オペなしで!戸籍上も「俺」になりたい裁判【アーカイブ】 Without operation! Challenge Surgery Requirement for Changing Registered Sex in Japan

#ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ #Gender/Sexuality
#アーカイブ #Archive

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

1,347,908円 ¥ 1,347,908


目標金額 Target amount

5,000,000円 ¥ 5,000,000

サポーター Supporter

157 人 157 supporters

支援の募集は終了しました Application Closed

Challenge against the surgery requirement for changing registered gender in Japan. The right to make decisions regarding our own body. The social respect for self-determined choice.

げんさんから お礼のメッセージ

Thank you message from Gen-san

2023/12/10 11:57





































This time, thanks to many people,

Without surgery! I was able to become ``me'' on the family register.

I'm really thankful to you.

The decision was made on October 11th, and the next day I received a phone call from a fellow lawyer and learned that my legal gender had become male.

I was really surprised that the family court ruled that ``Requirement 4 was unconstitutional and invalid.''

I had intended to fight my case all the way to the Supreme Court, so I thought that the Family Court and High Court were just passing points.

Regarding the content of the referee's letter,

It was a very good decision, and I think it was a perfect decision.

Based on the thoughts and efforts of the many people involved and their friends who have devoted their efforts up until now, we have investigated various aspects of parent-child relationships, changes in GID diagnostic standards and guidelines, and changes in society both domestically and internationally. It felt like I was watching an epic historical drama.

Also, from friends of the parties

・This is a bloody judgment. ・This is what justice means.

I received a comment.

This trial was a "social movement" at the same time as my personal petition for legal gender change.

In 2016, I began to feel the need to change the operating requirements of this special law.

Among the people involved, young FTMs in particular innocently say, ``I want to change my family register to male in order to marry my girlfriend.And to do that, I'm going to undergo an internal genital removal operation.'' ``It all started when I thought, ``I'm scared.''

Whether or not to undergo surgery is completely separate from marriage and family registration, and if you can't make the decision independently, it's no good! I thought.

After that, I searched for directions through books and materials, met fellow defense attorneys, formed a team for my trial, and it took six years to actually file a lawsuit. It took two years from the time the complaint was filed until the decision was made.

Over the past eight years, I have received the support of many people and have met fellow LGBT people and young people from all over the world, which has become the driving force behind my activities and will be an asset in my future life. It also became.

On the 25th, just two weeks after the Shizuoka Family Court's Hamamatsu Branch decision was issued, the Supreme Court ruled that Requirement No. 4 was ``unconstitutional and invalid.''

When it was declared unconstitutional and invalid by the Supreme Court, not only me but also everyone could use it, it was declared unconstitutional and invalid! "have become. ``Everyone can use it.'' This is what ``Ore Jujutsu'' was aiming for. I was very happy and relieved.

At the same time, issues remained.

・I believe that Requirement No. 5, ``requirements for the appearance of external genitalia,'' is also unconstitutional and invalid.

If we accept the ``requirement for gonad removal'' in Requirement No. 4 as ``invasion of the person's body against his will,'' then Requirement No. 5 is of course the same.

And not only that

・Requirement No. 2, ``not being currently married,'' is no longer necessary if same-sex marriage is recognized. And it is only natural that same-sex marriage be recognized from the perspective of marriage equality.

・Requirement No. 3, ``There are currently no minor children,'' is the only country that has such a requirement. There is no such thing as ``changing a parent's legal gender is detrimental to the child's welfare.''


・“Act on special provisions regarding the treatment of gender for persons with gender identity disorder”

The very nature of this “special law”

Rather than “special laws for specific diseases or conditions,”

I hope that the law will change to one that assumes that sexual diversity is the norm.

Through this trial,

For minority youth and children

"By raising your voice, you can change society.

You are not helpless and you are never alone. ”

I would be happy if you could convey that and give me hope.


Thank you for your support and report on completion of reflection on family register

2023/12/8 22:34

















Thank you to everyone who supported my trial.

■Report on completion of procedures after trial

There is an administrative time lag between when a person's gender is changed in court and when the information on their family register or resident record is changed.

On December 6th, Gen-san was notified by the ward office that the changes had been reflected in the documents, and on December 7th, Gen-san was able to successfully obtain a certified copy of his family register that listed him as a male.

A photo of Gen and his partner Ryoko holding a copy of their resident card that says "male" in the gender field.

