夫婦別姓も選べる社会へ!訴訟 Lawsuit for a Society Where Couples Can Take Separate Surnames!
現行法上、カップルが婚姻するには、一方が他方の名字に変更しなければなりません。実際は、結婚する女性の約95%が男性の名字に変更しており、名字の変更を望まない人は、アイデンティティの喪失など様々な不利益を被っています。結婚しようとすると、一方が名字を諦めるか、さもなければ結婚自体を諦めるかという過酷な二者択一を迫られるのです。私たちはこの現状に終止符を打ち、夫婦が別姓も選べる社会の実現を目指します。 Japanese laws require one of the partner to change their surname to the other partner upon marriage, predominantly ending up with women adopting men’s surname. This imposes disadvantages, such as identity loss, on those wishing to keep their surnames. Couples face a tough choice: either sacrifice the surname or forego the legal marriage. We strive to end this situation and advocate for a society where couples can take separate surnames.
The 3rd selective separate surnames for married couples lawsuit (Sapporo) First oral argument hearing
2024/11/2 6:46
場所:札幌地方裁判所 805号法廷(大法廷)
On October 21st, the first oral argument hearing for the Third Selective Separate Surnames for Married Couples Lawsuit (Sapporo) was held.
The hearing was held in Courtroom 805, the largest courtroom in the Sapporo District Court, with 80 seats for spectators, but almost all of the seats were filled, showing the high level of interest in this lawsuit. The briefing session that followed was also attended by many members of the public, not just members of the media.
Thank you to everyone who attended the hearings and report sessions, and to everyone who watched the live broadcast.
You can view the archive of the report session here. (An edited version will be uploaded at a later date.)
At the hearing, the plaintiffs submitted the complaint, as well as the first and second preparatory briefs on "changes in circumstances" and "expansion and limitations of the use of nicknames," and the defendant (the government) submitted an answer to the complaint. (The contents are almost the same as those in the preceding Tokyo lawsuit.) Please see the preparatory briefs on the lawsuit materials page.
The next hearing for the Sapporo lawsuit is as follows. Please come and observe the hearing and attend the report session. It will be a great encouragement for us.
Date and time: January 31, 2025 (Friday) 10:30~
Venue: Sapporo District Court, Courtroom 805 (Grand Court)
We appreciate your continued support.
2nd oral argument hearing in the 3rd selective separate surnames for married couples lawsuit (Tokyo)
2024/10/15 19:57
場所:東京地方裁判所 103号法廷(大法廷)
場所:札幌地方裁判所 805号法廷(大法廷)
12時~13時 期日報告会
場所:北海道高等学校教職員センター大会議室(札幌市中央区大通西12 丁目)
On September 20th, the second oral argument hearing in the Third Selective Separate Surnames Lawsuit (Tokyo) was held.
Since the hearing was held in the Grand Court this time, everyone who attended was able to observe the hearing. Many people also attended the report session that followed.
Thank you to everyone who attended the hearings and report sessions, and to everyone who watched the live broadcast.
An archive of the report can be found here.
At the hearing, the defendant (government) submitted specific rebuttals, and on the plaintiff's side, lawyers Kawami and Hisamichi presented their opinions regarding "changes in circumstances" and "expansion and limitations of the use of nicknames."
In his opinion statement on "changing circumstances," he pointed out that 77 years have passed since the introduction of the same-surname system for married couples in 1947, and that public attitudes towards marriage and family have changed significantly, particularly with more women entering the workforce and an increasing number of voices in support of a selective system of separate surnames for married couples, especially among younger people. He also mentioned that many local assemblies have adopted positions calling for the introduction of a selective system of separate surnames for married couples, and that the United Nations has repeatedly called for legal reform, and, citing concrete data, emphasized that the rationality of the current system has been lost.
In the opinion statement on "Expansion and Limitations of the Use of Common Names," while acknowledging the current situation in which the use of common names under maiden names is gradually being accepted in society, the panel emphasized that this is not a reason not to allow separate surnames for married couples. The panel specifically pointed out that the use of common names does not resolve the violation of personal rights that accompanies a change of surname, and creates an irrational situation that entails new costs and burdens. The panel also cited issues such as the unstable legal status of the use of common names, which is not accepted especially in international situations, the confusion that arises from the use of maiden names and registered names, and the increased risk of personal identification. The panel emphasized that the judiciary should not escape from the stopgap measure of using common names, which the parties have acquired at great cost, but should proactively address this issue.
We hope you will also take a look at the preparatory documents, which are based on detailed analyses of each case, on the litigation documents page.
The next hearing for the Tokyo lawsuit is as follows. Please come and observe the hearing and attend the report session. It will be a great encouragement for us.
