

A2 〈金城〉
A3 〈川満〉
A3 〈金城〉

In the Ishigaki Island referendum (party lawsuit), the Supreme Court made a decision on September 26th to dismiss and not accept the appeal.
In response to this, the plaintiffs and their legal team held a press conference at the Okinawa Prefectural Government Press Club (Naha City) on October 7, 2024. We will report on the contents of the press conference.

▲From the left, Taku Oi, head of the legal team, Masaki Nakamura, attorney, Ryutaro Kinjo, representative, and Takichi Kawamitsu (plaintiff) at the prefectural office
[Statements by the plaintiffs and their lawyers at the press conference]
◾️Oi, Chief of the Defense Team
When I took on this case, I explained to the plaintiffs that, "If the judge had even a little courage, we should be able to win this case. Conversely, if we do not get a courageous judge, it will be a difficult trial."
However, when I received the Supreme Court's decision of September 26th, I thought that this explanation was grossly inaccurate.
When we look at the progress of these trials - the mandatory lawsuit and the parties' lawsuit - and the content and development of the judgment, we cannot help but conclude that Japan's current judicial system does not exercise any judicial independence when it comes to cases related to national defense and defence - and I believe this is also the case with the Henoko base lawsuit.
As a result of these great forces acting both tangibly and intangibly on individual judges, I feel that Japan's courts and judiciary have fallen into a situation where plaintiffs cannot be helped to win cases that they should obviously win, even though it is more than just a shred of courage; they must also have things like ``determination'' and ``resolve.''
This is just my own intuition, but I think it will become clear as the trial progresses.
Please take a look at the "Judgments to Date" compiled by the plaintiffs, which you have in front of you.

Specifically, four points were identified.
Two by obligation and two by the parties involved, all for different reasons.
How is it that there are four different judgments in lawsuits regarding the exact same referendum, all of which have different reasons but are seeking to hold it, make it mandatory, or confirm its status?
First of all, the first instance of the mandatory lawsuit was that the court found that the decision was "not dispositional," which is the typical pattern of the court evading the decision. Of course, I don't approve of this, but it was a story that to some extent this kind of thing happens. To be honest, I don't understand the reasoning behind it.
The issue is the appellate court's decision in the mandatory lawsuit.
As it is written here, regarding Article 28, Paragraphs 1 and 4 of the Ishigaki City Basic Ordinance on Autonomy, which states that "if more than a quarter of the signatures are collected, the mayor must hold a referendum," he asserted that this is not the mayor's "legal obligation" but rather his "political responsibility."
What this means is that the appellate court decision does not make it mandatory, nor does it allow lawsuits brought by the parties themselves, because "such a 'legal status' does not exist."
In the case of a lawsuit between parties, the court was forced to think of a logic to defeat the plaintiff as a result of the tangible and intangible pressure. Therefore, if the logic of the appellate court decision in the mandatory lawsuit is accepted, I think that the judge in the lawsuit between parties should have "used" this logic.
As for whether it was actually used, the first instance trial in the lawsuit between the parties involved actually resulted in a "dismissal."
There are two reasons for this:
"Articles 27 and 28 have been removed and there is no legal status to vote."
As I said at length at the press conference when the first instance ruling was handed down, this is clearly against the principle of non-retroactivity of laws, which is written on the first page of law textbooks. If a first-year law student wrote this on an answer sheet, they would clearly get a failing grade.
That's the reason I brought it up.
Why didn't the trial judge use the logic used in the appellate court case in the mandatory suit?
Because I couldn't use it.
And as a result of not using it, I have used logic in a way that even a first year law student could see the mistake.
That's not all.
The first instance ruling in the inter partes lawsuit stated that there was "no interest in confirmation."
This was clearly contrary to the contents of the Supreme Court's Grand Bench decision issued in 2022.
The Supreme Court Grand Bench (a 15-judge panel that decides constitutional law) ruled for the first time that there is a benefit to confirmation in such "party lawsuits." This was just about a year before the first instance ruling in the (Ishigaki) party lawsuit.
Of course, we made that point, and I also expressed my opinion. But that was completely ignored, and the Supreme Court did not turn its attention to it.
So where was the judge in this case looking?
