若者の志と人生を尊重する地域枠医師制度のために ~高額違約金は違法!~ For a Regional Quota Program that Respects Will and Life of Young Physicians The Exorbitantly High Penalty Is Illegal!

#医療・福祉・障がい #Healthcare/Welfare/Disability
#働き方 #Labor Rights

現在の寄付総額 Current Total Raised

117,600円 ¥ 117,600


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1,500,000円 ¥ 1,500,000

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11 人 11 supporters

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医学部卒業後に特定の地域で診療を行うことを条件とした医学部選抜(地域枠制度)が全国各地で行われています。その中でも山梨県については、約束通り特定の地域における従事ができなくなった場合に842万円余もの高額な違約金を課しています。当該違約金条項は消費者契約法に照らして無効です。また、大学を受験する若年者に、高額な違約金を誓約させることは、個々人の自己決定の観点から大きな問題があります。 In Japan, a special medical school admission program (Regional Quota Program) is commonly adopted across Japan, where after graduation from medical schools, one has to practice in specific areas. In Yamanashi prefecture, if one is unable to practice in the specific areas as promised, one has to pay a exorbitantly high penalty of 8,420,000 yen. Under the Consumer Contract Act, the clause of this penalty shall be deemed invalid. Moreover, requiring young university applicants to promise to pay such high penalty tampers with the serious issue of personal autonomy.











1. 消費者契約法第9条第1項第1号による無効



第九条 次の各号に掲げる消費者契約の条項は、当該各号に定める部分について、無効とする。
一 当該消費者契約の解除に伴う損害賠償の額を予定し、又は違約金を定める条項であって、これらを合算した額が、当該条項において設定された解除の事由、時期等の区分に応じ、当該消費者契約と同種の消費者契約の解除に伴い当該事業者に生ずべき平均的な損害の額を超えるもの

2. 消費者契約法第10条による無効



第十条 消費者の不作為をもって当該消費者が新たな消費者契約の申込み又はその承諾の意思表示をしたものとみなす条項その他の法令中の公の秩序に関しない規定の適用による場合に比して消費者の権利を制限し又は消費者の義務を加重する消費者契約の条項であって、民法第一条第二項に規定する基本原則に反して消費者の利益を一方的に害するものは、無効とする。


先に述べたように、医学部受験生にとっては、大学合格後、そして 医師国家試験合格後の人生を見通すことは困難です。また、研修医になる時点でも、初期研修を含むその9年間は多くのキャリア選択の機会が訪れますし、医師個人の人生において最も変化が大きい年代です。受験時の契約で中途解約に高額な違約金が課せられることにより、様々な選択肢を失うことになります。

医師になれば、指定区域内の医療機関と労働契約を締結することになりますが、労働契約は、労働基準法により、5年間以上の有期契約が無効とされ(同法第14条第1項第1号)、賠償予定も禁止されています(第16 条)。本件誓約書第7項は、長期の契約期間の定めや高額な違約金を定めて人身の自由を拘束しないという労働基準法の趣旨に反するものであると言わざるをえません。




① 当機構に山梨県の「山梨県地域枠等医師キャリア形成プログラムの適用に係る契約書」に関する情報提供があり、2023年2月21日付で山梨県に対し違約金条項の削除などを申入れました。

② 当機構の申入れに対し、2023年3月24日付の山梨県福祉保健部長名の文書で、違約金条項は法律に抵触しないと考えている等とする回答がありました。

③ 山梨県からの回答について、当機構の意見と質問を2023年5月18日付で送付し、6月19日までに回答いただけるように要請しました。

④ その後、山梨県から回答期限の延期を求めるメール連絡があり、当機構は了承しましたが、再設定したその期限を過ぎても回答がなされませんでした。そこで、10月30日、訴訟提起前の事前請求書面(41条書面)を送付しました。









※本ケースの主催者である消費者機構日本は、認定NPO法人です。本ケースへのご寄付は、寄付金控除の対象となりますので、寄付金控除をご希望の方は、大変お手数ですが、CALL4のアカウント登録をしていただき、住民票上の氏名・住所をご登録ください。追って、消費者機構日本より、確定申告の際にお使いいただける寄附金受領証明書を郵送させていただきます。寄附金控除について何かご不明なことがございましたら、消費者機構日本事務局( cojfund@coj.gr.jp )までご連絡ください。













*Translated by Google translate


 There are many regional quota systems for medical school selection across the country that require students to practice in a specific region after graduation. Regional quota systems are often implemented in conjunction with prefectural student loan systems, and students are exempt from repaying their loans if they practice in a designated region for a certain period of time after graduation. Among these systems, the Yamanashi Prefecture Regional Quota Doctor Career Development Program (hereinafter, the Program) is unique in that it imposes a huge penalty of 8,424,200 yen on top of 10% interest on the total scholarship of 9,360,000 yen if students are unable to practice in the designated region for the designated period of time. We, the Consumer Organization Japan and our legal team, believe that the penalty clauses in the contract for the Program are invalid in light of the Consumer Contract Act.