Date and time: January 16, 2025 (Monday) 11:00~
Venue: Tokyo District Court, Courtroom 103 (Grand Court)
In addition, a lawsuit will begin in Sapporo on October 21st.
Date and time: Monday, October 21, 2024, 11:10am (approximately 30 minutes)
Venue: Sapporo District Court, Courtroom 805 (Grand Court)
12:00-13:00 Deadline report session
Venue: Hokkaido High School Teachers' Center, Main Conference Room (Odori Nishi 12-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo)
Please also attend the deadline report meeting.
You can watch the live stream on YouTube here.
It's also uploaded on the besseiTV live streaming page.
Here is a flyer about the schedule for the Sapporo lawsuit:
We appreciate your continued support.
Congratulations on achieving the first goal
2024/9/17 20:46
東京訴訟は、次回の第2回口頭弁論が9月20日14時から、東京地方裁判所 103号法廷で開かれます。13時半から 入廷行動があり、期日後には報告集会もあります。札幌訴訟は初回期日が10月21日11時10分から札幌地方裁判所805法廷に決まりました。こちらも入廷行動と期日後報告会を行います。詳細決まりましたらサイトでご案内していきますので、是非多くの方にご参加いただければと思います。ぜひ多くの方にご参加いただければと思います。この間、国側からの具体的な反論書面が提出されており、これから攻防が本格化していきます。
To everyone who supported us
Thank you for your support in our crowdfunding campaign to realize optional separate surnames for married couples! Thanks to you, we have successfully reached our first goal of 5 million yen.
We are truly grateful for all of your support, not only through donations, but also through comments and social media, and for speaking out together with us. We are moving forward one step at a time towards a society where optional separate surnames for married couples is a reality.
The second oral argument in the Tokyo lawsuit will be held on September 20th at 2pm in Courtroom 103 of the Tokyo District Court. There will be a courtroom action from 1:30pm, and a report meeting after the hearing. The first hearing for the Sapporo lawsuit has been set for October 21st at 11:10am in Courtroom 805 of the Sapporo District Court. There will also be a courtroom action and a report meeting after the hearing. We will announce the details on the website once they are decided, so we hope that many of you will participate. We hope that many of you will participate. Meanwhile, the government has submitted a specific written rebuttal, and the offensive and defensive battle will now begin in earnest.
This lawsuit will be a long battle, so the current donations may eventually become insufficient due to the need to submit written opinions, conduct investigations, hold report meetings, etc. We will remain open to donations at any time during the lawsuit, so we hope you will continue to spread the word about this crowdfunding campaign.
We are also considering setting a second goal.
Thank you for your continued support!
The 3rd Optional Separate Surnames Lawsuit (Tokyo) First Oral Argument Date
2024/7/2 20:03
期日後の報告集会も大いに盛り上がりました。原告の皆さん、弁護団からの感想等の共有の後、スペシャルゲストの駒村圭吾慶應大学教授・NO YOUTH NO JAPAN共同代表の能條桃子さんからもコメントをいただきました。駒村教授の、「通称使用は民法750条による流血に対する絆創膏に過ぎない」というお話や、能條さんの「別姓待ち」の若者が多くいるというお話などをいただき、別姓制度の実現の必要性を改めて参加者が感じられる機会となりました。
On June 27th, the first oral argument hearing for the Third Selective Separate Surnames Lawsuit (Tokyo) was held.
Many people gathered in search of the 20 seats available for spectators. Although there were many people who were unable to get into the gallery, the sight of so many people lining up to receive the spectator tickets showed their support. Thank you very much.
As the spectator seats were filled this time, from the next trial onwards the trial will be held in a larger courtroom, so we hope you will all come.
At the hearing, the complaint and answer submitted by each party were presented, and documentary evidence was examined.
The defendant's (government) reply consisted only of arguments regarding the requirements necessary for the lawsuit to be pending (the issue of whether the case constitutes a legal dispute that should be decided in court) and an admission, denial, and rebuttal to the plaintiff's arguments. It was confirmed that the defendant would submit a rebuttal to the claims of this lawsuit at the next meeting or later.
Plaintiffs Uchiyama Yukari, Koike Yukio, Kurokawa Touko (pseudonym), Nezu Mitsuru (pseudonym), Satoko (pseudonym), and Kuro (pseudonym) made statements.
Each plaintiff spoke to the court about their experiences of choosing to use a common name in a legal marriage or choosing to live in a common-law marriage, and about the disadvantages of not being allowed to have separate surnames for married couples, the pain they have endured, and their strong desire to realize a system of optional separate surnames for married couples. We have uploaded summaries of each of their statements to the lawsuit documents page, so please take a look.
I believe you will be able to get a sense of each person's life and real thoughts, which cannot be fully conveyed from just the small parts extracted from the news reports.
