鬼怒川大水害訴訟 Kinugawa Huge Flood Litigation

#公正な手続 #Procedural Justice
#環境・災害 #Environment/Natural Disasters

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

111,500円 ¥ 111,500


目標金額 Target amount

1,000,000円 ¥ 1,000,000

サポーター Supporter

25 人 25 supporters

支援する Support a Case

No data


On-site consultation (site inspection of flooded area by the presiding judge) August 25, 2021)

2021/8/26 14:17



茨城・常総水害訴訟 裁判官が現場視察 水戸地裁



2015年9月の関東・東北豪雨で鬼怒川の水害に遭ったのは国の河川管理に不備があったためとして、茨城県常総市の被災住民らが国に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の現地進行協議が25日あり、水戸地裁の阿部雅彦裁判長ら裁判官3人が同市内の決壊現場周辺を視察した。 視察は同日午後1時ごろ始まり、堤防が決壊した上三坂地区と、堤防の役割をしていた砂丘林が太陽光発電業者に掘削されたと住民側が主張する若宮戸地区を約3時間視察した。住民側と被告の国側も同行した。

視察後、原告団の片倉一美共同代表や只野靖弁護士が同市内で記者会見した。只野弁護士は「越水現場付近は砂丘林が堤防の役割を果たしていたという現場をしっかり見てもらった。主張が理解してもらえたと考えている」と話した。原告男性の一人も「砂丘林や自然堤防の存在を裁判官や国側に実感してもらえたのでは」と述べた。 訴状によると、同市若宮戸で鬼怒川の水があふれたのは、国が無堤防状態を放置して河川区域に指定せず、豪雨前に太陽光発電事業で砂丘林が掘削されたから、などと主張している。


常総の越水現場視察 水害訴訟で地裁裁判官ら /茨城








関東・東北豪雨 鬼怒川浸水場所 裁判長らが視察

(下野新聞 2021年8月26日)






(NHK水戸放送局 2021/08/26 10:15)https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/k/mito/20210826/1070014295.html








The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015, and the judges of the Mito District Court said that the Joso citizens were seeking damages from the country because of inadequate river management in the country. Yesterday (August 25th), we visited the site where the flood occurred.

I will post the article and news.

Ibaraki / Joso Flood Proceedings Judge inspects the site Mito District Court

(Ibaraki Shimbun 2021/8/26 (Thursday) 5:00) https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/c4f3ee817965db7ca9935e0132e610b6faaa68bd

Persons involved in observing the site where the Kinugawa flooded due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 = Wakamiyado, Joso City, around 2:15 pm on the 25th

The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country. Discussions were held on the 25th, and three judges, including Judge Masahiko Abe of the Mito District Court, inspected the area around the collapse site in the city. The inspection began around 1 pm on the same day, and the site was visited for about three hours in the Kamimisaka area, where the embankment broke, and in the Wakamiyato area, where residents claim that the sand dune forest that served as the embankment was excavated by a solar power generation company. The residents and the defendant's country side also accompanied.

After the inspection, the plaintiffs' co-representative Kazumi Katakura and Attorney Yasushi Tadano held a press conference in the city. Attorney Tadano said, "I had a good look at the site where the sand dune forest played the role of a dike near the flooding site. I think that the claim was understood." One of the plaintiffs also said, "I think the judges and the government could have realized the existence of dune forests and natural levee." According to the complaint, the water of the Kinugawa overflowed in Wakamiyado, the city, because the country left no embankment and did not designate it as a river area, and the sand dune forest was excavated by the solar power generation business before the heavy rain. Insist.

The next date is September 27, and the trial is scheduled for February next year.

Joso's flood site inspection District court judges in flood proceedings / Ibaraki

(Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki version 2021/8/26) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210826/ddl/k08/040/093000c

The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015, and the judges of the Mito District Court said that the Joso citizens were seeking damages from the country because of inadequate river management in the country. On the 25th, we visited the site where the flood occurred.

The inspection is carried out as a proceeding called "local proceedings consultation". Three judges, including Judge Masahiko Abe, and officials from both the plaintiff and the defendant participated.

Judges first inspected the Wakamiyado area of the city, where a large-scale flood occurred, and confirmed the sand dunes that had been scraped off. Plaintiffs allege that despite the fact that the sand dunes acted as embankments, the country was unable to stop excavation by private companies, leading to flooding.

During the inspection, we also visited Misakamachi, the city where the embankment broke. Plaintiffs have pointed out that the height of the embankment before the collapse did not meet national standards.

