神宮外苑を守ろう訴訟|100年の歴史と3000本超の樹木を未来へ Help Us Protect Jingu Gaien through Lawsuits | Preserve 100 Years of History and Over 3,000 Trees for the Future

#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice
#環境・災害 #Environment/Natural Disasters

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

3,767,900円 ¥ 3,767,900


目標金額 Target amount

5,000,000円 ¥ 5,000,000

サポーター Supporter

415 人 415 supporters

支援する Support a Case

100年もの間、人々により守られ親しまれてきた神宮外苑が今、破壊の危機に瀕しています。都民のみならず国民全ての貴重な歴史的遺産であり、緑豊かな憩いの場である神宮外苑を現在の状態のまま次世代へ繋いでいきたい。行政の恣意的な手続をただしたい。その思いで周辺住民らが、2023年2月に東京都に再開発認可取り消しを、7月に新宿区に樹木伐採認可取り消しを求める訴訟を提起しました。計画の正当性を司法に問います。 Jingu Gaien, a green oasis in the center of Tokyo that has been cherished for nearly a century, is now on the brink of being destroyed by a large-scale redevelopment scheme. The beautiful views we see today may soon disappear. But with your help, we can preserve this special place for future generations. Area residents went to court in February, seeking to revoke the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s approval for the redevelopment of the area and in July seeking to revoke Shinjuku Ward’s approval to cut down the trees. We ask the court to review and rule on the legitimacy of the entire plan.


















選手とファンの距離が近く一体感のある明治神宮野球場(出典:ウィキメディア・コモンズ [Wikimedia Commons])





















































2023年4月22日デモ参加6,000名|「Demonstration with Ryuichi Sakamoto」by D2021

坂本龍一氏は神宮外苑の樹木伐採中止を最期まで訴え続けた。その意志を引き継ぎ行われた「Demonstration with Ryuichi Sakamoto」




























Apologies and corrections: some changes have been made to the original target amount and the use of funds section. We sincerely apologise for this error which occurred due to a lack of confirmation. The specific corrections have been posted in the progress section. We would be grateful if you could check it.

Introduction | Jingu Gaien and the Issue of Redevelopment

Have you ever been to Jingu Gaien? If so, you know its beauty and benefits. If not, you’ve probably  heard its name. For nearly 100 years, Jingu Gaien has been preserved and cherished by people from all walks of life. But now the more than 3,000 trees and the rare green space they create are facing destruction because of a plan to redevelop the area into shops, hotels and sports facilities.

Under a redevelopment plan scheduled for completion in 2036, both the Jingu Stadium and the Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium would be rebuilt on new sites. Their relocation will make room for  towering commercial buildings and hotels, some of which will reach heights of nearly 200 meters. And 1000 large trees will need to be removed in order to make way for the new buildings. Replacement trees will be planted but they would likely be much fewer in number and would take years to mature.

Such a large-scale redevelopment should be carried out only after thorough discussions and citizen participation. However, this project never included that kind of public dialogue and the tree cutting is about to begin.

Going to court to challenge official administrative procedures 

In an effort to give the trees a stay of execution, and force a fundamental reevaluation of the redevelopment plan, we have initiated legal proceedings. In February 2023 we filed a lawsuit against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government seeking the revocation of its approval for the redevelopment. Then in July, we sued  Shinjuku Ward seeking the revocation of the tree-cutting permit issued to the developers. Both cases are pending  in the Tokyo District Court.

By taking such strong legal action, we aim to challenge the legitimacy of the plan in a public forum. Experts have already questioned whether the approvals were legally obtained and we now seek the opinions of impartial judges on issues related to the approvals process. We hope that through such litigation, we can hold those in power accountable.

For Over 100 Years, Jingu Gaien Has Been Protected and Cherished 

Jingu Gaien is a park that was created 

nearly 100 years ago through public donations and volunteer efforts. It was designated as a "Scenic District," becoming the first place in Japan where a landscape was officially preserved.. Because it is a Scenic District, regulations were long in place to prohibit the construction of buildings taller than 15 meters, making it a rare green public space amid the skyscrapers of central Tokyo. No one today can doubt the mental health benefits of fresh air and leafy zones, and the tree-lined boulevard along the famous Ginkgo Avenue, in particular, is one of Tokyo's iconic tree-lined streets.

What is a Scenic District?
The City Planning Act of 1919 established the Scenic District designation, the oldest legislation in Japan related to preserving green space. In order to protect special landscapes, activities within designated areas that could "affect the preservation of the scenic beauty," such as construction, land development, and tree cutting, are prohibited or restricted by law.

