「琉球人のご先祖の遺骨返還を」訴訟 Proceedings for returning the human remains of Ryukyu ancestors

#沖縄 #Okinawa

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

438,500円 ¥ 438,500


目標金額 Target amount

1,000,000円 ¥ 1,000,000

サポーター Supporter

53 人 53 supporters

支援する Support a Case

現在の沖縄県には、琉球人という先住民族が居住しており、死者はその地の墓に弔われてきました。しかし、1929年、京都帝国大学の金関丈夫氏らは、遺族の許可なく墓を荒らし、遺骨は研究目的のため持ち去られました。この遺骨は現在も、沖縄県教育庁に保管されています。沖縄県教育庁は遺骨の返還を求める声に耳を貸しません。そこで、63体の遺骨が返還され、子孫らによって祭祀されるために提起されたのが本訴訟です。 The human remains of Ryukyu peoples are now illegally stored by the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education. This proceeding is for the purpose of returning 63 human remains to the original tomb.


Okinawa Times report on the verdict 1

2023/9/29 17:00


Submission of final brief

2023/7/15 16:24



On April 28, 2023, Attorneys Shunji Miyake and Chiaki Miyake submitted the fourth brief.

On May 31, 2023, Attorneys Shunji Miyake and Chiaki Miyake submitted the fifth brief.


Contents of oral arguments on June 6

2023/7/15 16:11


第8回口頭弁論 意見陳述




























Ms. Ryoko Nakamura, co-representative of Nirai Kanai Nukai, made the following statement.

8th Oral Argument Statement of Opinion

Ryoko Nakamura

Good morning. Worship door today.

Whew, Ryoko Nakamura. Yutasaru Gutu Unige Sabira.

Hello. My name is Ryoko Nakamura of the Ryukyu race.

As Ryukyuan people, we have respected our ancestors in the culture of ancestor worship, and have held memorial services and rituals.

Ryukyu has a rooted culture of interacting with ancestors and the other world through worship, such as Obon, Shimi, Juurokunichi, Ichinichi and Fifteenth. It is an important spiritual base that is deeply related to our identity.

Among them, the “remains of ancestors” are very important.

The remains of our ancestors are not "research materials". It is proof that they lived and is an object of worship. The fact that the remains are enshrined in the grave means that they are not just "dead", they are always there and watching over us. It is, so to speak, like a "house" in the other world, and its mabui (soul) "exists" through the ashes. It is a natural right of descendants to perform rituals at such graves.

That base is now being taken over by public institutions. By having the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education continue to preserve the remains of Ryukyuan people that were looted by Japanese researchers for research purposes before the war as "research materials." Furthermore, the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education does not allow descendants to face the remains.

That's not all.

As is the issue in this lawsuit, the board of education did not respond to our requests for information disclosure as "citizens of the prefecture". Information about the remains of our ancestors is very important for us who live and live in this land.

Furthermore, premised on the claim of the prefecture, which is the defendant, among the 23 remains written in the transfer ledger this time, not only Hyakuanji Graves, but also those looted from Naha City and Nakagusuku Village. seems to be included. In other words, the graves of many Ryukyuan people, including ordinary people, have been vandalized and desecrated. The thought that the remains of my ancestors may have been stolen without my knowledge makes me uneasy.

The Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education has a responsibility to clarify and explain information about the remains of ancestors. I have an obligation. In addition, the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education conducts investigations into the remains, as well as administrative work such as the storage of the remains, which is operated by our tax money. As long as public money is being used, Okinawa Prefecture has an obligation to show how it is being used and the grounds for its use.

However, the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education neglected its duty.

We live our own lives and cultures, and the right to know and the freedom to perform rituals are guaranteed.

A human being with feelings that should be done.

If the remains of the ancestors of the Ryukyus are displayed in an inorganic space under the pretense of "research", are touched by "others", and are exposed to curiosity as "academic materials", I will feel strong resentment. I feel regret and sorrow. That is why I would like to see information on which region the remains that were transferred from National Taiwan University came from.

This time, the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education decided not to disclose information, which is not only a problem for the plaintiffs including me and the present, but also a big impact on future generations such as children and grandchildren. It's a problem. The board of education has an obligation to disclose information and explain the remains so that all Ryukyuan people can worship and interact with their ancestors in peace so that they do not have to worry about or have problems with them.

However, even though I am just asking for the disclosure of information that may contain the remains of our ancestors, the fact that citizens have to file a request for information disclosure and a lawsuit is itself a disservice to us. This is proof that your rights are being taken lightly.

