CALL4ウェビナー in English「同性×国際カップル 家族そろって日本で暮らすために」開催のお知らせ

CALL4 Webinar in English: Fighting for a Future where Same-Sex International Couples Can Live Together in Japan



CALL4ウェビナー in English「同性×国際カップル 家族そろって日本で暮らすために」
DATE: March 17th, 2024 (SUN) 16:00~17:00


原告 康平さん・アンドリューさん
弁護士 鈴木 雅子さん(いずみ橋法律事務所)


Announcement of CALL4 first English event, CALL4 Webinar in English.

CALL4 Webinar in English: Fighting for a Future where Same-Sex International Couples Can Live Together in Japan
DATE: March 17th, 2024 (SUN) 16:00~17:00
*Please register to join the webinar

In order to allow everyone to be able to live with their beloved ones without waiting for the change of same-sex marriage law, a group of individuals started the lawsuit to change the current rules for residential status administered by the Immigation Bureau.

The group just filed an appeal to the Supreme Court for a review of the lawsuit - Litigation on Status of Residence for a Same-Sex Couple of a Japanese and an American - To live together as a family in Japan. The lawsuit aims at the recognition of the foreign partner’s status as a long-term resident in Japan, as well as the confirmation of the right for same-sex couples to live in Japan with their loved ones.

Along with this lawsuit, CALL4 kicked off this first English event. We would like to have more non-Japanese-speaking individuals to get involved, either those who face the same obstacles as the plaintiffs, or those who just have general interests in this issue. During the event, we will provide recent updates of the lawsuit, and other related information.

Our guest speakers include the plaintiffs, attorneys and supporters of the lawsuit. We are also excited to have Mittsun, the person behind the Youtube Channel Futaripapa, where he shares his family life as a Swedish and Japanese same-sex couple.

The speakers will lead us into an in-depth conversation on the situations of international same-sex couples in Japan, the current law and administrative practice, and more.

This English event will be accompanied by Simple Japanese subtitles to make it available to a broader audience. Please make sure to reserve your ticket, and invite those around you who might be interested.

Plaintiffs - Kohei and Andrew
Attorney Masako Suzuki (Izumibashi Law Office)
Mittsun (FutariPapa)
Kayin and Makki (Members of the “Lila’s Life in Tokyo”, a group that supports the lawsuit for the residential status of the same-sex partner.)

For more details, please visit the event page.

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