新たなケース「「子どもと向き合う時間がほしい」児童相談所の労働環境改善を!訴訟 」が掲載されました

New Case Posted


新たなケースとして、「子どもと向き合う時間がほしい」児童相談所の労働環境改善を!訴訟 が登録されました。



As a new case, "“Need more time to face the children” Improve the working environment of Child Guidance Centers! lawsuit " has been posted.

Mr. Iijima, the plaintiff, became a Child Guidance Center employee as he wanted to support children at the center through his experiences in telephone child consultation services. However, long working hours were the norm due to inadequate training systems and chronic shortages of staff at the Child Guidance Center where he worked.

We aim to raise the issue of the working environment of Child Guidance Centers, resolve the chronic understaffing, and create an environment in which employees can fully deal with each child individually through this lawsuit.

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