ベトナム人技能実習生リンさんの死体遺棄罪刑事事件【アーカイブ】 Vietnamese Technical Trainee Charged with Corpse Abandonment

A Vietnamese technical trainee was charged with charged with ”abandoning a corpse” after stillbirth. Is she guilty of the crime? Is there problems with the technical internship system itself too?
2023/4/11 13:28
2023年4月9日 中島 眞一郎(コムスタカー外国人と共に生きる会)
ベトナム人元技能実習生リンさんの死体遺棄刑事事件は、すでに報道などでご存じのように2023年3月24日(金曜日)に、最高裁判所第二小法廷(草野 耕一裁判長)が「無罪判決を言い渡し、
1.最高裁判決文 (公開用)
3.2023年3月24日最高裁判決報告集会でのコムスタカ―外国人と共に生きる会の発言(佐久間順子 コムスタカー外国人と共に生きる会事務局長)
To everyone who cared about the innocence of Vietnamese former technical intern trainee Lin in the criminal case of abandoning the corpse
April 9 , 2023 Shinichiro Nakajima (Komstakar Association for Living with Foreigners)
As you already know from the media, on March 24 , 2023 (Friday), the 2nd Petty Bench of the Supreme Court (President Koichi Kusano) handed down the ``not guilty verdict'' in the criminal case of abandoning the corpse of Mr. Lin, a former Vietnamese technical intern trainee . and
We were able to end the case with a victory. Two years and four months have passed since Mr. Lin was arrested on suspicion of abandoning a corpse on November 19 , 2020 .
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the support of everyone who cooperated with us.
The following materials are posted on the website of the Association for Living with Comstar Car Foreigners.
1. Supreme Court decision (for public use)
2. Ms. Lin's appeal ( at the Supreme Court decision report meeting on March 24 , 2023 )
3. Remarks by Commstakar - Living with Foreigners Society at the Supreme Court Decision Report Meeting on March 24 , 2023 (Junko Sakuma , Executive Director of the Society for Living with Foreigners)
supreme court judgment
2023/3/24 17:27
The Supreme Court reversed the acquittal.
Thank you for your support.
You can see the verdict at the link below.
Guidance on the Day of the Supreme Court Judgment
2023/3/10 6:48
2023年3月9日 中島 眞一郎(コムスタカー外国人と共に生きる会)
ベトナム人元技能実習生レー ティ トゥイ リンさん(以下、リンさん)の死体遺棄事件について、
2022年1月19日福岡高裁判決(有罪 懲役3月、執行猶予2年)をへて、逮捕からこれまで2年4ヶ月の
1, 3月24日午後2時頃 最高裁判所南門付近(午後2時10分から2時20分の間傍聴整理
※傍聴できなかった方も判決宣告後 南門付近で待っていていただければ、
2, 3月24日午後4時30分から午後5時 東京の裁判所司法記者クラブ室で記者会
3, 3月24日午後6時から午後7時30分 技能実習生の孤立出産最高裁判所判決報告集会
東京の弁護士会館講堂「クレオBC」 (定員180名)
参加費 無料 事前申込制 (オンライン参加も可能)
Ms. Lin's Corpse Abandonment Case: Guidance on the Supreme Court's Sentence Date and Actions on the Day
March 9 , 2023 Shinichiro Nakajima (Komstakar Association for Living with Foreigners)
Regarding the abandonment of the corpse of Mr. Leh Thi Thuy Linh, a former Vietnamese technical intern trainee,
On February 24, 2023 , an argument will be held in the Second Petty Bench of the Supreme Court,
On March 1 , 2009, the Supreme Court issued a notice to hand down the judgment at 3:00 pm on March 24 , 2012.
Lin gave birth to twins alone on November 15 , 2020 , and was arrested by the Kumamoto Prefectural Police on January 19 , 2020 for abandoning the corpse.
On December 10 , 2020 , he was indicted for the same crime by a public prosecutor.
Two years and four months have passed since I was arrested, following the Fukuoka High Court decision on January 19 , 2022 (guilty, imprisonment for three months, suspended for two years).
Finally, on March 24 , 2023 (Friday) at 3:00 pm, the Second Petty Bench of the Supreme Court (Presiding Judge Koichi Kusano) will deliver the verdict.
Action schedule for Friday, March 24 , 2023
1. Around 2:00 pm on March 24 , near the south gate of the Supreme Court (numbered tickets will be distributed between 2:10 pm and 2:20 pm )
*We are looking for people from Tokyo and the Kanto region who can help us as volunteers for people who come from Kumamoto or from far away.
If you would like to cooperate , please contact us .
*Those who were unable to attend the hearing should wait near the south gate after the judgment is pronounced, and the audience will raise flags and report.
2. March 24 , 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm , press conference at the Court Judicial Press Club Room in Tokyo
3. March 24 , 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm : Technical Intern Trainees' Isolated Childbirth Supreme Court Judgment Report Meeting
(For details, please refer to the flyer in the attached file)
Tokyo Lawyers Association Auditorium “Claire BC ” (capacity 180 people)
Participation fee Free Pre-registration required (Online participation is also possible)
* Please apply for participation with the QR code on the flyer in the attached file. (Please spread and promote the flyer)
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