新たなコラム「私たちの共感が、尊厳が守られる公正な社会を築く - CALL4インターン記 」が掲載されました

A new column was published


春期インターン生の井上絢菜さんによる「私たちの共感が、尊厳が守られる公正な社会を築く - CALL4インターン記 」を掲載いたしました。


A new Column "Our empathy builds a just society where dignity is protected - CALL4 Intern Notes" written by CALL4 spring intern, Ayana Inoue, has been published.

This is a story of a law student who participated the CALL4 court hearing tour feeling the potential of opening up public interested litigation to the public and tried to spread awareness of it.

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