カメルーン人男性死亡事件国賠訴訟 A compensation lawsuit against the Japanese government, et al., regarding the death of a Cameroonian in the Ushiku detention center.

#外国にルーツを持つ人々 #Immigrants/Refugees/Foreign residents in Japan
#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

1,397,600円 ¥ 1,397,600


目標金額 Target amount

1,000,000円 ¥ 1,000,000

サポーター Supporter

300 人 300 supporters

支援する Support a Case

 2014年3月30日、茨城県牛久市の入管収容所に収容中のカメルーン人男性が、大声で「死にそうだ」と訴えながら放置され、死に至った事件。 A detained Cameroonian in the Ushiku detention center, Ibaraki Prefecture, was abandoned and died, although he had been seeking help by screaming “I’m dying” overnight.






 10月5日 成田空港に到着

 10月6日 成田空港の入管に収容

 11月6日 牛久の入国者収容所東日本入国管理センターに移収

 11月14日 庁内診療により糖尿病等の病気を患っていることが判明









 午前11時27分    入管職員に対して、「気分が悪くて立つことができない」という訴えをした。

 午前11時42分    容態を心配した被収容者十数名が「Wさんを早く医者に診せろ」と述べ、ホールに留まり帰室を拒否する





 午前2時11分    胸の痛みと不眠を訴える。

 午前11時11分    ベッドから落ち、床で寝ているのが確認され、職員らによってベッドに戻された。



 午後7時12分~    ベッドの上で体を反転させ、苦しみもがきながら、「I'm dying」(私は死にそうだ)と声を発した。その後ベッドから落ち、一度は職員によってベッドにあげられたが、その後も落ち、床の上を苦しみながら転げ回っていた。


床で転がり苦しむ様子は続き、その様子は「0:35 床をズボン1枚で転げ回っている」「2:30 床にハーフパンツ1枚で横向きになっている」等と職員によって確認された。

    午前7時2分     職員が心肺停止状態にあるのに気付く

 午前7時19分     救急隊到着

 午前7時32分    救急搬送

    午前7時47分    牛久愛和総合病院に到着

 午前8時7分    心拍の再開がなく死亡が確認

【Summary of the case】

      On March 30, 2014, Mr. W, a 43-year-old Cameroonian in custody at the Higashi-Nihon Immigration Center located in the Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture, was writhing in pain and screaming “I’m dying” overnight, seeking help from detention officers. However, they haven’t confirmed the situation for nearly 7 hours, though a security camera was monitoring him. Consequently, Mr. W died of cardiopulmonary arrest.

      On September 26, 2017, Ms. F, a mother of Mr. W residing in Cameroon, filed a lawsuit at the Mito District Court Ryugasaki Branch against both the Japanese government and a director of the Ushiku detention center at the time to seek 10 million yen as a compensation for the death of her son.

In 2013

October 5:  Mr. W arrived in Japan at Narita Airport.

October 6:  Detained at the detention facility of the Narita Airport District Immigration Office.

November 6:  Transferred to the Higashi-Nihon Immigration Center located in Ushiku City.

November 14:  Diagnosed several disorders such as diabetes by the health check.

In 2014

February 27  
      Mr. W submitted a request for a medical examination to the center for getting knowledge of the cause of his severe chest pain. Upon the request, a detention officer added a note of caution, stating that he had been suffering from chest pain with breathing problems for the past week as well as breaking out in a nervous sweat over his body.

March 1
      Mr. W complained that he could not walk by himself due to foot pain without grasping something.

March 16
      Mr. W submitted a request for a medical examination again because the foot pain has persisted for the past 12 days so far, which made him feel dizzy and unable to sleep. On that point, the same detention officer also made a note, cautioning that it was necessary for Mr. W to take a medical check as soon as possible. The officer added the fact that his cellmates had also been begging the officers to let him go to see a doctor.

March 27 
11:27 am
      Mr. W complained that he was feeling sick and could not stand up by himself.

11:42 am
      Some detainees, who worried about Mr. W’s physical condition, stayed in a hall of the center and refused to go back to their cells with demanding that Mr. W must have a medical examination.

11:54 am
      A chief detention officer ordered Mr. W to move from Room 104 to Room 3, which is prepared for those who require special treatment under surveillance of the officers. As soon as he was transferred to this room, some officers started to have an eye on Mr. W through a monitoring camera. At that time, as Mr. W needed a wheelchair, the detention officers took him to the room and put him on a bed. After his transfer to the room, other detainees who demanded for Mr. W to be treated were returned to their cells.

March 28
      The results of the blood test conducted on March 27 were delivered to the detention center on March 28. However, the detention officers did not report them promptly to the doctor, who had not provided any medical examination for Mr. W until he died on March 30.

March 29
2:11 am
      Mr. W complained about chest pain and insomnia.

11:11 am
      The detention officers found that Mr. W dropped from the bed and was sleeping on the floor. They returned Mr. W to his bed.

From 6:06 pm to 6:07 pm  
      Mr. W showed a sign claiming “emergency” to the monitoring camera and demanded a response from the detention officers. He did the same action from 6:53 pm to 6:54 pm. 

After 7:12 pm
Mr. W turned over on his bed and suffered from the pain with many screaming, “I’m dying.” After that, he fell from the bed and was pushed back to the bed by the detention officers. Later on, he fell from the bed again and rolled around on the floor.
      Although the officers had been observing these circumstances through the monitoring camera, they kept a journal as “there is no problem existed in Mr. W’s cell.” 

March 30
Mr. W seemed to keep suffering from the pain so that he was rolling around on the floor. The detention officers recognized the situation and described it in the journal as “At 0:35 am, he was half-naked and rolling around on the floor”, “At 2:30 am, he was half-naked and laying down on his side.”
      From around 3:00 am, Mr. W had been lying on his back on the lower part of his bed until the detention officers came to the cell at 7:02 am. At that time, he was almost immobile. 

7:02 am  The detention officers noticed that Mr. W is in cardiopulmonary arrest.

7:19 am  Emergency medical team arrived at the detention center.

7:32 am  Mr. W was transported to the hospital.

7:47 am  Arrived at the Medical Corp. JOJINKAI Ushiku Aiwa General Hospital.

8:07 am  Confirmed dead due to a cessation of heartbeat.



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