■Report on support funds

The other day, we finished settling the actual expenses that Gen-san and his legal team had paid in advance, as well as the translation costs for overseas materials that we had been waiting for.

We were able to cover the costs from the amount of support we received.

There is a small amount left over, so we will use it to cover part of the actual cost of reporting the case to supporters and related parties.

Also, thank you very much for the warm messages you sent to call4.

Not only Mr. Gen, but also the entire defense team and campaign team were greatly encouraged and given strength by your messages.

I'm really thankful to you.


There are still many issues to be addressed, such as the human rights violations of other requirements of the special law and the hate directed toward transgender people, which has intensified in recent years.

Let's continue to fight together and survive together, drawing on not only the judgment we won in the Ore Trial, but also the statement of argument posted on call4, and the fact that many people supported the Ore Trial.

We look forward to seeing you at Pride events around the world.


Report on trial (judgment of unconstitutionality)

2023/10/12 17:08


静岡家裁浜松支部は、戸籍上の性別取り扱い変更要件を定める「性同一性障害者の性別の取扱い の特例に関する法律」(いわゆる特例法)が定める「生殖線がないこと又は生殖器機能を永続的に欠 く状態にあること」との要件(第3条1項4号)について、憲法13条に違反し、違憲無効であると判断し、卵巣摘出手術を受けていないげんさんについて、性別の取扱いを女から男に変更するとの審判を下しました。


On October 11, 2023, a judgment was issued by the Shizuoka Family Court Hamamatsu Branch.

The Shizuoka Family Court's Hamamatsu Branch has established that the ``Act on Special Provisions for the Handling of Gender for Persons with Gender Identity Disorder'' (the so-called Special Provisions Act), which stipulates the requirements for changing the gender handling on family registers, states that ``the absence of reproductive rays or the permanent loss of genital function'' Regarding the requirement of "being in a state of lack of sex" (Article 3, Paragraph 1, Item 4), it has been determined that it violates Article 13 of the Constitution and is unconstitutional and invalid. The court decided to change the name from female to male.

You can view the written judgment from the Litigation Materials tab.


January 2023 Report on Additional Submission of Supplementary Documents

2023/3/1 9:38

「オペなしで! 「俺」になりたい裁判」はこのたび、補充書面8および9を静岡家裁浜松支部に提出致しました。







"Without surgery! The trial that I want to be 'I'" has submitted Supplementary Documents 8 and 9 to the Hamamatsu Branch of the Shizuoka Family Court.

The outline is as follows.

・Supplementary document 8

Supplementation and arrangement of statements made on the date of hearing

・Supplementary document 9

Recent domestic and international trends in each field

It can be viewed from the CALL4 “Litigation Materials” tab.

2022年10月14日 審尋期日のご報告

October 14, 2022 Report on the interrogation date

2023/2/3 21:01





























It's very late, but I'd like to report the details of the interrogation date.

[What is interrogation? ]

A hearing is a procedure in which the parties are given an opportunity to state their arguments and opinions in court.

This time, the hearing procedure was opened, and in the court, I directly told the judge about the appearance and experience of the petitioner Gen. In addition, Gen-san was directly questioned by the judges about matters of concern for the judgment.

Three judges in charge listened to Mr. Gen for more than an hour.

[Outline of the story told by Gen]

1. Gender that Gen has experienced since childhood

I have continued to feel uncomfortable with being assigned the gender of “girl”, and when I learned about the way of life of transitioning, I went to a gender clinic and looked back on my history while being close to a specialist. In his own words, I told the judge that I realized that the reason was because I felt uncomfortable with my gender.

2. The reality that Gen-san is already living as a man

We talked about our physical and social life.

Gen was diagnosed with gender identity disorder at the age of 40 and began treatment with male hormones. His beard grew, his body hair grew thicker, his voice became lower, and his chest flattened after the operation. I explained that there is a reality that is recognized as "male".

3. Why Gen doesn't want gonad removal surgery and the burden of the surgery

We talked about why Gen doesn't feel the need for surgery, how some of the transgender people he's met can't have surgery even if they want it, and why.

The discomfort that Gen-san felt in his body that could be resolved with medical care has already been resolved with hormone therapy and breast surgery. I am worried that undergoing surgery to remove my ovaries will not bring about changes in my appearance, and that I will bear the time and financial burden and health risks of living as a craftsman making bamboo bags in the mountains. explained that is large.