Over the past century,  the trees in Jingu Gaien have grown significantly, and now include  a 146-tree Ginkgo Avenue stretching for 300 meters, making it one of Tokyo's most lush parks. The vibrant yellow leaves along Ginkgo Avenue in autumn delight many locals and visitors every year and are one of Tokyo's most famous sights.

Furthermore, Jingu Gaien is one of Tokyo's premier sports spaces. At the baseball stadium, you can watch the Yakult Swallows or the Tokyo Big6 Baseball League in action, under the open sky. The Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium offers spectators a close-up view, with the seating and the field in close proximity. Other  facilities, including softball fields, futsal courts, tennis courts, golf practice range, batting center, and skating rink where citizens can actively participate, are relatively affordable, easily accessible and always bustling with people.

The beautiful scenery of the shining Ginkgo Avenue is a symbol of Tokyo's autumn. 

The Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery can be considered the symbol of Jingu Gaien. 

The Jingu Stadium offers a close-knit atmosphere between players and fans, creating a sense of unity. 
(Source: Wikimedia Commons[https://w.wiki/7ZTB])

How the Developers and the Government Collaborated to Create the Redevelopment Plan  

After Tokyo won the bid for the Olympics, the developers involved in this project, including Mitsui Fudosan, began discussions with entities such as the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and individuals like Mori Yoshirō. Through this collaboration between the government and the developers, a plan was created that encompassed the entire Jingu Gaien area, following on the reconstruction of the nearby National Stadium.

Instead of this closed-door approach,  the government should have adhered to the spirit of urban planning laws and prevented abusive development by private entities, but it did not.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Urban Development explains the significance of the redevelopment plan on its website:

"The aging of sports facilities, the obsolescence of the competitive and spectator environments, the shortage of open spaces for people to easily enjoy sports and nature, congestion due to insufficient pedestrian space, and a lack of continuous barrier-free routes are some of the urban development challenges we face."

"In this urban development project, while addressing these challenges, we aim to create a world-class sports hub with a rich green character and vitality, following the 'Urban Development Guidelines for the Jingu Gaien Area after the Tokyo 2020 Games' set by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Four developers are collaborating on this effort."

The developers have also argued that the construction of tall buildings with revenue potential is necessary for the maintenance of Jingu Gaien, but they don’t talk about any plans for conserving the environment or for encouraging a  sustainable society through this project.

What Will be Lost? What's wrong With the Redevelopment Plan?  

A GIF animation that overlays a development plan onto the current site. The construction of three high-rise buildings will increase wind turbulence and obstruct the sunlight essential for trees to grow.

Loss of Landscape and Environment that Have Been Protected for nearly 100 Years

More than 3,000 trees in the designated Scenic District will be cut down, significantly compromising the landscape and environment. Trees require decades to grow, and once these trees, which have been nurtured and cherished for decades,  are cut down, it will not be easy to replace what is lost. Additionally, the historically significant structures, the Jingu Stadium and the Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium, will be demolished with new facilities changing the surrounding landscape. The National Foundation Memorial Archives Forest is expected to be almost lost, the grassy plaza in front of the picture gallery will be reduced to one-third of its current size, and there are concerns about the Ginkgo trees in front of the Rugby Stadium being removed and the four main rows of Ginkgo trees withering in the future, due to the lack of sunlight and construction-related damage to their roots.

Discontinuation of Public Facilities

Despite the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's stated goal of creating a "world-class sports cluster," the plan involves discontinuing all public sports facilities, such as the community softball fields, golf practice range, futsal courts, batting center, and more. These facilities have been widely used and cherished by the general public. The only remaining sports facility will be an exclusive, expensive tennis club, which cannot provide fair access to the public.

Impacts of Noise and Wind Turbulence on Nearby Residents

Nearby residents will suffer from noise pollution during the construction period, which is expected to last more than 10 years. There is also concern about wind turbulence caused by the addition of multiple high-rise buildings.

Acceleration of Climate Change

The redevelopment plan is expected to emit 565,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), potentially accelerating climate change. If 565,000 tons are emitted annually for a 10-year period, it would take  approximately  0.64 million hectares of forest (about 8% of Tokyo's forests) just to absorb that amount of CO2. Furthermore, the removal of trees in Jingu Gaien would reduce the city’s capacity to absorb CO2. These factors could help speed climate change and the problems linked to it.

