
Let’s hear the statement of opinion of the ”Litigation on Status of Residence for a Same-Sex Couple of a Japanese and an America















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弁護士 鈴木 雅子さん(いずみ橋法律事務所)
弁護士 永野 靖さん(永野・山下・平本法律事務所)
弁護士 山下 敏雅さん(永野・山下・平本法律事務所)
弁護士 横山 佳枝さん(原後綜合法律事務所)
弁護士 上杉 崇子さん(TOKYO大樹法律事務所)
弁護士 丸山 由紀さん(弁護士法人あると)
弁護士 高橋 済さん(弁護士法人THP)

原告 康平さん



Let's hear the statement of opinion of the "Litigation on Status of Residence for a Same-Sex Couple of a Japanese and an American - To live together as a family in Japan -"

Are you interested in public litigations? But you have never been to a court hearing? It is a bit of a challenge to go to a court on your own. CALL4 has organized a court hearing group tour for everyone interested in public litigations.

Anyone can observe court proceedings, and you don’t even need to bring your identification documents to enter a court. Attending a trial also gives power to the plaintiff and shows the court that the case matters to us! Let’s attend a court hearing together!

This will be the fourth court hearing tour organized by CALL4. We are going to visit the first oral argument at the Tokyo High Court on the "Litigation on Status of Residence for a Same-Sex Couple of a Japanese and an American — To live together as a family in Japan."

Brief summary of the case:

Andrew, an American citizen, and Kohei, a Japanese citizen, are an international same-sex couple. They were married in the US in 2015. They have now welcomed their beloved dog into their life and are living together as a family in Japan. However, their family life is at risk of being forced to end.

Andrew applied to change the category for his status of residence from the one he initially had to the one as a long-term resident, which would give him a more stable visa, multiple times from 2018 to 2019. However, all of his applications were denied. The Immigration Bureau kept giving the same reason for denial: “They are a same-sex couple of a Japanese national and a foreign national.”

In response to the denials by the Immigration Bureau, Andrew and Kohei filed (1) an administrative litigation seeking recognition of Andrew’s status of residence as a long-term resident, and (2) a lawsuit seeking state compensation for damages on the two incurred by the denials.

Andrew and Kohei know several couples who gave up on living together in Japan and moved to other countries where same-sex marriage is legalized. However, the two realize that the issue they are facing is not just about Andrew’s right to stay in Japan as a foreign national but also about Kohei’s right as a Japanese national. They discussed and reached a conclusion where they have to file a lawsuit and change society by speaking up about the injustice of not being able to live with their loved ones, especially for Kohei, in his own country.

The preceding District Court made a significant judgment and acknowledged the illegality of not recognizing “designated activities” status of residence for Andrew. However, even after the judgment, the Immigration Bureau has not granted Andrew “designated activities” status of residence. Therefore, Kohei and Andrew appealed to the Tokyo High Court.

At the first oral argument at the Tokyo High Court, the plaintiffs are going to make statements of opinion, and this will be an opportunity for everyone to hear the hopes of the plaintiffs.

*There is a possibility that the court does not allow the plaintiffs to make the statements of opinion, we will update the information after we receive the decision from the court.

— Tour Schedule —

Meeting time: 10:30 AM on Wednesday, March 15th / Court hearing: From 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Debriefing & Gathering: March 15, 2023 (Wednesday) 12:00-13:00

In addition, a podcast episode will be released as a pre-lecture in the coming days. The defense team will provide an overview and explain legal issues of the case. As soon as it is available on Apple Podcast or Spotify, we will send the links to the podcast to the participants by email. We encourage you to listen to the podcast as it will help you understand courtroom interactions and commentary that will be provided at the Debriefing.

— Information for Reservation —

The number of participants: 15 at maximum (first-come first-served basis)
Participation: Please select a ticket from the following options and make a reservation in advance.

- [Free] Participation ticket (0 yen)
- [With donation to CALL4] Participation Ticket (1,500 yen)
- [With donation to CALL4] Participation Ticket (3,000 yen)
Your donations to CALL4 will be used for the necessary expenses for the tour.

— Main Speakers at Debriefing —

Defence team for the litigation
Masako Suzuki (Izumibashi Law Office)
Yasushi Nagano (Nagano & Yamashita & Hiramoto Law Office)
Toshimasa Yamashita (Nagano & Yamashita & Hiramoto Law Office)
Yoshie Yokoyama (Harago & Partners Law Office)
Yuki Maruyama (Alt Law Firm)
Takako Uesugi (Tokyo Taiju Law Office)
Wataru Takahashi (THP Law Office)

Plaintiff Mr. Kohei

Members from the support group for the litigation

▼For the reservation, please refer to here:

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