鬼怒川大水害訴訟 Kinugawa Huge Flood Litigation
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The first hearing of the appeal trial has ended, and the next hearing will conclude!
2024/9/10 13:02
9月9日 午前10時30分~、東京高裁101号法廷で控訴審第1回弁論期日が行われました。
原告 片倉一美さんの意見陳述 + 只野弁護士によるスライドダウンに関する補足説明
被告 これまでの鬼怒川の河川工事の経過に関する説明
次回(11月11日 午後1時30分)結審予定
The first hearing of the appeal trial was held on September 9th from 10:30 a.m. in Courtroom 101 of the Tokyo High Court.
Both sides made written submissions which were submitted at the appeal hearing.
Plaintiff Kazumi Katakura's statement + Supplementary explanation by Attorney Tadano regarding the slide down
Defendant: Explanation of the progress of river construction work on the Kinugawa River to date
The next hearing (November 11th at 1:30 pm) is scheduled to conclude.
The details of the appeal hearing were reported by various media outlets.
Kyodo News ( https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/9708fd9a7a7b0bd86d8b9e092be7acbaed7cb6f3 )
Tokyo Shimbun ( https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/353032 )
Mainichi Shimbun ( https://mainichi.jp/articles/20240910/ddl/k08/040/087000c )
NHK ( https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/mito/20240909/1070025261.html )
Ibaraki Shimbun ( https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=17257177874570 )
NEWS Tsukuba ( https://newstsukuba.jp/53240/07/09/ )
Statement of opinion scheduled for the first appeal hearing (September 9, 2024)
2024/9/4 6:10
1fc53687082ce99ee3411621b1655553.pdf (call4.jp)
The plaintiffs are scheduled to make their own statements at the first appeal hearing on September 9, 2024.
The opinion statement slides are scheduled to be submitted as Exhibit 72, so they have been uploaded to the litigation documents website.
1fc53687082ce99ee3411621b1655553.pdf (call4.jp)
Please take a look at this whether you can attend the hearing on the day or not.
The appeals hearing begins!
2024/7/16 19:03
東京高裁第15民事部、事件番号 令和4年(ネ)第4161号
9月9日 10時30分~12時00分(東京高裁・大法廷)
11月11日 13時30分~14時30分(東京高裁・大法廷)
The preparatory hearing for the appeal concluded today (July 16th).
Arguments will be heard in public court from the next hearing.
Tokyo High Court, 15th Civil Division, Case Number Reiwa 4 (Ne) No. 4161
Scheduled oral argument dates
September 9th, 10:30-12:00 (Tokyo High Court, Grand Bench)
A press conference and briefing are planned after the trial date.
November 11th, 13:30-14:30 (Tokyo High Court, Grand Bench)
We appreciate your support.
Kinugawa Flood Appeal (August 4, 2022)
2022/8/5 13:42
茨城・常総水害訴訟 住民と国側、双方控訴
常総水害訴訟 地裁判決不服で控訴 原告の一部と国 /茨城
(毎日新聞茨城版 2022/8/5)https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220805/ddl/k08/040/038000c
鬼怒川氾濫 賠償求めた裁判 1審判決不服で国と原告一部が控訴
(NHK2022年8月4日 19時17分)https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220804/k10013753821000.html?utm_int=nsearch_contents_search-items_001
鬼怒川水害訴訟、双方控訴 茨城・常総市の住民と国
(日本経済新聞2022年8月4日 23:00)https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUF04ABQ0U2A800C2000000/
On August 4, the plaintiff appealed to the Tokyo High Court.
On the same date, the government also filed an appeal, and the stage will be moved to the Tokyo High Court in the future.
Please continue to support us.
Ibaraki-Joso Flood Lawsuit Both Residents and Government Appeal
( Ibaraki Shimbun Friday, August 5 , 2022 ) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16596068854215
Kinugawa embankment collapsed at 4:20 p.m. on September 10 , 2015, Misaka- cho, Joso City
The Kanto and Tohoku heavy rains in September 2015 flooded the Kinugawa River due to inadequate river management by the national government. On the 4th , the side filed an appeal to the Tokyo High Court, dissatisfied with the ruling of the Mito District Court, which partially acknowledged the country's responsibility and ordered compensation. The state also filed an appeal on the same day.
According to the plaintiffs, 20 of the 31 people who filed the lawsuit filed an appeal. In addition to the 16 residents who suffered damage from the collapse of the embankment in the Joso City Kamimisaka district but were not held responsible by the government , 4 out of the 9 residents who won the lawsuit against the flood damage in the Wakamiyato district. also filed an appeal on the grounds that the amount of compensation was insufficient. One company that was denied compensation in the district also filed an appeal. The total amount of the new claim is approximately 230 million yen.
Residents held a press conference in Mito City on this day. Lawyer Norio Gorai said of the Kamimisaka district, "I have the impression that the court was forced to help ( the country ) . Kazumi Katakura, co-representative of the plaintiffs group, said, "Wakamiyato and Kamimisaka still want to express their opinions. If we all complain about the country's insanity, the way of thinking about the judiciary will change." I put all my strength into it.
Joso flood lawsuit Appeal against district court decision Some of the plaintiffs and the country / Ibaraki
(Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki edition 2022/8/5 ) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220805/ddl/k08/040/038000c
Thirty -one residents of Joso City, which suffered flood damage from the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 , and one corporation have filed a complaint with the national government for damages, claiming that the Kinugawa River overflowed due to inadequate river management. In the lawsuit, some of the plaintiffs and the government filed an appeal to the Tokyo High Court on the 4th , dissatisfied with the Mito District Court's ruling, which partially acknowledged the government's responsibility. (Japanese original by Minori Nagaya and Satoshi Miyata, City News Department)
The ruling on July 22 found that the government had neglected to designate the Wakamiyato district of the city, which flooded in 2014 when a sand dune was excavated by a solar power plant, as a river area. In the Kamimisaka district, where the levee broke, the government did not admit that there was a lack of management, and ordered nine plaintiffs living in the Wakamiyato district to pay a total of 39.27 million yen.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Kanto Regional Development Bureau commented, "We will continue to handle the appeal appropriately."
On the plaintiff side, 20 people, including some residents of the Wakamiyato district, and one corporation appealed. Kazumi Katakura, 69 , the co-representative of the plaintiffs group, said at a press conference, "Some residents have appealed to the Wakamiyato plaintiffs, saying they are not satisfied with Kamimisaka's judgment. I want to,” explained. Attorney Norio Gorai, who is a member of the defense team, said, "The high court would like to consider hearing the opinions of experts in order to undermine the government's claims."
Kinugawa flooding The government and some plaintiffs appealed against the 1st trial judgment seeking compensation
( NHK August 4 , 2022 , 19:17 ) https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220804/k10013753821000.html?utm_int=nsearch_contents_search-items_001
In a lawsuit filed against the government by residents of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, who suffered extensive damage due to the flooding of the Kinugawa River in the Kanto and Tohoku heavy rains seven years ago, the government found problems with river management. An appeal was filed against the 1st trial judgment ordering some of the plaintiffs to compensate for the damages. On the other hand, some of the plaintiffs also appealed, and the case will be tried again at the Tokyo High Court.
In September 2015 , 31 people, including residents of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, who suffered large-scale flood damage when the Kinu River flooded in the "Kanto and Tohoku heavy rains", filed a lawsuit against the government in the Mito region last month. The court acknowledged that there was a problem with the national river management in one of the two places where the water overflowed or collapsed, and ordered to compensate the nine people for more than 39 million yen.
Regarding this ruling, the country announced on the 4th that it had appealed to the Tokyo High Court as a dissatisfaction.
On the other hand, 20 plaintiffs appealed, including those who were not granted compensation and those who were dissatisfied with the judgment.
Kazumi Katakura, co-representative of the plaintiff group, who held a press conference on the 4th , said, ``There was an opinion that compensation should be ordered even for districts where the national government was not recognized as responsible in the first trial. I want to appeal that it is strange," he said.
Kinugawa Flooding Lawsuit Appeals from Both Sides Residents of Ibaraki and Joso City and the Government
(Nihon Keizai Shimbun, August 4 , 2022 , 23:00 ) https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUF04ABQ0U2A800C2000000/
About 30 residents of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, who were affected by the heavy rains in Kanto and Tohoku in September 2015 , said that the flood damage caused by the flooding of the Kinugawa River was caused by inadequate river management by the government. In a lawsuit seeking 10,000 yen in compensation, some residents appealed the Mito district court ruling on the 4th . The state also filed an appeal on the same day.
