結婚の自由をすべての人に訴訟(同性婚訴訟) The ”Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuit

#ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ #Gender/Sexuality

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

6,061,082円 ¥ 6,061,082


目標金額 Target amount

5,000,000円 ¥ 5,000,000

サポーター Supporter

840 人 840 supporters

支援する Support a Case

A class-action lawsuit for the right to same sex marriage, the first of its kind in Japan.
We filed law suits in the district courts of Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya , Osaka and Fukuoka.


[Kyushu] Judgment! Judgment is June 8th!

2022/12/8 16:28


「結婚の自由をすべての人に」九州訴訟第11回裁判 報告

日 時:2022年12月8日(木)14時00分から

場 所:福岡地方裁判所の第101号法廷













第27準備書面(社会事実の変化等について9 総まとめ)証拠説明書25


























https://linktr.ee/kejisubekyushu に各種URLをまとめておりますので、こちらからアクセスください。




Tokyo (one time)・First instance judgment (November 30, 2022)

2022/12/4 22:48




①	判決言渡し後、裁判所前で、たくさんの報道陣と支援者に対し、原告らが「婚姻の平等に前進」と書かれた大きな旗と「違憲状態」と書かれた紙を掲げました。




日 時:2022年11月30日 14時~

場 所:東京地方裁判所103号法廷

裁判官: 池原桃子裁判長、益留龍也裁判官、横山怜太郎裁判官

出 席:原告4名 原告代理人  被告代理人


  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF0Ch_jCDXg (12:40頃~)


②	判決前に裁判所前で入廷行動する原告4名と弁護団員ら。










③	判決言渡し前に裁判所前で多数の報道陣に囲まれて取材を受ける原告らの様子。










日 時:2022年11月30日 17:10~

場 所:WeWork城山トラストタワー19階

URL:https://youtu.be/8Ix16kdNEik (アーカイブあり)



④	記者会見・判決報告会に椅子に座って臨む東京一次訴訟原告4名(大江さん、小川さん、ただしさん、かつさん)と弁護団員、手話通訳者の様子

⑤	zoom中継で記者会見・判決報告集会に参加する東京一次訴訟原告の小野さん・西川さんと手話通訳者

⑥	東京一次訴訟判決の応援に駆け付けた東京二次訴訟原告の山縣さん

⑦	東京一次訴訟判決の応援に駆け付けた東京二次訴訟原告の藤井さんと福田さん。

⑧	東京一次訴訟判決の応援に駆け付けた関西訴訟原告のまちさん。





“Freedom to Marry for All” Tokyo Lawsuit ( First Stage )

Report on the judgment of the first instance

We got an "unconstitutional judgment"!

① After the verdict was handed down, the plaintiffs held up a large flag that read, "Advancing Marriage Equality," and a piece of paper that read, "Unconstitutional," to many reporters and supporters in front of the court. 

On November 30, 2022, the Tokyo District Court handed down the judgment of the first instance in the Tokyo First Lawsuit, "Freedom to Marry for All".

The judgment held that the absence of a legal system under current law for same-sex couples to become partners and families constitutes a serious threat and obstacle to the survival of the individual, and constitutes a violation of Article 24(2) of the Constitution . We were able to obtain an epoch-making "unconstitutional status judgment" that will be a big step towards the realization of marriage equality.

<Summary of date for delivery of judgment>

Date: November 30, 2022, 14:00-

Venue: Tokyo District Court Courtroom No. 103

judge:   Presiding Judge Momoko Ikehara, Judge Tatsuya Masudome, and Judge Reitaro Yokoyama

Attendance: 4 plaintiffs Plaintiff's attorney Defendant's attorney

○ Click here for the flag-raising pattern immediately after the judgment

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF0Ch_jCDXg (around 12:40)

(Tokyo primary plaintiff and defense team entering Tokyo court)

(2) The four plaintiffs and the lawyers act in front of the court before the judgment.

<Summary of judgment>

In this ruling, the court ruled that the current situation where there is no system for same-sex couples to become families is unconstitutional, in violation of Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution .

Article 24, paragraph 2 of the Constitution stipulates that laws concerning marriage and family must be enacted on the basis of individual dignity and the essential equality of both sexes. The ruling this time states, ``The benefit of being able to receive legal protection as a family and receive social notarization for becoming a family with a partner and living together is an important personal benefit that is related to the dignity of the individual.'' Under the current law, same-sex couples are in violation of Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution, as "the absence of a legal system for that is a serious threat and obstacle to the existence of a person."

On the other hand, this ruling is based on the idea that there are various ways to build a legal system for same-sex couples to become partners and families, and that the Constitution leaves it to the discretion of the Diet. It has been concluded that the provisions of the Civil Code and the Family Register Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions"), which do not recognize marriage between same-sex couples, violate Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. I can't cheat. In addition, the plaintiffs argue that it cannot be said that the provisions of this case violate Article 24, Paragraph 1 or Article 14 of the Constitution, and that the Diet's failure to make same-sex marriage a law is illegal under the State Compensation Law. I dismissed the claim.

Gist of judgment


Judgment full text


(Members of the press gathered before the verdict)

(3) Plaintiffs being interviewed surrounded by a large number of reporters in front of the court before the judgment is handed down.

