2024/7/30 10:49
日本国憲法44条はこうした戦前の参政権制限に対する反省から生まれました。同条は「両議院の議員及びその選挙人の資格は、法律でこれを定める。 但し、人種、信条、性別、社会的身分、門地、教育、財産又は収入によって差別してはならない」と定めて参政権の徹底した平等を求めています。
裁判当日は多くの傍聴者やメディアが集まり大変な活況でした。中高生をはじめ多くの若者が傍聴席を埋めました。中にはニュージーランド最年少の18歳で地方議員に当選したSophie Handfordさんの姿も。
"Women are inferior to men in intelligence and physical strength," "Women lack imagination and initiative," "Women lack independence and firm thinking." These were some of the reasons given in opposition to women's suffrage before the war.
Article 44 of the Japanese Constitution was born out of reflection on these prewar restrictions on suffrage. It states, "The qualifications of members of both Houses and their electors shall be determined by law. However, there shall be no discrimination on the grounds of race, creed, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or income," and calls for thorough equality in suffrage.
Under Article 44 of the Constitution, unreasonable age discrimination in candidacy should not be permitted. The government says that young people under the age of 25 or 30 will not be allowed to run for office because they "lack discretion and social experience." However, until now there has been no rational explanation to justify drawing the line at this age. We see the exact same structure here as the irrational reasons given for denying women the right to vote. The issue of the age at which people can run for office can be said to be a modern-day discrimination in suffrage, and an issue of "discrimination against young people."
Until now, there had been no trial in Japan on the issue of discrimination against young people, but at the hearing held on June 13th, we tackled this issue head-on. Based on the research on "Children's Law" by legal sociologist Professor Saito Chuji of the University of Tokyo, we argued that discrimination against young people in terms of voting rights is a violation of the principle of equality prohibited by Article 44 of the Constitution. The plaintiff's previous arguments can be found in the "Law Materials" tab on this page , and the details of this argument can be found here .
On the day of the trial, many spectators and media gathered, creating a very lively atmosphere. Many young people, including junior and senior high school students, filled the courtroom. Among them was Sophie Handford, New Zealand's youngest person to be elected as a local councillor at the age of 18.
Plaintiffs, lawyers, and youth members entering the Tokyo District Court
After the trial ended, we moved outside and gave an explanation of the trial. Since it was right after the trial, there were a lot of questions and impressions of what had happened.
▲The open-air class held outside the courthouse attracted media attention.
We will promote this historic movement by mobilizing the wisdom of our predecessors and legal theories to weave words that will serve as a weapon for lowering the age to run for office.
The next hearing is scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 12th at 2pm in Courtroom 703 of the Tokyo District Court. We hope you will continue to pay close attention to the trial and legal reforms.