コロナ禍、日本社会の理不尽を問う(コロナ特措法違憲訴訟)【アーカイブ】 Question the Constitutionality of Covid-19 Business Hour Curbs in Tokyo

法的義務のない時短要請に適法に従わなかった原告。原告が提出した弁明書に対して十分な回答をすることなく、東京都は施設使用制限命令を発出しました。「訴額1円」の国家賠償請求で「コロナ特措法」及び本件命令の違憲性と民主主義国家のあり方を問います。 The plaintiffs lawfully failed to comply with a request for shorter hours, which they were not legally obligated to do. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government issued an order restricting the use of the facility without providing a sufficient response to the written explanation submitted by the plaintiffs. We will challenge the unconstitutionality of the ”Corona Special Measures Law” and the order, as well as the state of our democratic nation, with a ”one-yen” claim for state compensation.
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