In addition, as for the situation in which other parties are placed, it is difficult to make an appointment due to the shortage of specialist doctors in Japan, and even if you want to change the gender notation on official documents before job hunting, it is necessary to have surgery for surgery before job hunting. I introduced that there is a barrier that it is difficult to bear the cost.

4. Disadvantages caused by the fact that the gender description in family registers and official documents remains female

When I see the word “female” written in family registers and official documents, I feel that “I am not written as a woman”, I don't want to be written down." "I don't want to have my attributes written down even in the last document of my life."

In addition, it is not possible to marry a partner because they are women on the family register, and it is inconvenient when voting because the identity verification information on the polling place entrance ticket at the time of election has a symbol indicating "female". I explained that there are many specific problems that have arisen, such as the inconvenience when performing procedures that require a resident card, and the fact that my number card has a gender column and cannot be obtained.

[Question from Judge]

There were questions about when the gender discrepancy began, when did you decide to start living as a man, and the status of hormone therapy.

Mr. Gen asked questions about the phenomenon of the assigned gender and his own identity being different, and about gender transitions, with the attitude of trying to understand Mr. Gen's experience.

[Future progress]

Based on the content of the interrogation, a supplementary document was prepared.

A document that supplements the parts that Gen-san could not talk about on the day, and a document that covers domestic and international movements before and after the interrogation date. It will be submitted soon.

(After submission, it will be uploaded to call4)

Based on the content of the interrogation and the content submitted in writing, we will finally ask the court for a judgment.

(Report conference after the date)


Report of additional submission of “Supplementary documents” in August

2022/9/8 21:17

「オペなしで! 「俺」になりたい裁判」はこのたび、補充書面7を静岡家裁浜松支部に提出致しました。





"Without surgery! The trial that I want to be 'I'" has submitted Supplementary Document 7 to the Hamamatsu Branch of the Shizuoka Family Court.

The outline is as follows.

・Supplementary document 7

Supplementary assertion of seriousness of infringement

It can be viewed from the CALL4 “Litigation Materials” tab.


April Report of additional submission of "Supplementary Document"

2022/5/5 22:17

「オペなしで! 「俺」になりたい裁判」はこのたび、補充書面4~6を静岡家裁浜松支部に提出致しました。









"Without an operation! The trial that wants to be" I "" has submitted supplementary documents 4 to 6 to the Hamamatsu branch of the Shizuoka family court.

The rough contents are as follows.

・ Supplementary document 4

Supplementary information on strengthening stigma promotion due to legal provisions

・ Supplementary document 5

Replenishment of claims regarding gonad removal surgery

・ Supplementary document 6

Claims based on the opinion of the Tokyo Bar Association

Both can be viewed from the CALL 4 "Proceedings Materials" tab.


submission of Supplementary Document

2022/1/12 9:49

「オペなしで! 「俺」になりたい裁判」はこのたび、12月24日付け補充書面1~3を静岡家裁浜松支部に提出致しました。










"Without operation! Challenge Surgery Requirement for Changing Registered Sex in Japan" has submitted the supplementary documents 1 to 3 dated December 24 to the Shizuoka Family Court Hamamatsu Branch.

 It is intended to supplement the contents of the petition submitted in October, and the rough contents are as follows.

・ Supplementary document 1

Supplementing domestic discussions-claims based on the declaration of the Kanto Bar Association Federation and the symposium report

・ Supplementary document 2

Supplementing International Debate-More detailed claims about international law and claims based on national legal systems and country comparisons

・ Supplementary document 3

Replenishing domestic debate-insisting on the coverage of my trial and the existence of voices of supporters supporting my trial

Both can be viewed from the call4 "Proceedings Materials" tab.

Currently, we are preparing various supplementary documents such as scholarly opinions, supplements for the burden of gonad removal surgery, and supplements for the social situation of the parties concerned. It is scheduled to be submitted around the end of March 2022.

10月4日 申立の報告

October 4 Trial Report

2021/10/8 9:21

皆様からのご支援を励みに、「オペなしで! 「俺」になりたい裁判」は、2021年10月4日(月)、性別取扱い変更を求める審判を予定どおり申立てることができました。












Thank you for your support for "Without operation! Challenge Surgery Requirement for Changing Registered Sex in Japan".