In the ruling on July 22 , in the Wakamiyato district of Joso City, which was flooded with water, ``the sand dunes had become natural embankments, but the government failed to designate them as river areas, It has become a dangerous situation," and ordered nine people to pay compensation of a total of about 39 million yen.
On the other hand, the Kamimisaka district, where the levee collapsed, rejected the complaint, saying, ``The levee is also included in the repair plan, and just because it has not been repaired, it cannot be said that it was unsafe.''
Some residents of the Kamimisaka district, who were denied compensation, and residents of the Wakamiyato district, who were dissatisfied with the amount of compensation, filed an appeal. 〔Joint〕
Both the government and plaintiffs appealed: Kinugawa flood lawsuit
(Jiji Press 2022/08/04 18:07 ) https://www.msn.com/ja-jp/news/national/e5-9b-bd-e3-80-81-e5-8e-9f-e5- 91-8a-e5-81-b4-e5-8f-8c-e6-96-b9-e3-81-8c-e6-8e-a7-e8-a8-b4-ef-bc-9d-e9-ac- bc-e6-80-92-e5-b7-9d-e6-b0-b4-e5-ae-b3-e8-a8-b4-e8-a8-9f/ar-AA10hW8A
In September 2015, heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions flooded the Kinugawa River and other large-scale floods. The Kanto Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism filed an appeal to the Tokyo High Court on the 4th, dissatisfied with the ruling of the Mito District Court.
Meanwhile, the plaintiff group also announced on the same day that about 20 residents, including those who were denied compensation, filed an appeal.
On July 22, the Mito District Court pointed out that the government had neglected its obligation to designate certain areas of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, which suffered flood damage as "river areas," which restricted excavation and other activities. For this reason, the government partially acknowledged responsibility for excavating sand dunes, which were important for flood control, by private companies.
Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Judgment (July 22, 2022)
2022/7/28 16:53
茨城・常総水害訴訟判決 喜びと悔しさ交錯 居住地、分かれた明暗 画期的勝利も控訴視野
■常総・神達市長 地域防災力を強化
■筑波大の星野豊准教授(法律学)の話 計画、適切に実施せず
茨城・常総水害 国の責任認める「河川管理に不備」 水戸地裁判決、賠償命令 住民9人に3900万円
・2015年9月 関東・東北豪雨で鬼怒川堤防が決壊するなど、常総市を中心に大規模な浸水被害
・ 18年8月 国の河川管理に不備があったとして被災住民らが損害賠償を求め水戸地裁下妻支部に提訴
・ 19年2月 水戸地裁下妻支部が訴訟を水戸地裁本庁に回付
・ 21年8月 裁判官3人が決壊現場周辺を視察
・ 22年2月 訴訟が結審
・ 7月22日 水戸地裁判決、請求を一部認める
鬼怒川水害、国に賠償命令 河川管理不備と水戸地裁
(日本経済新聞2022年7月22日 22:04) https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUF225BW0S2A720C2000000/
「歴史的判決」目を赤くした住民 鬼怒川氾濫、国の管理不備認定
(毎日新聞 2022/7/22 21:34) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220722/k00/00m/040/353000c
(読売新聞2022/07/23 00:01) https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20220722-OYT1T50227/
一方、上三坂地区については、国が堤防の改修を検討していた事実があり、川の他区間を優先したため未改修だったものの、河川管理行政に 瑕疵 があったとは認められないと判断。堤防の高さが不十分なまま放置していたとの住民側の訴えを退けた。
判決を受け、住民側の片倉一美共同代表(69)は「完全な勝利ではないが、歴史的判決。国は 真摯 に受け止め、河川管理をきちんと行ってほしい」と語った。請求が認められなかった一部の住民は控訴の意向を示した。
水害で水の大切さ知るなんて… 被害者の会共同代表世話人・橋本美子さんに聞く
(東京新聞2022年7月23日 07時16分)https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/191362
The Kinugawa flood judgment was handed down on July 22nd.
We asked each company to report on the content of the judgment and the state of the report meeting.
Ibaraki / Joso Flood Proceedings Judgment A mixture of joy and regret.
( Ibaraki Shimbun Saturday, July 23 , 2022 ) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16584874652326
Mr. Toshiaki Takahashi ( left ), a resident of the Wakamiyado area, who was granted a claim for compensation and talked about his joy at a press conference = Prefectural Youth Center in Midoricho, Mito City
On the 22nd , the Mito District Court pointed out the problem of river management in the country in the Joso floodigation lawsuit in Ibaraki prefecture, and ordered compensation for 9 out of 31 residents in the Wakamiyado area. "A groundbreaking judgment" "The country should accept the result." Residents were pleased to win the confrontation with the country, but the claims of the residents of the Kamimisaka area were rejected. It has been about 7 years since the unprecedented disaster that flooded about one - third of Joso City. Most of the residents expressed their policy of appeal, saying that it was not a complete victory, and looked ahead to the " second round" in the high court.
"Defendant neglected to designate the area containing the dunes as a river area." After 2:00 pm, Mito District Court No. 301 court. When Judge Masahiko Abe read the main text aloud, a surprised voice came out from the audience. In front of the district court, applause arose with the curtain of "winning".
Kazumi Katakura (69) , co-representative of the plaintiffs, accused the country of "when I saw Wakamiyado, it was absolutely impossible that the country was not responsible." Looking back on the fact that three judges, including Judge Abe, visited the disaster area directly in August last year , "The court enthusiastically heard about the severity of the damage, which led to this ruling," said the proceedings. I felt a sense of accomplishment in the battle over the years.
Attorney Yasushi Tadano emphasized the unity of the residents, saying, "It was recognized because the plaintiffs have worked together." "I want the country to manage the river with a sense of tension," he ordered.
On the other hand, the request of the residents of the Kamimisaka area was rejected. While the ruling was read aloud, there was a disappointing voice leaking from the audience.
Toshiaki Takahashi (68) , the co-representative of the plaintiffs who lives in the Wakamiyado area, said, "The results were as claimed." ", With a complicated expression. He also asked the residents who were not granted the request for "relief."
Mr. Katakura also rejected his request. "If you look at the damage, you should think that Kamimisaka is absolutely strange," he said.
After the court closed, the government posted a comment from the Director of the Kanto Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on its website. "We recognize that the state's claim was not accepted," he said. No mention was made of the appeal.
■ "Significant" inhabitant relief
Relief voices were leaked from the residents of the Wakamiyado district of Joso City, where the flood occurred after the judgment of the residents' victory.
"I vividly remember those days. It was a word of horror." Women in the area look back seven years ago. Given that the city is located between the Kinugawa and Kokaigawa rivers, he seemed relieved, saying, "The country should have properly promoted safety management. The court's approval was significant. It was good."
On the other hand, regarding the Kamimisaka district of the city where the embankment broke, the judgment judged that the repair plan was "not particularly unreasonable." A man in his 60s who lives in the area was worried that "the heavy rains in recent years are not as good as they used to be. I think the disaster prevention plans ( of the national and local governments ) are progressing, but the current situation is that they cannot catch up."
The Kinugawa Emergency Measures Project, a national hydraulic control measure based on the flooding of the Kinugawa, was completed at the end of May last year. In the Kamimisaka area, in addition to raising the embankment by 1.4 meters, the width has also been expanded to 6 meters . According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, it can "endure" the 24 -hour rainfall of 551 mm recorded in the heavy rainfall in the Kanto and Tohoku regions.
■ Joso / Mayor of Gods Strengthen regional disaster prevention capabilities
The mayor of Joso City, Takeshi Kandatsu, said, "We firmly accept the thoughts of the victims of the disaster, and the city and the entire region are united, based on the fact that this year marks the seventh year since the floods caused by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions. We will continue to strengthen our regional disaster prevention capabilities. We will continue to promote town development suitable for advanced disaster prevention cities. "
■ Story of Associate Professor Yutaka Hoshino ( Jurisprudence ) of University of Tsukuba Plan, not implemented properly
The judgment acknowledged the responsibility of the state because it did not designate the land near the sand dunes, which would be the natural levee, as a river area, and did not implement the plan properly, rather than having a problem with the plan. It can be said that there is a point. Therefore, it does not change the standard of conventional case law, and demands that the discretion of the governing country be exercised more rationally. In addition to the designation of the river area that was a problem in this case, those discretion may include warning the residents, evacuation routes and ensuring safety after the disaster in cooperation with local governments.
