海は誰のもの?沖縄県への「開発認可取消」訴訟【アーカイブ】 Who owns the sea?Lawsuit against Okinawa prefecture for canceling development authorization (Okinawa coast national park project)
#Procedural Justice
#Environment/Natural Disasters
“ 自然の恩恵、国定公園 ” 私たち国民が享受するべき、平等な権利を守ること。
沖縄県恩納村の国定公園内で行われているホテル開発(ハレクラニ沖縄 / 三井不動産)において、沖縄県の開発許可は間違いです(環境庁管轄であれば許諾しないと環境庁から回答あり)。違法な開発認可の取消を求めます。
“Benefits of nature, a national park” We have filed an administrative lawsuit against cancellation of development authorization against Okinawa Prefecture.
It has been 7 years since I’ve moved from Tokyo to Okinawa. My husband is a French native of Marseilles and I’m also the mother of 2 boys (11 and 6 years old).
Okinawa’s issues are not only about US military bases. Natural environment, rampant development, neglecting the residents are also serious issues. Those are issues I couldn’t see when I used to travel here because I love Okinawa.
When I heard a hotel will be developed right front of our house, I thought ”Who owns the sea?” and that was the trigger of this lawsuit.
The law wasn’t something familiar in my life and I never thought I would someday experience myself an administrative lawsuit.
Although no one knows the outcome, claiming our ”deserved rights” is nothing particular. People’s rights should normally be defended by the law. However, once I’ve started working on the lawsuit, I’ve realized myself how much we were usually indifferent to those rights.
It has been 7 years since I’ve moved from Tokyo to Okinawa. My husband is a French native of Marseilles and I’m also the mother of 2 boys (11 and 6 years old).
Okinawa’s issues are not only about US military bases. Natural environment, rampant development, neglecting the residents are also serious issues. Those are issues I couldn’t see when I used to travel here because I love Okinawa.
When I heard a hotel will be developed right front of our house, I thought ”Who owns the sea?” and that was the trigger of this lawsuit.
The law wasn’t something familiar in my life and I never thought I would someday experience myself an administrative lawsuit.
Although no one knows the outcome, claiming our ”deserved rights” is nothing particular. People’s rights should normally be defended by the law. However, once I’ve started working on the lawsuit, I’ve realized myself how much we were usually indifferent to those rights.