受刑者にも適切な医療を!刑務所医療過誤事件 Appropriate medical care for inmates! prison medical malpractice case
#Criminal Justice
受刑中に十分な医療を受けられず死亡した男性の母と婚約者が起こす国家賠償請求訴訟です。刑事施設の対応は適切なものであったかどうか、そして、日本の刑事施設の医療体制は十分なものであるといえるかを追求します。この訴訟は、刑務所のあり方について社会全体で考えるきっかけとなる、公共訴訟です。皆様のご支援をお願いいたします。 This is a state compensation lawsuit filed by the mother and fiancé of a man who died without receiving adequate medical care while imprisoned. We will pursue whether the response of the penal institution was appropriate, and whether the medical system in Japan’s penal institutions can be said to be adequate. This lawsuit is a public lawsuit that serves as an opportunity for society as a whole to think about how prisons should be. Thank you for your support.