新たなケース「人種差別を許さない」訴訟 ~警察官による母子の不当聴取と個人情報の漏洩~ が掲載されました

A new case, ”Litigation Against Racism ~ Police Wrongful Questioning and Disclosure of Personal Informatio”, has been published.


新たなケースとして、「人種差別を許さない」訴訟 ~警察官による母子の不当聴取と個人情報の漏洩~が登録されました。


As a new case, "Litigation Against Racism ~ Police Wrongful Questioning and Disclosure of Personal Information of Mother and Child" has been posted.

A foreigner and her daughter encountered racist assault from a Japanese man, but the police wrongfully questioned them and released personal information without consent. So we started this litigation.

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