After the inspection, Toshiaki Takahashi (67), the co-representative of the plaintiffs, smiled, "It was the harvest that made the judges realize the size of the natural levee."

During the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions, Joso City was flooded with about 40 square kilometers, which is one-third of the city area. A total of 15 people died, including 13 disaster-related deaths. [Satoshi Miyata]

Kanto / Tohoku heavy rain Kinugawa flooded place Judges inspect

(Shimotsuke Shimbun August 26, 2021)

Residents said that the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 caused flood damage due to the collapse of the Kinugawa embankment in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, due to inadequate river management in the country.

Judges of the Mito District Court, who are in charge of the lawsuit seeking damages from the government, visited the area around Kinugawa in Joso City on the 25th.

Three people, including Judge Masahiko Abe, the plaintiff's residents, a lawyer, and a person in charge of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism visited the site of the flood damage. Since this visit will be conducted as a preparatory procedure for the trial,

There is no direct evidence.

Judge inspects the flooding site of Kinugawa in Joso flood proceedings

(NHK Mito Broadcasting Station 2021/08/26 10:15) https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/k/mito/20210826/1070014295.html

Six years ago, the Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions, and residents such as Joso City, who were damaged by the flooding, were seeking damages of more than 300 million yen from the country. We visited the site and received explanations from both the plaintiff and the defendant about the situation at that time.

Thirty-two residents of Joso City and other cities were left unattended due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in 2015, knowing that the height of the Kinugawa embankment was insufficient. We have filed a lawsuit in the Mito District Court seeking compensation.

On the 25th, an inspection of the flooding site was conducted as part of the preparation procedure for the trial, and about 30 people including three judges, the plaintiff side, and the defendant's country side participated.

The first visit was to the Wakamiyado district, where the plaintiffs claimed that the country did not build the embankment even though the sand dunes that served as the embankment were excavated by a solar power company. According to the side, the person in charge of the country explained the water level at that time.

Next, he visited the Kamimisaka district where the embankment broke, and the plaintiff explained the situation that led to the breach while showing the photographs at that time.

According to the plaintiffs, the trial is aiming for a conclusion in February next year, and oral arguments will be held next month.

Kazumi Katakura, co-representative of the plaintiffs, said, "I'm really glad that the judge listened to the explanation sincerely and had the opportunity to see the site."


The 10th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial (Preparation for Speech) (August 23, 2021)

2021/8/24 16:42












2022年2月25日(金)13 時30 分 口頭弁論期日(結審)

The 10th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial was held at the Mito District Court.

Since it is still in Corona, the due date for the speech has been canceled and the procedure for preparing the speech has started.

The agents and plaintiffs who can come to the Mito District Court will appear at the Mito District Court, and the other agents will participate on the WEB (Teams).

The plaintiffs submitted the briefs (8) (Kamimisaka), the briefs (9) (Wakamiyado), the evidence manual (Exhibits Ko 34-43), and the briefs on damages.

The defendant submitted a statement of evidence (Exhibit Otsu 79).

The future dates are as follows.

August 25 (Wednesday) Local progress talks

September 27 (Monday) Speech preparation procedure

October 8 (Friday) Interrogation of the plaintiff himself

October 29 (Friday) Interrogation of the plaintiff himself

November 12 (Friday) Witness cross-examination, plaintiff cross-examination

February 25, 2022 (Friday) 13:30 Oral argument date (conclusion)


9th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial (Preparation for Speech) (June 4, 2021)

2021/6/5 21:39







8月23日(月)13時30分 裁判進行協議期日WEB会議

8月25日(水) 現地進行協議




2022年2月25日(金)13 時30 分 口頭弁論期日(結審)


(NHK2021年06月04日 18時09分)https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/mito/20210604/1070013302.html


The 9th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial was held at the Mito District Court.

Since it is still in Corona, the due date for the speech has been canceled and the procedure for preparing the speech has started.

The agents and plaintiffs who can come to the Mito District Court will appear at the Mito District Court, and the other agents will participate on the WEB (Teams).

The plaintiffs submitted a petition for clarification and a brief for damages.

No document was submitted by the defendant.

The future dates are as follows.

