夫婦別姓も選べる社会へ!訴訟 Lawsuit for a Society Where Couples Can Take Separate Surnames!

#ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ #Gender/Sexuality

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

3,771,200円 ¥ 3,771,200


目標金額 Target amount

5,000,000円 ¥ 5,000,000

サポーター Supporter

243 人 243 supporters

支援する Support a Case

現行法上、カップルが婚姻するには、一方が他方の名字に変更しなければなりません。実際は、結婚する女性の約95%が男性の名字に変更しており、名字の変更を望まない人は、アイデンティティの喪失など様々な不利益を被っています。結婚しようとすると、一方が名字を諦めるか、さもなければ結婚自体を諦めるかという過酷な二者択一を迫られるのです。私たちはこの現状に終止符を打ち、夫婦が別姓も選べる社会の実現を目指します。 Japanese laws require one of the partner to change their surname to the other partner upon marriage, predominantly ending up with women adopting men’s surname. This imposes disadvantages, such as identity loss, on those wishing to keep their surnames. Couples face a tough choice: either sacrifice the surname or forego the legal marriage. We strive to end this situation and advocate for a society where couples can take separate surnames.

掲示板はありません There is no board.




弁護士 三浦 徹也(弁護団事務局長)
電話:03-5219-0002 FAX:03-5219-2221

Legal Counsel Team of the Third Lawsuit for a Selective Separate Surnames System for Married Couples

We filed lawsuits in 2011 and 2018 for the purpose of achieving a system where married couples have the option of taking separate surnames in Japan. We believe a law that requires couples to take the same surname upon marriage should be ruled unconstitutional, and we will do our utmost to win the lawsuit.

<Contact information>
Asahi Law Office
Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Marunouchi, 2 Chome−1−1
Marunouchi Mai Plaza, 13F
Attorney-at-Law Tetsuya Miura (Executive Secretary of the Legal Counsel Team)
Phone: 03-5219-0002
Fax: 03-5219-2221