 Additionally, we believe that requiring young people who take university entrance exams under the regional quota system to predict their futures more than six years into the future and then binding their futures by making them sign contracts that include heavy penalty fees poses serious problems from the perspective of individual self-determination.

 While there are various measures to address policy issues such as eliminating the uneven distribution of doctors across regions, such as improving the working environment for employed doctors and reskilling female doctors who have retired, the adoption of contracts that include heavy penalty clauses that deprive individuals of the right to choose their future is a terrible policy that imposes a burden on young people in economically difficult circumstances, and the validity of such contracts should not be recognized by law.

 The two agreements in question

 The case in question concerns two agreements: 1) an agreement between Yamanashi Prefecture and the applicants who selected the Yamanashi Prefecture regional quota at the time of taking the medical school entrance exam that the program would apply to them ; and 2) a contract was concluded regarding the application of the career development program to those applicants once they had passed the national medical examination after being accepted by medical school .

 The former is an agreement made when applying to university without knowing how one will work as a doctor in the future.

 The latter is an agreement made when becoming a resident, without being able to foresee the early career choices that will come with being a doctor, or the various life events that will occur in one's personal life.


 Issues at issue

 This lawsuit claims that the penalty clauses in these two agreements are invalid and seeks an injunction against Yamanashi Prefecture for using such clauses. The clauses are invalid for two reasons.

 1. Invalidation under Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Consumer Contract Act

 One is a violation of Article 9, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Consumer Contract Act. The penalty clause in question, as shown in the figure below, applies 10% interest on the total scholarship amount of 9.36 million yen, and if the student quits within one year, a penalty of 8.424 million yen will be incurred. This is a high amount compared to the interest rate of scholarships provided by the Japan Student Services Organization, which is used by average university students, which is at most 1%. We argue that the amount stipulated in this penalty clause exceeds the average damage caused to Yamanashi Prefecture. 

 Consumer Contract Act

 (Invalidity of clauses that stipulate the amount of damages to be paid by consumers)
 Article 9 The clauses of a consumer contract listed in the following items shall be invalid to the extent specified in each item:
 (i) A clause that provides for the amount of damages or stipulates a penalty in the event of the termination of the consumer contract, the total amount of which exceeds the average amount of damages that would be incurred by the business operator in the event of the termination of a consumer contract of the same type as the consumer contract in question, depending on the cause, timing, etc. of the termination set out in the clause 

 2. Invalidation under Article 10 of the Consumer Contract Act

 Another reason for invalidity is violation of Article 10 of the Consumer Contract Act. According to Article 10 of the Act, contract clauses that impose unilateral disadvantages on consumers in violation of the principle of good faith are invalid. We argue that when comparing the benefits to Yamanashi Prefecture from the penalty clause with the benefits to the examinees and medical interns, the examinees and medical interns will suffer unilateral disadvantages in violation of the principle of good faith. 

 Consumer Contract Act

 (Invalidation of clauses that unilaterally harm the interests of consumers)
 Article 10. Any clause under which a consumer's inaction is deemed to have been an indication of the consumer's intention to apply for a new consumer contract or to accept such application, or any other clause in a consumer contract which restricts the rights of a consumer or increases the obligations of a consumer compared to the application of provisions in laws and regulations that are not related to the public order, and which unilaterally harms the interests of consumers in violation of the fundamental principles set out in Article 1, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, shall be invalid.

 In this case, it was reported that Yamanashi Prefecture cited its own medical system as the interest of both parties. However, since the comparison should be made based on the agreement and the contract, I think it is appropriate to compare the interest of the prefecture and other options if the applicant or intern does not work in Yamanashi Prefecture with the interest of the applicant or intern being bound to the program and other options.

 As mentioned above, it is difficult for medical school applicants to see what life will be like after passing university and the national medical examination. Even when they become residents, the nine years, including their initial training, are a time when many career choices are available, and it is the period when doctors experience the greatest change. The contract they enter into at the time of the examination imposes a high penalty for mid-term cancellation, which means they lose many options.

 If you become a doctor, you will enter into a labor contract with a medical institution within the designated area, but under the Labor Standards Act, fixed-term labor contracts of five years or more are invalid (Article 14, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the same Act), and the expectation of compensation is also prohibited (Article 16). We have to say that Paragraph 7 of the pledge in this case goes against the spirit of the Labor Standards Act, which is to not restrict personal freedom by setting long contract periods or high penalty fees.

 While the defendant's efforts to improve regional medical care could be achieved through other measures, the lives of individual trainees and their working conditions after becoming trainees are irreplaceable, and attempting to resolve the physician shortage by binding individuals with penalty fees violates the principle of good faith as set forth in Article 1, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, and must be said to be a unilateral detriment to the trainees.