<Significance of this judgment>

This ruling is substantially unconstitutional in that it asserts that the current law does not allow same-sex couples to become partners and family members, which violates Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. The ruling states that the benefits of being able to receive legal protection as a family and social notarization for becoming a family and living together with a partner are important personalities related to the "personal dignity" set forth in Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. The ruling clearly states that the absence of a legal system for same-sex couples is a serious threat and obstacle to the survival of the individual, and is of great significance for the realization of marriage equality. The government must take this ruling seriously, pointing out that the current law is unconstitutional, immediately start amending the law, and open the door to marriage to same-sex couples.

On the other hand, the ruling states that the constitution presumes that there are various ways to establish a legal system for same-sex couples to become families, and that it is left to the discretion of the Diet. It is not possible to conclude that the provisions in question violate Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution, and that Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, which stipulates freedom of marriage, and Article 14, which stipulates the principle of equality, are also constitutional. is extremely unfortunate.

In order to eliminate the "grave threats and obstacles to the personal survival" faced by same-sex couples, as pointed out in this ruling, it is necessary to amend the law to make marriage irrespective of the same sex. What we want is equal freedom to marry, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. If same-sex couples are not allowed to marry and only have a separate system, the law will position same-sex couples as inferior to heterosexual couples and provide grounds for social discrimination. With the idea of "separate but equal", no matter how much a system similar to marriage is created, discrimination on the grounds that "it is not the original marriage" will not disappear, and threats and obstacles to individual dignity will not be eliminated. . I believe that the court should have gone one step further and clearly concluded that the Provisions, which do not recognize same-sex marriage, are unconstitutional.

In addition, regarding this ruling, the Tokyo lawyers for the "Freedom to Marry for All" litigation and the National Lawyers Liaison Committee for the "Freedom to Marry for All" litigation issued a statement of the defense attorneys. Please see here .

Defense team statement


<Press Conference/Judgment Briefing>

After the ruling, a press conference and a ruling debriefing session were held, which were also streamed live on YouTube.

Date and time: November 30, 2022 17:10-

Place: WeWork Shiroyama Trust Tower 19th Floor

URL: https://youtu.be/8Ix16kdNEik (with archive)

“Freedom of Marriage for All” Plaintiffs in the second lawsuit in Tokyo, plaintiffs in the Kansai lawsuit, their attorneys, and many of their supporters attended the event, making it a lively meeting to report on the judgment.

(Press conference & verdict briefing session)

④ The four plaintiffs of the Tokyo primary lawsuit (Mr. Oe, Ms. Ogawa, Mr. Tadashi, and Mr. Katsu) sitting in chairs at the press conference/judgment briefing, along with their lawyers and sign language interpreters.

⑤ Mr. Ono and Mr. Nishikawa, plaintiffs of the Tokyo primary litigation, and a sign language interpreter participating in the press conference and judgment report meeting via zoom

⑥ Mr. Yamagata, a plaintiff in the Tokyo second lawsuit, who rushed to support the judgment of the first lawsuit in Tokyo

⑦ Mr. Fujii and Mr. Fukuda, the plaintiffs of the Tokyo second lawsuit, rushed to support the judgment of the first lawsuit in Tokyo.

⑧ Machisan, the plaintiff of the Kansai lawsuit, rushed to support the judgment of the Tokyo primary lawsuit.

<Concluding remarks (on this ruling)>

What we want is a society in which both heterosexual and same-sex couples can legally choose to become a family through marriage, and where such relationships are recognized by society. This ruling is an important milestone towards that goal.

I was able to obtain this meaningful judgment with the support and encouragement of so many people. I believe that the judge's heart was touched by the fact that we delivered to the court the voices of everyone who gathered signatures calling for same-sex marriage and asking for the interrogation of the plaintiff. Since the interrogation was described as "miscellaneous matter" and the attitude toward conducting the interrogation was negative, we collected signatures and a "letter to the judge" requesting the interrogation and delivered everyone's voices to the court. Under the presiding judge, Momoko Ikehara, who was appointed as the presiding judge, he will be interrogated, and the content of the interrogation is mentioned in an important part of the judgment. ) Without your supportive messages, hearings, posting on social media, donations , etc., the plaintiffs and the defense team would not have been able to arrive at a meaningful judgment that this state of affairs is unconstitutional. was. Thank you again for your support and encouragement.

From now on, I would like to move forward one step at a time with everyone, aiming for the goal, so please continue to support me.


Notice of Tokyo First Lawsuit, First Trial Decision (November 30, 2022)

2022/11/22 23:25


原告と弁護団の弁護士たちが「結婚の自由をすべての人にMarriage For All Japan」と書かれた大きな布を掲げている画像。 「結婚の自由をすべての人に」東京1次訴訟、いよいよ判決!11月30日14時@東京地裁103号法廷との文字が書いてある。






●場所:東京地方裁判所1階 103号法廷

●事件番号・事件名:平成31年(ワ)第3465号 国家賠償請求事件

  • 傍聴の抽選





  • 判決言い渡しの状況により、大幅に時間がずれる可能性があります。また、現場の電波状況等により配信不可となったり配信が途切れることがあります。予めご了承下さい。

【記者会見&判決報告会】 ※詳細はこちら

◆記者会見◆  17:00~(受付開始16:30~)


