クルド難民収容者暴行被害国賠訴訟 Lawsuit against the Japanese government for physical abuse to a Kurdish refugee by officers of the Ushiku detention center.

#外国にルーツを持つ人々 #Immigrants/Refugees/Foreign residents in Japan

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

1,187,000円 ¥ 1,187,000


目標金額 Target amount

2,000,000円 ¥ 2,000,000

サポーター Supporter

245 人 245 supporters

支援する Support a Case

2019年1月19日午前0時過ぎ、茨城県牛久市の入国者収容所に収容されていたクルド人難民デニズさんが、「制圧行為」と称して、職員らから、手錠をかけられたまま暴行を受ける事件が発生しました。本訴訟は、この事件の違法性を問う国家賠償請求事件です。 On 2019/1/19, after midnight, Mr. Deniz, a Kurdish refugee detained at an immigration detention center in Ushiku, Ibaraki, was unreasonably handcuffed and assaulted by officers.

2020年2月21日 第3回口頭弁論期日(東京地方裁判所415号法廷)

Feb 21, 2020 Third Oral Argument Date

2020/8/12 13:15






【Documents to be submitted】

Plaintiff side: Plaintiff first preparation document

[Exchange in court]

From the plaintiff's side to the defendant's country, in the image of Otsu No. 12 certificate, the light of the fixed-point camera was in the room of Mr. Deniz, but the room of the handy-camera was dark at the same time. And asked why the images differ in brightness.

In response, the defendant replied to the plaintiff and the court that they would make a confirmation response.

2019年12月19日: 第2回口頭弁論期日(東京地方裁判所415号法廷)

Dec 19, 2019: Second oral argument date

2020/8/12 13:07







【Documents to be submitted】

Defendant: Preparation document (1), evidence (Otsu 1 to 20)

*The Otsu No. 12 Certificate was two images of a fixed-point camera taken from the outside ceiling of Deniz's room toward the door of the same room, an immigration officer carried out Deniz and assaulted (the country claims This is a video disc (DVD) in which one video taken with a handy camera during "suppression" is stored.

Plaintiff: Petition for petition (*Written by the court to prompt the clarification of the unclear meaning of the other party's assertion)

[Exchange in court]

Based on the disclosure of the video of the handy camera, the court argued to the plaintiff side that the communication between Mr. Deniz and the immigration officer on the day of the case and the contents of the assault were specifically stated, and it was justified as a suppression act. Regarding the objection by the defendant, it was decided that the plaintiff would submit a document to supplement the argument, asking for specific objection.

2019年10月18日:第1回口頭弁論期日(東京地方裁判所 415号法廷)

Oct 18, 2019:First oral argument date

2020/8/12 12:25






【Documents to be submitted】

Plaintiff side: Complaint, petition for correction of complaint, evidence (Nos. 1 to 3)

Defendant: Answer

 【Interaction in court】

 Based on the reply that the defendant (country) will make a specific counterargument to the complaint by the next time, the court instructs the defendant to submit the counterargument document until the next time. 

2019年8月10日 提訴

Filed on August 10, 2019

2020/8/12 12:15


Sued to the Tokyo District Court

24 件中 21-24

21-24 of 24 cases