Education boards do not exist for the benefit of some researchers or academic institutions. Isn't it our responsibility to protect and pass on the unique culture of the region and to contribute to the interests of the citizens?

Finally, in Canada, the United States, and European countries, the return of remains looted without permission from the bereaved family is guaranteed, free access to the information is guaranteed, and the consent of the parties involved in conducting research is obligatory.

The “Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights” adopted by UNESCO in 1997 also clearly requires informed consent for research .

In 2021 , a special rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council submitted a report to the United Nations General Assembly, stating that "returning the looted Ryukyu remains is essential." They are demanding that the remains of the "Ryukyuans" be returned to their respective regions, which is exactly the problem in this lawsuit.

Disclosure of information is essential for everyone to discuss the return. In Hokkaido, information was first disclosed about the remains of the Ainu people, and then the remains were returned.

I hope that the prefecture will not fall far behind global trends and deepen the division between citizens and citizens as a result of authoritarianism in academics and administration. think.

As a first step, I would like the court to disclose information about the ancestors of the Ryukyuan people.

that's all


June 7 Okinawa Times report

2023/6/8 7:41


Flyer for the 6th Oral Argument on February 14

2023/2/13 11:27

Flyer for the 6th Oral Argument on February 14


Debriefing meeting after the 3rd Oral Argument

2022/8/22 11:39


On August 18, an oral argument was held at the Naha District Court regarding a lawsuit seeking information disclosure against the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education. In the park in front of the court, Mr. Miyake reported on the trial and exchanged opinions. Participants expressed anger at the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education's stance and system for disclosing information on Ryukyuan remains that were even sloppy and embarrassing compared to Kyoto University's.


August 19, 2022 Okinawa Times article

2022/8/22 11:30


An article about this lawsuit was published in the Okinawa Times on August 19, 2022.


Article of "Okinawa Times" on June 17, 2022

2022/6/27 19:00


An article about the information disclosure request proceedings against the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education held at the Naha District Court on June 16, 2022 was published in the "Okinawa Times" newspaper.


Report meeting after the first oral argument held on April 28, 2022

2022/6/4 11:10

三宅 俊司

4月28日 の16:50  · 







Shunji Miyake

April 28, 16:50 ·

It was the first trial to request information disclosure regarding official documents in the state of "Noribento, etc."

What is Okinawa Prefecture scared of?

We filed a resident audit request that it was unreasonable to store the "remains" in the Buried Cultural Center as a research target, but if the amount for research and storage is not specified, we will repeat the payment in advance.

Then, when I asked to clarify the stored items and research funds, I refused to disclose the information.

We also hide information so that citizens are prevented from revealing the prefecture's injustice by requesting an audit.

A trial begins, asking for information disclosure.


Progress of filing

2021/9/10 7:28



We are currently preparing to file a lawsuit with the Naha District Court. We will report as soon as the complaint is filed.

We look forward to your continued support.

10 件中 1-10

1-10 of 10 cases

  • 1

松島 泰勝

単著に、『沖縄島嶼経済史―12世紀から現在まで-』『琉球の「自治」』ともに藤原書店、『ミクロネシア―小さな島々の自立への挑戦』早稲田大学出版部、『琉球独立への道-植民地主義に抗う琉球ナショナリズム』法律文化社、『琉球独立論ー琉球民族のマニフェスト』バジリコ、『琉球独立ー御真人の疑問にお答えします』Ryukyu企画 、『琉球独立宣言ー実現可能な5つの方法』講談社文庫,『琉球独立への経済学ー内発的発展と自己決定権による独立』法律文化社、『琉球奪われた骨ー遺骨に刻まされた植民地主義』岩波書店、『帝国の島ー琉球・尖閣に対する植民地主義と闘う』明石書店、『学知の帝国主義ー琉球人遺骨問題から考える近代日本のアジア認識』明石書店がある。
編著に、『島嶼沖縄の内発的発展―経済・社会・文化』藤原書店、『民際学の展開』晃洋書房、『琉球列島の環境問題』高文研、『島嶼経済とコモンズ』晃洋書房)、『沖縄謀反』かもがわ出版、『大学による盗骨』耕文社、『琉球独立は可能か』解放出版社、『談論風発 琉球独立を考えるー歴史・教育・法・アイデンティティ』明石書店、『京大よ、還せー琉球人遺骨は訴える』耕文社がある。