Perhaps they succumbed to tangible and intangible pressure, but as a result, the logic of the appeal court in the mandatory lawsuit cannot be used. If they say that this is not a legal obligation, it will be a big problem.
As a result of trying to escape and running away, they ended up making this doubly wrong verdict.
So what was the outcome of the appellate court ruling in the lawsuit?
I said that the contents of the first instance ruling were completely wrong, and that this was not a dismissal.
However, as Attorney Nakamura said earlier, the appellate court decision attempted to destroy the provisions of Article 28, Paragraphs 1 and 4 of the Ishigaki City Basic Autonomy Ordinance, citing constitutional reasoning that "local autonomy is based on indirect democracy."
The logic that parliamentary discretion and individual implementing ordinances are necessary was derived from the Constitution.
You won't find anything like that anywhere in constitutional law textbooks.
Rather, the majority of textbooks have this to say about local autonomy:
The constitution provides for indirect democracy but also many systems of direct democracy.
Furthermore, the Local Autonomy Act provides for a number of direct democratic institutions, including referendums.
In a situation where there are even papers and textbooks that state that "in local government, direct democracy should be given priority as much as possible," they have twisted the argument that "local government is based on indirect democracy" as if it were an obvious statement, and have gone so far as to destroy the rights of the people of Ishigaki - not only the plaintiffs, but the people of Ishigaki City - from the Constitution.
The Supreme Court should have corrected this, but they did not.
I cannot help but think that such forces are at work in the Supreme Court as well.
If we were to say something like "local autonomy is based on indirect democracy" and that referendums (a system of direct democracy) always require the decision of the assembly, then "local autonomy" would be nothing more than a pipe dream; it would have no shape or form in the constitution.
It's a denial of the Constitution.
This is the situation that Japan's judicial system is in.
With these forces at work, the Supreme Court is unable to resist them and completely ignores such an incorrect, clearly incorrect decision.
I really think this is something that will have a lasting impact on the future.
As someone who has played a part in the judiciary and legal profession, which did not attempt to protect the rights of the people of Ishigaki, I feel beyond anger that this is truly outrageous.
But that's not all. The appellate court decision, which gave in to power and created a forced logic, is what remains.
As a result, it will not only have an adverse effect on this referendum issue - which is of course the most important thing - but it will also have a huge impact on other areas, leaving a lasting legacy of problems.
For example, this time, the article does not say anything about "necessity of the assembly's decision" or "necessity of an individual referendum ordinance." In a situation where the "predictability" of citizens who trusted such an article and tried to realize their rights is not protected at all, the administration is allowed to change the possibility of the law as much as they want with retroactive reasoning.
The Supreme Court has given its stamp of approval to the fact that this kind of practice is permissible in areas involving defense.
This is quite frightening.
Anything goes.
The Constitution governs all laws and regulations.
By saying that "local autonomy is based on indirect democracy," "that is the theory of principle,"
The system of direct democracy in local government requires that the decisions of the assembly be fully involved.
Even though residents want to be involved in local government, there must always be involvement from the assembly or separate ordinances.
That is what it is like to say.
The judge who wrote the appellate decision in this inter-party lawsuit was probably completely unaware of this.
What is going on? Even though we have argued that this is wrong and will have a huge impact, the Supreme Court has ignored us.
First of all, we must apologize for our lack of ability, but this is unacceptable. If we allow something like this to happen, anything is possible.
Perhaps a little courage was not enough, but there was not a single judge with the determination or resolve to take the case.
And one cannot help but think that there are great forces, both tangible and intangible, at work there.
I have never seen a case where a verdict was handed down that was so full of confusing reasoning.
That's the impression I have.
So I want everyone to report this.
Of course, I am proud to have been able to support you all on your journey so far.
I am proud of this result, but I cannot at all say that it was inevitable.
I can't help but wonder what is going on with the judicial system in this country that allows such sloppy logic, which has such a huge negative impact, to go unchecked.
◾️Masaki Nakamura, Attorney at Law
What kind of decision was this Supreme Court ruling? As you can see, it was a single sheet of paper, known as a "three-line decision."
The contents are as follows:
・The appeal is dismissed.
- The case will not be accepted as an appeal.
That's the main thing.