Why we went to court to challenge the Administrative Procedures

We believe that the current administrative procedures are illegal, mainly for the following three reasons:

1.Abuse of the System 

The application of the "Park Town Development Program", which is inherently unreasonable in this context. 

The "Park Town Development Program" is intended for areas within urban planning park zones that have not yet been developed as parks (undeveloped zones). It is a system designed for areas that are "not yet developed as parks." However, in the case of the Jingu Gaien plan, the existing rugby field, which is to remain as a park, is unreasonably treated as an "undeveloped area for park development." Furthermore, the land that includes the grounds of the existing Jingu Stadium, already used as a park, will have its designation as a park under the urban planning code removed, to allow for the construction of office buildings and other structures that would not be permitted within a park zone. This way of implementing redevelopment significantly deviates from the original intent of the "Park Town Development System" and can be seen as an abuse of the system.

“Park Town Development Program”
is a Tokyo Metropolitan Government program aimed at resolving community issues while simultaneously promoting urban development and the construction of parks and green spaces in city planning parks and green areas, include areas that have long been unused (where anyone can freely enter and use as parks, etc., are considered 'used' areas. The system encourages private sector development to create a comfortable urban space with greenery and open spaces.
(From the 'Jingu Gaien District Town Development' website)

2.Non-Scientific Decision-Making

Inadequate Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (essential information was not provided to the review committee)

During the  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process (held in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance), the developer’s actions were contrary to the spirit of the ordinance. It has ignored instructions from the EIA review committee's chairman, subcommittee chairpersons, and members, failing to submit the necessary documentation. Despite this, the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Environment, acting as the secretariat, has consistently sought an early conclusion to the process. The Japan Society for Impact Assessment has also pointed out issues with the way the EIA review was conducted, stating that "scientific discussions were extremely insufficient."

3.Lack of Democratic Participation 

The involvement of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Shinjuku Ward in this plan has proceeded without listening to the voices of citizens.

Discussions were held in closed meetings within the administration, with no opportunities for citizen participation.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government decided to apply the "Park Town Development Program" behind closed doors, away from the eyes and ears of Tokyo citizens, and implemented the decision in a manner that goes against the spirit of the Urban Planning Act. Procedures defined by law, such as public hearings and opportunities for citizens to review and submit opinions, did not take place, a fundamental flaw in the process.

Changes to the Scenic District designation and approvals for redevelopment and tree felling have been made in secret.

Shinjuku Ward, in response to a request from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 2020, changed the designation of the Jingu Gaien redevelopment area from a strictly regulated Scenic District to an area with lax regulations, allowing the construction of high-rise buildings through redevelopment. This change was made without consulting the Shinjuku Ward residents, ward council, or the ward’s urban planning review committee. Such undemocratic action was taken  intentionally to avoid hearing the voices of citizens who are users of the park, falling far short of what citizens expect from their government.

The citizens who love Jingu Gaien join hands to encircle a section of the park, demanding a reconsideration of the redevelopment plans.

Regarding Our Two Lawsuits: 

Lawsuit against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Lawsuit #1):

This lawsuit was filed against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on February 28, 2023, seeking annulment of the approval for the Jingu Gaien redevelopment plan. We argue that the way the 'Park Town Planning System' was applied was inherently unreasonable and lacked guarantees for citizen participation and information disclosure in the decision-making process. We consider this an abuse of the urban planning system by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and project developers.

Furthermore, we argue that the developers failed to provide essential information, such as details about the trees to be felled, to the Environmental Impact Assessment Committee. We also assert that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government completed the environmental impact assessment without properly evaluating the project’s actual environmental impact. The decisions based on such an environmental impact assessment report are either negligent or an outright abuse, since they misinterpret underlying facts, and thus should be revoked.

Lawsuit against Shinjuku Ward (Lawsuit #2):

This lawsuit was filed against Shinjuku Ward on July 25, 2023, seeking the annulment of the permit for tree felling associated with the Jingu Gaien redevelopment plan. In 2020, based on the request of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Shinjuku Ward changed the redevelopment area of Jingu Gaien from a heavily regulated Scenic District to an area with looser regulations, enabling the construction of high-rise buildings. Moreover, this change was made without consulting Shinjuku Ward residents, the ward council, or the urban planning review committee. We argue that such a change – without undergoing a democratic process – constitutes  an abuse.

Calls for Dialogue Repeatedly Ignored

The Jingu Gaien redevelopment plan has been in preparation for a decade, yet its details have been largely kept from the public. But now, numerous issues have been raised regarding  the procedures carried out by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Shinjuku Ward in advancing this plan, even after project approval. As a result, opposition to the redevelopment is growing daily.


