大川原化工機事件 〜無実で約1年勾留「人質司法」問題をただす〜 Ohkawara Kakohki [State Redress Proceedings Condemning Hostage Justice-Revocation of Prosecution After Detention for Nearly One Year-]

#刑事司法 #Criminal Justice

現在の寄付総額 Current Total Raised

2,275,053円 ¥ 2,275,053


目標金額 Target amount

1,732,000円 ¥ 1,732,000

サポーター Supporter

294 人 294 supporters

寄付する Donate Now

経済産業大臣に輸出許可申請が必要となる噴霧乾燥機を無許可で輸出したとして逮捕・起訴された事件で、東京地検は、輸出規制対象に該当するかどうか疑いが生じたとして、初公判の直前に起訴を取り消しました。逮捕された3名のうち2名は保釈が認められるまで1年近く拘置所に勾留され、もう1名は勾留中に体調を崩し、起訴取消を知ることなく亡くなりました。なぜこのようなことが起きたのか、捜査の違法性を徹底追及します。 Two of the three arrested were detained in detention center for nearly a year until bail was granted, and the other died during detention without knowing the cancellation of the indictment.


2nd Oral Argument Date (Mr. Aijima Lawsuit)

2023/6/8 15:40




当 事 者



事 件 名


期   日




提 出 書 類 等



 event number 

 Reiwa 4th (ワ) No. 30955

 State Compensation Request Event 

 parties involved 

 Plaintiff: Aishima  2 others

 Defendant: State 

 event name 

 State Compensation Request Event 

 due date 

 April 12, 2023 14:00-14:30 

 next return date 

 Second time: June 6, 2023 15:00 

 propose books, etc. 

 Plaintiff: Ko A3~A6 

 Defendant: Prepare written documents (1), Otsu A1-1~21, Otsu B1,Otsu C1~5


9th Oral Argument Date

2023/6/2 11:55


















提 出 書 類 等

原 告:なし



期 日 経 過 要 旨



原 告:反対尋問で提示する書証は、予定で出すということになりますか。








双 方:ございません。







原 告:原本確認は不要です。



case number

Reiwa 3rd Year (Wa) No. 23302


Plaintiffs: Okawara Kakoki Co., Ltd. and five others

Defendant: Country, Tokyo

Case name

National compensation claim case

due date

9th meeting date (scheduled meeting date, argument date)

From 10:30 on Friday, June 2, 2023 (progress consultation date)

From 11:15 (oral argument date)

next due date

Interrogation date: From 13:30 on Friday, June 16, 5th year of Reiwa

From 13:30 on Friday, June 23, 2023

From 10:00 on Friday, June 30, 2023

From 10:00 on Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Closing date of argument: From 13:30 on Friday, September 15, 2023

Documents to be submitted, etc.

Plaintiff: None

Respondent country: Statement of Evidence (4), Hei 32-38

Defendant Tokyo: Explanation of Evidence (7), Otsu 14

Summary of the progress of the date

―Date of discussion on proceedings―

Court: Commencement proceedings date. I have submitted a statement. For documentary evidence to be presented at the interrogation, please make four copies of the relevant pages in advance and submit them immediately before the interrogation. The record is huge and it takes a long time to find it.

Plaintiff: Does that mean that the documentary evidence to be presented at cross-examination is scheduled?

Court: That's fine.

Respondent: What time and place will the interrogator come?

Court: Please come to the courtroom waiting room 30 minutes before your scheduled hearing. 

Defendant  Prefecture: For example, ●●'s summons is written at 10:00, but does that mean that he should come 30 minutes before the actual scheduled interrogation time? 

Court: Yes. 

Defendant  Prefecture: Understood.

Court: Personal identification will be conducted according to the document sent in advance. Do you have any other confirmations?

Both sides: No.

Court: That concludes the proceedings discussion date.

―End of deadline for discussion―

―Date of Oral Argument―

Court: Commence the due date. Respondent country may state brief (4).

Defendant: I will make a statement.

Court: In terms of evidence, the defendant city has submitted Otsu 14, and the defendant country has submitted defendants Hei 32-38. Will the plaintiff verify the original of the declaration?

Plaintiff: No confirmation of the original is required.