◆判決報告会◆ 17:45~


●場所 「WeWork城山トラストタワー」

東京都港区虎ノ門4-3-1 城山トラストタワー19階Googlemap

●事前申込 現地参加の事前申込はこちら

  • 事前参加申込優先。収容人数に限りがありますので、現地参加ご希望の方は、できるだけ事前参加申込をしていただきますようお願いします。



  • <関連イベント> 判決前日11月29日から30日の判決後まで、婚姻の平等実現を目指す機運を盛り上げる「東京地裁判決 前夜祭&判決報告会」が予定しています。ぜひご参加・ご視聴下さい。詳細はこちら
  • <twitter> 「結婚の自由をすべての人に」東京訴訟(1次&2次)に関する最新情報は、東京弁護団のtwitterアカウント(@KejisubeTokyo)にて随時発信中です。また、全国の「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟の原告たちが直接発信する全国けじすべ原告団(@kejisubegenkoku)もよろしくお願いします。
  • <CALL4> 判決文、弁護団声明などは、準備でき次第、公共訴訟支援サイトCALL4のケースサイトにて可及的速やかに公開する予定です。公開したら、東京弁護団のtwitterでお知らせします。
  • <ご寄付> 全国の「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟へのご支援、ご寄付についても、CALL4のケースサイトから受け付けております。


  •  判決言渡しの傍聴や、記者会見・報告会、その他関連企画などに現地にてご参加いただくに際しては、マスク着用・手指消毒など各自でいわゆる基本的な感染症対策をしていただきますようお願い申し上げます。


  •  ご案内しております各開始時間はあくまでも予定であり、当日の状況により時間に変動がある可能性があります。また、ライブ配信については、通信状況や機材トラブル等により、実施不可となったり画像音声が乱れるなどの可能性があります。あらかじめご了承ください。
  •  城山トラスタワー19階の会場においては、撮影可能エリアと撮影不可エリアを設けます。メディアや一般の方が入りますので、お顔などが映りたくない方は撮影不可エリアをご利用ください。


Regarding the "Freedom of Marriage for All" Tokyo 1st Lawsuit, the Tokyo attorney's team will inform you about the date of the judgment on November 30 and the debriefing session.

An image of the plaintiff and lawyers holding up a large cloth with the words "Marriage For All Japan" written on it. “Freedom of Marriage for All” Tokyo First Lawsuit Finally Decided! It says November 30, 14:00 @ Tokyo District Court No. 103 court.

On November 30, 2022, the Tokyo District Court will finally hand down the judgment of the first trial in the “Freedom of Marriage for All” Tokyo First Lawsuit.

This follows the Sapporo District Court in March 2021 (unconstitutional ruling) and the Osaka District Court in June 2022 (constitutional ruling) among the various “Freedom to Marry for All” lawsuits taking place nationwide. This is the third verdict. The judgment is divided at the district court level, and interest in the judgment of the Tokyo District Court is increasing.

Three years and nine months have passed since the lawsuit was filed, and the day for judgment has finally arrived. Please pay attention to whether the current legal system that does not allow marriage just because the legal gender is the same is unconstitutional or constitutional, whether the judiciary recognizes marriage equality, and what kind of judgment will be made on the freedom and equality of marriage. Thank you for your support! !

[Decision date]

Date and time: November 30, 2022 (Wednesday) 14:00-

●Venue: Tokyo District Court 1st Floor, Courtroom No. 103

●Case number/Case name: 2019 (Wa) No. 3465 National compensation claim case

  • lottery for hearing

It is expected that there will be a large number of people who wish to attend, and it is expected that numbered tickets will be distributed by the court on the day and a lottery will be held.

(2022/11/25 added) Numbered tickets will be distributed to those who come to Tokyo District Court No. 1 delivery office by 13:40 on the day. Please check the court website for details.

[Raising the flag immediately after the judgment]

Immediately after the ruling, near the main gate of the court (on the side of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications), flags will be raised to announce the results of the judgment. do. We are also planning to stream the event live on Youtube . It is expected to be around 14:30.

  • Depending on the status of the judgment, there is a possibility that the time will be shifted significantly. In addition, delivery may not be possible or may be interrupted depending on the radio wave conditions at the site. Thank you for your understanding.

[Press Conference & Judgment Briefing] * Click here for details

◆Press conference◆ 17:00~ (Registration starts at 16:30)

It is intended for members of the press, but the general public is also welcome to participate.

◆ Judgment debriefing ◆ 17:45~

We will talk about the summary of the judgment, the plaintiff's impressions after receiving the judgment, and the views of the defense team. Anyone can participate.

●Place “ WeWork Shiroyama Trust Tower”

19th Floor , Shiroyama Trust Tower , 4-3-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo ( Googlemap )

●Pre-registration Pre-registration for on-site participation is here .

  • Advance participation application priority. As the number of participants is limited, we ask that those wishing to participate on-site please register in advance.

Online distribution:

Both the press conference and judgment briefing will be streamed live on the Youtube Malifour channel .

  • <Related Events> From November 29th to November 30th, the day before the judgment, there will be a "Tokyo District Court Judgment Eve Festival & Judgment Report Meeting" to build up the momentum to realize marriage equality. Please join us and listen. Click here for details .
  • <twitter> The latest information on the “Freedom of Marriage for All” Tokyo Lawsuits (1st & 2nd) is being sent from time to time on the twitter account ( @KejisubeTokyo ) of the Tokyo Legal Team . Also, thank you to the National Kejisube Plaintiffs Group ( @kejisubegenkoku ), which is directly sent by the plaintiffs of the "Freedom of Marriage for All" lawsuits nationwide.
  • <CALL4> As soon as the verdict and statement of the defense team are ready, we plan to publish them as soon as possible on the case site of CALL4, a public litigation support site . When it is released, we will inform you on the twitter of Tokyo Bengodan.
  • <Donations> Support and donations to the "Freedom to Marry for All" lawsuits nationwide are also accepted from the CALL4 case site .


