政府が開示を拒否する、安倍元首相の「国葬文書」開示を!訴訟 Lawsuit for Disclosure of Documents on State Funeral of Shinzo Abe

安倍元首相の国葬の是非は、国会で審議されませんでした。官邸と「法の番人」内閣法制局が協議して、閣議決定による実施にゴーサインを出しました。ところがその協議記録をTansaが情報公開請求すると、政府は不開示に。「記録していない」「捨てた」という理由です。重要な公文書が、ないはずがありません。民主主義の基本は「記録」「公開」「検証」です。公文書の隠蔽や改ざんに、裁判で歯止めをかけます。 The state funeral for former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was not deliberated in the Diet but decided by the Cabinet after discussions with the “Guardian of Laws,” the Cabinet Legislation Bureau. When asked to disclose records, the government refused, claiming “no records exist” or “they were discarded.” Such statements are dubious given their importance. “Record,” “Disclosure,” and “Review” are pillars of democracy. This lawsuit seeks to prevent the concealment and falsification of public documents.
Report on the first hearing
2024/12/27 15:07
The first oral argument in the state funeral document concealment trial was held on Wednesday, December 25, 2025, from 3:30 p.m.
Many people attended the hearing, exceeding the capacity of the room. Thank you very much for coming out in the cold and showing an interest in this lawsuit.
At the beginning, the plaintiff, Tansa editor-in-chief Makoto Watanabe, made a 10-minute statement . The judges could be seen listening to him, occasionally nodding and drawing lines on their documents.
Presiding Judge Kenji Shinoda asked the defendant to confirm the following regarding the "attached documents" regarding the content of the consultation from the Prime Minister's Office to the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, which were recorded in the meeting record of Exhibit 5 submitted by the plaintiff.
1. Clarify whether or not the Cabinet Legislation Bureau has the attached documents.
2. If they have them, can you submit them as evidence without discarding them?
3. If they do not have the information, clarify the date and reason for destruction.
The defendant agreed that the Cabinet Legislation Bureau official was not in the courtroom and that he would check before the next hearing.
The next hearing will be on Wednesday, March 12 at 3:30 p.m. in Courtroom 522. Please come and observe.
About 50 people attended the report session after the oral arguments, including about 10 people who said it was their first time observing a trial.
At the briefing session, we received some enthusiastic comments and questions, such as, "Can't the government's actions be held accountable for violating the Public Records Management Act?", "The public must not be led to believe that they will forget the pain once the danger is over," and "Even if the decision not to disclose documents is revoked, are there cases in which the government will not disclose the documents? In that case, what measures will be taken next?"
We are considering holding more presentations after the next session. We will announce them on the CALL4 case page and in Tansa newsletters.
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