立候補年齢引き下げ訴訟 Lawsuit for Lowering the Age of Candidacy

#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice
#政治参加・表現の自由 #Democracy/Freedom of Expression

現在の寄付総額 Current Total Raised

2,391,500円 ¥ 2,391,500


目標金額 Target amount

10,000,000円 ¥ 10,000,000

サポーター Supporter

261 人 261 supporters

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日本が直面する少子高齢社会、中高年が多くを占める政治の場に、若い世代の声はなかなか届きません。戦後変わらない立候補年齢は若者の政治参加を制限し、社会の一員として政治に関わることを難しくしています。長期的な視点を持った10代・20代の声が届く政治は、日本をもっと持続可能で、生きやすい社会にします。若い世代の声が届く社会に向けて、私たちは立候補年齢の引き下げを提案します。 In Japan’s aging society, where the older generation dominates the political arena, it is difficult for the voices of the younger generation to be heard. The unchanged age of candidacy since the post-war era restricts young people’s political participation and makes it difficult for them to engage in politics. A politics that embraces the voices of teenagers and people in their 20s with a long-term perspective will create a more sustainable and livable society in Japan. In pursuit of a society where the voices of the younger generation are heard, we propose lowering the age of candidacy.


7th Periodic Report

2025/2/6 21:15








傍聴席は先着順となりますので、ぜひお早めにお越しください。皆さまのご参加を心よりお待ちしております。 引き続き、本件に関する応援やご関心をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

The seventh oral argument took place on Thursday, February 6th at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 703 of the Tokyo District Court. Many spectators gathered in the courtroom, making it a great success. Thank you very much for your continued support.

At this hearing, the plaintiff submitted the tenth preparatory brief and refuted the defendant's previous preparatory brief, No. 3. The plaintiff argued the following two points as particularly important:

The first point is about the legality of the plaintiff's claim. The defendant argues that "the plaintiff's claim is a request to the court to amend the law, and is therefore illegal." It is true that under the structure of separation of powers, the enactment and amendment of laws is the sole prerogative of the Diet, and the court cannot amend the law. However, what the plaintiff is asking the court to do is to confirm the specific status and legal relationship between the plaintiff and the state, based on the current legal system. In the preparatory briefs, the plaintiff has made it clear that their claim is not a request for legal amendment itself.

The second point is the irrationality of the standard of discretion (= ability). The former Public Offices Election Law prohibited adult wards from exercising the right to vote and the right to be elected, but the law was amended following a ruling of unconstitutionality in 2013, and these restrictions were uniformly abolished. In the discussion of this amendment, one of the reasons given was that adult wards are diverse and it is difficult to categorically define the ability to exercise the right to vote ( Ko B75: Minutes of the 183rd Diet Session ). In light of this, it is irrational for the government to justify the age restriction on the right to be elected based on the ability of discretion. It was argued that, although adult wards are granted the right to be elected regardless of ability, it is irrational to deprive those aged 18 or older who are adults and have the capacity to act and the right to vote of their right to be elected.

In addition to the above, at this hearing, we submitted a request for witness testimony to the court in preparation for future examination of the plaintiff and witnesses.

The next hearing, the 8th, is scheduled to be held on Monday, April 14, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 703.

Please note that seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please arrive early. We look forward to your participation. Thank you for your continued support and interest in this matter.


6th Return Date Report

2024/12/5 23:17


今回、原告および被告双方が準備書面を提出しました。 原告側は前回期日での裁判官の求めに応じて、各原告の請求を整理した第9準備書面を提出しました。一方被告は、準備書面⑶において、原告の請求が不適法であること、選挙権年齢と被選挙権年齢の一致は憲法上の要請ではないこと、被選挙権年齢の設定は選挙制度の問題であり国に広範な裁量があること、原告が主張する厳格な憲法適合性判断枠組みは本訴に妥当しないこと、現行の法定年齢には合理性が認められること等、原告が前回期日で提出した第4準備書面第5準備書第6準備書面第7準備書面第8準備書面に対する全般的な反論を展開しました。



傍聴席は先着順となりますので、ぜひお早めにお越しください。皆さまのご参加を心よりお待ちしております。 引き続き、本件に関する応援やご関心をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

The sixth oral argument took place on Thursday, December 5th at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 703 of the Tokyo District Court. Many people gathered in the 50-seat courtroom, making it a great success. Thank you very much for your ongoing support.