August 23 (Monday) 13:30 Trial proceedings consultation date WEB meeting

August 25 (Wednesday) Local progress talks

October 8 (Friday) Witness cross-examination, plaintiff cross-examination

October 29 (Friday) Witness cross-examination, plaintiff cross-examination

November 12 (Friday) Witness cross-examination, plaintiff cross-examination

February 25, 2022 (Friday) 13:30 Oral argument date (conclusion)

Judge to visit the site in August in the 2015 flood damage trial

(NHK June 04, 2021 18:09) https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/mito/20210604/1070013302.html

In a trial in which the Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in 2015, and residents such as Joso City, who were damaged, are asking the country for damages of more than 300 million yen. It was decided to visit the damaged site.
Approximately 30 residents of Joso City and other cities were left unattended knowing that the height of the Kinugawa embankment was insufficient due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in 2015. I am asking you to pay the damages.
On the 4th, a private procedure for this trial was carried out at the Mito District Court, and according to the plaintiffs, it was decided in August that three judges would visit the disaster site together with the plaintiffs and the defendant's country. It means that.
The plaintiff pointed out that the site of the Kamimisaka district in Joso City, where the embankment broke, and the sand dune forest that served as the embankment were excavated by a solar power generation company, although discussions will be held on where to visit. There was no objection from either the court side or the defendant side to visit the site in the Wakamiyado area.
Since the inspection is conducted as a preparatory procedure for the trial, not as a site verification, the exchanges on the day of the inspection do not provide direct evidence.
Kazumi Katakura, co-representative of the plaintiffs, said, "If you look at the site, 100 out of 100 people will know that this is a terrible situation, so I definitely wanted to do it. Was there.


The 8th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial (April 22, 2021)

2021/4/25 10:19








The 8th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial was held at the Mito District Court.

Since it is still in Corona, the due date for the speech has been canceled and the procedure has changed to the preparatory procedure for the speech.

The agents and plaintiffs who can come to the Mito District Court will appear at the Mito District Court, and the other agents will participate on the WEB (Teams).

The plaintiff submitted a brief on damages.

The defendant submitted a brief (6).

The plaintiff did not submit the allegation briefs.

The 9th trial (7th oral argument) will be held from 1:30 pm on June 4, 2021 (Friday).


The 7th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial

2021/1/22 15:15






Microsoft Word - é¬¼æ•™å·šæ°´å®³åł½å®¶è³€å— è«‰æ±‡äº‰ä»¶è£†å‹¤ã†®èª¬æŸ”20210122 (call4.jp) 



The 7th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial was held at the Mito District Court.

This time it was in Corona, so the due date for the speech was canceled and the procedure was changed to the preparatory procedure for the speech.

The agents and plaintiffs who can come to the Mito District Court will appear at the Mito District Court, and the other agents will participate on the WEB (Teams).

The plaintiff submitted a brief (7). No document was submitted by the defendant.

The main points of the plaintiff's briefs (7) submitted this time are the explanatory materials for the 7th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial.

Microsoft Word-é¬¼æ • ™ å · šæ ° ´å®³åł½å®¶è³ € å — è« ‰æ ± ‡äº ‰ jp)

Please read.

The 8th trial (7th oral argument) will be held from 1:30 pm on April 23, 2021 (Friday).


The 6th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Oral Speech (October 16, 2020)

2020/10/21 21:51





Microsoft Word - é¬¼æ•™å·šæ°´å®³åł½å®¶è³€å— è«‰æ±‡äº‰ä»¶è£†å‹¤ã†®èª¬æŸ”20201016-3 (call4.jp) 





The 6th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial was held at the Mito District Court.

The plaintiff submitted the brief (6) and the defendant submitted the brief (5), each of which was stated.

The plaintiff, Chieko Hiratsuka, made a statement about her own damage and the responsibility of the country.

The main points of the briefs submitted in the 6th oral argument are Microsoft Word --é¬¼æ • ™ å · šæ ° ´å®³åł½å®¶è³ € å — è «‰ æ ± ‡äº ‰ä» ¶è £ † å‹ ¤ã † ® èª¬æŸ ”20201016-3 (call4.jp)

Please read.

The 7th oral argument will be held from 1:30 pm on January 22, 2021 (Friday).

The day after the trial, on the afternoon of Saturday, October 17, a briefing session on the status of the trial was held in Joso City for the plaintiffs.

See the newspaper article below.


The 5th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Oral Speech (July 17, 2020)

2020/7/19 19:23




第5回口頭弁論に提出された準備書面の要点は鬼怒川水害第5回裁判の 説明資料

Microsoft Word - é¬¼æ•™å·šæ°´å®³åł½å®¶è³€å— è«‰æ±‡äº‰ä»¶è£†å‹¤ã†®èª¬æŸ”20200717 (call4.jp) 



The 5th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial was held at the Mito District Court.