Regarding "dismissing the appeal," the appeal is a petition against the dismissal decision of the Naha Branch of the Fukuoka High Court. There was something very strange about the decision of the Naha Branch of the Fukuoka High Court.
The high court ruled that it was "not strange" to not approve the referendum on the grounds that "indirect democracy is the basis of local government."
We believe that the idea that indirect democracy is the basis of local government is clearly contrary to the Constitution and the principles of local autonomy, and therefore we believe this is an undeniable constitutional issue, and so we are appealing the decision on the grounds that it is unconstitutional.
The reason why the case "will not be accepted as an appeal" is that a request for acceptance of an appeal can be made based on whether there is a serious violation of precedent, but a decision has been made not to accept the appeal in this regard either.
When the Supreme Court decided to dismiss the appeal, it meant that the Court had decided that "this referendum issue has nothing to do with the Constitution, so what you are talking about is not a Constitutional issue. This is not the time for the Supreme Court, the guardian of the Constitution, to make a decision."
But if this issue is not a constitutional issue, then what exactly is a constitutional issue?
The Constitution adopts a direct democratic system for local government because it is believed that in local situations, it is appropriate to allow local citizens, who know their local area best, to participate in politics.The Constitution also specifically includes a chapter on local autonomy, which stipulates the idea of self-governance by residents.
Furthermore, the Constitution specifically encourages residents' participation in politics by devoting a chapter to local autonomy, which is also called collectivist autonomy, in the sense that residents' ability to express their own opinions on local government serves to restrain and curb the national government's arbitrary exercise of power.
A referendum that is in line with the Constitution.
The district court and high court rulings have rendered Ishigaki City's wonderful and progressive Basic Ordinance on Autonomy null and void, rendering it meaningless.
I believe that the fact that the Supreme Court rejected the case by saying that it is not a constitutional issue is a cause for concern regarding the current state of the country's judiciary.
Of course, I can only say that I am sorry that our legal team was unable to do anything, but I honestly did not think that they would say that "it is not a constitutional issue" because the basis of indirect democracy.I had hoped that this decision would be overturned, and that the Supreme Court, as the guardian of the Constitution, would make a solid decision, but my expectations have been betrayed.As a legal professional involved in the judiciary, I can only say that I am concerned about the future direction of the judiciary.
This issue concerns something that is truly significant to the local community - the construction of a Self-Defense Force base - and the local citizens tried to "figure it out for themselves" and follow the proper procedures, but in the end this was not done, and this is a trial that asks, "Isn't it strange that this was not done?"
In these cases, the courts have ultimately silenced the citizens and said it's OK to build the base, without listening to the opinions of the residents.
That is the court's conclusion.
I'm very sorry.
However, it would be very scary to think that something like this were to happen not only in Ishigaki but throughout Okinawa and even Japan in the future.
Recently, there was a partial revision of the Local Autonomy Act, which I believe is part of this trend. I hope that the media will also feel a sense of crisis about the fact that such retrograde movements have become clear recently.
This time too, we had a scholar write a wonderful opinion. However, it was completely ignored, the law was bent, and the opinions of scholars were bent... Just like the case of the Science Council of Japan, the country is now at a crossroads where it seems to be going against the times, which is a great disgrace and a shame, and I think this ruling has become a symbol of that.
However, the only thing that has given us some solace is that throughout this trial, the plaintiffs have refused to have their mouths shut for such a long time, and at the same time, they have conveyed their firm opinions to the media at every turn, said what they needed to say, deepened the discussion among citizens, and continued to speak out when something is wrong.
As I said earlier, I think we are in a very dangerous situation that could go against the times, but in response to this, each and every citizen needs to speak up, not let their voices be silenced, and protect their rights. And the media needs to report and spread this information, turning it into a unified force.
I think that’s what we really need right now.
So, if the media is finished, I'll be really, really scared.
Every single citizen also needs to work hard, and although we ended up with this result this time, there are still many areas where we need to fight, so we will continue to work hard there.
We are truly sorry to the plaintiffs, but we will continue to communicate the problems with the Supreme Court decision and encourage citizens to further consider it, so that we can do our part to create a society where the obvious idea of "deciding matters concerning our own community" is accepted as a given.
That's all from me.
