
New Case Posted


新たなケースとして、「県知事の公務での護国神社参拝取りやめをー政教分離原則の違反を問うー 」が登録されました。


A new case, "Stopping the Governor's Official Visits to Gokoku Shrine — Challenging Violations of the Principle of Separation of Religion and State" has been posted.

The "principle of separation of religion and state" establishes a certain limit on the interconnection between the state and religion. The focus of this lawsuit is the official visits by the Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture to the memorial festivals at Yamaguchi Gokoku Shrine. By questioning the use of public funds for such visits which historically supported the pre-war militaristic regime, this lawsuit contends that it violates the principle of separation of religion and state. This legal action aims at realizing a society where individual freedom of beliefs are not constrained or coerced.

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