Court: Well then, the next hearing will be on June 16th at 13:30 as before, and we will interrogate Mr. Okawara and Mr. Aishima.

that's all


8th Oral Argument Date

2023/5/2 9:40




期   日













提 出 書 類 等

原 告:証拠申出書、証拠説明書(6)、証拠説明書(7)、甲152~甲163



期 日 経 過 要 旨





大川原さん(同行) 原告30分、被告都30分、被告国10分

相嶋さん(同行) 原告15分、被告都15分、被告国10分


島田さん(同行) 原告40分、被告都40分、被告国10分

●●さん(呼出) 被告都40分、原告40分、被告国10分


●●さん(呼出) 被告都10分、原告40分、被告国10分

●●さん(呼出) 被告都10分、原告40分、被告国10分


●●さん(呼出) 被告都20分、原告40分、被告国10分

●●さん(呼出) 被告都40分、原告40分、被告国15分


●●さん(同行) 被告国20分、原告40分、被告都15分

●●さん(呼出) 被告都20分、原告40分、被告国15分


●●さん(同行) 被告国30分、原告40分、被告都5分

●●さん(同行) 被告国20分、原告40分、被告都5分




・The schedule, subjects, and time for the examination of witnesses have been officially decided.

・By the next meeting, the respondent country is scheduled to submit written rebuttals, two prosecutors, and written statements by Mr. ●●. The defendant city is scheduled to submit a written statement by Mr. ●●.

・The date for the hearing is 13:30 on September 15th.

due date

8th meeting date (scheduled meeting date, argument date)

From 13:30 on Friday, April 28, 2023 (due for progress discussion)

From 14:30 (oral argument date)

next due date

Next time: Friday, June 2, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. on the proceedings discussion date, and from 11:15 a.m. on the oral argument date

Interrogation date: From 13:30 on Friday, June 16, 5th year of Reiwa

From 13:30 on Friday, June 23, 2023

From 10:00 on Friday, June 30, 2023

From 10:00 on Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Closing date of argument: From 13:30 on Friday, September 15, 2023

* Respondent country: Deadline for submission of briefs, two public prosecutors and statements by Mr. 5/26

* Defendant City: Deadline for submission of statement by Mr. 5/26

Documents to be submitted, etc.

Plaintiff: Statement of Evidence, Statement of Evidence (6), Statement of Evidence (7), A152 to A163

Respondent country: written opinion on submission of evidence, written submission of evidence

Defendant Tokyo: Statement of Evidence, Statement of Evidence (5), Statement of Evidence (6), Otsu 9-13

Summary of the progress of the date

―Date of Oral Argument―

Court: We have changed judges during the period, so we will update the argument. The plaintiff has submitted from A153 to A163 as evidence. The defendant capital has submitted Otsu 9 to Otsu 13 as evidence.

With regard to personal identification, we have received applications from each country, and the defendant country has submitted a written opinion, so we will make a decision to adopt the personal identification. The schedule for each question is as follows.

13:00 on June 16th

Mr. Ogawara (accompanying) Plaintiff 30 minutes, Defendant 30 minutes, Defendant 10 minutes

Mr. Aijima (accompanying) Plaintiff 15 minutes, Defendant 15 minutes, Defendant 10 minutes

June 23, 13:00-

Mr. Shimada (accompanying) Plaintiff 40 minutes, Defendant 40 minutes, Defendant 10 minutes

Mr. ●● (call) Defendant: 40 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 10 minutes

June 30, 10:00~

Mr. ●● (call) Defendant: 10 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 10 minutes

Mr. ●● (call) Defendant: 10 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 10 minutes


●● (call) Defendant: 20 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 10 minutes

Mr. ●● (call) Defendant: 40 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 15 minutes

10:00 on July 5th

●● (accompanied) Defendant: 20 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 15 minutes

Mr. ●● (call) Defendant: 20 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 15 minutes


●● (accompanied) Defendant: 30 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 5 minutes

●● (accompanied) Defendant: 20 minutes, Plaintiff: 40 minutes, Defendant: 5 minutes

Court: The defendant country submitted a rebuttal to the 7th brief submitted by the plaintiff, statements by two public prosecutors, and Mr. ●●'s statement, and the defendant capital submitted Mr. ●●'s statement by May 26 please.