★ Joso flood damage
In September 2015 , heavy rains hit a wide area in the Kanto and Tohoku regions due to the effects of typhoon No. 18 and fronts. The Kinugawa River flooded, and in Joso City, the Wakamiyado area overflowed at around 6 am on the 10th ( flooding = Issui ) , and the embankment broke in the Kamimisaka area at 0:50 pm on the same day. About one - third of the city's entire area, or 40 square kilometers, is flooded. More than 5,000 buildings were completely destroyed. Evacuation orders are for 31,000 people. In addition to the two dead, 13 have been identified as related deaths. 5 severely ill, 21 moderately ill, 20 mildly ill.
Ibaraki / Joso Flood Damage "Inadequate river management" recognized by the government Mito District Court decision, compensation order 39 million yen for 9 residents
( Ibaraki Shimbun Saturday, July 23 , 2022 ) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16584874652256
Plaintiffs who have been sentenced to a "winning case" in response to the Joso flood lawsuit = Mito District Court at around 2:57 pm on the 22nd
Approximately 30 residents of Joso City , Ibaraki Prefecture, said that the cause of flood damage caused by the collapse of the Kinugawa embankment due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 was due to inadequate river management in the country. In a lawsuit seeking damages of 550 million yen, the Mito District Court acknowledged the responsibility of the government on the 22nd , saying that it failed to designate a river area in the Wakamiyado area, and a total of about 39 million people in the area. Ordered compensation for the yen. The ruling ordering the country to compensate for flood damage is extremely unusual.
At that time, in Joso City, the embankment broke in the Kamimisaka area along the Kinugawa River, and water overflowed in seven places including the Wakamiyado area, flooding about 40 square kilometers, which is about one - third of the total area of the city. More than a thousand buildings were completely destroyed. Following the judgment, 25 residents of the plaintiff's Kamimisaka area will appeal.
The issue of the trial was the rationality of the national river management and how to proceed with the rehabilitation plan. The plaintiffs claimed that the dunes had become a natural embankment in the Wakamiyado area, but because the government did not designate it as a river area, the function as an embankment was lost due to excavation by a solar power generation company. He also complained that the breached embankment in the Kamimisaka area was not high enough, but the country did not hurry to repair it. On the other hand, the government insisted that it proceeded systematically and step by step.
Judge Masahiko Abe pointed out that the sand dunes in the Wakamiyado area "played the role of a dike. It is extremely important for hydraulic control." If the dunes were excavated, he said that the disaster could be predicted concretely. ". After that, he concluded that the water overflowed and caused damage to the inhabitants.
On the other hand, regarding the Kamimisaka area, he pointed out that "the country was renovating from the place where it could be done in consideration of the situation of the basin." He acknowledged a certain rationality in the evaluation method of hydraulic safety, and dismissed the complaint, saying that "it cannot be said that it lacked safety."
After the court closed, the residents held a press conference in Mito City, and Yasushi Tadano said, "It may be only a part, but it was an excellent judgment of the court that it was recognized as a man-made disaster. ) It is meaningful to say that it is no good. "
The Kanto Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism commented, "We will carefully consider the content of the judgment and take appropriate measures."
In August 2018, the residents filed a proceeding with the Mito District Court Shimotsuma Branch. In February 19th , there was a "circulation" to transfer the court in charge of the received case, and an argument was held at the district court's main office.
■ Progress over Joso water litigation
・September 2015 Large-scale flood damage centered on Joso City, such as the collapse of the Kinugawa embankment due to heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions
・August 2018 : Affected residents filed a lawsuit with the Mito District Court Shimotsuma Branch for damages due to inadequate river management in the country.
・February 19 Mito District Court Shimotsuma Branch circulates proceedings to Mito District Court Main Office
・August 2009 Three judges inspect the area around the collapse site
・February 2010 Proceedings concluded
・July 22 Mito District Court decision, some claims accepted
Kinugawa flood damage, order to compensate the country Inadequate river management and Mito District Court
(Nikkei, July 22 , 2022 22:04) https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUF225BW0S2A720C2000000/
The heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 caused flood damage due to the flooding of the Kinugawa River , which was attributed to inadequate river management. In a lawsuit seeking compensation of 50 million yen, the Mito District Court acknowledged the responsibility of the government on the 22nd , saying that "some failed to specify the river area", of which a total of about 39 million yen was paid to nine people. Ordered compensation.
The ruling ordering the state to compensate in a proceeding over flood damage is unusual. At that time, in Joso City, the embankment broke in the Kamimisaka area along the Kinugawa River, and water overflowed in seven places including the Wakamiyado area. Some of the plaintiffs will appeal.
The plaintiffs alleged that in the Wakamiyado area, the sand dunes had become a natural embankment, but the government did not designate it as a river area, so the function as an embankment was lost due to excavation by a solar power generation company. Furthermore, the embankment that broke in the Kamimisaka area complained that the country did not hurry to repair it even though it was not high enough.
Judge Masahiko Abe pointed out that the dunes in the Wakamiyado area "was in contact with the upstream and downstream embankments and played the role of embankments. It is extremely important for hydraulic control."
He said that if the dunes were excavated, a disaster could occur. The excavation put it in danger. " He then concluded that the flooding caused damage.
On the other hand, regarding the Kamimisaka area, he pointed out that "the country has been renovating from where it can be done in consideration of the situation of the basin." He said that the method of evaluating hydraulic safety used by the government had a certain rationality. I can't say it. " 〔Joint〕
"Historical Judgment" Residents with red eyes Kinugawa flooding, national management deficiency recognition
(Mainichi Shimbun 2022/7/22 21:34 ) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220722/k00/00m/040/353000c
Plaintiffs rejoicing in the ruling admitting a defect in national river management = Photographed by Toru Morinaga at 2:55 pm on July 22 , 2022 in front of the Mito District Court in Omachi 1 , Mito City
Thirty -one residents and one corporation in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, who were inundated by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 , said that the Kinugawa River was flooded because of inadequate river management in the country. In a lawsuit seeking damages totaling about 358.7 million yen, the Mito District Court acknowledged part of the national responsibility on the 22nd and ordered nine people to pay a total of about 39.27 million yen.
"It's a historical judgment." A lawsuit in which residents of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, sought damages from the government over the flooding of the Kinugawa River due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 . The plaintiffs and supporters applauded before the district court in the Mito District Court ruling on the 22nd , which admitted that the river management was inadequate.
"The responsibility of the country I was convinced of was recognized." Toshiaki Takahashi ( 68 ), a horticultural farmer who lives in the Wakamiyado district of the city as a plaintiff, was red-eyed by the side of the paper that said "winning case" in front of the gathered press.
Due to the flood, my house was flooded on the floor and half destroyed. Household goods have become useless, and they have been fighting the proceedings for four years since the proceedings were filed, supporting their anger. In the summer of 2009, Judge Masahiko Abe, who is in charge of the proceedings, visited the disaster area. On the 22nd , he listened to the sentence and remembered the time, and after the sentence, he said, "I was full of heart, saying,'You saw the site and understood.'"
The flood litigation reached a major turning point with the Supreme Court decision ( 1984 ) of the "Daito Flood Litigation" over the flood damage in Daito City, Osaka Prefecture. The ruling limitedly interpreted the responsibility of the administration, which became the standard for defects in the administration, and the judicial decision that was disadvantageous to the affected residents continued.
The ruling issued in such a situation clearly acknowledged the inadequacy of river management in the country. Attorney Yasushi Tadano of the defense team said, "It may be possible to point out the poor management of each river in other floods. This ruling gives courage to (the victims of floods) nationwide."
25 people intend to appeal
However, there are some defeats, and 25 people have already indicated their intention to appeal, including the plaintiff who was partially admitted.