In addition, the plaintiffs' initial request was to delete the clause in Article 1, Paragraph 2 of the contract regarding the application of this program, which states, "Marriage, nursing care, childcare (excluding maternity leave and childcare leave), etc. shall not be considered as unavoidable reasons." Yamanashi Prefecture responded that it would consider this, but has not yet made clear the specific time frame. In reality, it is mostly women who are problematic for these reasons, and we believe that this is an unfair clause that causes serious disadvantages to female students and female doctors, so we would like Yamanashi Prefecture to delete it.


 ① Our organization was provided with information regarding Yamanashi Prefecture's "Agreement Pertaining to the Application of the Yamanashi Prefecture Regional Quota and Other Physician Career Development Program," and on February 21, 2023, we requested Yamanashi Prefecture to delete the penalty clause, among other things.

 ② In response to our request, we received a document dated March 24, 2023, signed by the Director of the Yamanashi Prefecture Welfare and Health Department, stating that they believe the penalty clause does not violate the law.

 ③ Regarding the response from Yamanashi Prefecture, we sent our opinions and questions to them on May 18, 2023, and requested that they respond by June 19.

 ④ After that, Yamanashi Prefecture contacted us by email to request an extension of the response deadline, which we agreed to, but no response was received even after the new deadline had passed. Therefore, on October 30th, we sent a pre-lawsuit demand document (Article 41 document) before filing the lawsuit.

 Although there was a request to extend the response deadline by another two months, JICA determined, based on past developments, that it could not expect Yamanashi Prefecture to respond sincerely to the request, and was forced to file an injunction lawsuit in the Kofu District Court.

 Social significance

 It is clear from documents from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare that the career development program is aimed at developing the careers of doctors. In other words, since it is not simply a contract for securing the workforce of doctors, even if the trainee changes his/her course (withdraws) midway through, the cost of securing the workforce should not be a loss.

 If this trial were to justify the penalty clause established by Yamanashi Prefecture and lead to other prefectures establishing similar clauses, the "career development program" would become even more divergent from what it should be.

 Use of funds  

 Qualified consumer organizations take on injunctive relief lawsuits for the benefit of an unspecified number of consumers, but because the beneficiaries are an unspecified number of consumers, they cannot earn income from lawsuits. For this reason, the more injunctive relief lawsuits they file, the more they incur a deficit, and they have to make up for this deficit with donations.

 We have entrusted the pursuit of the litigation to several lawyers, but our fiscal year 2023 financial statements show a deficit of approximately 4 million yen, and without donations we will have difficulty paying even the minimum legal fees.

 In the future, class action lawsuits should be used more widely, as in other countries, to resolve social issues that affect an unspecified number of people, but currently, in Japan, they are only institutionalized in the consumer field. I would like to see class action lawsuits supported and nurtured by the power of civil society.

 *Consumer Organization of Japan, the organizer of this case, is a certified NPO. Donations to this case are eligible for tax deductions , so if you would like to receive a tax deduction, please register a CALL4 account and register your name and address as shown on your resident registration card. Consumer Fund Japan will then mail you a donation receipt that can be used when filing your tax return. If you have any questions about donation deductions, please contact the Consumer Organization of Japan Secretariat ( cojfund@coj.gr.jp ).

 About the Plaintiff  

 Consumer Organization of Japan is a qualified consumer organization that can exercise injunctive relief against unfair contract clauses for the benefit of an unspecified and large number of consumers (in May 2024, it received the Prime Minister's Award for Outstanding Contributions to Consumer Support).


 Our organization has pointed out the problems with the penalty clause to Yamanashi Prefecture and has urged it to correct the problem, but as no action has been taken, we have now filed an injunction lawsuit in the Kofu District Court.

 Introducing the Lawyers 

 We are currently litigating this case with four lawyers from Consumer Affairs Agency Japan representing us.
 From left: lawyers Osugi Toshishi, Nakano Kazuko, Katsuyama Hiroki, and Yamamoto Mizuki.

 Message from the lawyer in charge

 After the news of the plaintiff's lawsuit was published, we received information that, although not from Yamanashi Prefecture, when people tried to withdraw from a career development program, they were treated like criminals and were not able to receive the specialized training they wanted. To be subjected to such personal attacks and to have difficulty obtaining specialist qualifications means that people suffer significant disadvantages in ways other than financial ones.

 I believe that the fundamental problem is the shortage of doctors, and the resulting vicious cycle of excessive work due to the shortage of working doctors, but it is unacceptable to force this policy solution onto a single applicant or a single trainee through a contract.


 This is an injunction lawsuit for the benefit of "an unspecified number of consumers." We would like to proceed with this lawsuit together with civil society. We would appreciate your donations.


特定非営利活動法人 消費者機構日本




お問い合わせ: cojfund@coj.gr.jp

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