  • When attending the hearing of the verdict, press conferences, debriefing sessions, and other related events on-site, we ask that you take basic measures against infectious diseases, such as wearing a mask and disinfecting your hands. .

Also, if you have cold symptoms such as fever or cough, or if you are not feeling well, please refrain from participating.

  • The start times shown here are only tentative, and may change depending on the situation on the day. In addition, regarding live distribution, there is a possibility that it may not be possible or the image and sound may be disturbed due to communication conditions, equipment trouble, etc. Please note.
  • At the venue on the 19th floor of Shiroyama Truss Tower, there will be areas where photography is permitted and areas where photography is not permitted. The media and the general public will enter, so if you do not want your face to be seen, please use the no-photographing area.

In addition, in consideration of the fact that some of the general participants have various circumstances, we would like to ask you to hold your camera or smartphone in the shooting prohibited area, take a picture, and post it on SNS etc. We ask for your cooperation in refraining from doing so.


[Kyushu] Kyushu Rainbow Pride & finally, next time, to the conclusion (December 8th)!

2022/10/31 11:55


【追記 傍聴整理券配布時間が従来より早まっています。13時15分〆切です。整理券配布場所は裁判所裏で行くのに少し時間がかかります。間に合うように、13時過ぎには裁判所につくようにお越し下さい。なお、先着順ではなく抽選です。】


11月6日、福岡市の冷泉公園で開催される「九州レインボープライド」に、結婚の自由をすべての人に訴訟を応援してくれている「公益社団法人Marriage For All Japan – 結婚の自由をすべての人に(マリフォー)」がブース出展します。




【次の裁判は12月8日 ついに結審の予定】




■12月8日(木)14時~ 福岡地方裁判所101号法廷(大法廷)

《裁判所への交通アクセス 地下鉄七隈線・六本松駅 徒歩3分》


【余裕をもって 13時過ぎまでに 裁判所へ】






















【九州 YouTubeチャンネル】

結婚の自由をすべての人に九州 YouTubeチャンネル》では、原告さんのメッセージ、裁判の傍聴の仕方、裁判のQ&Aなどを収録した動画を配信しています。


結婚の自由をすべての人に九州訴訟配信動画リスト をご覧ください。


また、裁判を見に行くのが初めてで心配な方は、実際に九州の裁判を見た方々の話が詰まった「しゃべろう同性婚 裁判傍聴編」をご覧ください。



https://linktr.ee/kejisubekyushu に各種URLをまとめておりますので、こちらからアクセスください。



東京第2次訴訟 第6回口頭弁論(2022年10月13日)期日報告

Tokyo Second Lawsuit 6th Oral Argument (October 13, 2022) Date Report

2022/10/15 18:13




日 時:2022年10月13日 10時30分から11時20分頃まで

場 所:東京地方裁判所103号法廷



出 席:原告5名 原告代理人14名  被告代理人3名


1 原告の意見陳述



2 代理人の意見陳述



3 書面の陳述・証拠提出



4 本期日におけるやり取りの概要

⑴ 求釈明①




⑵ 求釈明②



⑶ 原告代理人からの要望


5 今後の予定


2022年10月25日午前11時  進行協議期日(非公開の手続・傍聴不可)

 ②2023年1月26日午後2時~ 第7回口頭弁論期日(公開の手続・傍聴可)


 ③2023年1月31日午後3時    進行協議期日(非公開の手続・傍聴不可



【東京・2次訴訟】 第6回口頭弁論期日報告会 会場から生中継!

タイトル: ビデオのタイトル: 【東京・2次訴訟】 第6回口頭弁論期日報告会 会場から生中継!

日 時:2022年10月13日 12時~12時55分




This is a notice from the Tokyo Lawyers.

I would like to report that the 6th oral argument date for the 2nd Tokyo lawsuit (filed on March 26, 2021) has been held.

Plaintiffs themselves entering the court in preparation for the 6th oral argument

Date and time: October 13, 2022 from 10:30 to 11:20

Venue: Tokyo District Court No. 103 Courtroom

Judges: Presiding Judge Tomoyuki Tobizawa, Judge Kenji Kaneda, Judge Yutaro Mitsuka

(Section 1A, 44th Department of Civil Affairs)

Attendance: 5 plaintiffs, 14 attorneys for the plaintiff, 3 attorneys for the defendant

[Details of the 6th Oral Argument Date]

1 Plaintiff's statement of opinion

On this date, the plaintiff, Mr. Kawachi, made a statement of opinion . Ever since she was young, she has been at the mercy of a society that assumes heterosexuality; she met her partner, Hatogai, and instead of registering her marriage, she had no choice but to write her own will; her coming out to her parents; her partner, Hatogai. He talked about his daily life, the discrimination he faced in the workplace and society, and his feelings about going to court.

Finally, Mr. Kawachi said, ``The judges sitting here do not put off making decisions and protect the human rights before them, rather than relying on the yardstick of 'societal conventions.' Thank you very much. ”, with a sincere wish, he concluded his statement of opinion.

2 Statement of opinion by agent

On this date, the representatives also expressed their opinions. I appealed to the courts and the government from various perspectives, including the purpose of the marriage system , Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution , trends in the international community, and opinions on the disadvantages caused by not having a marriage system .