The next meeting will be held on June 2nd at 10:30 a.m. for proceedings, and at 11:15 a.m. for oral arguments. The closing date for arguments will be held at this court from 1:30 p.m. on September 15th.

that's all


Date of 7th Oral Argument

2023/4/2 13:06

期   日










提 出 書 類 等

原 告:当事者照会書(令和5年1月30日付)、事務連絡(メモ)(令和5年2月10日付)、事務連絡(メモ)(令和5年2月13日付)、第6準備書面(令和5年2月20日付)、第7準備書面(同日付)、意見書(令和5年2月27日付)、当事者照会書(同日付)、証拠説明書(4)(令和5年2月20日付)、証拠説明書(5)(令和5年2月27日付)、甲148~151



期 日 経 過 要 旨






due date

7th meeting date (scheduled meeting date, oral argument date)
 March 1, 2020 (Wednesday) from 10:30 to 11:20

next due date

Next time: April 28, 2020 (Friday) From 13:30 on the proceedings discussion date, from 14:30 on the oral argument date

One after another: June 2, 2020 (Friday) From 10:30 on the proceedings consultation date, from 11:15 on the oral argument date

Interrogation date: Afternoon of Friday, June 16, 2023
Afternoon of Friday, June 23, 2023
All day Friday, June 30, 2023
 July 5, 2020 (Wednesday) all day

*Deadline for submission of statement

4/21 for those who are planning to adopt a personal identification for the first two days

Those who are planning to adopt a personal identification for the second half of the second period are on 5/26

* Recorded data, excluding impeachment evidence, will be submitted by us as soon as possible.

Documents to be submitted, etc.

Plaintiff: Party inquiry form (dated January 30, 2023), administrative communication (memo) (dated February 10, 2023), administrative communication (memo) (dated February 13, 2023), 6 Briefing Document (dated February 20, 2023), 7th Briefing Document (dated February 27, 2023), Written Opinion (dated February 27, 2023), Inquiry Form (dated the same date), Statement of Evidence (4) (Dated February 20, 2020), Evidence Explanation (5) (Dated February 27, 2023), Ko 148-151

Defendant: Written reply (dated February 10, 2023), written opinion on petition for order to submit documents (dated February 24, 2023), brief (4) (dated March 1, 2023) , Written opinion on personal evidence (same date)

Respondent country: Written opinion on petition for order to submit documents (dated February 24, 2023), written evidence (3) (January 31, 2023), Hei 30-31

Summary of the progress of the date

Court: I've changed the judge for the date, so I'll update the arguments. First, check the submitted documents. The plaintiff's 6th brief (dated February 20, 2020) and 7th brief (same date) shall be the statements. Defendant Capital's brief (4) (dated March 1, 2023) is taken as a statement. As for the evidence, Ko 148 to Ko 151 and Hei 30 and 31 have been submitted. Ko 150 will be changed from the original to a copy. Regarding the clarification demanded by the defendant city, if the plaintiff has a recording that is scheduled to be submitted, please submit it as soon as possible, excluding the recording used as impeachment evidence.
Respondents are requested to submit counterarguments to Plaintiffs' No. 7 Brief by May 26.
The interrogation dates are June 13th afternoon, June 16th afternoon, all day June 30th, and all day July 5th.
Of the personal identifications, those who are scheduled to be hired in the first half should submit a written statement by April 21st. For those who are scheduled to be hired in the second half, please submit by May 26th. The official recruitment of personal identifications and the order and time will be decided on April 28th.
 If there is a need for the trial, we may employ additional witnesses, but as a current image, if we can get a conviction from the interrogation, we would like to submit the final brief by the end of August and make a judgment by the end of the year. .

Respondent: Please allow me to consider whether the final brief can be handled within the current schedule.

Court: I believe that one and a half months from the date of the interrogation will be sufficient. Even if I postpone it, it will be the beginning of September.

Respondent country: We will consider the timing of receipt of the interrogation report.

that's all


Date of 1st Oral Argument(Aijima)

2023/3/2 17:38





当 事 者



事 件 名


期   日




提 出 書 類 等



 event number 

 Reiwa 4th (ワ) No. 30955

 State Compensation Request Event 

 parties involved 

 Plaintiff: Aishima  2  others

 Defendant: State 

 event name 

 State Compensation Request Event 

 due date 

 February 27, 2023 10:30-10:45 

 next return date 

 Second time: 14:00 on April 12, 2023

 propose books, etc. 

