訴訟2 ・原告Aさん(仮名)について
訴訟3 ・原告Bさん(仮名)について
Bさんが入管に相談したところ国籍喪失届が受理されないと在留資格は出せないと言われたそうです。このままでは、90日の短期ビザが切れると日本から出国しなければならず、大学就職の内定が取り消され、介護目的での日本滞在もできなくなるため、Bさんは必死で入管にアドバイスと助けを求めました。入管は、Bさんの切羽詰まった事情を理解してくれ、カナダ旅券の「上陸許可 短期滞在」という短期ビザスタンプの上に「CANCELLED」というスタンプを押し、さらにその理由として「日本国籍判明により抹消」というスタンプを押してくれました。Bさんは、この入管での手続きのおかげで、日本人として日本に滞在することが可能となり、大学教員としての生活をはじめることができました。
在外国民にとって居住国の国籍を取得することにはこのような大きなメリットがあることから、在外国民の生活を応援しようとする多くの国々は、在外国民が居住国の国籍を取得しても元の国籍を失わないですむ制度を持つようになってきました。そのような国は増えつづけており、2020年には世界の76%(アジア地域でも65%)に達しています。(Vink, Maarten; De Groot, Gerard-Rene; Luk, Ngo Chun, 2015, “MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset”, doi:10.7910/DVN/TTMZ08, Harvard Dataverse, V5 [2020].)
2021年の統計では外国で暮らす日本国民は130万人を超え、その約60%が長期滞在者、約1.5%が永住者であると推計されています。また、婚姻全体に占める国際結婚の有合は、1965年から2021年まででは2.75%でしたが、2012年から2021年までは3.4%となっています。今や日本国民の生活や家族関係が容易に国境を越える時代なのです。(外務省:海外在留邦人数調査統計、厚生労働省:人口動態統計年報 主要統計表)
- 外国法調査費用、翻訳費用
- 研究者、専門家の意見書作成、出廷費用
- 弁護士交通費、通信費、コピー代など
- 期日報告集会会場使用料
弁護士 近藤 博徳:
弁護士 仲 晃生:
・近藤 博徳 東京弁護士会 TOKYO大樹法律事務所
・椎名 基晴 京都弁護士会 椎名法律事務所
・仲 晃生 京都弁護士会 椎名法律事務所
・仲尾 育哉 大阪弁護士会 C&L法律事務所
・山西 信裕 福岡県弁護士会 冨山・松尾・山西法律事務所
change.orgにて、【日本人が外国籍を取得した際、日本国籍を保持するか放棄するか選べるようにするため、私たちの運動を応援してください】という国籍法11条1項改正の署名運動も行っております。ぜひご協力ください。ご署名はこちら からお願いいたします。
What are the major problems?
(N.B.: in Japan, deprivation of nationality does not make the person stateless in most cases so the human right issue of statelessness is not discussed here)
1) Arbitrary deprivation of nationality might violate the right to nationality protected under the Constitution of Japan
Article 13 of the Constitution of Japan protects the “right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. It could function as an equivalent of the 14th amendment in the U.S. to protect new human rights that are not foreseen and explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. Nationality symbolizes one’s connection to its homeland, ancestors and families, which consist of the core of individual identity. Arbitrary deprivation of nationality can substantially harm the integrity of one’s identity, which should be protected by Article 13.
2) Individual interest in dual citizenship VS state interest in banning dual citizenship
In a nutshell, there is barely any state interest worth balancing here. In contrast, the individual interest in holding multiple citizenships is crucial and substantive.
By acquiring the nationality of their residing countries, Japanese residing abroad can participate in elections and have broad access to job opportunities and the welfare system. For Japanese who marry foreigners, acquiring the partner’s country’s citizenship can allow the families to travel between Japan and other countries together without dealing with the complicated visa matter. Dual citizenship is also crucial in guardianship and family separation in emergent situations.
3) Japan is still belongs to the 23% country where right to nationality is not properly recognized
Given the balancing above, there is no surprise that 76% of all the countries allow dual citizenship (65% for Asian countries) (Vink, Maarten; De Groot, Gerard-Rene; Luk, Ngo Chun, 2015, “MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset”, doi:10.7910/DVN/TTMZ08, Harvard Dataverse, V5 [2020].)
Considered by many as a country with little human right violations, Japan is not doing well in guaranteeing this right to nationality, and the government does not provide a convincing justification.
As a result, multiple litigations are filed all over in Japan to challenge the constitutionality of this law.
Case 1:
Yuri Kondo was born and raised in Japan, went to law school in the U.S. and became an attorney in Arizona. She acquired U.S. citizenship because she wanted to participate in the presidential election in the U.S. and to avoid any disadvantageous treatment in taxation. At that time, she was not aware that she would lose her Japanese citizenship by doing so.
However, Yuri also cherishes her Japanese identity, and has always kept close connections with her families and relatives in Japan. She also planned to move back to Japan to live close to them after she gets old.
With Covid-19 and the increasingly restricted entry policy, the problem becomes more serious and imminent. Basically, Japanese like Yuri, who have lost Japanese citizenship,cannot leave Japan due to the hardship of returning without a Japanese passport. To avoid uncertainty, Yuri chose to stay in Japan.
Many Japanese abroad face similar problems but there is no way out as long as Article 11(1) is in effect. Therefore, Yuri filed a case to challenge the validity of the law.
“I, as a Japanese citizen, think that the law should not limit people’s freedom to go back and live in their home country just because they acquired a foreign citizenship. Through working as a lawyer in the U.S., I have had hundreds of clients who lost their Japanese citizenship because of Article 11(1). I have decided to file a case to bring the voices of these people to Japan.”