This time, both the plaintiff and the defendant submitted preparatory briefs. In response to the judge's request at the previous hearing, the plaintiff submitted Preparatory Brief No. 9, which summarized the plaintiffs' claims. Meanwhile, in Preparatory Brief 3 , the defendant made a general rebuttal to Preparatory Briefs No. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 submitted by the plaintiff at the previous hearing, arguing that the plaintiffs' claims are unlawful, that the matching of the voting age and the age of eligibility to be elected is not a constitutional requirement, that the setting of the voting age is an issue of the electoral system and the state has broad discretion, that the strict constitutionality judgment framework asserted by the plaintiffs is not applicable to this lawsuit, and that the current legal age is reasonable.

At the next hearing, the plaintiff side is scheduled to make a rebuttal to the defendant's preparatory brief (3). The plaintiff also wishes to move to witness testimony from the next hearing onwards, and is scheduled to submit a request for evidence and request witnesses.

The next, 7th hearing is scheduled to be held on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 703.

Please note that seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please arrive early. We look forward to your participation. Thank you for your continued support and interest in this matter.


5th Return Date Report

2024/9/13 17:07







The fifth oral argument hearing was held on Thursday, September 12th from 2 pm in Courtroom 703 of the Tokyo District Court. Many young spectators gathered in the 50-seat courtroom, making it a great success. Thank you to everyone who always supports us.

The plaintiffs submitted five preparatory documents for this hearing. The fourth preparatory document outlined the preparatory documents submitted, and the fifth document refuted defendant's preparatory document (2). The sixth preparatory document made arguments based on overseas surveys, the seventh preparatory document based its arguments on the results of a survey on public perception, and the eighth preparatory document presented arguments based on the town and village general assembly system under the Local Autonomy Act.

At this hearing, the plaintiffs made their claims from a wide range of perspectives, and the content of their claims was also quite varied. Therefore, on the day of the hearing, Attorney Toda made a statement and explained the overall picture of the claims. Please click here for the statement and supplementary explanatory materials .

In addition, taking into account the eighth preparatory brief, the court instructed the plaintiffs to clarify how the scope of the plaintiffs changes between the "new factual basis for claim that the difference in the age at which people can participate in politics depending on whether or not the city or town in which one lives has established a town or town general assembly constitutes a violation of the principle of equality" and the plaintiffs' previous claims.

At the next hearing, the defendant plans to refute the third preparatory brief submitted by the plaintiff at the fourth hearing and the fourth through eighth preparatory briefs submitted this time.

The next hearing is scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 5th at 11:30 in Courtroom 703. Please invite your friends and come to observe the hearing.


Report on the 4th Oral Argument Date

2024/7/30 10:49


日本国憲法44条はこうした戦前の参政権制限に対する反省から生まれました。同条は「両議院の議員及びその選挙人の資格は、法律でこれを定める。 但し、人種、信条、性別、社会的身分、門地、教育、財産又は収入によって差別してはならない」と定めて参政権の徹底した平等を求めています。



裁判当日は多くの傍聴者やメディアが集まり大変な活況でした。中高生をはじめ多くの若者が傍聴席を埋めました。中にはニュージーランド最年少の18歳で地方議員に当選したSophie Handfordさんの姿も。






"Women are inferior to men in intelligence and physical strength," "Women lack imagination and initiative," "Women lack independence and firm thinking." These were some of the reasons given in opposition to women's suffrage before the war.

Article 44 of the Japanese Constitution was born out of reflection on these prewar restrictions on suffrage. It states, "The qualifications of members of both Houses and their electors shall be determined by law. However, there shall be no discrimination on the grounds of race, creed, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or income," and calls for thorough equality in suffrage.

Under Article 44 of the Constitution, unreasonable age discrimination in candidacy should not be permitted. The government says that young people under the age of 25 or 30 will not be allowed to run for office because they "lack discretion and social experience." However, until now there has been no rational explanation to justify drawing the line at this age. We see the exact same structure here as the irrational reasons given for denying women the right to vote. The issue of the age at which people can run for office can be said to be a modern-day discrimination in suffrage, and an issue of "discrimination against young people."

