“コロナ感染者立ち寄りで店名公表”は違法!訴訟【アーカイブ】 Disclosure of the name of a ramen shop when just a person infected with corona virus stops by is illegal! case

2020年7月31日に徳島県知事は記者会見で、当時はまだ数少なかった新型コロナ感染者が20分立ち寄ったラーメン店名を公表。結果、深刻な風評被害が生じました。店長・従業員のコロナ陰性が確認されており、店からはクラスターはもちろん感染者も発生しなかったにかかわらず、その事実は公表されませんでした。このような一方的な公表は、市民の不安を煽るだけの行政による不合理な飲食店いじめに他なりません。 On July 31, 2020, at a press conference, the governor of Tokushima Prefecture announced the name of this ramen shop where a person infected with the new coronavirus stopped by for 20 minutes. As a result, serious reputational damage occurred. Even though the shop manager and employees were confirmed to be negative for coronavirus, and there were no clusters or infected people at the store, this fact was not made public. This kind of unilateral announcement is nothing but unreasonable bullying of restaurants by the government, which only serves to inflame citizens' anxiety.
ケースに支援いただいた方たちのコメントです Comments from the people who supported the case