◾️Representative Ryutaro Kinjo
Since starting this movement, we have run into many obstacles, such as parliament, the courts, and the administration, and each time we have come across this issue, we have been troubled by the idea that such solemn places as parliament and courts are being "sportified."
In parliament, outcomes are decided by majority vote, and in courts, there are victories and losses.
I feel like the results have been overshadowed by winning or losing, and the real important aspects have been lost.
Are there any of you who still don't accept Shohei Ohtani's two-way play?
I don't think there are many people who have come this far and still refuse to accept that.
I don't think it's because he moved to the Dodgers. I think a lot of people recognized him when he was with the Angels, and I think his "victory" is obvious when you see the game itself, not just the team's wins and losses.
I believe that we can say these things through our lawsuit as well.
Without placing emphasis on winning or losing, if you look at the contents of this lawsuit and what we have been advocating, I think it is clear that Ishigaki City's failure to hold a referendum was illegal and that a referendum should have been held.Thanks to the tremendous support we received from our legal team, as well as the other people involved and those who have supported this movement both locally and from far away the island, I believe that what we have done has become an incredible asset that allows us to live our lives with pride and confidence.
On the other hand, I would like to make two requests to those who will be watching this press conference in the future.
First, why did such a wonderful and valuable match not lead to victory or defeat? I would like you to think about why the administration, the parliament, and the courts were so adamant in not allowing a referendum.
My second point is that in Ishigaki, people of all ages and genders, including young people like us, would really like to watch Dodgers games, but we take the time to tackle these difficult issues. What is the reason for this?
I would like everyone to think about these two points.
thank you very much.
◾️Plaintiff: Osamu Kawamitsu
In preparation for this press conference, I thought I would reflect on the events that have taken place and organize my thoughts in my own way, but I can't organize my thoughts because of all the things that have happened up until now. It's difficult to express my feelings well, but I would like to convey how I feel right now.
I was shocked when the Supreme Court ruled that my appeal had been rejected.
I'm not a very knowledgeable person when it comes to law or the Constitution, but the fact that the Supreme Court has seemingly accepted the clearly hard-to-see and hard-to-hear judgments that have been handed down through the first and appeal courts made me worry as to whether this should really be the way things are.
As I listened to the explanations of the defense team's Mr. Oi and Mr. Nakamura, I felt that both of them are active lawyers and are the ones who feel the most regret, pain and sadness about the Supreme Court's decision.
I believe that the two of you are doing this job because you have faith in the power of the judiciary, so I too feel very sad and anxious that the judiciary has not fulfilled its role.
If we look only at the surface of the judgments in the series of "mandatory lawsuits" and "party lawsuits," they are all "dismissed" or "rejected," so I am worried that many people will interpret this as a loss for us, or that the result was due to our arguments being wrong.
This is the most difficult thing to convey, so I would like to ask for the help of the media.
I myself have been shocked by the trial, but I would like to convey the reality that the judiciary can so easily trample on claims and rights that no matter how you look at them, should be correct.
The two lawyers on the legal team have just said that they were "powerless," but they have collected an incredible amount of evidence - including the words of those who were in power at the time the Basic Ordinance on Local Autonomy was enacted - and have thoroughly refuted all of the other side's logic.
However, every single time, the judge has given us an answer that is completely different from the argument we had presented to the court. As both the defense team and the plaintiffs, we are now feeling a sense of frustration that our arguments have been crushed every time in a way that we had no way of fighting.
So I hope that it doesn't turn out that we lost the lawsuit because the content was incorrect.
This is without a doubt a violation of the Constitution, and Ishigaki City's failure to hold a referendum was a huge mistake. I am extremely concerned that the court has failed to properly remedy this, resulting in a bill that will have an impact not only on Ishigaki, or Okinawa Prefecture, but on the entire country.
There are some things we don't know about what we can do from now on, but what I'm most concerned about is the fact that we will no longer be able to hold a referendum.
Citizens usually participate in politics by voting, electing their mayor and council members, and so they do so through the power of indirect democracy. However, when doubts arise about the political philosophy or administrative management of those they have elected, they should have had the right to do so by using the power of direct democracy in the form of a referendum, which would have compensated for the shortcomings of indirect democracy. This would have been a wonderful thing, so I am very worried that, now that this right has been taken away, such relief measures will no longer be available not only in Ishigaki City, but across the country.
