新たなケース 若者の志と人生を尊重する地域枠医師制度のために ~高額違約金は違法!~ が掲載されました
New Case Posted
新たなケースとして、若者の志と人生を尊重する地域枠医師制度のために ~高額違約金は違法!~が掲載されました。
A new case,For a Regional Quota Program that Respects Will and Life of Young Physicians The Exorbitantly High Penalty Is Illegal! has been posted.
In Japan, a special medical school admission program (Regional Quota Program) is commonly adopted across Japan, where after graduation from medical schools, one has to practice in specific areas. In Yamanashi prefecture, if one is unable to practice in the specific areas as promised, one has to pay a exorbitantly high penalty of 8,420,000 yen. Under the Consumer Contract Act, the clause of this penalty shall be deemed invalid. Moreover, requiring young university applicants to promise to pay such high penalty tampers with the serious issue of personal autonomy.