 Plaintiff: Plaintiff: Complaint, Ko A1-1~Ko C-24 

 Defendant: defendant's answer


Sixth Oral Argument (Okawara Kakoki Lawsuit)

2023/1/27 17:26






当 事 者



事 件 名


期   日








提 出 書 類 等

原 告:文書提出命令申立書(令和5年1月23日付)


期 日 経 過 要 旨




原 告:既に問題となっていたメモに関する申立てですので、この後に及んで2か月は長過ぎるものと考えます。




原 告:本期日で提出された被告都の準備書面⑶に対し反論します。


原 告:同行は、原告大川原さん、原告島田さん、原告相嶋さん(どなたか1名)と、技術に詳しい原告会社従業員●●さんを予定しています。


原 告:検討いたします。また、同行以外で、立法に関与した経産省●●さん、システック●●さん。それと●●教授。法解釈に関する注意義務違反に関し、公安部の当時の捜査官を何名か。また、公訴提起した●●検事と、公訴取消しをした●●検事を予定しています。



・By this date, the defendant city has submitted a brief, and we will make a counterargument by the next meeting.

・We filed an order to submit documents, and the defendants will respond by February 24th.

・At the next meeting, it was decided to discuss whose witnesses should be questioned. We are planning to apply for personal identification as follows.

case number

Reiwa 3rd Year (Wa) No. 23302


Plaintiffs: Okawara Kakoki Co., Ltd., Mr. Okawara, Mr. Shimada, Mr. Aishima, etc.

Defendant: Country, Tokyo

Case name

National compensation claim case


6th date (Date for argument)
 From 10:30 on Friday, January 27, 2023

next due date

Next time: March 1, 2020 (Wednesday) From 10:30 on the day of proceedings, from 11:15 on the date of oral argument, courtroom 712

One after another: April 28, 2020 (Friday) From 13:30 on the discussion date, from 14:30 on the oral argument date, location undecided

* Our document submission deadline is 2/20.

* Defendants' response deadline for the petition for the order to submit documents is 2/24

*Declaration 4/14 regarding personal identification of the accompanying person

Documents to be submitted, etc.

Plaintiff: Petition for document submission order (dated January 23, 2023)

Defendant Tokyo: Brief (3) (dated January 27, 2023), Explanation of Evidence (4) (same date), Otsu 5-4 to Otsu 5-5

Summary of the progress of the date

Court: First, we will check the submitted documents. The plaintiff submitted a petition for an order to submit documents (dated January 23, 2023), and the defendant capital issued a brief (3) (dated January 27, 2023), an explanation of evidence (4) (same date), Otsu 5-4 to Otsu 5-5 has been submitted. By when can I receive a response to the petition for order to submit documents?

Defendant: Could you give me two months and set March 27 as the deadline?

Respondent Country: Although the Respondent Country is not the holder of the document, it would like to consider its necessity and relevance, so please do so by March 27.

Plaintiff: We believe that two months is too long after this, as it is a motion related to the memorandum that has already been at issue.

Court: At the next meeting (March 1), we plan to discuss the scope and schedule of the subject of the testimony, but we would like to discuss this after all opinions regarding the document submission order have been gathered. It will be enough if you claim whether or not it falls under the grounds for exemption from the document submission order, so please do so by February 24th.

Capital/Country: Submit by February 24th if possible. I may add my opinion later.

Court: Plaintiffs have until February 20th to refute defendants' allegations.

Plaintiff: I object to defendant capital's brief (3) submitted on this date.

Court: Each must submit a statement to be accompanied by April 14th. As for personal identification, who is the plaintiff supposed to be?

Plaintiff: We are planning to accompany plaintiff Mr. Okawara, plaintiff Mr. Shimada, plaintiff Mr. Aijima (one of them), and an employee of the plaintiff company who is familiar with technology.

Court: Are plaintiffs not enough on the technical point?

Plaintiff: We will consider it. In addition to the bank, Mr. ●● from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Mr. Systec ●● were involved in the legislation. And Professor ●●. How many investigators of the Ministry of Public Security were there at the time regarding violations of duty of care regarding legal interpretation? Also, we are planning to have ●● prosecutor, who filed a lawsuit, and ●●, who canceled the lawsuit.