Until now, there had been no trial in Japan on the issue of discrimination against young people, but at the hearing held on June 13th, we tackled this issue head-on. Based on the research on "Children's Law" by legal sociologist Professor Saito Chuji of the University of Tokyo, we argued that discrimination against young people in terms of voting rights is a violation of the principle of equality prohibited by Article 44 of the Constitution. The plaintiff's previous arguments can be found in the "Law Materials" tab on this page , and the details of this argument can be found here .

On the day of the trial, many spectators and media gathered, creating a very lively atmosphere. Many young people, including junior and senior high school students, filled the courtroom. Among them was Sophie Handford, New Zealand's youngest person to be elected as a local councillor at the age of 18.

Plaintiffs, lawyers, and youth members entering the Tokyo District Court

After the trial ended, we moved outside and gave an explanation of the trial. Since it was right after the trial, there were a lot of questions and impressions of what had happened.

▲The open-air class held outside the courthouse attracted media attention.

We will promote this historic movement by mobilizing the wisdom of our predecessors and legal theories to weave words that will serve as a weapon for lowering the age to run for office.

The next hearing is scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 12th at 2pm in Courtroom 703 of the Tokyo District Court. We hope you will continue to pay close attention to the trial and legal reforms.


Report on the date of the first oral argument

2023/10/12 13:16






The first oral argument was held at 11:00 a.m. today (October 12, 2023) in Courtroom 703 of the Tokyo District Court.

The plaintiffs filed a complaint, and the state filed an answer. The state's answer is before the merits of the case (as a premise for discussing whether the 25 and 30 age provisions are contrary to the Constitution, it is an argument that the plaintiff's complaint does not meet the procedural requirements for proceeding with the trial in the first place) ).

The court instructed the government to submit its argument on the merits (the country's argument that the provision does not violate the Constitution) by December 8.

In front of a full audience, plaintiff Momoko Nojo , plaintiff Chico. , and attorney Toda made statements to the judge.

The next hearing will be held on December 25th at 2:00 pm in Courtroom No. 703. I hope you will be able to listen next time.


We filed the case on July 10, 2023

2023/7/20 17:00



提訴時に提出をした証拠のうち、証拠説明書甲7 調査報告書(国会及び各政党における被選挙権年齢引き下げに関する議論状況)甲8 陳述書(能條桃子)甲9 陳述書(吉住海斗)甲10 (中村涼香)甲11 (Chico.)甲12 (久保遼)甲13(中村涼夏)も併せてアップロードしております。



また、同日19時からは港区にあるSHIBAURA HOUSEにて、提訴報告会「わくわく決起集会」を開催いたしました。













We filed the case on July 10, 2023 at Tokyo District Court.

The complaint is available here. See also a summary version of the complaint which summarises the main points.

Among the evidence submitted at the time of filing the complaint, the Statement of Evidence, A7 Investigation Report (Status of discussions in the Diet and political parties), A8 Written Statement (Momoko Nojo), A9 Written Statement (Kaito Yoshizumi), A10 (Ryoka Nakamura), A11 (Chico.), A12 (Ryo Kubo), A13 (Ryoka Nakamura) are also been uploaded.

At the same time as the lawsuit was filed, we opened this crowdfunding page to the public, and the number of supporters exceeded 100 in the first five days after it was opened. We would like to thank everyone for your support.

Numbers of the press attended the press conference after the lawsuit was filed, where we explained the purpose and significance of this lawsuit and the thoughts of each of the plaintiffs.

On the same day, from 19:00, an "Exciting Rally" was held at SHIBAURA HOUSE in Minato Ward, Tokyo, to report on the lawsuit.

Participants applied in advance via SNS, etc., and lots of people (24 people) attended the event. After an explanation of the lawsuit by the attorneys, the plaintiffs each made a declaration of their commitment to the lawsuit. In the workshop that followed, the plaintiffs and participants formed groups and discussed the drafting of a manifesto from the perspective of young people and how election campaigning should be conducted.

▲Plaintiffs expressing their opinions.

▲Group discussion at the workshop

▲A poster resembling an election poster was displayed with the cooperation of a designer.

▲Uchiwa (Japanese fans) were also prepared by the designer.

Thank you very much for your participation!

We would announce here about the court hearing date when we received the schedule from the court.

Please share and follow us on our social networks.
Thank you very much for your support.


6 件中 1-6

1-6 of 6 cases

  • 1


若い世代の声が届く社会に向けて、私たちは、#立候補年齢の引き下げを 提案します。
