「鳥は空に魚は水に人は社会に」訴訟 Psychiatric State Compensation Litigation

#医療・福祉・障がい #Healthcare/Welfare/Disability
#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

1,933,333円 ¥ 1,933,333


目標金額 Target amount

10,000,000円 ¥ 10,000,000

サポーター Supporter

244 人 244 supporters

支援する Support a Case

精神病院に閉じ込められたまま人生の大部分を過ごす人たちが多くいます。精神障害を持つ人も地域で暮らせるようにという世界の潮流に逆行した日本の精神医療は、国際的にも大きな批判を浴びています。この訴訟は、日本の悲惨な精神医療を長年にわたり放置してきた政府の不作為責任を問い、国家賠償請求を行うものです。私たちは、この訴訟を通じて、病院中心に偏った精神医療から地域精神医療への転換が行われることを目指します。 Many people spend most of their lives confined in psychiatric hospitals. Japan's mental health care has gone against the global trend of allowing people with mental disorders to live in the community, and has been criticized internationally. This lawsuit seeks to hold the government responsible for its inaction for years in neglecting the deplorable state of mental health care in Japan, and to seek compensation from the state. Through this lawsuit, we aim to see a shift from hospital-centered mental health care to community mental health care.


Scheduled trial

2021/8/10 10:05









In the psychiatric state redress proceedings, the plaintiff Tokio Ito made a statement at the first trial on March 1, 2021.

After the trial on April 20th and June 29th, the next trial will be on September 27th at 16:00 in the 103rd court on the 1st floor of the Tokyo District Court . Please participate in the hearing. It is the best encouragement to the plaintiff.

At the trial on June 29, the lawyers thoroughly pursued omission liability in the country's psychiatric policy to date.

In response, the state called for a three-month preparation period to prepare for a counterargument.

The Mental Health and Welfare Lawyers and the Mental Health and Welfare Subcommittee are working to collect evidence of national defects and omissions in the implementation of mental health policy, and with the support of constitutional scholars, to clarify the unconstitutionality of the Mental Health and Welfare Law. We are proceeding with the legal theory composition of.

This trial has the potential to fundamentally change the country's psychiatric policy.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yukimasa Higashiya


Current state of psychiatric state redress lawsuit

2021/4/25 16:23





The psychiatric state redress lawsuit was filed in the Tokyo District Court on September 30, 2020, and the first oral argument was held on March 1, 2021. Plaintiff Tokio Ito and lawyer Keisuke Hasegawa made statements.

The second oral argument was held on April 20th. The national side clarified its opinion and basically expressed its stance of confrontation with the plaintiff side.

From now on, the third trial is scheduled for June 29th.

We are planning to make a thorough rebuttal of the dissenting opinion of the country. It will be the peak of the first half of this trial, so we ask for your cooperation in hearing and cloud funding.

12 件中 11-12

11-12 of 12 cases