"Given my wife, who died in pain, this is not the end." Takeyoshi Akabane ( 82 ) from the Mitsukaido district of Joso City, whose allegations were not accepted, also intends to appeal. His wife, Yoshiko ( 75 years old at the time), who died five months after the flood, was certified as a disaster-related death. "I want you to acknowledge the government's responsibility for the death of my wife in the flood. I'm sorry for my wife," he said, saying he was determined to continue the proceedings. [Takashi Miyazaki, Toru Morinaga, Satoshi Miyata, Minori Nagaya]
Residents "historical judgment" = delight in winning the case- Kinugawa flood damage
Plaintiffs at a press conference after being sentenced to partially acknowledge the responsibility of the government in the Kinugawa flood lawsuit in September 2015 = Mito City on the afternoon of the 22nd
"It's a historic ruling." In the proceedings over the flood damage of the Kinugawa River in September 2015, the plaintiffs' residents held a press conference in Mito City on the afternoon of the 22nd, following the judgment of the Mito District Court, which partially acknowledged the responsibility of the country, and were pleased. I made it clear.
Kazumi Katakura, 69, co-representative of the plaintiffs, said, "The government has rarely been held responsible for water litigation, and this ruling is historic." He added, "Floods are occurring all over the country almost every year. I want the country to take the ruling seriously and change the way of river management."
Toshiaki Takahashi (68), who also served as the co-representative of the plaintiffs and was granted compensation in this judgment, was half destroyed by the flooding of the Kinugawa River. "I kept saying,'This is not a flood, but a man-made disaster,' with the locals. The court often acknowledged the responsibility of the country. It was really good."
In this ruling, the Mito District Court granted compensation to nine of the approximately 30 plaintiffs. Attorney Yasushi Tadano of the defense team said, "It was a good decision to accept the plaintiff's allegations even in a small part. I will do my best to expand the scope of compensation in the appeals court."
Order to compensate the unusual administration in a water litigation ... The Kinugawa embankment broke, a total of 39 million yen for some residents
( Yomiuri Shimbun 2022/07/23 00:01) https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20220722-OYT1T50227/
In September 2015, the Kinugawa River was flooded in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and the flood damage was caused by poor river management. About 30 residents suffered damages of about 358 million yen to the country. The decision of the proceedings seeking compensation was the Mito District Court on the 22nd. Judge Masahiko Abe found that the country had neglected its obligation to maintain hydraulic safety and ordered the country to pay nine of the plaintiffs a total of about 39 million yen. It is unusual for a flood lawsuit to issue a compensation order to government agencies, including the state.
In the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in 2015, the Kinugawa River flooded due to record heavy rains, the river overflowed in the Wakamiyado district of Joso City, and the embankment broke in the Kamimisaka district. About 40 square kilometers, which is about one-third of the city's total area, was flooded, killing 15 people, including disaster-related deaths, and completely destroying more than 5,000 homes.
In the proceedings, the issue was whether the country's river management in these two districts was appropriate. The national government made a plan to repair the embankment of the entire Kinugawa River, and demanded that the claim be dismissed, saying that "the development was being carried out in a planned and stepwise manner while comprehensively considering the balance between upstream and downstream."
In the ruling, Judge Abe pointed out that the dune forest of private land in the Wakamiyado area was a "natural levee" that effectively served as a levee, and the government recognized that as well. He said that as a result of neglecting to designate it as a "river area" where changes in the current situation due to development etc. are restricted, a sand dune forest was excavated by a private company in 2014, which was a distant cause of flood damage.
On the other hand, regarding the Kamimisaka area, there is a fact that the government was considering the renovation of the embankment, and although it was not renovated because the other sections of the river were prioritized, it became a river management administration. Defect Judged that it was not recognized that there was. He dismissed the residents' complaint that the embankment had been left unattended at an insufficient height.
Following the ruling, Kazumi Katakura, a 69-year-old co-representative of the residents, said, "It's not a complete victory, but it's a historic ruling. Sincere I want you to take this into consideration and manage the river properly. " Some residents who were not granted the claim indicated their intention to appeal.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism commented, "We will carefully consider the content of the judgment and take appropriate measures."
Great impact on future river administration
In the past trials that questioned the responsibility of river management administration, most of the cases were lost by the residents after the Supreme Court decision (1984) of the "Daito Flood Damage Lawsuit", which limited the responsibility of the administration side. If the government is proceeding with the renovation of the embankment while prioritizing it, or if it takes safety measures that can be approved in the light of common wisdom, it is a criterion for judging that there is no defect.
This ruling cites this standard for the Kamimisaka area where the embankment broke. On the other hand, in the Wakamiyado area, where the sand dune forest was cut and it was clearly in a dangerous state, a defect was found in the country that had neglected to designate it as a "river area" without improving the embankment.
The dune forest in question is privately owned, but Judge Abe said that even on land not regulated by the River Act, "if serious damage can be foreseen, it is clear that there is a benefit over the restrictions of private rights." rice field.
Associate Professor Takuya Kondo (Administrative Law) of the University of Kitakyushu said, "This is an epoch-making decision. In the future, the administration will be required to pay attention to the designation of river areas."
To know the importance of water due to flood damage ... Ask Ms. Miko Hashimoto, co-representative of the Victims' Association
(Tokyo Shimbun July 23 , 2022 07:16 ) https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/191362
"I never thought I would be involved." Ms. Yoshiko Hashimoto (67), co-representative of the Joso Flood Damage and Victims Association, Nakatsumamachi, Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, looked back on the court battle against the country before the Mito District Court ruling. .. It is said that distrust has been raised in the country's claim that it is not a man-made disaster, and that it has inspired itself that "the country will not change unless a trial is held."
On September 10, 2015, Mr. Hashimoto learned of the collapse of the Kinugawa River at his workplace in the neighboring Bando City. When I returned home for two hours while avoiding road closures, there was no water nearby. At night, when I was lying upstairs, the breaker suddenly tripped. When I noticed, water flooded the front door, and three of my family's cars were submerged.
"Evacuate at home" "Come to Joso City Hall". Evacuated to a nearby elementary school while information was mixed up. After that, the city hall is flooded and isolated.
The next morning, when I went to see what was happening at my house, I saw a SDF helicopter flying over the sky to rescue the late citizens.
At Mr. Hashimoto's house, well water was used as domestic water, but it was polluted by a muddy stream and became unusable. Even if I tried to switch to the water supply, I was at a loss when the contractor who finally found out told me that it would cost more than one million yen just to draw water from the main pipe in front of me. I didn't know what to do, such as repairing a flooded home on the floor or getting a car that was essential for work.
Even after returning to the second floor of my house, I continue to drive back and forth between the shelter "Mitsukaido Asunaro no Sato" for washing and bathing. I washed my clothes at a nearby meeting place, used a coin laundry, and went to a hot spring facility outside the city. "To know the importance of water due to flood damage ... It was the hardest time, both mentally and physically." The water service finally opened at the end of January 16th, four and a half months after the disaster.
“The damage to the surroundings was so great that it was difficult to raise a voice about the water problem,” says Hashimoto. He said he decided to join the proceedings because he thought, "I can't live without water. It's not an amount that can be solved by an individual. It shouldn't be left as it is in the midst of floods all over the country."