Court: Understood. Defendants should be prepared to discuss the need for these testimonies.

that's all


Date of 5th Oral Argument (Okawara Kakoki Lawsuit)

2022/11/14 15:58









当 事 者



事 件 名


期   日


出 席 者










提 出 書 類 等

原 告:意見書(令和4年11月7日付)、第5準備書面(同日付)




期 日 経 過 要 旨




原 告:撤回します。










原 告:被告都の反論内容を想定して準備しておくので、1か月程度で書面を提出します。



case number

Reiwa 3rd Year (Wa) No. 23302


Plaintiffs: Okawara Kakoki Co., Ltd. and five others

Defendant: Country, Tokyo

Case name

National compensation claim case


Fifth date (Date for argument)
 Friday, November 11, 2020, from 10:30 to 10:40


Plaintiffs: Mr. Okawara, Mr. Shimada, Mr. (Sen) Aishima,

Agents: Takada, Kawamura, Wagatsuma, Yamashiro, Miki

Respondent country: number of designated representatives

Defendant Tokyo: Number of designated representatives

next due date

Next time: January 27, 2020 (Friday) 10:30 am (Court No. 712)

One after another: March 1, 2020 (Wednesday) at 10:30 a.m. (*The date for proceeding discussions regarding the examination of witnesses will start at 10:30, and the date for oral argument will start at 11:15. The location is undecided, and the court will contact you as soon as it is decided.) )

* Deadline for submission of documents by defendant city 1/16

* Our document submission deadline is 2/20.

Documents to be submitted, etc.

Plaintiff: Opinion (dated November 7, 2020), Fifth Brief (same date)

Respondent country: Written Opinion (dated October 31, 2022), Brief (3) (same date), Statement of Evidence (2) (same date), Statement of Evidence (C-A) (same date), C-28-29, Hei A1 to Hei A156

Defendant Tokyo: Opinion ⑵ (dated November 11, 2020), Evidence Explanation ⑶ (same date), Exhibit 8-1 to Exhibit 8-49

Others: Response to commissioned survey (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) (Dated September 14, 2022)

Summary of the progress of the date

Court: First, we will check the submitted documents. A written opinion from the plaintiff (dated November 7, 2022), 5th brief (same date), a written opinion from the defendant country (dated October 31, 2020), brief (3) (same date), evidence Explanation (2) (same date), Explanation of Evidence (Hei A) (same date), Hei 28 to 29, Hei A1 to Hei A156, written opinion (2) from the Defendant Capital on the petition for commission of investigation (November 2022) 11), Document of Evidence (3) (same date), and Otsu 8-1 to Otsu 8-49 have been submitted. In addition, we have received a response (dated September 14, 2020) from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to the commissioned investigation, so is it okay to declare it? (* It is necessary to confirm that the response to the commissioned investigation will be used as evidence on the date. This is called "revealing.")

Each Party: Yes.

Court: Concerning the delivery commission filed by the plaintiff, since the delivery commissions 1 and 5 were submitted as evidence by the defendants, is it correct to withdraw them?

Plaintiff: Retract.

Court: The Defendant City replied that the delivery commission 3 does not exist. The plaintiff bears the burden of proof of its existence, so we will not adopt it at this stage. In addition, sending commission 4 is not adopted because it has no relevance to the issue. We believe that submission 2 is related to the disputed issue of the interpretation of Requirement C. Can a voluntary submission from the defendant be considered?

Respondent country: I think it is unnecessary because it is irrelevant to the issue.

Court: If you don't submit it voluntarily, we will decide to adopt the sending commission 2.

Respondent State: The opinion of the Respondent State is as I have just stated.

COURT: Then we accept the sending commission 2. By the next date, the defendant city will make an objection to the plaintiff's preliminary documents (2) to (4), and after that, the plaintiff will make another objection by the next date. How much does the defendant city need to prepare?

Defendant: Could you set the deadline for submitting the documents to the end of January 2023?

Court: Please submit by January 16th, as this is not a counterargument to a newly submitted document on this date.

Defendant: Understood.

Court: I appoint the next date to be January 27th at 10:30 am. How prepared should the plaintiff be to re-rebut?

Plaintiff: I will prepare the contents of defendant capital's counterargument, so I will submit the document in about a month.

Court: Then, we will set the deadline for the plaintiff's submission of documents as February 20th and the next round as March 1st. Before the next meeting, we will hold a meeting to discuss proceedings and discuss who will be the witnesses for each issue, so please consider this in advance. The proceedings consultation date will start at 10:30 and the argument date will start at 11:15.

that's all


4th oral argument date

2022/7/13 14:12




期   日




提 出 書 類 等

原 告:第1準備書面ないし第4準備書面、意見書、甲127~143



期 日 経 過 要 旨






・ This time, I made a counterargument to the document submitted by the defendants last time. By the next time, the Defendant's country will submit a rebuttal document from the Defendant's Tokyo Metropolitan Government one after another.

