日米同性カップル在留資格訴訟 〜家族そろって日本で暮らすために〜 Litigation on Status of Residence for a Same-Sex Couple of a Japanese and an American - To live together as a family in Japan -
日本国籍-外国籍の同性カップルが、家族そろって日本で暮らすために。アメリカ国籍のアンドリューさんは、同性パートナーである日本国籍の康平さんと日本での生活を続けるため、「定住者」の在留資格申請をしましたが、認められませんでした。パートナーとの関係に基づく安定した在留資格が、同性カップルには認められていないのです。そこで、「定住者」の在留資格を認めること及び国家賠償を求めるのが本ケースです。 A same-sex couple of a Japanese citizen and an American citizen are fighting to live together as a family in Japan. Andrew, an American citizen, applied for Long-term Resident status to continue to live together with his partner, Kohei, a Japanese citizen. However, his application was denied because the law does not recognize status of residence based on a same-sex marriage. This lawsuit seeks recognition for his Long-term Resident status and state compensation.
I have submitted a statement of grounds for appeal and a statement of grounds for requesting acceptance of appeal.
2024/1/16 21:15
Today (January 16th), we submitted a statement of grounds for appeal and a statement of grounds for requesting acceptance of the appeal.
The submitted documents are uploaded under ``Supreme Court'' ⇒ ``Person side'' ⇒ ``Claims/Judgments'' under ``Litigation Materials'', so please take a look.
2023年7月26日 控訴審第3回口頭弁論
July 26, 2023 Appellate Trial 3rd Oral Argument
2023/7/31 14:19
Once again, we were in Courtroom 101, the largest courtroom in the Tokyo District and High Courts.
Thank you very much for coming in spite of the extremely hot weather.
Tokyo High Court, 12th Civil Division (Keiichiro Umemoto, Presiding Judge)
(Contents of the day)
The appellants (plaintiffs) submitted the first brief.
The content included arguments based on the content of the researcher's written opinion submitted in the previous brief, issues related to the " Designated Activities" status of residence, and supplemental arguments based on recent developments such as same-sex marriage lawsuits.
In addition, we submitted documentary evidence (including Andrew's statement) regarding the problems with "specified activities," and requested the interrogation of Professor Taniguchi, who wrote a written opinion on the relationship with international human rights law in the first trial, and Professor Sogabe, who wrote a written opinion on the relationship with the Constitution in the current proceeding.
In response, the respondent (the State) stated that it did not plan to make a counterargument.
The reason was that the new presiding judge showed an attitude of concluding the trial prematurely (i.e., ending the proceedings).
The presiding judge rejected two expert witnesses requested by the appellants and stated that the trial would be concluded. After the first trial, the defense team requested that the government provide an explanation of the new issues that were clarified in the written opinion, especially those related to administrative law.
The date of the judgment is scheduled for Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 15:00 in Courtroom No. 101. A debriefing session is scheduled after the verdict, so please come and observe the proceedings!
2023年5月31日 控訴審第2回口頭弁論
May 31, 2023 Appellate Court Second Oral Argument
2023/6/1 11:12
Tokyo High Court 12th Civil Division (Presiding Judge Keiichiro Umemoto)
Continuing from the 1st time, it was Courtroom No. 101 , the largest in the Tokyo District High Court.
We appreciate to everyone who came to the hearing.
(contents of the day)
The Presiding judge was replaced.
The appellant (plaintiff) submitted the following researcher's written opinion as evidence.
・Sota Kimura (Constitution)
・Professor Masahiro Sokabe (Constitution)
・Professor Yukio Okitsu (Administrative Law)
Attorneys Takako Uesugi, Yasushi Nagano, and Yuki Maruyama, who are members of the legal team, made statements to introduce the outline of the written opinion.
The written opinion is uploaded to "High Court" and "Evidence" of "Lawsuit Materials", so please take a look.
(Debriefing session)
After the deadline, from 16:00, we held a meeting to report the deadline through face-to-face and live streaming. Attorneys explained the contents of the written opinion.
(scheduled for next time)
By the next meeting, we are planning to make a claim based on the written opinion submitted this time.
The next meeting will be on July 26th at 15:00 , and it will continue to courtroom No. 101 .
We appreciate your continued support.
2023年3月15日 控訴審第1回口頭弁論
March 15, 2023 Appellate Court First Oral Argument
2023/4/29 18:21
Tokyo High Court, 12th Civil Division (Presiding Judge Hideaki Mori)
Courtroom No. 101 , the largest in the Tokyo District High Court, was almost full.
We appreciate to everyone who came to the hearing.
(contents of the day)
Since it was the first appeal trial, we presented the appeal letter, the grounds for appeal, and the written answer.
In addition, Masako Suzuki, attorney of the legal team of the plaintiffs Kohei and Andrew, made a statement of opinion.
As we upload document about opinion statement, please see there.
(scheduled for next time)
The court indicated its intention to continue to use the largest courtroom from the next time onwards.
By the next time, the plaintiff will submit a written opinion of an expert on the constitution and administrative law, and by the next time, he will make a claim based on the written opinion.
The next meeting will be held on May 31 at 3:00 pm , and the next meeting will be held on July 26 at 3:00 pm , both at Court No. 101 .
Please continue to pay attention.
”Designated Activities” granted
2023/3/12 10:49
On March 10, 2023, Andrew was granted a status of residence of "designated activities" (period of stay of 1 year).
Detailed information is posted in the lawyers’ Note page.
It has been a long period of about 4 years and 8 months since he first applied for a change of status of residence as Kohei's partner in July 2018, and about 3 years and 6 months since we filed a lawsuit in September 2019. We are very happy that the efforts of them, who have endured an unstable situation and persevered, have finally come to fruition in the form of a status of residence that recognizes the relationship between the two.
However, “designated activities” are restricted to work, have higher hurdles to permission for permanent residence, and are forced to deport compared to “spouse of Japanese nationals, etc.” recognized by heterosexual partners of Japanese nationals and “long-term residents”. As a result of being a same-sex partner, Andrew continues to be at a disadvantage compared to heterosexual partners of Japanese nationals. For that reason, Andrew, Kohei, and the legal team continue to fight to seek the recognition of same-sex couples as family members on an equal footing with heterosexual couples, and to obtain a decision that the status of residence "long-term resident" should have been recognized.
We ask for your continued support.
5 件中 1-5 件
1-5 of 5 cases
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2024. 1. 18