The summary of plaintiff Kawachi's opinion statement and the summary of the attorney's opinion statement are both uploaded to CALL4 . Please take a look.

3 Written statements and submission of evidence

Between the previous date and the current date, the plaintiffs submitted the 7th to 11th briefs, the summary of the plaintiff's opinion statement, and the summary of the opinion statement of the attorneys, and made statements on the date. The Defendant submitted the Defendant No. 4 Brief and made a statement on this date.

In addition, between the previous date and the current date, the plaintiffs submitted Evidence Statements 7-11 and A248-296 No. 2 Evidence, but the adoption was suspended.

4 Overview of exchanges on this date

(1) Request for clarification (1)

The plaintiffs and their attorney Nakagawa stated, "On page 3 of the Defendant's Fourth Brief, the government states that not only 'marriage' in Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, but also 'marriage' in Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution is a human bonding relationship between the opposite sex. Although it is asserted as if it is based on the premise that it is intended for only On page 4 of the same document, the defendant states that Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution is "both formally and contently premised on Article 24, Paragraph 1." The meaning of the part itself is unknown. This is because, as far as the text is concerned, Article 24, paragraph 1 (first part) stipulates the requirements for the formation of marriage, while paragraph 2 broadly covers “matters related to marriage and family” in general, and states that “individual dignity and the essential nature of both sexes”. Paragraph 2 itself presupposes the understanding of Paragraph 1, such as "The Constitution presupposes that marriage is an institution between the opposite sex." , you can't say. Ultimately, Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution cannot serve as a basis for the defendant's allegation that ``the Constitution presupposes that marriage is an institution of the opposite sex.'' I would like you to explain this point clearly."

According to Nakagawa's clarification, the defendant's allegations regarding Article 24, Paragraph 2 have no grounds, and the Osaka District Court's decision examined whether or not there was a violation of Article 24, Paragraph 2, separately from whether or not Article 24, Paragraph 1. It was also pointed out that it is clear from the fact that

In response to this, the defendant's attorney replied that he would reply at the time of the next proceedings consultation.

(2) Clarification ②

Next, from the plaintiffs and representative Hojo, the defendant/country is the description on page 5 of the defendant's fourth briefing document and page 33 of the defendant's second briefing document as "a family that is a natural and basic group unit" Based on the defendant's arguments so far, it can be read that the defendant is claiming that legal same-sex couples are not "natural" but unnatural. We do not intend to withdraw the description of "natural" in the description of "the family, which is the natural and fundamental group unit," as this would be directly contrary to the policy of the defendant state to work on dissolution. I asked

In response to this question, the defendant's attorney replied that he would accept the indication and would withdraw it at the next meeting date.

(3) Request from plaintiff's agent

In addition, the plaintiffs' representative Mizutani said, ``The government uses the words 'heterosexual' and 'homosexual' in its brief, but this does not accurately reflect the actual situation. The government should be aware that it is wrong, that such statements damage the identities of the plaintiffs and many other sexual minorities, and that there are many people who are hurt by government documents. I pointed out that the defendant should use an accurate expression.

5 Future plans

The court has designated the following two dates as a schedule for the proceedings of the proceedings.

( 1 ) October 25, 2022, 11:00 a.m. Proceedings of the meeting (procedures not open to the public, no attendance allowed)

(2) January 26, 2023, 2:00 p.m.- 7th oral argument date (procedures open to the public/audience allowed)

(October 25, 2022 postscript: The date and time have been confirmed. It is scheduled to be held in courtroom 103 of the Tokyo District Court.)

(3) January 31, 2023, 3:00 p.m. Proceedings of the meeting ( procedures not open to the public, no attendance allowed )

[Online debriefing session]

On the same day, we held a debriefing session and streamed it live on YouTube at the same time (archive available ).

[Tokyo, second lawsuit]   6th Oral Argument Debriefing Session   Live broadcast from the venue!

Title: Video title: [Tokyo, 2nd Lawsuit] 6th Oral Argument Date Report Live broadcast from the venue!

Date: October 13, 2022 12:00-12:55


Plaintiffs: Mr. Kawachi, Mr. Hatogai

Plaintiff's attorneys: Attorney Sawazaki, Attorney Fujii, Attorney Hojo, Attorney Yuhara (moderator)

【東京・2次訴訟】 第6回口頭弁論期日と期日報告会のお知らせ!

[Tokyo, second lawsuit] Announcement of the 6th oral argument date and date report meeting!

2022/10/10 21:01










日  時:2022年10月13日(木) 午前100分

場  所:東京地方裁判所103号法廷







日 時: 2022年10月13日(木) 12時00分~13時00分

会場: スマートレンタルスペース半蔵門













"Freedom of Marriage for All" This is a notice regarding the 2nd lawsuit in Tokyo and the 6th date.

Photo of secondary plaintiffs entering court

The 6th trial will be held on Thursday, October 13, 2022.

It's been a while since the last 5th event held in June, but this time we're back with a lot of content!

First, the plaintiff, Mr. Kawachi, is scheduled to make a statement.

In addition, representatives will state their opinions on each point of contention, such as the purpose of marriage, Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, international trends, and the disadvantages of not being able to marry.

In addition, from 12:00 noon on the day of the event, we will hold a date report meeting both at the venue and online.

Your support in various ways, such as attending court hearings, participating in online debriefing sessions, and posting on SNS, will be our strength. Thank you for your continued support.

