リニアトンネル工事で街を壊さないで 〜平穏生活権を侵害する大深度法の違憲性を問う〜 Don't destroy the city with the linear tunnel construction ~ Questioning the unconstitutionality of the Deep Tunnel Law that violates the right to a peaceful life ~

#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice
#環境・災害 #Environment/Natural Disasters

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

139,000円 ¥ 139,000


目標金額 Target amount

2,000,000円 ¥ 2,000,000

サポーター Supporter

17 人 17 supporters

支援する Support a Case

2018年大深度法という法律に基づき、リニア大深度工事の認可が下りました。リニア大深度工事は、住宅地の真下にトンネルを掘ること自体に、地盤沈下等の危険があり、問題があります。この訴訟は、この工事が「大深度法」の認可の要件を満たすか、そもそも大深度法自体が憲法に反するか、この工事に大深度法を適用したことが憲法に反するか、これらの点を争い、大深度法に基づく認可の取消しを求める訴訟です。 In 2018, approval was given for linear tunnel construction based on the Deep Tunneling Act. However, digging a tunnel directly beneath a residential area poses risks such as land subsidence, which is problematic. This lawsuit disputes whether the linear tunnel construction meets the approval requirements of the Deep Tunneling Act, whether the Deep Tunneling Act itself is unconstitutional, and whether applying the Deep Tunneling Act to linear tunnel construction is unconstitutional, and seeks the annulment of the approval based on the Deep Tunneling Act.


First oral argument hearing in the Deep-Sea Linear lawsuit

2024/8/2 1:57

大深度リニア訴訟の第1回 口頭弁論期日が行われましたので、ご報告いたします。

日 時:20224年7月30日 14時00分から14時30分

場 所:東京地方裁判所 103号法廷


出 席:原告11名 原告代理人3名 被告代理人3名



次回期日は2024年10月23日 15時~ 103号法廷 です。

【第1回 口頭弁論期日の内容】







本期日では、原告 保科由記子さん、弁護団長 島昭宏弁護士が意見陳述を行いました。

【報告集会】 15:00〜17:00 

場所:衆議院第二議員会館 第一会議室

出席者 弁護団:島昭宏 足立悠 寺田伸子  原告:10人





2. 陳述した原告より一言

3. 国会議員関係者から一言

4. 会場参加者からのスピーチ

5. 質疑応答  

6. 原告団長挨拶

7. 閉会

参考*7/30東京新聞記事 https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/343977

YouTube: https://youtu.be/kN0i57ETlNM

We are pleased to report that the first oral argument hearing in the Deepwater Linear lawsuit has been held.

Date and time: July 30, 2024 14:00-14:30

Venue: Tokyo District Court, Courtroom 103

Judges: Presiding Judge Yukio Shinada, Judge Ikuko Henmi, and Judge Haruhisa Okubo (Civil Division 2, Bc Section)

Attendance: 11 plaintiffs, 3 plaintiff attorneys, 3 defendant attorneys

(Audience: 60 people)

【Future plans】

The next hearing will be held on October 23, 2024 from 3:00 p.m. in Courtroom 103.

[Contents of the 1st oral argument date]

1. Submission of documents

Between the previous hearing and this one, the plaintiff submitted a complaint and a motion to amend the complaint, Exhibits A-1 to A-61-3, and the defendant submitted an answer, Exhibits B-1-1 to B-1-2.

2. Summary of exchanges held at this meeting

The plaintiff filed a complaint and an amended complaint, and the defendant filed an answer.

Evidence examination was conducted on Exhibits 1 to 61-3 and Exhibits 1-1 to 1-2.

3. Statement of opinion

At this hearing, plaintiff Yukiko Hoshina and head of the defense team, lawyer Akihiro Shima, made statements.

[Reporting Session] 15:00-17:00

Venue: House of Representatives Second Members' Building, First Meeting Room

Attendees: Attorneys: Akihiro Shima, Yu Adachi, Nobuko Terada Plaintiffs: 10 people

Participants: 60

1. Professor Adachi explains using the PowerPoint presentation used by Attorney Shima in his statement

・Outline of the lawsuit ・What is the Deep Depth Law? ・Purpose and significance of this lawsuit ・Grounds for cancellation ・Unconstitutionality of the law ・Unconstitutional application

Reference: PowerPoint PDF (uploaded as litigation materials)

2. A word from the plaintiff who made the statement

3. Comments from Diet members

4. Speeches from participants

5. Question and Answer Session

6. Opening remarks from the head of the plaintiffs

7. Closing

Reference * 7/30 Tokyo Shimbun article https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/343977

YouTube: https://youtu.be/kN0i57ETlNM

1 件中 1-1

1-1 of 1 cases

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