up banners and rainbow-colored flags that read, "It's unconstitutional even in the High Court! Let's legislate it as soon as possible." is listed.

After the deadline for passing the judgment, the appellants, their lawyers, and their supporters gathered in front of the Sapporo High Court and held up a flag that read, "Even the High Court is unconstitutional! Let's legislate it as soon as possible." There was a huge round of applause from the audience and members of the press!

【Press conference】

Date and time: March 14, 2024, 16:30-18:00

Location: Sapporo View Hotel Odori Park

After the flag display, a press conference was held for members of the media and supporters.

Appellant Eri Nakatani is smiling at the press conference. On Eri Nakatani's left is attorney Fumiyasu Tsunamori, and on her right is attorney Hiromi Minagawa.

At the press conference, lawyer Fumiyasu Tsunamori explained the Sapporo High Court's judgment, lawyer Hiromi Minagawa released a statement from the defense team in response to the Sapporo High Court's judgment, and the appellant, Eri Nakatani, spoke with tears in her eyes. He talked about his thoughts and said with a smile, ``The content of the ruling definitely put a lot of pressure on the legislature, because it clearly stated that we should have a proper discussion and put the law in place.''

There were so many people who came to the press conference that we couldn't fit into the venue.

I'm really thankful to you!

[Delivery of due date report]

Date and time: March 14, 2024, 19:30-20:30

After the press conference, we carried out the usual distribution of due date reports.

Teruko Mitsushima, who serves as the deputy executive committee chairperson of Hokkaido Rainbow Pride, served as the moderator for the delivery of the due date report!

During the due date report distribution, attorney Fumiyasu Tsunamori explained the contents of the Sapporo High Court judgment, and Eri Nakatani, Mr. C, Ryosuke Kunimi, and Takashi talked about their joy at receiving the Sapporo High Court judgment.

This photo shows the delivery of the due date report. Moderator Teruko Mitsushima and lawyer Fuyasu Tsunamori are smiling and having a conversation.

This photo shows the delivery of the due date report. Moderator Teruko Mitsushima and appellants Ryosuke Kunimi, Takashi, Eri Nakatani, and C are discussing their impressions of the date.

We also received messages of congratulations from the plaintiffs in the Tokyo Secondary Litigation ``Freedom of Marriage for All'' and attorney Ryu Min-hee of Marriage for All Korea, which has started activities with the aim of realizing same-sex marriage litigation in South Korea. I did.

This photo shows the delivery of the due date report. Moderator Teruko Mitsushima, the appellants Ryosuke Kunimi, Takashi, Eri Nakatani, and C, as well as attorneys Fumiyasu Tsunamori and Takeharu Kato, and Mr. Hatogai, the plaintiff in the Tokyo secondary lawsuit. Mr. Yamagata and Ryu Min-hee, a lawyer from Marriage for All Korea, are giving their best efforts.

You can watch the due date report distribution via archive distribution, so please take a look!

Click here for the URL


【About the future】

The Sapporo High Court made an excellent decision in the Hokkaido lawsuit entitled "Freedom of Marriage for All."

However, the Japanese government still does not make any concrete moves toward realizing same-sex marriage.

Therefore, we have filed an appeal today in order to ensure concrete progress toward the realization of same-sex marriage.

Please see the defense team's statement for the reasons for the appeal.

The scene moves to the Supreme Court.

It will still take some time, but we will continue to do our best to bring the freedom of marriage to everyone, so we appreciate your continued support.

168 件中 1-10

1-10 of 168 cases




■北海道弁護団 8名
【札幌弁護士会】上田文雄 加藤丈晴 須田布美子 高橋友佑 綱森史泰 林拓哉 皆川洋美 本橋優子

■東京弁護団 36名(うち1名は愛知弁護団にも所属)
【東京弁護士会】安藤光里 上杉崇子 榎本一久 金子美晴 熊澤美帆 樋田早紀 佐藤真依子 清水皓貴 寺原真希子 中川重徳 永田真衣子 永野靖 半田虎生 北條友里恵 増井俊輔 松田亘平 溝田紘子 山下敏雅 油原麻帆
【第一東京弁護士会】井上皓子 宇治野壮歩 小谷磨衣 西村夏奈
【第二東京弁護士会】加藤慶二 佐藤樹 沢崎敦一 鈴木創大 仲村渠桃 藤井啓輔 三浦徹也 向井香織 横山佳枝
【千葉県弁護士会】喜田康之 南川麻由子

■愛知弁護団 7名
【愛知県弁護士会】石川幸平 進藤一樹 砂原薫 堀江哲史 水谷陽子 矢崎暁子 山田麻登

■関西弁護団 7名
【大阪弁護士会】大畑泰次郎 寺野朱美 宮本庸弘 三輪晃義 森本智子 山岸克巳

■九州弁護団 24名
【福岡県弁護士会】安孫子健輔 石井謙一 石田光史 井上敦史 岩橋愛佳 太田千遙 太田信人 緒方枝里 久保井摂 後藤富和 武寛兼 寺井研一郎 徳原聖雨 富永悠太 仲地彩子 塙愛恵 吉野大輔 渡邉陽
【熊本県弁護士会】藤井祥子 藤木美才 森あい