-In addition, the issues raised by the court last time have been amended as described above.

・ Regarding the commission to send documents, the defendants will consider voluntary disclosure again.


4th deadline (discussion date)
 From 10:40 to 10:50 on Wednesday, July 13, 4th year of Reiwa

Next due date

Friday, November 11, 4th year of Reiwa 10:30

Documents to be submitted, etc.

Plaintiff: 1st Brief to 4th Brief, Opinion, Exhibit Ko No. 127 ~ 143

Defendant country: Opinion, escalation

Defendant Tokyo: Statement of Appeal, Statement of Opinion on Request for Investigation

Due date

Court: First, the plaintiff has submitted the 1st to 4th briefs and Exhibits A127-143.
Please state the 1st and 2nd briefs.
The third brief is an addition to the cause of the claim, but I think that the identity of the basis of the claim is not recognized, so I would like you to file a separate complaint. Also, I would like you to consider the damage separately. Regarding the merger hearing, the defendant will consider it if it is appropriate.
The 4th brief is an opinion on the commission to send the document, so it will not be treated as a statement.
Next, regarding the issue of this case, I confirmed that the long-term interrogation of plaintiff Shimada was not an issue. In addition, we also confirmed that among the issues, those related to the identification of the part where the temperature inside the spray dryer does not rise will be corrected as described in the Defendant's petitions.
Next, regarding the matter of commissioned investigation, we will adopt the investigation item ⑴, we will not adopt ⑵ and ⑶ as the necessity is unknown at this time, and we will not adopt ⑷ and ⑸ because it is appropriate to cross-examine witnesses.
Lastly, regarding the commission to send documents, the plaintiff has issued a document about the necessity this time, so the defendants should consider voluntary disclosure based on that. For items that are difficult to disclose voluntarily, please submit a brief to that effect in the form of a brief or escalation. For items that are voluntarily disclosed, I would like to ask the plaintiff to create and organize a checklist in cooperation with the plaintiff.
 Next time, I will argue with the defendants, but how long is the preparation period required?

Defendant Country: The plaintiff's allegations are exhaustive, and it is necessary to consider how to respond to the commission to send documents, so I would like to ask for your time until October 31st.

Defendant Tokyo: Based on the counterarguments of the defendant country, I would like to refute one after another. Since it is possible to consider the counterargument itself, the period from the next time to the next time will not be necessary so much.

Court: I see.
 The next deadline will be November 11th (Friday) at 10:30 am, so the defendant country is requested to submit in writing by October 31st.

that's all


3rd oral argument date

2022/5/14 11:57





期   日




提 出 書 類 等

原 告:調査嘱託申立書



期 日 経 過 要 旨



原 告:調査嘱託申立書について補足しておきます。








原 告:文書送付嘱託の方についても少しよろしいでしょうか。



原 告:念のため、今ご指摘のあった183番は、同一人の調書が2通作成され、片方のみが証拠として提出されていたため、他方の開示を求めるものですので、それについては重複していないかと思います。







原 告:最後に、今回被告らから提出された書面の内容について確認させてください。


原 告:言葉の問題ということですね、わかりました。


原 告:では、今指摘したので、追って検討の上回答してください。


原 告:わかりました。本件のような公安が時間をかけて捜査していた事件について、判断の時間がないという言い訳は妥当しないと思っていますが、その点も書面にて述べたいと思います。


・ The defendants submitted a new document and evidence of the counterargument.

・ Based on this, the court has indicated the issues that the court considers at this point, and we plan to submit a rebuttal document in line with the issues in the future.

-In addition, since the defendant country submitted a question and answer to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry regarding the interpretation of the requirement C as evidence, we filed a request for investigation in connection with this.

・ In addition, regarding the commission to send documents, there was a statement from the court that we would like to wait for our re-argument before making a decision.


3rd deadline (due date for oral argument)
 From 10:30 to 11:00 on Friday, May 13, 4th year of Reiwa

Next due date

Wednesday, July 13, 4th year of Reiwa 10:40

Documents to be submitted, etc.