[ Date of the 6th Oral Argument]

Date: Thursday, October 13, 2022 10:30 am _ _

Venue: Tokyo District Court No. 103 Courtroom

Case number: Tokyo District Court 2020 (Wa) No. 7645

* Mr. Kawachi, the plaintiff, and his attorney will state their opinions on this date.

 Attendance ticket distribution: Yes

 * On the morning of the event, lottery tickets for the hearing will be distributed at Tokyo District Court No. 2 Issuing Office. A lottery will be held for those who arrive by 10:10 am. Please check the court website for details.

[Debriefing session]

From 12:00 noon on the day of the event, we will hold a date report meeting both at the venue and online! Please join us!

Date: October 13, 2022 (Thursday) 12:00-13:00

Venue: Smart Rental Space Hanzomon

2-7-3 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Nearest station: 45 seconds walk from Exit 1 of Hanzomon Station

Online: Simultaneous distribution on Marifor Channel

■ "Freedom to Marry for All" The latest information on the Tokyo Lawsuit is posted on the Tokyo Lawyers' twitter as needed!


■Court materials, opinion statements, etc. are available here.

CALL4 case site

<For those who wish to attend the trial>

・Please wear a non-woven mask on the day.

Please refrain from coming to the office if you have a fever of 37 degrees or higher or if you are not feeling well.

・For those who unfortunately were unable to attend the meeting, please watch the Youtube video of the debriefing session.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but we ask for your understanding and cooperation in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

名古屋 第13回口頭弁論期日・報告集会のご報告(2022年10月4日)

Nagoya 13th Oral Argument Date/Report Meeting (October 4, 2022)

2022/10/5 16:50




場所:名古屋地方裁判所 第1号法廷

裁判官:西村修裁判長 藤根康平裁判官 梁川将成裁判官




「今回の原告主張の位置づけ 第12準備書面」 原告の第12準備書面では、憲法24条の解釈にあたって、あくまでも現在の社会状況及び現在の人権意識に基づき、個人の尊厳に照らして解釈すべきであることについて主張しています。また、信頼する相手との共同生活で築く安心感やアイデンティティは法的保護を受けることでより強固になること、それを実現するのが婚姻制度であることについて主張しています。


「今回の原告主張の位置づけ 第13準備書面」 原告の第13準備書面では、婚姻制度は男女間の生殖を保護するものだという被告国の主張に対して、現行の婚姻制度ができた時点で同性カップルの存在は議論すらされておらず、あえて排除したものではなく、議論の外になっていた前提が誤りで、その前提による解釈も誤りだという反論を述べました。その上で、被告国には、現行の婚姻制度を立法により是正する義務があると主張しました。  また、同性婚は憲法上の権利として保障されていないから差別ではないという被告国の主張に対しては、仮に結婚の自由や憲法上保障されていないとしても、異性間カップルとの区別取り扱いが正当化されるかは別問題であるという反論を述べています。













名古屋地方裁判所 第1号法廷


「訴訟 今後の進行」 愛知の進行 12月2日金曜日 13時10分から尋問期日 期日後、報告会開催予定 他地域の動き 11月30日水曜日 東京第1次訴訟判決



 まず、第1部では、愛知訴訟弁護団の水谷陽子弁護士から、準備書面の内容や期日でのやり取りについて報告がありました。今回の期日報告でも、ゲストとして、風間孝さん(NPO法人 PROUD LIFE)をお招きして、今回の期日の内容や今後の裁判の進行について、質疑応答や意見交換を行いました。



 報告会は、Youtubeのアーカイブ動画となっていますので、ぜひご覧ください(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvkG2LqsSKI )。






「愛知訴訟の応援メニューその1 裁判傍聴」 ステップ1 期日の日時を確認! 弁護団TwitterやマリフォーSNSで発信中なので、ぜひ拡散もお願いします。 ステップ2 期日当日、名古屋地方裁判所へ行きましょう。 ※手荷物検査があります ステップ3 「#いざ傍聴」「#結婚の自由をすべての人に」で感想を発信してください 。 「#けじすべ愛知傍聴うめうめ大作戦」 次回の尋問期日で傍聴席を満席にするために、SNSでこれまでの裁判の感想をつぶやいたり、尋問の傍聴を誘い合ったりしていただけるとありがたいです。

「愛知訴訟の応援メニューその2 期日報告会」 ステップ1 弁護団TwitterやマリフォーSNSで期日報告会配信URLを確認しましょう。ついでに拡散もお願いします。 ステップ2 のんびりご覧ください。質問や感想にはげまされます。愛知弁護団メンバーだけでなく他地域からゲストを呼ぶなど楽しめるよう工夫しています。

「愛知訴訟の応援メニューその3 Call4」 ステップ1 QRコードを読み込む。もしくはCall4で検索してください。 ステップ2 クレジット決済で寄付できます。応援メッセージを投稿していただけるとうれしいです。※寄付金は全国の訴訟の費用に充てます。

This is a notice from the Aichi Lawyers.

“Freedom of Marriage for All” Report on the 13th Aichi Lawsuit

Date: October 4, 2022 11:00

Venue: Nagoya District Court Court No. 1

Judges: Presiding Judge Osamu Nishimura Judge Kohei Fujine Judge Masanari Yanagawa


1. Confirmation of submitted documents and evidence

The plaintiff submitted the 12th brief concerning the interpretation of Article 24 of the Constitution, and the 13th brief as a counterargument to the defendant's fifth brief, and Akiko Yazaki and Tetsushi Horie of the defense team made statements of opinions. rice field.