I haven't been able to summarize everything yet, but if possible, I hope that this will be an opportunity for various people to think about administration, the judiciary, the state of the country, the rights of citizens, and what it means for the people to build a country with sovereignty. I would like those in positions of public authority to reconsider what kind of intentions they should have in running the administration, the country, and local government.
There are all kinds of conflicts going on around the world right now, but I think now is the time for each and every citizen to think about how to prevent things from getting to that point. I hope this will be an opportunity for everyone to think about this.
[Question and Answer Session]
With the Supreme Court's decision, it seems that the legal case has come to an end, but what are the future plans, such as filing a new lawsuit or continuing your activities as a group calling for a referendum?
As a group calling for a local referendum, we had lobbied the administration and the Diet, but our only hope was the judiciary. Right up to the lawsuit - the mandatory lawsuit and the lawsuit by the parties involved - we continued to call for a local referendum with the help of our legal team. Now that we have received the final Supreme Court decision, I think we have done everything we could as a group.
We plan to return to Ishigaki and hold a meeting to report on our activities to date and a general meeting to mark the end of our association on November 27th in front of the citizens of Ishigaki.
Earlier you mentioned that you were proud of your actions. This was originally a referendum to find out whether you were for or against the southwest shift, and it was not intended to be an opposition to the southwest shift. What legacy are you proud of that you were able to leave behind through this?
A2 <Kinjo>
As a result, the referendum could not be held, and as I said earlier, it's a situation where "I proved I could play two-way, but I couldn't win the game."
I started this movement with the intention of filling in even a little of the resentment, rifts, and gaps between residents by holding a local referendum and making the results visible. As I continue the movement, I have hoped that it will become an opportunity for many people to think about this issue.
I hope that by having the next generation see this opportunity and our determination to never give up until the very end, they will start to think about what kind of adults they want to be and the kind of life they want to live.
I would be happy if this message could be conveyed in some way.
The referendum activities began before construction had even begun on the garrison, which is scheduled to open in March 2023. What do you think about the current situation, where operations have begun without a referendum having been held and the situation has remained as it is?
A3 <Kawamitsu>
As Kaneshiro mentioned in response to the previous question, the main impetus for the movement was to respect both the for and against opinions, and in a local atmosphere where people felt hesitant to express their opinions, to discuss and share such opinions and decide together for the future of Ishigaki City.
At the time, I was not a member of the group, but as one of the citizens who had signed the petition and supported this activity, I sympathized with this idea and hoped that the referendum would take place.
Although that did not come to fruition, the base is still open, and there are classmates, juniors, and seniors among the SDF personnel, and so on, and while I would never say anything bad about the SDF base, or even the SDF personnel themselves, there are some things I wish had been resolved.
These SDF members came to Ishigaki with strong intentions, and perhaps it is not to resolve conflicts, but rather to help in the event of a disaster, or some of them want to return to their hometowns and work for their local communities, and I worry that people with such strong intentions are being looked down upon.
Also, if there were a future where this base did not exist...from the perspective of the surrounding areas, for example the habitat of the Crested Serpent Eagle, and nature conservation, it would be impossible to compare the situation before it was there with the current situation. So I think that the referendum may have been able to alleviate at least some of the frustration that arises because the base is now open, and I believe that this is where the resentment is.
A3 <Kinjo>
This is a similar answer, but I had a chance to talk with the mayor of Ishigaki City during my activities, and I asked him to come up with an alternative plan, that if the referendum is not held, could he come up with a policy to replace it and to alleviate some of the frustration felt by the citizens of Ishigaki City? The mayor responded, "I don't think there is anything other than a referendum that can replace a referendum," so I think the mayor himself is aware of its value.
Therefore, I believe that the fact that a Self-Defense Force base was opened without a referendum being held and that we have come this far is a sign that the residents' frustration has not been resolved.

We would like to thank everyone who followed the trial on CALL4 and all the supporters who donated. The Local Vote Association will disband at the end of this year, but we will continue our activities and efforts to preserve the details of the trial so far.
We would like to use the donations we received from CALL4 for these activities. We are confident that the records of the referendum campaign and the series of legal battles will be useful for the future.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone. Thank you very much.