Plaintiff: Request for Investigation Commission

Defendant Country: Briefs ⑵, Hei 1-27

Defendant Tokyo: Brief ⑵, Exhibit Otsu 3-7-11

Due date

Court: First, there was a change of judge, so I will update the argument.
Next, the Defendant's country has submitted Briefs ⑵ and Hei 1-27, and the Defendant's capital has submitted Briefs ⑵ and Exhibit Otsu Nos. 3-7-11.
 Then, the plaintiff has submitted a petition for investigation, but do you have any opinions from the defendants?

Defendant's country and capital: We have just received it and have not yet examined the contents, so we cannot clarify when to express our opinion.

Plaintiff: I would like to supplement the petition for investigation commission.
This time, Evidence No. 24 and Evidence No. 25 submitted by the defendant country are a document asking the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry about the interpretation of this requirement C on April 18, this year, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for it. According to the document of the reply from, the reference time of the reply is March 12, 2nd year of Reiwa, which is the time of arrest, and after the same day.
 However, the problem in criminal cases is the guilty of export acts, so we have decided to apply for an investigation commission this time in order to request a separate answer regarding the interpretation and operation of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry at the time of export.

Court: Can the defendants answer in three weeks?

Defendant Country: No commitment can be made here.

Court: As a court, I think three weeks is enough. If possible, I would like to hear your opinions on the deadline.

Defendant Country: I can't promise.

Court: Is it the same for 4 weeks?

Defendant Country: Yes.

Court: I see. Then, if you have any opinions by June 10, please submit them. If there is no answer, the court will decide the response at that time.

Plaintiff: Is it okay for those who are commissioned to send documents?
 Regarding this, the defendants had previously been put on hold for answering because the issue was not clear, but since the written counterargument has come out this time, I think that the issue has also been clarified. Is it?

Court: On that point, I would like to inform you of the issue that the court considers, so I would like the plaintiff to submit a written counterargument to the issue by the next time, and wait for it before drawing a conclusion. I am.

Defendant Country: In addition to the counterargument, I would like you to clarify the necessity of disclosure for each document requesting disclosure.
 Also, I think there are duplicate documents for which disclosure is requested, so I would like to ask you to organize the documents. For example, I think that No. 183 of ⑵ of Document Sending Request Form 1 is equivalent to Evidence A No. 16 of the criminal case, but I think that this is included in ⑴ of the same document.

Plaintiff: Just in case, the number 183 you just pointed out is duplicated because two copies of the same person's record were prepared and only one was submitted as evidence, so the other is requested to be disclosed. I think you haven't.

Court: If there are any results that have been examined regarding the existence of duplication, why not respond to the disclosure on that premise?

Defendant country: No examination results remain.

Court: I see.
Now, I would like to inform you of the issue, so the plaintiff should write down the counterargument and the necessity of disclosing the document.
First, (1) as a common issue between the defendant country and the defendant city,
(1) Unreasonable judgment that "sterilization" includes dry sterilization (2) Unreasonable judgment that it is sufficient to sterilize even one type of bacteria specified in Article 2-2, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Freight, etc. ③ It is irrational to judge that it is not a regulatory requirement to have an exposure prevention structure ④ It is irrational to identify the part where the temperature of the spray dryer 1 does not rise as a bug filter ⑤ The irrationality of not conducting the experiment using the bacteria powdered by think.
 Finally, regarding the issue with (3) the defendant's capital, regarding the interrogation of the plaintiff Shimada, (1) long-term interrogation, (2) preparation of an arbitrary record in advance and the act of requesting its signature, and (3) confirmation and correction of the contents of the record. (4) Guidance, fraudulent wording, interrogation, etc., (5) Intentional cutting of records

Plaintiff and Defendant Capital: No objection.

Defendant Country: I would like to consider once whether this issue is okay.

Court: I see. Then, the next due date will be 10:40 am on July 13, so the plaintiff is requested to submit in writing by June 24.

Plaintiff: Finally, let me confirm the contents of the document submitted by the defendants this time.
 First, on page 23 of the Defendant's Brief ⑵, there is a description of the part that points out that the temperature does not rise easily. There is a statement that there is no specific indication, but for this, the content of each employee's statement is extracted and described on page 50 of the complaint. What does it mean to have no specific claim?

Defendant's capital: It is unclear which word in the excerpt refers to the "measurement port". It describes the problem that the word "measurement port" does not appear.

Plaintiff: It's a matter of language, I understand.
 Next, regarding page 8 of the Defendant's Preparatory Document ⑵, is this a statement to the effect that Japan had established its own interpretation different from AG at the time of 2003 when the operational notification was established?