In response to the judgment on the 22nd, Mr. Hashimoto said, "I'm glad that I admitted a defect in the country in Wakamiyado, but I didn't admit it in Kamimisaka. There is also. " (Masafumi Hayashi)
The 9th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Oral Argument (February 25, 2022)
2022/4/11 11:52
常総水害訴訟 河川行政、国民のために 原告側、訴え結審 /茨城
(毎日新聞茨城版 2022/2/26)
茨城・常総水害訴訟 住民側「整備に遅れ」 水戸地裁結審 判決は7月22日
(茨城新聞2022/2/26 07:00)
2015年9月 関東・東北豪雨で鬼怒川堤防が決壊するなど、常総市を中心に大規模な浸水被害
2018年8月 国の河川管理に不備があったとして、被災住民らが損害賠償を求め水戸地裁下妻支部に提訴
2019年2月 水戸地裁下妻支部が訴訟を水戸地裁本庁に回付
2021年8月 裁判官3人が決壊現場周辺を視察
2022年2月 訴訟が結審
2022年7月 水戸地裁が判決言い渡し(予定)
被災住民らの主張 上三坂地区の堤防整備を他の箇所の堤防整備よりも後回しにした改修計画は、著しく不合理で、河川管理の瑕疵である
国側の主張 鬼怒川は氾濫当時、既に改修計画が定められ、上三坂地区以外にも未整備区間があった。治水安全度の低い箇所を優先した
被災住民らの主張 現況の堤防高を第一に考慮すべきで、国側の実施した方法は役に立たず、整備の時期や順序の判断には使えない
国側の主張 国の治水マニュアルに従った。安全度は堤防の形状を確保し、護岸整備などで総合的に高める。住民側の手法は独自の見解
常総水害訴訟25日結審 「国の責任、明らかに」 原告団ら 報告会で呼び掛け
(東京新聞2022年2月15日 07時49分)https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/160286
茨城の常総水害訴訟 裁判の現状、争点説明 原告団が報告会
(茨城新聞2022/2/12(土) 5:00)
2015年9月の関東・東北豪雨で鬼怒川の水害に遭ったのは、国の河川管理に不備があったためとして、国に損害賠償を求める訴訟を起こした原告団が11日、争点などを説明する市民報告会を開いた。結審を控え、原告団は「力を合わせて頑張っていきたい」と意気込んだ。 報告会は茨城県常総市水海道天満町の生涯学習センターであり、約50人が参加。オンラインでも約50人が視聴した。報告会の後、全国の水害被災地とのオンライン交流会も行われた。 原告団は18年8月に水戸地裁に提訴した。訴状などによると、同市若宮戸地区では、堤防の役割を果たしていた砂丘林を国が掘削などの際に許可が必要な河川区域に指定しなかったため、民間業者が掘削して「無堤防」状態になった。さらに上三坂地区では、堤防の高さが周囲に比べて不足していたにもかかわらず、国がかさ上げを怠り、決壊につながったと主張している。 報告会で、原告団の片倉一美共同代表(68)は過去の水害訴訟の判例を紹介し、常総水害訴訟の現状や争点などを説明。「水害は単なる改修工事の遅れとする国は非常識」とした上で、「裁判に勝って行政を変えるしかない」と強調した。市内で花き園芸会社を営む高橋敏明共同代表(68)も「国は砂丘林を河川区域に指定するべきだった。水害は人災で、残念でたまらない」と訴えた。 裁判は今月25日に結審する予定。
The 9th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial oral argument was held on February 25th.
Each company reported on the trial date and the state of the report meeting after the trial.
Joso Flood Proceedings River administration, plaintiffs for the people, proceedings / Ibaraki
(Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki version 2022/2/26)
Kazumi Katakura (left), co-representative of the plaintiffs who greets at the press conference after the conclusion of the trial, taken by Toru Morinaga on February 25, 2022 in Midoricho, Mito City. Mi-san (left) = Taken by Toru Morinaga on February 25, 2022 in Midoricho, Mito City.
The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country. It was Judge Masahiko Abe). Kazumi Katakura (68), co-representative of the plaintiffs, said in a statement, "It is a defect that the country did not designate (the sand dune forest that was acting as a dike) as a river area." , Renewed the responsibility of the country and concluded the case. The verdict is July 22nd.
The plaintiffs are 31 citizens and one corporation. According to the complaint, the government did not designate the area of Wakamiyado, which had no embankment, as a river area that requires permission to excavate land, so the excavation of sand dune forests by private companies was stopped. Claimed that the water overflowed. Regarding the breach of the levee in Misakamachi, the city, despite the fact that the levee was low and the risk of breach was high, the safety evaluation was mistaken and the repair was postponed. At the trial, the plaintiffs alleged that the cause of the error was that the thickness of the embankment was added to the evaluation of the collapse of Misakamachi.
In a statement of opinion, Mr. Katakura argued for the responsibility of the country for less than 30 minutes, saying, "The insane response of the country caused a great flood. I want you to change to the river administration for the people."
The government claimed in writing about Wakamiyado that the sand dunes did not play the role of embankment and that they were working on the embankment maintenance. Regarding Misakamachi, the evaluation including the thickness of the embankment is common, and the plaintiff's allegation was "an error based on his own opinion", and he requested the dismissal of the claim again.
Attorney Yasushi Tadano, a lawyer on the plaintiff's side, said at a press conference after the conclusion of the trial, "There was no such thing as a repair plan from the government even in the trial, and I was convinced that (flood damage) was a man-made disaster. It's deepened. "
Due to this heavy rain, about 40 square kilometers, which is one-third of the city area, was flooded in Joso City. Fifty-three buildings were completely destroyed, a total of about 5,000 were damaged by large-scale half-destroyed or half-destroyed buildings, and 15 people were killed, including disaster-related deaths. [Satoshi Miyata, Toru Morinaga]
Ibaraki-Joso Flood Proceedings Residents "delayed in maintenance" Mito District Court conclusion decision on July 22
(Ibaraki Shimbun 2022/2/26 07:00)
The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country. Was concluded at the Mito District Court (Judge Masahiko Abe) on the 25th. In the closing argument, the residents said, "The delay in the construction of dangerous places with low embankments is itself a defect." The verdict will be handed down on July 22nd.
In the closing argument, Kazumi Katakura, co-representative of the plaintiffs, showed a picture of his home at the time of the disaster, saying, "The flood occurs from a low place on the embankment. The method is wrong, "he emphasized that there was a problem with the plan. He concludes with a thank-you note to Judge Abe, "I would like to ask for a fair judgment that everyone can agree on."
According to the complaint and the briefs, the residents gave priority to places other than this in the embankment maintenance plan for the Kamimisaka district of Joso City, where the embankment of the Kinugawa River broke, and repaired another point where there was room for flooding. Insisted that the dangerous place was postponed. The Wakamiyado district of the city, which was flooded with water, claimed that the government had neglected to designate it as a river area, and that the sand dune forest, which had been acting as a dike, was excavated by a solar power generation project, leading to flood damage.
The government explained that the maintenance plan had undeveloped sections other than the collapsed area, and that the order of maintenance was based on comprehensive consideration of flood damage history and the balance between upstream and downstream. Regarding the designation of the river area in the Wakamiyado area, he argued that the sand dunes did not play a role as a dike and that the entire area was planned to be improved, so it would not be a defect.
After the trial, the residents held a press conference in Mito City, and Yasushi Tadano accused the government of being disqualified as a river manager if he was not willing to save the lives of the residents.
In August 2018, the residents filed a lawsuit with the Mito District Court Shimotsuma Branch. In February 2019, there was a "circulation" to transfer the court in charge of the received case, and an argument was held at the district court's main office. In August last year, three judges, including Judge Abe, inspected the disaster area, including the site of the collapse.
[Progress over Joso Flood Proceedings]
Large-scale flood damage centered on Joso City, such as the collapse of the Kinugawa embankment due to heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015
August 2018: Affected residents filed a suit against the Mito District Court's Shimotsuma Branch for damages, alleging that the country's river management was inadequate.
February 2019 Mito District Court Shimotsuma Branch circulates proceedings to Mito District Court Main Office
August 2021 Three judges inspect the area around the collapse site
February 2022 Proceedings concluded
July 2022 Mito District Court handed down the decision (planned)
[Main issues in the Joso Flood Proceedings]
■ Embankment repair plan
Claims of disaster-affected residents The renovation plan that puts the levee maintenance in the Kamimisaka area behind the levee maintenance in other places is extremely unreasonable and is a defect in river management.
National claim Kinugawa had an undeveloped section other than the Kamimisaka area, as a repair plan had already been set at the time of the flood. Priority was given to areas with low hydraulic safety
■ Safety evaluation method
Claims of disaster-affected residents The current embankment height should be considered first, and the method implemented by the national government is useless and cannot be used to determine the timing and order of maintenance.
National claim According to the national hydraulic control manual. The safety level will be improved comprehensively by ensuring the shape of the embankment and improving the revetment. Residents' method is their own view
Joso Flood Proceedings 25th Conclusion "National Responsibility, Clearly" Plaintiffs and others call at debriefing session
(Tokyo Shimbun February 15, 2022 07:49) https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/160286
A debriefing session held online with other flood-stricken areas = in Joso City
About 30 people, including Joso citizens, were damaged because the Kinugawa embankment broke down in the Kanto and Tohoku floods in September 2015 and the houses were damaged due to poor river management in the country. A trial seeking compensation will be concluded at the Mito District Court on the 25th. At a debriefing session held by the plaintiffs and the "Meeting to Support the Trial" on the 11th, Toshiaki Takahashi (68), the co-representative of the plaintiffs, said, "Flood damage is a man-made disaster. Let's do this. " (Masafumi Hayashi)
About 100 people including the web conferencing system "Zoom" participated in the debriefing session, and Kazumi Katakura (68) explained the issues. He connected with flood-affected areas such as the heavy rains in western Japan in July 18 and typhoon No. 19 in October 19 with Zoom, and said, "We need the voices of many people to win the trial."