 ■ Petition

 On October 4, 2021, the appeal was filed with the Hamamatsu Branch of the Shizuoka Family Court as scheduled.

 We submitted a petition and various supporting documents.

 The petition has been edited and published on the CALL4 website (in consideration of privacy other than the petitioner, some of the petition has been hidden). You can find the documents under the "Materials" Tag.

The documents include evidences about the petitioner, Gen Suzuki, the circumstances surrounding transgender, notes of other transgender individuals, medical literature on treatment, and domestic and international discussions and comments on this issue.

We submitted about 2000 pages of material to the court.

Moreover, the statement of the petitioner, Gen Suzuki, will be published later on CALL4 website.

 The court for this litigation will consist of three judge benches.

 ■ Report of petition

 After filing the petition, we held a press conference and were interviewed by a large number of media. Thank you very much for your continuous supports and attentions to this case! 

10月4日 申立て予定のお知らせ

Notice of petition schedule on October 4

2021/9/28 5:42

「オペなしで! 「俺」になりたい裁判」は、2021年10月4日(月)、性別取扱い変更を求める審判を申立てます。


日時 2021年10月4日午前11時30分頃

場所 静岡家庭裁判所浜松支部










オペなしで「戸籍上も男性に」 違憲申し立て予定、鈴木さん(浜松)会見 抱えてきた生きづらさを吐露|あなたの静岡新聞 (at-s.com) 


手術受けなくても性別変更認めて 浜松の鈴木さん、家裁申し立てへ /静岡 | 毎日新聞 (mainichi.jp) 


手術せず「俺」になりたい 男性への性別変更申し立てへ:朝日新聞デジタル (asahi.com) 







"Without operations! The trial that wants to be" I "" will file a referee requesting a change in gender treatment on October 4, 2021 (Monday).

 ■ Petition

 Date and time: October 4, 2021 around 11:30 am

 Place: Shizuoka Family Court Hamamatsu Branch

* Because of the submission of the petition and the formal examination, there will be no disclosure or hearing.

The petitioner, Gen Suzuki, the defense team, and friends will submit the petition and evidence to the court.

On this day, the court accepts the documents and ends.

The judge will then take the time to proceed with the hearing.

Even after the petition, the defense team plans to prepare a supplementary document based on the social situation in Japan and overseas and the voice of support from everyone, and submit it at any time.

■ Up to the petition

Over the course of a year from the fall of 2020, Gen-san, the defense team, and friends have held operational meetings to prepare for the event.

On July 16, 2021 (Nana Iro), a press conference was held to announce the petition for this trial toward the 17th anniversary of the enforcement of the Special Law.

Shizuoka Shimbun (July 17, 2021)

"I'm planning to file an unconstitutional complaint against a man on the family register without an operation, Mr. Suzuki (Hamamatsu) interview.


Mainichi Shimbun (July 20, 2021)

"Mr. Suzuki of Hamamatsu admits gender change without undergoing surgery, to family court petition / Shizuoka"


Asahi Shimbun (August 3, 2021)

"To petition for gender change to a man who wants to be" I "without surgery"


Since these reports, we have received the attention and support of many people.

In addition, since the release of this page on September 18, we have received voices of cooperation and support for donations. Thank you very much.

Encouraged by such a warm voice, the petition was finally completed.

■ Petition report

After filing a petition, we will post materials such as a petition and an explanation of the outline on this page.

Please read it.

10 件中 1-10

1-10 of 10 cases

  • 1

鈴木 げん

浜松TG研究会 代表

Gen Suzuki is the Representative of the Hamamatsu Transgender Research Group. Born in 1974 in Hamamatsu city, Gen san graduated from Aino High School of Agriculture and became a disciple of the bamboo master, Mr. Suganuma Nobuyuki, at the age of 29, and trained in Beppu city.
Gen san was diagnosed with gender identity disorder at the age of 40, started hormone treatment, and underwent breast removal surgery.
After moving into the mountain in Haruno-cho in Hamamatsu city, Gen san sworn into a partnership with a female at the age of 45.
Currently, Gen san directs the the Hamamatsu Transgender Research Group.
Through the grassroot-based activities, Gen san wants to make Japanese society more inclusive and to make diverse groups of individuals feel comfortable to live. Gen san has taken up the issue of public high school uniforms in Japan.
If you have any questions regarding this case, please feel free to contact us as: oresaiban@gmail.com