"Positioning of the Plaintiff's Allegations 12th Brief"  In the plaintiff's 12th brief, when interpreting Article 24 of the Constitution, it should be interpreted in light of the dignity of the individual based on the current social situation and current awareness of human rights. I am arguing about something. He also argues that the sense of security and identity built by living together with a trusted partner is strengthened by legal protection, and that the marriage system is what makes this possible.

First, Article 12 argues that the interpretation of Article 24 of the Constitution should be interpreted in light of the dignity of the individual based on the current social situation and current awareness of human rights. He also argues that the sense of security and identity built by living together with a trusted partner is strengthened by legal protection, and that the marriage system is what makes this possible.

"Positioning of the Plaintiff's Allegation 13th Brief"  In the plaintiff's 13th brief, in response to the defendant's claim that the marriage system protects reproduction between men and women, when the current marriage system was established, He argued that the existence of same-sex couples was not even discussed, and that he did not intentionally exclude them, and that the premise that was out of the discussion was wrong, and that the interpretation based on that premise was also wrong. In addition, it argued that the defendant country has an obligation to rectify the current marriage system through legislation. In addition, in response to the defendant's claim that same-sex marriage is not guaranteed as a constitutional right and therefore does not constitute discrimination, even if freedom of marriage is not guaranteed under the constitution, it should be treated differently from heterosexual couples. He argues that whether it is justified is another matter.

Next, in the 13th brief, in response to the defendant's claim that the marriage system protects reproduction between men and women, the existence of same-sex couples was not even discussed at the time the current marriage system was established. , I did not dare to exclude it, but made a counterargument that the premise that was out of the discussion was wrong, and the interpretation based on that premise was also wrong. In addition, it argued that the defendant country has an obligation to rectify the current marriage system through legislation.

In addition, in response to the defendant's claim that same-sex marriage is not guaranteed as a constitutional right and therefore does not constitute discrimination, even if freedom of marriage is not guaranteed under the constitution, it should be treated differently from heterosexual couples. He argues that whether it is justified is another matter.

2. Check progress

In preparation for the next interrogation date, we discussed who to interrogate, what time to interrogate, and what order to interrogate.

As for who to interrogate, the plaintiffs' related parties were also offered as witnesses, and three people, including the two plaintiffs and their related parties, were allowed to be questioned.

During the interrogation, we have requested the court to take shielding measures (measures to prevent the witnesses from being seen from the spectator seats), so we will discuss specific methods at the proceedings meeting on November 8. (It is a closed date that cannot be observed).

The next hearing date is December 2nd. The plaintiff plans to submit a written statement and a brief regarding the plaintiff's individual circumstances by the next hearing date.

The documents submitted this time are open to the public at Call4's Litigation for Freedom of Marriage for All (Same-Sex Marriage Litigation) .

3. Scheduling the next court date

next due date

November 8, 2022 (Tuesday) 10:00 (progress date) *Not disclosed

Friday, December 2, 2022 , 13:10 (14th Oral Argument)

Nagoya District Court Court No. 1

Court No. 1 is the largest court in Nagoya. This time, there were plenty of seats available for the hearing, so we are waiting for more people to go out to the hearing so that we can fill up the seats on the next interrogation date!

"Lawsuit Future progress" Progress in Aichi Friday, December 2, 13:10, after the interrogation date, a debriefing session will be held after the date Movements in other regions, Wednesday, November 30, First lawsuit judgment in Tokyo

Debriefing session

From 7:00 pm on the same day as the date of the hearing, a web-based reporting session was held moderated by Attorney Yazaki, a member of the defense team.

First, in Part 1, Yoko Mizutani, an Attorney-at-Law of the Aichi Litigation Team, reported on the contents of the brief and the exchanges on the date. We invited Mr. Takashi Kazama (NPO corporation PROUD LIFE) as a guest for this date report, and we had a question and answer session and exchanged opinions about the content of this date and the progress of the trial going forward.

Next, in Part 2, we invited Kana Mitarashi, a clinical psychologist, Wataru Ishizaka, a member of the Nakano Ward Assembly in Tokyo, and Sotsugu Matsuoka, representative director of the general incorporated association fair, as guests, and lawyer Mizutani and four people. We have set up a place for a talk session. In light of the fact that Nagoya City plans to introduce a familyship system in November, it is important to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the partnership and familyship systems, as well as what can be done to legalize same-sex marriage. We had a practical discussion.

We received a lot of questions and messages of support from the viewers for the next interrogation date. Thank you very much.

The briefing session is an archived video on Youtube, so please take a look ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvkG2LqsSKI ).

We will hold the date report meeting from the next time, so please join us even if you were not able to participate this time. Although it depends on the infection status of the new coronavirus, we are considering holding it locally next time.

I want to support the Aichi lawsuit more! For those who say

Thank you for always supporting the Aichi lawsuit.

Your support encourages the plaintiffs and the legal team, such as attending court hearings and hearings, donating to Call4, and sending information about the lawsuit on SNS.

Thank you for your continued support.

"Aichi Lawsuit Support Menu Part 1 Court Hearing" Step 1 Confirm the date and time of the date! We are currently posting on the defense team's Twitter and Marifor SNS, so please spread the word. Step 2 On the day of the hearing, go to the Nagoya District Court. *There will be a baggage inspection  Step 3: Send us your impressions with "#I'm here" and "#Marriage freedom for everyone". "#Kejisube Aichi Observation Ume Ume Daisakusen" In order to fill the audience seats on the next interrogation date, I would appreciate it if you could tweet your impressions of the trials so far on SNS and invite each other to observe the interrogation. .

