新たなケース リニアトンネル工事で街を壊さないで 〜平穏生活権を侵害する大深度法の違憲性を問う〜 が掲載されました

New Case Posted


新たなケースとして、リニアトンネル工事で街を壊さないで 〜平穏生活権を侵害する大深度法の違憲性を問う〜が掲載されました。


A new case,Don't destroy the city with the linear tunnel construction ~ Questioning the unconstitutionality of the Deep Tunnel Law that violates the right to a peaceful life ~ has been posted.

In 2018, approval was given for linear tunnel construction based on the Deep Tunneling Act. However, digging a tunnel directly beneath a residential area poses risks such as land subsidence, which is problematic. This lawsuit disputes whether the linear tunnel construction meets the approval requirements of the Deep Tunneling Act, whether the Deep Tunneling Act itself is unconstitutional, and whether applying the Deep Tunneling Act to linear tunnel construction is unconstitutional, and seeks the annulment of the approval based on the Deep Tunneling Act.

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