新たなケース「恵庭市「障害者虐待」隠ぺい事件 〜元市議への忖度による放置を許さない〜」が掲載されました
New Case Posted
新たなケースとして、「 恵庭市「障害者虐待」隠ぺい事件 〜元市議への忖度による放置を許さない〜 」が登録されました。
A new case, "Eniwa City ``abuse of people with disabilities'' cover-up case - We will not tolerate neglect due to favoritism towards a former city councilor. " has been posted.
It has been discovered that three people with intellectual disabilities had been forced to live in poor conditions for many years at a ranch in Eniwa City, Hokkaido, in what was considered to be abuse. However, when Eniwa City learned of this, they covered up the fact and left it as it was. This seems to have been influenced by the fact that the ranch was run by a former Eniwa City Council member (chairman). This lawsuit seeks to hold Eniwa City responsible for concealing and neglecting the abuse of people with disabilities.