According to the complaint, in the Wakamiyado district of the city, the government did not designate the sand dune forest, which served as a natural embankment, as a river area that requires permission for excavation, so a private company did not specify solar power. Excavated in the power generation business and put into a "no embankment" state. In the Kamimisaka area, despite the fact that the height of the embankment was insufficient compared to the surrounding area, the government neglected to raise it and claimed that it led to the collapse.
In the flood, about 40 square kilometers, which is about one-third of the city, was flooded, and 5,163 houses were completely destroyed. In August 18th, the citizens filed a lawsuit with the Mito District Court's Shimotsuma Branch, asking the river administrator's country to pay a total of about 335 million yen, including housing repair costs and consolation fees. The trial was transferred to the Mito District Court.
Ibaraki Joso Flood Proceedings Current status of trials, explanation of issues Plaintiffs debriefing session
(Ibaraki Shimbun 2022/2/12 (Sat) 5:00)
Ibaraki Shimbun Cross Eye
Participants listening to the current situation of flood-stricken areas in various places at the Joso Flood Proceedings Report Meeting = Lifelong Learning Center in Mitsukaido Tenmancho, Joso City
The plaintiffs who filed a lawsuit seeking damages from the country explained the issues on the 11th because the Kinugawa was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country. We held a public briefing session. Ahead of the conclusion, the plaintiffs enthusiastically said, "I want to work together and do my best." The debriefing session is a lifelong learning center in Mitsukaido Tenmancho, Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and about 50 people participate. About 50 people watched it online. After the debriefing session, an online exchange meeting was held with flood-stricken areas nationwide. The plaintiffs filed a lawsuit with the Mito District Court in August 2018. According to the complaint, in the Wakamiyado area of the city, the sand dune forest that played the role of embankment was not designated as a river area that requires permission when excavating, so a private company excavated it and it was in a "no embankment" state. Became. Furthermore, in the Kamimisaka area, despite the fact that the height of the embankment was insufficient compared to the surrounding area, the country neglected to raise it and claimed that it led to the collapse. At the debriefing session, Kazumi Katakura, 68, the co-representative of the plaintiffs, introduced the precedents of the flood proceedings in the past and explained the current situation and issues of the Joso flood proceedings. "It is insane for a country to say that flood damage is just a delay in repair work," he emphasized, "there is no choice but to win the trial and change the administration." Toshiaki Takahashi (68), who runs a flower gardening company in the city, also complained, "The country should have designated the sand dunes as a river area. The flood is a man-made disaster, and it is regrettable." The trial is scheduled to conclude on the 25th of this month.
The 8th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Oral Argument (November 12, 2021)
2021/11/13 23:23
The 8th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial oral argument was held on November 12th.
As reported in the Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki edition, the plaintiff himself was cross-examined and a statement was made by the plaintiff's agent.
The next trial will be held from 13:30 on February 25th (Friday) next year.
Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki Edition November 13, 2021
Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Oral Argument (October 29, 2021)
2021/11/2 16:06
茨城・常総水害訴訟 「なぜ妻亡くなった」 住民側の男性証言
(茨城新聞2021年10月30日(土) ) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16355033477274
A cross-examination of the plaintiff's witnesses took place on October 29, following October 8.
The cross-examination will be held on November 12th. And it will be concluded on February 25th next year.
It was a long time cross-examination. Four people in the morning and two people in the afternoon properly communicated the actual situation and feelings of the damage.
We will publish newspaper articles.
Ibaraki / Joso Flood Proceedings "Why my wife died" Male testimony from the residents
(Ibaraki Shimbun Saturday, October 30, 2021) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16355033477274
The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country. The oral argument was held at the Mito District Court (Judge Masahiko Abe) on the 29th. Takeyoshi Akabane (81), whose wife was recognized as a disaster-related death, testified as a resident and complained, "I still can't get rid of my feelings about why my wife died."
Before the disaster, Akabane lived with his wife Yoshiko = then (75) = and five other family members. On the night when the Kinugawa embankment broke, his house was flooded and he recalled, "My wife couldn't stop trembling all night."
After that, Mr. Yoshiko explained that his consciousness declined, such as no reply when he called out. He passed away in February 2016, and Akabane was also diagnosed with depression due to the effects.
Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial Oral Argument (Interrogation of Plaintiffs' Witnesses) (October 8, 2020)
2021/10/9 17:13
常総水害 「大切なもの失った」 原告9人が心情 地裁 /茨城
(毎日新聞茨城版 2021/10/9)https://mainichi.jp/articles/20211009/ddl/k08/040/030000c
茨城・常総水害訴訟で住民側 「失った現実見て」自宅半壊被害説明
(茨城新聞2021年10月9日(土)) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16336920990683
A witness cross-examination of the plaintiff himself was held on October 8.
The cross-examination will also take place on October 29th and November 12th. And it will be concluded on February 25th next year.
It was a long time cross-examination. Four people in the morning and five people in the afternoon properly communicated the actual situation and feelings of the damage.
We will publish newspaper articles.
Joso Flood Damage "I lost something important" Nine plaintiffs are feelings District Court / Ibaraki
(Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki version 2021/10/9) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20211009/ddl/k08/040/030000c
The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country. It started with (Judge Masahiko Abe).
On this day, nine plaintiffs talked about the actual situation and feelings of their own damage.
Norio Suzuki (74) said that his house was half destroyed and he was forced to spend about 20 million yen for repairs. In living on a pension, he said, "If another flood strikes, we will not be able to recover economically."
Kazumi Katakura (68), co-representative of the plaintiffs, complained, "We are spending a lot of money and at the same time losing something important. I want you to see it properly."
The cross-examination will be held on the 29th of this month and the 12th of November. [Satoshi Miyata]
Residents in Ibaraki / Joso flood proceedings "Look at the lost reality" Explanation of damage caused by half-destroyed home
(Ibaraki Shimbun Saturday, October 9, 2021) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16336920990683
The Kinugawa River was flooded by the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015 because of inadequate river management in the country. The oral argument was held at the Mito District Court (Judge Masahiko Abe) on the 8th.
There was a cross-examination of witnesses on the part of the residents, and nine people, including Kazumi Katakura (68), the co-representative of the plaintiffs, said, "I want you to see the reality that the residents have lost something important."
Mr. Katakura explained that his home was half destroyed by the flood, and in addition to his household goods and albums, three family cars were scrapped. "We filed a trial as a last resort," he said, saying he was not satisfied with what the government explained about the cause of the flood.
The 11th Kinugawa Flood Damage Trial (oral argument) (September 27, 2021) and recent articles
2021/9/29 11:55
国の堤防整備は「不合理な計画」 茨城・常総水害訴訟で住民側
(茨城新聞2021年9月28日(火) )https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16327519990522
粘り強く、声上げて 被災者の体験、苦難を記録誌に 支援制度改善の取り組みも /茨城
(毎日新聞茨城版 2021/9/20)https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210920/ddl/k08/040/101000c
記録誌は「常総市大水害の体験を語り継ぐ 被害者主人公の活動―6年の軌跡」。同会のメンバーらが編集委員となり、被災者から聞き取った文章や関係者の寄稿をまとめた。
常総水害6年 鬼怒川氾濫は「人災」 河川管理、国の非問う 帰郷、原告団共同代表に /茨城
(毎日新聞茨城版 2021/9/19)https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210919/ddl/k08/040/064000c
常総水害を語り継ぐ 被害から6年、住民が記録誌 教訓を共有したい
(朝日新聞2021年9月11日 10時30分)https://digital.asahi.com/articles/ASP9B6VLLP9BUJHB002.html?iref=pc_ss_date_article
- 堤防の決壊現場で黙禱(もくとう)を捧げる住民や神達岳志市長ら=2021年9月10日午後0時26分、茨城県常総市上三坂地区、鹿野幹男撮影
記録誌は「常総市大水害の体験を語り継ぐ 被害者主人公の活動 6年の軌跡」。
防災意識の向上に注力する決意を語った常総水害、語り継ぐ 発生6年 市民が記録誌
(東京新聞2021年9月11日 07時37分)https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/130254?rct=ibaraki
二〇一五年の関東・東北豪雨で鬼怒川の堤防が決壊し、流域の常総市に大きな被害をもたらした「常総水害」の発生から十日で六年。記憶の風化が懸念される中、常総水害・被害者の会のメンバーらが、記録誌「常総市大水害の体験を語り継ぐ 被害者主人公の活動〜6年の軌跡〜」を発行した。被害者の会共同代表世話人の染谷修司さん(77)は「記憶は薄れる。だから記録する必要がある」と力を込める。(林容史)
<関東・東北水害> 2015年9月9日に上陸した台風18号や前線の影響で、関東・東北地方を中心に被害が出た豪雨災害。宮城、茨城、栃木3県で計8人が死亡し、常総市では13人が災害関連死と認定された。9月10日には鬼怒川の堤防が決壊し、常総市では約3分の1に当たる約40平方キロが浸水。住宅5163棟が全半壊した。逃げ遅れて屋根などから救助された住民は約1300人に及び、市内39カ所に最大6200人以上が避難した。
茨城・常総水害6年 被災の記憶、次代に 市民有志、冊子に生の声
(茨城新聞2021年9月10日(金) )https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16311843067258
このメールは Google グループのグループ「水源連新ML 」に登録しているユーザー
Six years have passed since the Kinugawa River flooded due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015.