Afterwards, the head of the legal team, Terahara, made a statement on behalf of the couple. He explained that the current system of same surname for married couples, which forces couples to choose between one of them changing their surname in order to marry, or both giving up on the marriage in order to keep their surname, violates the Constitution and treaties, and is not a political issue but a human rights issue in which basic human rights are being violated. He called on the judiciary to play an appropriate role.
The report meeting after the hearing was also very lively. After the plaintiffs and their lawyers shared their impressions, we also had special guest, Professor Komamura Keigo of Keio University and NO YOUTH NO JAPAN co-representative, Nojo Momoko, give their comments. Professor Komamura said, "The use of nicknames is nothing more than a band-aid against the bloodshed caused by Article 750 of the Civil Code," and Nojo spoke about the many young people who are "waiting for a separate surname." This was an opportunity for the participants to once again feel the need to realize a separate surname system.
A report of the meeting will be posted on the Support Group's website at a later date.
The defendant (government) side will make a full-scale rebuttal from the next hearing onwards. The plaintiffs, legal team, and supporters will continue to do their best, so we ask for your continued support.
A list of the day's news coverage is posted on the Support Group's website.
Report on the third elective marital separation surname lawsuit/litigation filing
2024/3/12 21:41
新聞 https://bessei.net/20240310-2/
TV https://bessei.net/20240309-2/
On March 8th (Friday), International Women's Day, with the support of many people, we successfully filed the third elective marital separation lawsuit at the Tokyo District Court and Sapporo District Court.
At the press conference, many members of the press rushed to the press conference, and many reports were immediately published.
Please take a look at the website of the Association to Support Different Name Lawsuits.
Newspaper https://bessei.net/20240310-2/
TV https://bessei.net/20240309-2/
On that day, the business community also took action, such as submitting requests to relevant ministries and agencies, and it seems that the movement for the option of separate surnames for married couples is becoming more and more important.
As soon as the date for the first oral argument is decided, we will report it here. Thank you for your continued support.
↑Tokyo team group photo/press conference
↑Group photo of the Sapporo team (the background is the former Sapporo Court of Appeals (currently the museum))/Press conference
The March 8th filing date schedule
2024/3/4 12:55
時間 | 札幌 | 東京 |
9:30 | 札幌地裁への提訴行動・訴状提出 | |
10:00 | 記者会見北海道高等学校教職員センター ・弁護団より裁判の説明 ・原告の思い ・質疑応答 | 東京地裁への提訴行動・訴状提出 |
10:30 | 記者会見終了 | |
11:00 | 東京会場の記者会見にオンライン接続 (オンライン登壇有り・オンライン視聴可能) | 記者会見 @日比谷図書文化館スタジオプラス(小ホール) *YouTube生配信あり 配信リンク: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUdwo63Kw7A ・弁護団より裁判の説明 ・原告の思い ・質疑応答 |
11:50 | 記者会見終了 |
Thank you to everyone who is supporting the ``Towards a society where couples can choose different surnames! Litigation'' project.
The lawsuit will finally be filed in Tokyo District Court and Sapporo District Court on March 8th.
The schedule for the day is as follows. The Tokyo press conference will also be streamed online.
Please support us by watching the online broadcast and spreading the various news coverage from the day! Thank you.
time | Sapporo | Tokyo |
9:30 | Filing a lawsuit/complaint to the Sapporo District Court | |
10:00 | Press conference Hokkaido High School Faculty Center ・Explanation of the trial from the defense team ・Plaintiff's thoughts ·Question-and-answer session | Filing a lawsuit/complaint to the Tokyo District Court |
10:30 | Press conference ended | |
11:00 | Connect online to the press conference at the Tokyo venue (Online presentation available/online viewing available) | Press conference @ Hibiya Library and Cultural Center Studio Plus (Small Hall) *YouTube live streaming : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUdwo63Kw7A ・Explanation of the trial from the defense team ・Plaintiff's thoughts ·Question-and-answer session |
11:50 | Press conference ended |
6 件中 1-6 件
1-6 of 6 cases
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弁護士 三浦 徹也(弁護団事務局長)
電話:03-5219-0002 FAX:03-5219-2221
Legal Counsel Team of the Third Lawsuit for a Selective Separate Surnames System for Married Couples
We filed lawsuits in 2011 and 2018 for the purpose of achieving a system where married couples have the option of taking separate surnames in Japan. We believe a law that requires couples to take the same surname upon marriage should be ruled unconstitutional, and we will do our utmost to win the lawsuit.
<Contact information>
Asahi Law Office
Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Marunouchi, 2 Chome−1−1
Marunouchi Mai Plaza, 13F
Attorney-at-Law Tetsuya Miura (Executive Secretary of the Legal Counsel Team)
Phone: 03-5219-0002
Fax: 03-5219-2221
2024. 3. 8