The Key Events Leading Up to the Current Situation:
2010:The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced the concept of redeveloping Jingu Gaien.
2015:The current redevelopment plan was announced, and a memorandum of understanding was signed by the developers.
2020:Shinjuku Ward changed the designation of a portion of Jingu Gaien from a Scenic District based on a request from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Mar 2, 2022:

Rochelle Kopp submitted about 50,000 signatures and a request letter based on her online petition to Governor Yuriko Koike, asking her to not approve the redevelopment plan.

Feb 17, 2023:The Tokyo Metropolitan Government approved the implementation of the category 1 urban redevelopment project in the Jingu Gaien area.
Feb 24, 2023:The music pioneer Ryuichi Sakamoto wrote a letter to Governor Koike.
Feb 28, 2023:Approximately 60 local residents and others filed a lawsuit against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government seeking the annulment of the approval (Lawsuit #1). 
Mar 2, 2023:Rochelle Kopp submitted about 50,000 signatures and a request letter to Governor Koike.
Apr 22, 2023:6,000 participants joined a "Demonstration with Ryuichi Sakamoto" organized by the volunteer group D2021.
June 25, 2023:

The author Haruki Murakami, speaking on the radio, expressed strong personal opposition to the redevelopment.

July 25, 2023:Five residents from Shinjuku Ward and surrounding areas filed a lawsuit against Shinjuku Ward seeking the cancellation of the tree-felling permit (Lawsuit #2). 
Sep 2, 2023:

Keisuke Kuwata of the popular rock group Southern All Stars released the song  "Relay /Song of the Forests," which was created in response to the Jingu Gaien redevelopment.

Sep 7, 2023:The headquarters of UNESCO's World Heritage advisory body, The International Committee on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), issued a Heritage Alert for Jingu Gaien.
Sep 25, 2023:Rochelle Kopp submitted a request letter to Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Sep 26, 2023:Over 225,000 signatures are collected for the petition "Protect Jingu Gaien's trees! Rethink the Redevelopment Plan!"

Ryuichi Sakamoto continued to call for the cancellation of  tree felling in Jingu Gaien until his last moments. He died in March but this determination lived on in the “Demonstration with Ryuichi Sakamoto”

Message from the Plaintiffs 

The plaintiffs are people who have experienced the tranquility and healing effects of the greenery and landscape of Jingu Gaien at different stages of their lives, from childhood to adulthood, and during their time working in Tokyo.

We have been engaged in activities such as signature campaigns and protests against this redevelopment plan even before filing this lawsuit. Many people, through such movements, hoped that the developers and the authorities would reconsider the plan and listen to the opinions of Tokyo residents. However, no such reconsideration or listening took place, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government went forward with approval of the project. 

Realizing that we needed to take a different approach, we decided to file suit  in the hope that the court will stop this unreasonable and unjust plan.

Redevelopment and the unnecessary cutting down of trees are not issues limited to Jingu Gaien. They are happening all over Japan, in blatant disregard of residents' opinions and exploiting legal loopholes. If a precedent is set in Jingu Gaien that parks can be wantonly developed, there is a concern that valuable urban parks in cities across the country will be dismantled for redevelopment, one after another like dominoes. We strongly feel that we must not create a trend where public assets are taken away for the benefit of a few developers. We want the courts to make it clear that development that ignores residents is neither legal nor in the best interests of Japan and its people.

Message from the Legal Counsel 

“I feel strongly about the need to prevent the redevelopment plan that would destroy the historical garden of Jingu Gaien with its serene and magnificent trees and construct three high-rise buildings, from a perspective of avoiding environmental destruction.

Suing government entities can be challenging and have high hurdles for the residents, but I want to represent the feelings of the plaintiffs as much as possible and strive for a clear and understandable trial. Additionally, using creative thinking, I will do my best to break down the thick barriers that make it so difficult for citizens to sue the government and win.”

Yukio Yamashita (Tokyo Bar Association, Shinjuku Sakigake Law Office)

Use of Donations 

It costs money to  carry out thorough evidentiary activities and pursue litigation with social impact. We ask for your understanding and support.