The plaintiff submitted the brief (5) and the defendant submitted the brief (4), each of which was stated.

Mr. Takashi Matsukawa, the plaintiff, made a statement about his damage and the responsibility of the country. The summary of the statement is as follows in the newspaper article.

The main points of the briefs submitted to the 5th oral argument are the explanatory materials for the 5th Kinugawa Flood Damage Microsoft Word --é ¬¼æ • ™ å · šæ ° ´å®³åł½å®¶è³ € å — è« ‰æ ± ‡Äº ‰ ä »¶è £ † å‹ ¤ã † ® èª¬æŸ ”20200717 (call4.jp)

Please read.

The 6th oral argument will be from 1:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2020.


The 4th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Oral Speech (January 24, 2020)

2020/7/19 19:00




第4回口頭弁論までの争点と準備書面の要点は鬼怒川水害第4回裁判の 説明資料

Microsoft Word - é¬¼æ•™å·šæ°´å®³åł½å®¶è³€å— è«‰æ±‡äº‰ä»¶è£†å‹¤ã†«ã†¤ã†—ã†¦ã†®èª¬æŸ”20200124 (call4.jp) 



The 4th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial was held at the Mito District Court.

The plaintiff side submitted a brief (3), a brief (4), and the defendant submitted a brief (3), each of which was stated.

Mr. Norio Suzuki, the plaintiff, made a statement about his damage and the responsibility of the country. The summary of the statement is as follows in the newspaper article.

Explanatory materials for the issues up to the 4th oral argument and the main points of the briefs

Microsoft Word-é¬¼æ • ™ å · šæ ° ´å®³åł½å®¶è³ € å — è «‰ æ ± ‡äº ‰ ä» ¶è £ † å ‹¤ã † «ã † ¤ã † —ã † Please read ¦ã † ® èª¬æŸ ”20200124 (call4.jp) .

The 5th oral argument was scheduled for April 24, 2020 (Friday) from 1:30 pm, but due to the corona problem, it was postponed to July 17 (Friday) from 1:30 pm.



The 3rd Kinugawa Flood Trial Oral Argument (October 19, 2019)

2020/1/30 23:17





The third Kinugawa flood trial was held in the Mito District Court.

Plaintiffs submitted Preparatory Document (2), and defendants submitted Preparatory Documents (2).

Plaintiff Takashi Hashimoto made a statement regarding his own damage. The summary of the statement is as follows in a newspaper article.

4th oral argument is January 24, 2020 (gold) is 1:30 pm.


The second Kinugawa flood trial oral argument (July 12, 2019)

2020/1/30 23:14



鈴木裕也 弁護士の陳述







September 10, 2015, the Kanto and Tohoku heavy rains brought by Typhoon No. 18 has hit the Joso located downstream of the Kinugawa become a large flood. The inundation area was 40km2 , which was a great flood equivalent to the area of Koto-ku in Tokyo. 4 years since then, July 12, about a year from the lawsuit, the second time Kinugawa flood trial, by the "unusual circulated" from the Mito District Court Shimotsuma branch, turned to the Mito District Court in central government office, the newly appointed Okada ShinFutoshi (Judge), Hiroyuki Minami (right) and Ryohei Kobayashi (left).

3rd oral argument on October 18 (Friday) is at 2:30 pm.

Statement by Yuya Suzuki, lawyer

This argument is a rebuttal to the national counter-argument. Standing is the youngest lawyer, Yuya Suzuki, the youngest lawyer (Shoto Mito Law Office ) . Using powerpoint, the sound of the court screamed.

Statement by Kazumi Katakura ( summary )

I, and my parents, my husband and wife, sons married couple, lived in Mitsukaido has two houses in three generations. Among them, one house was severely damaged and the other was partially damaged.

Initially, I gave up on floods as natural disasters, but I joined the Joso Flood Victims Association and gradually learned the causes of floods. In January 2016 , participated in a discussion with the country held at the Lower House Second House. Touching the irresponsibility and insaneness of the nation, I became plaintiff, thinking that this would not only make up for our damage, but also that the flood damage that would occur throughout the country would continue.

I'm sorry. Without the flood, there would have been no tragedy of losing life, such as losing a family, losing property, or losing a job. The state should admit non-compliance and turn to river administration trusted by the people for the people.

Today is the 340th day from filing the complaint . The trial has been delayed without any explanation from the local Shimotsuma Branch to the Mito District Court without any explanation. In the future, please proceed promptly and make a fair judgment.

21 件中 11-20

11-20 of 21 cases