鬼怒川大水害訴訟 Kinugawa Huge Flood Litigation

#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice
#環境・災害 #Environment/Natural Disasters

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

111,500円 ¥ 111,500


目標金額 Target amount

1,000,000円 ¥ 1,000,000

サポーター Supporter

25 人 25 supporters

支援する Support a Case

No data


The first Kinugawa flood trial oral argument (November 28, 2018)

2020/1/30 23:00


国は全面的に争う姿勢 鬼怒川水害国賠訴訟 裁判始まる



国、請求棄却求める 地裁下妻支部で初弁論 /茨城


(東京新聞 2018年11月28日)

On November 28, the Kinugawa River inundation in September 2015 was a flaw in river management of the country, and the first oral argument in the court seeking national compensation was the Mito District Court of the Mito District Court. I will post that article.
After hearing the plaintiffs' statement of opinion, the thoughts of the two were transmitted, I realized that I had to win this trial by any means.

The country is in a position to fight completely Kinugawa flood damages lawsuit
(NEWS Tsukuba November 29, 2018)

(Picture) Residents and lawyers exchange opinions at residents' report meeting after the first oral argument = Shimotsuma city

32 residents and one company reported that the floods were caused by the flooding of the Kinu River in September 2015, which caused enormous damage to Joso City, due to a defect in the river management of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The first oral argument was filed in the Mito District Court Shimozuma Branch (Judge Kazuo Ito) on August 28 in a national litigation lawsuit seeking damages totaling about 344 million yen against the country = August 7th = Was cut. The state sought to dismiss the complaint and expressed a full fight. However, it will clarify what claims will be developed and disputed in the next and subsequent preparations.
The court was filled with residents and supporters on that day, with a lottery for the audience. In court, residents' lawyers used projectors to re-examine the responsibilities of the state, detailing the cause of the flood and the problems of river management in the country on a screen installed in the court.
Subsequently, two plaintiffs made statements. In February of the year following the flood, Takeyoshi Akabane (78) of Joso City spoke of his wife's death due to a disaster-related death, and occasionally clogged the words, "If there was no flood, my wife would not die. I was able to prevent flood damage. "
"The country is running out of responsibility," said Toshiaki Takahashi (64) of the city, which runs a flower gardening company, said he had lost 100,000 plants, including flowers and houseplants, due to floods.
According to the complaint, the cause of the Kinugawa Flood was that the government left the state of the embankment in the Wakamiyado area and did not designate it as a river area, so it was not regulated, and the dune forest of the natural embankment was cut by a solar panel company In the Kamisaka area, where the embankment broke down, land subsidence advanced and the height of the embankment became lower year by year, but the government postponed the rehabilitation. He argues that there was a flaw in state management, such as delays in resuming operation of the drainage station in violation of operating rules.
 The second oral argument will be held on March 20, 2019 at 3:00 pm. [Hiroko Suzuki]

State calls for rejection of claim First district defense at District Court Shimotsuma / Ibaraki
(Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki Edition November 29, 2018)

The Kinu River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country, and about 30 residents of the affected Joso City were liable for damages totaling about 344 million yen. The first oral argument in a lawsuit seeking the government was the Mito District Court of Justice, Kazuo Ito, on 28th. The State sought to dismiss the claim in its response.
The number of plaintiffs was 29 at the time of the lawsuit, three more than one corporation, and the total amount of claims increased by about 9 million yen.
Two plaintiffs made statements.
Mr. Takeyoshi Akabane, 78, who was identified as a disaster-related death by his wife Yoshiko (then 75 years old) who died five months after the flood, said, "We joined the trial because if there was no flood, my wife would not die. I want to participate in the trial with my wife in my heart. "
Also, Mr. Toshiaki Takahashi (64), who was flooded with a foliage plantation and flowering plantation, said, "The country knows how hard and painful it has been for people to suffer from floods. I can only imagine that the nation's actions are running out of responsibility. "
About 40 square kilometers, one-third of the city area of Joso, were flooded by this heavy rain. Fourteen people have died, including 12 people who have died in disasters.
 According to the complaint, the area around Wakamiyado, where the Kinugawa River overflowed, was a private land with no dikes and dunes were serving as dikes, but private companies did not stop excavating to install solar panels in spring 2014. Alleged deficiencies in national river management. [Satoshi Miyata]

(Tokyo Shimbun November 28, 2018)

21 件中 21-21

21-21 of 21 cases