新たなケース「市民との約束を無視して進む「新焼却炉建設」を止める訴訟 」が掲載されました

New Case Posted


市民との約束を無視して進む「新焼却炉建設」を止める訴訟 が登録されました。


A new case, Lawsuit to stop "new incinerator construction" that ignores promises with citizens case has been posted.

The former mayor of Numazu City promised that he would never again build a waste incineration plant in the area where the plaintiffs live, where Numazu City and Shimizu-cho, Sunto-gun border on Tonohara Ward, and signed a memorandum of understanding with the residents. However, the current mayor has ignored this memorandum and is building a new waste incineration plant in the same area. This kind of promise-breaking by the administration is actually happening one after another across the country. This lawsuit is to force the administration to keep its promises to the residents.

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