Defendant country: We cannot answer at this time.

Plaintiff: Now that I have just pointed out, please consider and answer later.
 Next, regarding the section on page 25 of the Defendant's Brief ⑵, which describes the time constraints of detention, is this a general theory, or is the prosecutor ●● in this case also investigating the situation for the first time at the time of arrest? Did you mean that there was a time limit because you knew it?

Defendant country: It is a description as a general theory.

Plaintiff: I see. I don't think the excuse that there is no time to make a decision on a case that the public security has taken a long time to investigate, such as this case, is not valid, but I would like to mention that point in writing.
 that's all.

that's all


Second Oral Argument Date (Ogawara Kakoki Lawsuit)

2022/2/9 13:04




期   日




提 出 書 類 等

原 告:



期 日 経 過 要 旨









原 告:次回までに書証として提出されなかったものの開示については、次回期日にて相談させていただければと思います。



原 告:承知いたしました。4月28日までに書面が出されるということであれば、5月の連休明け頃に期日を入れていただき、進行方法について協議できればと思います。




・ Since the previous deadline, the defendants have submitted a document to approve or reject it for the time being. A written counter-argument will be submitted by the next deadline.

・ In addition, regarding the commission to send documents, it was replied that they would not be able to express their opinions until the issue was clarified.

・ We will continue to wait for the submission of documents and the disclosure of evidence from the defendants.


2nd due date (due date for oral argument)
 From 10:30 to 11:00 on February 9, 4th (Wednesday), Reiwa

Next due date

Friday, May 13, 4th year of Reiwa 10:30

Documents to be submitted, etc.


Defendant country: Brief ⑴, written opinion

Defendant Tokyo: Preparatory Document ⑴, Exhibit Otsu No. 1-2, Statement of Opinion on Request for Document Sending

Due date

Court: Defendant's country and Defendant's Tokyo have submitted briefs (1) respectively. In addition, Defendant Tokyo has submitted Exhibit Otsu No. 1 to Exhibit Otsu No. 2.
 In addition, the defendant's country and the defendant's Tokyo Metropolitan Government have submitted written opinions on the petition for sending documents from the plaintiffs.

Defendant Country: Regarding the commission to send documents, I would like to express my opinion again when the issues in this proceeding are clarified.

Court: Are there any documents requested to be disclosed by the document sending commission that can be disclosed voluntarily? You can answer verbally or in writing.

Defendant country: No answer can be given here. The next time I submit a document, I think it will be possible to submit it as documentary evidence to the extent necessary, along with other evidence, but at this point the issue has not been clarified and the need for disclosure cannot be determined.

Court: By when do you plan to submit the document?

Defendant Country: Submit by April 28th.

Court: How about Defendant Tokyo?

Defendant Tokyo: Submit by April 28th. Also, I would like to submit the document as documentary evidence to the extent necessary.

Plaintiff: I would like to discuss the disclosure of documents that have not been submitted as documentary evidence by the next deadline.
 Regarding the deadline for submitting the defendant's document, could you submit it a little earlier so that we can have a substantive discussion on the next deadline? There is a sufficient period before submitting this brief, and the defendant should be able to consider the content.

Defendant Country: It is difficult to accelerate submission before April 28th.

Court: The court may change the composition of the court body due to personnel matters, and even if it is submitted early, it may not be possible to confirm the contents sufficiently, so it is considered acceptable to submit it by April 28. I am.

Plaintiff: I understand. If the document will be issued by April 28, I would like to have a deadline set around the end of the consecutive holidays in May so that we can discuss how to proceed.
 Next, regarding the document submitted this time by the defendant country, there are many parts that have not been approved or rejected as being related to the defendant Tokyo. As a plaintiff, for example, the investigation status of the Metropolitan Police Department, even if it is mainly about the defendant Tokyo, can also be a description about the breach of the duty of care of the defendant country (prosecutor), so it is necessary to approve or reject it. I think there is.

Defendant Country: We will respond to the extent necessary when submitting the claim of the Defendant Country.

Court: If you are ignorant, you may be ignorant, so please approve or reject it.
 Then, the next time will be from 10:30 am on May 13, 4th year of Reiwa, and the closing date will be.

that's all

21 件中 11-20

11-20 of 21 cases


代表:弁護士 高田 剛
