新たなケース「人種差別的な職務質問をやめさせよう!訴訟|#STOPレイシャルプロファイリング 」が掲載されました

New Case Posted


新たなケースとして、「 人種差別的な職務質問をやめさせよう!訴訟|#STOPレイシャルプロファイリング 」が掲載されました。


A new case, "Stop racial profiling! Lawsuits|#STOP racial profiling" casehas been posted.

Racial profiling, in which the police target individuals for criminal investigation on the basis of their race, skin colour or ethnic origin. In recent years, there has been a constant stream of complaints from people of foreign origin who have reported being repeatedly questioned on duty, even though there are no suspicious grounds. We want to make the racial profiling of official questioning a violation of the Constitution and international conventions, and we want to put an end to this kind of practice.

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