On September 27, the Mito District Court held the 11th trial (oral argument) of a lawsuit in which the affected residents of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, sought compensation for damages from the government because of inadequate management of the country. I will post the article.
In addition, members of the "Joso City Flood and Victims Association" published a record magazine summarizing the experiences of citizens.
We will also post an article about the publication and an article that conveys the voice of the plaintiffs' representative.
National embankment maintenance is an "irrational plan" Ibaraki / Joso flood proceedings on the part of residents
(Ibarakishinbun 2021 September 28 (Tuesday)) Https://Ibarakinews.Jp/news/newsdetail.Php?F_jun=16327519990522
As because he's is met with a flood of Kinugawa in the Kanto and Tohoku heavy rain in September 2015 there was a flaw in river management of the country, the seventh litigation Ibaraki Prefecture Joso City of affected residents have sought damages to the country An oral argument was held at the Mito District Court ( Judge Masahiko Abe ) on the 27th. Residents argued that the state's embankment construction was an "irrational plan" that put off high-risk areas.
According to materials from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the embankment broke at 21 km on the left bank of the Kinugawa River in Misakamachi, Joso City due to the flood damage in Joso. Residents side in the oral arguments, pointed out that the levee repair plan of Kinugawa had established a location other than the 21 km point ahead. He insisted that he had "postponed the dangerous place while keeping it dangerous", saying that he had repaired the point where there was room for flooding.
Residents side, evaluation method was used when determining the order of the country development is, as useless in the evaluation of the degree of safety, said the "country of evaluating the safety of (study of) is too small."
The next scheduled oral arguments on October 8 days.
Joso flood damage 6 years
Persevering and speaking out, the experiences and hardships of the victims are recorded in a record magazine. Efforts to improve the support system / Ibaraki
(Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki version 2021/9/20) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210920/ddl/k08/040/101000c
Shuji Someya, who holds a record magazine = in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Six years have passed since the flooding of the Kinugawa River due to heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions, and the members of the "Joso City Flood Damage and Victims' Association" have published a record magazine summarizing the experiences of the citizens. The situation of the disaster and the efforts of the citizens to rebuild their lives are described. Shuji Someya (77), the co-representative of the association, said, "My memory is fading and I need to record it. I hope that Joso's experience will be put to good use in future disasters." [Satoshi Miyata]
The record magazine is "Activities of the Victim Protagonist Handing Down the Experience of the Great Flood in Joso City-6 Years of Trajectory". Members of the association became editorial committee members and summarized the sentences heard from the victims and the contributions of the people concerned.
The experience of the citizens contained is fresh. A state of flooding such as "rescued by a boat of the Self-Defense Forces" while the house was submerged. "15,000 bottles of sake were damaged by muddy water" (sake brewery) "3,000 bags of harvested rice were submerged in water" (farmer), and the hardships faced after the disaster are also being described.
Also included is a statement of opinion at the trial of Mr. Takeyoshi Akabane (81), who is the plaintiff in the proceedings over the deficiency of river management in the country. His wife, Yoshiko (75 years old at the time), who died five months after the flood, has been recognized as a "disaster-related death" due to a drastic change in the living environment. Is written.
Joso flood 6 years Kinugawa flooding is a "man-made disaster" River management, national unquestioned homecoming, co-representative of the plaintiffs / Ibaraki
(Mainichi Shimbun Ibaraki version 2021/9/19) https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210919/ddl/k08/040/064000c
Kazumi Katakura stands at the site where a sand dune forest was excavated in the Wakamiyado area where a large-scale flood occurred. In the past, the sand dunes in the back of the center continued to the place where Mr. Katakura was standing = in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
Six years have passed since the flooding of the Kinugawa River due to heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015. Kazumi Katakura, 68, of Joso City, ended her life as an office worker during this time and became the co-representative of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit alleging that the flooding was due to inadequate river management in the country. While spending busy days managing everything, he continues to struggle to "clarify the blame of the country and change it to a river administration for the residents." [Satoshi Miyata]
In late August, the Wakamiyado district of the city. Mr. Katakura guided the press to the flooding site at that time. The sand dune forest along the river was interrupted for 200 meters only around it, and a row of solar panels continued.
It has been 14 years since the sand dunes that protected the area from the river were excavated. Since the country did not designate the area as a river area, the contractor excavated without permission. Due to the heavy rain the following year, a muddy stream rushed from the excavated part. Mr. Katakura complained at the scene, "Can we say that the country is not responsible for this?"
Although he was born and raised in Joso City, he left his family in his hometown when he was an employee of a machine maker, and continued to work alone. Even at the time of heavy rain, he worked at the head office in Tokyo due to reemployment after retirement. When I returned to Joso City, the house where my eldest son's family lived was flooded up to 180 cm above the floor, and the house where my wife and parents lived was also half-destroyed. Although I was afraid, I also had the feeling of giving up because it was a natural disaster.
After that, he gradually became interested in the cause of the flood and participated in the negotiations between the victims and each ministry and agency in January 2016. I wanted to ask the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism why Wakamiyado was left in danger, but the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism explained that the river management was in accordance with the law. It seemed that the state's duty to protect the property and lives of the inhabitants was neglected. "If the river is managed in this way, a disaster will occur somewhere again."
It was in the spring of 2018 that he returned to Joso after the reemployment period. In response to the ongoing call for the formation of a plaintiff group, he was appointed as a co-representative. In addition to the meeting with the defense team, he will undertake many affairs such as contacting about 30 plaintiffs and responding to the press. It is also heartbreaking to get the plaintiffs to understand the content of the trial, which tends to be an exchange of technical terms.
The next due date of the proceedings is 27th. The government claims that the rehabilitation plan "has not been unreasonable in light of the general standards of river management and common wisdom." For the past year or so, oral arguments have not been opened due to the influence of the new coronavirus. The plaintiff will be cross-examined in the future, and the trial will be concluded in February next year.
Now, I have a wish that "I want more people to be interested. If your opinions are bundled, it will be a great power." "This flood is a man-made disaster. I want the country to apologize properly and change the way of thinking about river management."
Inheriting the Joso Flood Damage Six years after the damage, residents want to share the lessons learned from the record magazine
(Asahi Shimbun September 11, 2021 10:30) https://digital.asahi.com/articles/ASP9B6VLLP9BUJHB002.html?iref=pc_ss_date_article
- Residents and Mayor Takeshi Kandatsu who offer silence at the breach site of the embankment = 0:26 pm on September 10, 2021, taken by Mikio Kano, Kamimisaka district, Joso city, Ibaraki prefecture
[Ibaraki] The Joso flood, which killed 15 people, including disaster-related deaths, has reached its full six years in 10 days. On this day, the affected residents published a record magazine that describes the memories of the disaster and the path to rebuilding their lives. We wanted to share lessons with the areas affected by the ever-increasing heavy rains and floods.
The record magazine is "The 6-year history of the activities of the victim hero who tells the story of the experience of the great flood in Joso City."
