人種差別的な職務質問をやめさせよう!訴訟|#STOPレイシャルプロファイリング Lawsuit to End Racially Discriminatory Police Questioning|#STOPRacialProfiling

#外国にルーツを持つ人々 #Immigrants/Refugees/Foreign residents in Japan

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

2,357,200円 ¥ 2,357,200


目標金額 Target amount

3,000,000円 ¥ 3,000,000

サポーター Supporter

202 人 202 supporters

支援する Support a Case

警察が、人種・皮膚の色・民族的出自などを理由に個人を犯罪捜査の対象とするレイシャルプロファイリング。近年、外国にルーツを持つ人たちから、不審事由がないにもかかわらず繰り返し職務質問をされるという被害を訴える声が後を絶ちません。私たちは、職務質問のレイシャルプロファイリング的運用が憲法や国際条約等に違反したものであることを訴え、このような運用をなくさせたいと考えています。 The police practice of racial profiling, where individuals are targeted for criminal investigation based on factors such as race, skin color, or ethnic origin, rather than objective evidence or individual behavior, has become a persistent issue. In recent years, there have been continuous complaints from people of foreign roots who have been subjected to repeated police questioning despite the absence of any reasonable suspicion. The systemic practice or racially discriminatory police questioning violates the Constitution and international conventions. This practice must come to an end.


Report on the first hearing

2024/4/16 16:41





次回期日は7月23日(火)14:00~ 103号法廷です。ぜひ多くの方にお越しいただければ嬉しいです。

The first hearing was held on Monday, April 15th from 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom 103 of the Tokyo District Court.

More than 140 people lined up for the lottery to win spectator tickets, which were limited to 75 seats.
At the hearing, the head of the legal team, Taniguchi, gave an oral statement of the contents of the complaint. Using slides, he explained how frequent police questioning is a violation of the law, and how abusive police questioning of foreigners is practiced in Japan.

Plaintiffs Zane and Shelton then spoke powerfully in their own words about how being stopped and searched has hurt and upset them personally over the years.

After the hearing, a report session was held at the neighboring Bar Association building. On stage, Zain said, "I had some doubts, but I decided to become a plaintiff in the lawsuit, prepared to shoulder the hopes of many people. As the number of people who were born and raised in Japan from a young age, like me, increases, I want to change society so that they do not have to suffer the same troubles."

The next hearing will be on Tuesday, July 23rd from 14:00 in Courtroom 103. We hope that many of you will attend.


The first hearing is tomorrow! Please come and observe the trial.

2024/4/14 12:19

⳹ 傍聴にぜひいらしてください!⳼




場所:東京地方裁判所 第103号 大法廷

13時40分まで 傍聴整理券配布(もし希望人数が多い場合は、13時40分に抽選が行われます)
14時00分〜30分頃まで 東京地裁・第103号法廷にて第1回口頭弁論期日





#STOPレイシャルプロファイリング 最新情報をSNSで発信中!

⳹ Please come and observe! ⳼

It has been decided that the first oral argument hearing in the " Lawsuit to End Racially Discriminatory Police Questioning " will take place tomorrow, Monday, April 15th .

This special trial session will take place in the Tokyo District Court's Main Courtroom, which can accommodate over 100 people, and will feature statements (court speeches) by the plaintiffs and their defense teams.
We invite everyone to attend the memorable first hearing of what may well go down in history.
Let's support the plaintiffs' courage together!!

After the hearing, there will also be a report session at the Bar Association building next to the District Court for approximately one hour starting at around 3:00 p.m.
There will be an explanation of the lawsuit by the legal team, a message from the plaintiffs, and time for questions and answers.

▶ First oral argument hearing for the "Stop Racist Police Stopping!" Lawsuit Date and time: Monday, April 15th, from 2pm (approximately 30 minutes)
Venue: Tokyo District Court No. 103 Grand Bench

Distribution of numbered tickets until 13:40 (If there are many applicants, a lottery will be held at 13:40)
14:00-14:30 First oral argument session at Tokyo District Court, Courtroom No. 103

▶Post-trial report session This will be held after the trial ends at 3pm in the Cleo Auditorium on the second floor of the Bar Association Building. Staff will guide you through the session after the hearing.

▶About the lawsuit

Three plaintiffs, who have been repeatedly subjected to racist police questioning, are suing the national government and Tokyo and Aichi prefectures, which have jurisdiction over the police, claiming that the current practice of racist police questioning violates the Constitution, international treaties, etc.
The press conference announcing the lawsuit on January 29th attracted so much attention that the news was published in over 100 media outlets in approximately 25 countries.


#STOPRacialProfiling The latest information is being posted on social media!
Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/STOP_RP_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stopRPjp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoprpinjapan/


Lawsuit report and event notification

2024/1/31 20:19









ポリタスTV 「人種差別的な職務質問をやめさせよう!訴訟とは(仮)」
日時 :2月1日(木)午後7時〜8時




We sincerely thank you for your support in the Lawsuit to End Racially Discriminatory Police Questioning!

This week, on January 29th (Monday), we filed the lawsuit at the Tokyo District Court.

To our delight, the news has been featured in over 30 media outlets nationally and internationally, including NHK, Asahi Shimbun, Reuters, BBC, and more! We have received numerous additional interview requests, garnering attention beyond our expectations.

This lawsuit involves three plaintiffs who have repeatedly experienced racially discriminatory police questioning. They argue that the current police practice violates the constitution, international treaties, and various other legal standards. The defendants include the Japanese government, as well as the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Aichi Prefecture, which oversee the prefectural police departments.

One of the plaintiffs has undergone over 70 unwarranted police questioning incidents since he moved to Japan. As a result, he has resorted to a lifestyle of seclusion in his house, and he also gradually lost his smile. The plaintiffs have decided to speak out not only for themselves but also for those suffering from racial profiling including the children of foreign origins who will shape the future of society.

In a country already inhabited by a diverse population, it is crucial for the development of Japanese society to ensure that everyone can authentically be themselves without being targeted for unfair treatment. Urgent rule changes are needed, and we hope that this lawsuit will promote a nationwide discussion on racial profiling, bringing about changes in police practices.

We sincerely ask for your continued support.

===\Tomorrow Evening!/ Event Informartion ===

PolitasTV “What is the Lawsuit to End Racially Discriminatory Police Questioning?” (Tentative)

Date & Time: February 1st (Thursday) 7pm-8pm

Guests: Motoki Taniguchi (Attorney), Michiko Kameishi (Attorney), Matthew (a plaintiff), Daisuke Tsuda (MC)

Anyone can watch the show for free: PolitasTV (YouTube)

===\Considerable Media Attention!/ Media Coverage ===



Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/STOP_RP_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stopRPjp/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoprpinjapan/

3 件中 1-3

1-3 of 3 cases

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東京都 新宿区新宿二丁目15番22号 Landwork新宿ビル5階
弁護士 宮下 萌(担当)
Tel: 03-6709-8511
Email: stopracialprofiling.pj@gmail.com

“Lawsuit to end racially discriminatory police questioning” legal counsel team

We are a group of lawyers that seeks to cast light on the reality of the systemic practice of racially discriminatory police questioning and to argue that such practice violates the Constitution and international treaties.

〈Contact information〉
Landwork Shinjuku Bldg. 5F
Shinjuku 2-chome 15-22, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
Tono, Tanami & Kosada Legal Professional Corporation (Tokyo Office)
Moe Miyashita, Attorney at Law
Tel: 03-6709-8511
Email: stopracialprofiling.pj@gmail.com