Necessary expenses for filing lawsuits (revenue stamps, postage, etc.): 

Currently, there are 160 plaintiffs in the Tokyo lawsuit and 5 plaintiffs in the Shinjuku City lawsuit. Increasing the number of plaintiffs and increasing the influence of this lawsuit on society by filing a second and third lawsuit will give us the power to stop the redevelopment and associated cutting down of trees, and will also give us strength in court. Although we cannot increase the number of plaintiffs for the Tokyo lawsuit because the deadline has passed, we would like to recruit additional plaintiffs for the Shinjuku City lawsuit, aiming for 50 plaintiffs, and we hope to be able to prepare for the cost of the lawsuit to match that number. We hope to be able to pay for the cost of the lawsuits from the funds donated. The cost is expected to be approximately 3 million yen, since the filing of a lawsuit requires a fee (stamp fee) based on the amount that is being sued for.

Transportation expenses for witnesses and others: 

We anticipate an expense of 200,000 yen. This includes transportation expenses for plaintiffs and lawyers when appearing in the Tokyo District Court for the trials, as well as transportation expenses for experts and other individuals when they come to provide testimony.

Written opinion expenses: 

We plan to ask experts for written opinions, and we anticipate these will cost approximately 1.2 million yen.

Lawyer fees: 

We anticipate a payment of 1.2 million yen to lawyers who possess specialized knowledge for the ongoing and expanding litigation activities.

Administrative office and other expenses:

To coordinate and expand litigation activities with many plaintiffs, hiring an administrator is indispensable. We also wish to conduct public relations activities related to the litigation. Therefore, we hope to use approximately 0.36 million yen from the donation funds for administrative expenses and other related expenses.

*In the event that we receive many donations and there is a surplus after covering all expenses, we would like to donate it to support urban tree conservation.

Support the Lawsuit to Stop the Redevelopment!  

Many people wish to pass on the landscape, trees, and history of Jingu Gaien to the next generations and are raising their voices against the way the  government and the developers pushed the plan through under the cloak of secrecy. Even though more than  220,000 signatures have been collected, the fact that they are being ignored and that the plan is being pushed through is a significant problem in itself. By taking legal action, we aim to bring the issue to light in court – a public setting –  and we hope for a judgment that stops this unreasonable and unjust plan.

Support for this lawsuit will become a significant force in stopping the redevelopment and encouraging dialogue between residents and authorities. If you agree with our cause, we kindly ask for your support and encouragement. And please spread the word!

We are also updating our Jingu Gaien Lawsuit website with recent news and updates.



原告団長:ロッシェル・カップ (他原告158名)

ロッシェル・カップ|経営コンサルタント。著書に『英語の品格 』(インターナショナル新書)ほか多数。神宮外苑再開発計画の見直しを求めるオンライン署名活動で22万筆以上を集め、2023年2月に提訴した東京都を相手にした神宮外苑訴訟では原告団長を務める。

原告団長:大澤暁 (他原告4名)

大澤 暁|新宿区在住、会社員。2023年2月「未来の子どもたちの笑顔をつくる神宮外苑を考える会」を立ち上げる。神宮外苑についての勉強会やゴミ拾い活動を行う。2023年7月、新宿区に対して神宮外苑の樹木伐採許可の取り消しを求める訴訟に原告として参加。


Lawsuit to protect Jingu Gaien
We are the plaintiffs in lawsuits against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Shinjuku Ward.

Litigation ①/Jingu Gaien Redevelopment Project Approval Cancellation Litigation (Defendant: Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
Lead Plaintiff: Rochelle Kopp (158 other plaintiffs)
Secretariat (contact): 2012t.road☆gmail.com (Hasegawa) ☆Please change the mark to @
Website: https://www.savejingugaien.com/

[Lead Plaintiff]
Rochelle Kopp | Management Consultant. Her publications include the bestseller ``Eigo no Hinkaku’’ (International Shinsho) and many others. She collected over 220,000 signatures in an online signature campaign calling for a review of the Jingu Gaien redevelopment plan, and is the lead plaintiff in the Jingu Gaien lawsuit filed against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in February 2023.

Litigation ②/Jingu Gaien Redevelopment Tree Felling Permit Cancellation Litigation (Defendant: Shinjuku Ward)
Lead Pplaintiff : Satoru Osawa (4 other plaintiffs)
Secretariat (contact): osawa.satoru@gmail.com

[Lead Plaintiff]
Satoru Osawa|An office worker residing in Shinjuku Ward. In February 2023, hewe launched a volunteer group to think about Jingu Gaien from the perspective of future children. He has held study sessions about Jingu Gaien and litter collection activities in the area. In July 2023, he participated as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against Shinjuku Ward demanding revocation of permission to cut down trees at Jingu Gaien.

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