Twelve residents of Joso City , Ibaraki Prefecture, who have continued to request activities such as rebuilding their lives immediately after the disaster, served as editorial committee members. Some plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit against the state, pointing out the problem of river management. Over the last year, we collected experiences and contributions from the affected residents.
On September 10, 2015, the river overflowed at seven locations on the Kinugawa River, and the embankment broke for about 200 meters. Inundation occurred in one-third of the city area. About 4,300 people were left behind at home and rescued by the Self-Defense Forces and fire departments.
Toshiaki Takahashi (67) from Harajuku, Harajuku, cultivated and sold plants about 1 km from the point where the river overflowed. The 16 greenhouses and stores were soaked in muddy water that was 1 meter high, and about 100,000 stocks of pansies and pothos that had been raised were washed away. Damage to goods and equipment exceeded 50 million yen. The company continues to run in the red due to a large amount of debt for reconstruction. "The hand-salted flowers are like a daughter. It disappeared in an instant."
A man who died after his wife was deprived of physical strength in a shelter without privacy and became depressed due to shock also shared his experiences. Some farmers abandoned their ancestral family business because their farm equipment was buried in the earth and sand. Not only the difficulty of being deprived of life, but also the feeling of gratitude to the volunteers who restarted the business and rushed from all over the country.
I also wrote down the process of working with the national and prefectural governments to provide the necessary support. The subsidy, which was limited to households with large-scale half-destroyed housing damage, has been expanded to half-destroyed households as a result of the efforts of residents, ward mayors, and prefectural councils after the disaster. Shuji Someya (77), an editorial board member, said, "It is important not only for the victims to mourn, but also to keep raising their voices. I want to tell other people in the disaster area."
Many Japanese Brazilians live in the city. Norihiro Yokota (54) wrote about his experience of translating necessary information into Portuguese and other languages and transmitting it on radio and information magazines immediately after the disaster.
We handed out Joso's experience of the disaster to the households of the victims in the northern part of the prefecture, which were seriously damaged by Typhoon No. 19 in 2019. One of the recipients reported his determination, saying, "I read this and decided to rebuild the house." "Despaired victims cannot move immediately after reading the materials that explain the contents of the system. It is a great encouragement for the victims in each region who are currently suffering to know the thoughts of each of the former victims." Told.
The record magazine is 500 yen. Applicant is Mr. Someya ( kinusoshu@outlook.jp )What. (Mikio Kano)
On the 10th, at the site of the collapse of the Kinugawa embankment in the Kamimisaka district of Joso City, the mayor of Takeshi Kandatsu and local residents offered flowers and prayed for silence. After finishing the flower donation, the mayor of Gods told reporters, "It is our responsibility to work on disaster prevention without wasting the death of the residents."
Joso flood disaster that talked about its determination to focus on raising disaster prevention awareness, 6 years of occurrence Citizens record magazine
(Tokyo Shimbun September 11, 2021 07:37) https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/130254?rct=ibaraki
Shuji Someya holding a completed record magazine = in Joso City
Six years have passed since the outbreak of the "Joso Flood", which caused great damage to Joso City in the basin when the Kinugawa embankment broke due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions in 2015. Amid concerns about the weathering of memories, members of the Joso Flood Damage and Victims Association published a record magazine, "Activities of the Victim Protagonist Who Passes on the Experience of the Great Flood in Joso City ~ 6 Years of Trajectory ~". Shuji Someya (77), the co-representative of the Victims' Association, said, "My memory fades, so I need to record it." (Masafumi Hayashi)
The record magazine is A4 size 86 pages. The actual situation of the damage heard from the citizens, the efforts to rebuild their lives, and the history of the Joso Flood Proceedings in which the citizens are seeking compensation for damages from the country are described. Twelve citizen volunteers, including Mr. Someya, summarized it. It was planned to be published about five years after the outbreak, but it was delayed by one year due to work delays.
The testimony of the victims is fresh.
Toshiaki Takahashi (67), who produces and sells flowers, lost 100,000 pots of foliage plants such as pothos and farm equipment, but started rebuilding with the support of volunteers and the efforts of his family. Mr. Takahashi, who is also a member of the plaintiffs in the Joso Flood Proceedings, said, "The amount of damage exceeded 50 million yen, and I had to borrow a large amount of money to start business again. However, the company is still in the red. Is continuing. "
Takeyoshi Akabane (81) was forced to live in a shelter with his wife after being rescued by a helicopter. Five months later, his wife died. Although the city identified Akabane's wife as a disaster-related death, Akabane emphasized, "I had a chronic illness, but my wife was fine before the flood. I just want to ask the country why she died." ..
Norihiro Yokota (54), the representative director of the NPO "Ibaraki NPO Center Commons" who contributed to the record magazine, said, "The victims are forced to make a choice by themselves, and I don't know what to do. ) The experience of pushing the backs of such victims is packed. "
Mr. Someya says, "The flooding of the Naka and Kuji rivers caused by typhoon No. 19 in 2009 continues to cause great damage in the prefecture. I hope that the experiences of Joso citizens will be used to support the victims." ..
The recording magazine is produced by 1,000 copies. It will be sold to those who wish for 500 yen per book. For inquiries, please contact Mr. Someya = Den 090 (8497) 7029 =.
<Kanto / Tohoku Flood Damage> A heavy rain disaster that caused damage mainly in the Kanto / Tohoku region due to the effects of typhoon No. 18 and the front that landed on September 9, 2015. A total of eight people died in Miyagi, Ibaraki, and Tochigi prefectures, and 13 people were recognized as disaster-related deaths in Joso City. The embankment of the Kinugawa River broke on September 10, and about 40 square kilometers, which is about one-third of Joso City, was flooded. 5163 houses were completely destroyed. Approximately 1,300 residents were rescued from the roof after being late to escape, and up to 6,200 people were evacuated to 39 locations in the city.
6 years of flood damage in Ibaraki and Joso Memories of the disaster, volunteers of the next generation, live voice in the booklet
(Ibaraki Shimbun September 10, 2021 (Friday)) https://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=16311843067258
Shuji Someya (left) = Hashimotocho, Mitsukaido, Joso City, explaining the booklet "Activities of the Victim Protagonist ~ 6 Years of Trajectory ~" that summarizes the voices of the victims of the Joso Flood
Six years have passed since the flooding of the Kinugawa River in September 2015 due to the heavy rains in the Kanto and Tohoku regions. While the issue is how to pass on the lessons learned from the disaster to the next generation, volunteers from Joso citizens of Ibaraki Prefecture have published a booklet "Activities of the Victim Protagonist ~ 6 Years of Trajectory ~" that summarizes the voices of the victims. Issued. Shuji Someya (77), a member, hopes that "telling the experience of Joso City will lead to future disaster prevention."
"Every day after my wife died, I had a lot of suffering." "Even though it was a newly built house with a loan." In the booklet, 12 citizen volunteers summarized the situation at that time heard from the victims and the requests to the government for rebuilding their lives. Analysis of the cause of flood damage is also included. The aim is to pass on the memories of the disaster and to raise awareness of disaster prevention widely by learning about past disasters.
Toshiaki Takahashi (67), who runs the flower center Shihoen, which produces and sells flowers in the city, was flooded with 16 greenhouses about 1 km from the Kinugawa River. The amount of damage exceeded 50 million yen, and he complained that he had to borrow a large amount of money to resume business. Mr. Someya says, "The flood damage has not ended even after six years. I want people involved in the administration as well as the citizens to read it."
In the Joso flood, the Kinugawa embankment in the Kamimisaka district of the city broke, flooding in the Wakamiyado district of the city, flooding about 40 square kilometers, which is about one-third of the city area, and completely destroying more than 5,000 buildings. Many citizens were late to escape, killing 15 people, including disaster-related deaths. The city hall, which was the disaster response headquarters, was also flooded and isolated.
Yoshihiro Yokota (54), the representative director of the NPO "Ibaraki NPO Center Commons" who contributed to the booklet, said, "There was not enough support for disaster victims such as housing reconstruction, based on the track record of working on support for foreigners in the city. Led to a population outflow (in the city). " Currently, the population is returning due to the new migration of foreigners, but it is analyzed that "a new issue of regional exchange of foreigners has also arisen."
The booklet is 90 pages in A4 size. It was produced by utilizing a part of the donation for Joso flood. One book is 500 yen. For inquiries, please contact Mr. Someya. Email kinusoshu@outlook.jp
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