"Aichi Lawsuit Support Menu Part 2 Date Report Meeting" Step 1 Confirm the delivery URL for the date report meeting on the defense team's Twitter and Marifor SNS. Also, please spread the word. Step 2 Take it easy. I am encouraged by your questions and comments. We have devised ways to make it enjoyable, such as inviting not only Aichi lawyers but also guests from other areas.

"Aichi Lawsuit Support Menu Part 3 Call 4" Step 1 Read the QR code. Or search for Call4. Step 2 You can donate by credit card payment. I would appreciate it if you could post a message of support. *The donation will be used for the cost of lawsuits nationwide.

名古屋 第13回口頭弁論期日・報告集会のお知らせ(2022年10月4日)

Notice of Nagoya 13th Oral Argument Date and Report Meeting (October 4, 2022)

2022/10/1 12:14






日時 2022年10月4日(火)11:00~30分程度

場所 名古屋地方裁判所1号法廷


日時 2022年10月4日(火)19:00~20:30

内容 第1部 裁判の期日報告

   第2部 トークセッション「『パートナーシップ制度があるからいいでしょ?』にどう応えるか?」

登壇者(敬称略) 司会  矢﨑暁子

         ゲスト 第1部 風間孝

             第2部 石坂わたる みたらし加奈 水谷陽子 松岡宗嗣

実施方法 Youtube配信

This is a notice from the Aichi Lawyers.

October 4, 2022 is the date for the 13th oral argument in the Aichi lawsuit.

This is an important date for making various adjustments in preparation for the interrogation in December, so please continue to support us.

If it is convenient for you, please come to the court and participate in the hearing.

[Date of the 13th Oral Argument]

Date and time: Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 11:00-30 minutes

Venue Nagoya District Court Court No. 1

[Debriefing session]

Date and time: Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 19:00-20:30

Contents Part 1 Report on the date of the trial

Part 2 Talk session "How do you respond to the question 'Isn't it good because there is a partnership system?'"

Speakers (honorific titles omitted) Moderator: Akiko Yazaki

Guest Part 1 Takashi Kazama

Part 2 Wataru Ishizaka, Kana Mitarashi, Yoko Mizutani, Soshi Matsuoka

Implementation method Youtube distribution

九州 第10回口頭弁論期日(2022年9月5日)

Kyushu 10th oral argument date (September 5, 2022)

2022/9/22 18:04

「結婚の自由をすべての人に」九州訴訟第10回裁判 報告

日 時:2022年9月5日(月)10時30分から

場 所:福岡地方裁判所の第101号法廷































札幌高裁 第2回口頭弁論期日(2022年8月9日)

Sapporo High Court 2nd oral argument

2022/8/10 13:37

「結婚の自由をすべての人に」北海道訴訟 控訴審 第2回期日報告

日 時:2022年8月9日15時00分から15時30分

場 所:札幌高等裁判所第802号法廷

裁判官:大竹優子裁判長 吉川昌寛裁判官 高木健司裁判官

内 容:




1 控訴人(原告)らが提出した・第4準備書面第5準備書面第6準備書面第7準備書面の陳述


2 被控訴人(国)が提出した第1準備書面回答書の陳述


3 控訴人(原告)らが提出した証拠(甲A第487号証~506号証)、被控訴人(国)が提出した証拠(乙第24号証~26号証)の取調べ


4 控訴人ら訴訟代理人の意見陳述


5 控訴人(原告)らによる意見陳述







1 控訴人(原告)のトークコーナー



2 参加者の方からのメッセージ・質問コーナー

















164 件中 41-50

41-50 of 164 cases




■北海道弁護団 8名
【札幌弁護士会】上田文雄 加藤丈晴 須田布美子 高橋友佑 綱森史泰 林拓哉 皆川洋美 本橋優子

■東京弁護団 36名(うち1名は愛知弁護団にも所属)
【東京弁護士会】安藤光里 上杉崇子 榎本一久 金子美晴 熊澤美帆 樋田早紀 佐藤真依子 清水皓貴 寺原真希子 中川重徳 永田真衣子 永野靖 半田虎生 北條友里恵 増井俊輔 松田亘平 溝田紘子 山下敏雅 油原麻帆
【第一東京弁護士会】井上皓子 宇治野壮歩 小谷磨衣 西村夏奈
【第二東京弁護士会】加藤慶二 佐藤樹 沢崎敦一 鈴木創大 仲村渠桃 藤井啓輔 三浦徹也 向井香織 横山佳枝
【千葉県弁護士会】喜田康之 南川麻由子

■愛知弁護団 7名
【愛知県弁護士会】石川幸平 進藤一樹 砂原薫 堀江哲史 水谷陽子 矢崎暁子 山田麻登

■関西弁護団 7名
【大阪弁護士会】大畑泰次郎 寺野朱美 宮本庸弘 三輪晃義 森本智子 山岸克巳

■九州弁護団 24名
【福岡県弁護士会】安孫子健輔 石井謙一 石田光史 井上敦史 岩橋愛佳 太田千遙 太田信人 緒方枝里 久保井摂 後藤富和 武寛兼 寺井研一郎 徳原聖雨 富永悠太 仲地彩子 塙愛恵 吉野大輔 渡邉陽
【熊本県弁護士会】藤井祥子 藤木美才 森あい