Case 2:
Plaintiff A was born in 2010 by parents with Japanese nationalities, thereby acquiring the Japanese nationality. Later, Plaintiff A became an adopted child of a Japanese mother and a British father. As a proof of his British nationality, Plaintiff A registered as a British citizen, and then received his British passport.
Plaintiff A moved to Singapore with the family. When Plaintiff A renewed his Japanese passport in Singapore, although the parent told the officer at the embassy that Plaintiff A also holds a British passport, the officer only explained that Plaintiff A has to make a choice among the nationalities once reaching the age of adulthood.
The family currently lives in London. The passport of Plaintiff A expired during the covid-19 period when returning to Japan was hardly possible. In 2022, the parents went to the embassy of Japan in the U.K. to renew the passport of Plaintiff A, but the officer told them according to the Article 11(1) of the Nationality Act, Plaintiff A has lost the Japanese nationality. Only at that moment the parents started realizing that British citizenship registration is regarded as acquisition of British nationality, and Plaintiff A had lost his Japanese nationality at the time of the registration.
Case 3:
Plaintiff B was born and raised in Japan by Japanese parents. After getting married with a Canadian, considering discrimination in employment and other inconveniences, plaintiff B obtained Canadian citizenship in 2007. Plaintiff B has never thought it would lead to the automatic loss of Japanese nationality.
In 2018, plaintiff B went back to Japan to take care of her parents. As her Japanese passport had expired, she contacted the local Japanese Consulate, and was instructed to file a Notification of Loss of Japanese Nationality and apply for an appropriate status of residence after returning to Japan.
Upon returning to Japan, plaintiff B went to the city hall of the original family registry and tried to file the Notification of Loss of Japanese Nationality, but the person in charge at the counter refused to accept the application on the grounds that her Canadian citizenship certificate did not have the “date” of the acquisition of Canadian citizenship and did have only the year and month. However, there is no provision in the relevant laws and regulations that says such a document is required.
person in charge at the counter refused to accept the application on the grounds that her Canadian citizenship certificate did not have the “date” of the acquisition of Canadian citizenship and did have only the year and month. However, there is no provision in the relevant laws and regulations that says such a document is required.
Plaintiff B started living and working in Japan as Japanese citizen. In 2019, she applied for a Japanese passport, believing that her Japanese nationality is still valid. However, she received a report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) stating that MOFA could not issue a passport because the Ministry of Justice decided that her Japanese nationality had been lost in accordance with Article 11, Paragraph 1. Moreover, the officer from the Ministry of Justice told plaintiff B that due to her illegal status in Japan, if she leaves Japan, she will not be allowed to re-enter Japan for five years.
In December 2022, plaintiff B filed a lawsuit in the district court seeking a confirmation of Japanese nationality and the issuance of Japanese passport, or if she is not a Japanese citizen, granting a provisional status. If Article 11(1) of the Nationality Act stays, many Japanese nationals with extensive overseas experience are deprived of their Japanese nationality, and face tremendous barriers for living in Japan.
What is the purpose of this Article 11(1) Nationality Law? Whom does this benefit by depriving Japanese citizenship from Japanese people automatically without their consent. Plaintiff B decided to participate in CALL4 in the hope that her lawsuit and other similar cases will raise awareness of Article 11, Paragraph 1 in Japan, and help Japan become a country that respects diversity and human rights.
Other related cases:
In 2018, eight plaintiffs residing in Europe filed a case to challenge the validity of Article 11(1) of the Nationality Act at theTokyo District Court and appealed after the case was dismissed. The Tokyo High Court also dismissed the case on February 21, 2023. The case is now brought to the Supreme Court.
Another similar case that challenged the constitutionality of the same law was filed in 2016 and was dismissed by the Tokyo District Court in 2021, as well as by the Tokyo High Court In 2022. The plaintiffs in this case did not appeal, and the case was finalized.
New arguments in case 1:
- Rejection of issuing passports regardless of the submission of required documents violates the Constitution.
- The failure of the Japanese government to notify its citizens of the law that deprives nationality violates the Constitution.
New arguments in case 2:
- Article 11(1) shall not be applied when the child does not have an intent to acquire the foreign citizenship.
- Article 11(1) shall not be applied when the foreign citizenship is acquired through a legal agent.
- Application of Article 11(1) to case 2 violates the equality clause of Article 14(1) of the Constitution.
Hopefully these new arguments and the increasing social movement will make the courts decide differently. This will generate a positive impact on many Japanese with foreign roots and foreigners with Japanese connections. Most importantly, we need your support to correct this arbitrary deprivation of nationality in Japan!
Use of fund
The funds collected will be used for case 1 and case 2, specifically in costs of foreign law research, translation, payments to scholars and experts for presenting in court, transportation fees for attorneys, and other necessary logistic expenses. (the attorney fee is not included but if there is any fund left it might go to the attorneys in cases 1 and 2.)
Thank you again for reading this case. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave your comments in your language of choice in the forum section!
Summary of Messages from Attorneys
From Attorney Kondo:
I used to take nationality for granted just like air. However, over the past nine years, I have been working on cases related to Article 11(1) of the Nationality Act, and I got to know all kinds of difficulties faced by those who lost their nationality. Through this litigation, I would like more people to know the pains and difficulties experienced by those deprived of nationality, and would like to alleviate their burdens.
From Attorney Naka:
I met the Plaintiff Kondo Yuri in 2018 and decided to take the case after learning that Yuri wants to file the lawsuit to let Japanese inside Japan know the deplorable situations outside Japan.
I think the following two points are very important among other significant implications of this case. Firstly, this case aims at helping overseas Japanese to expand their level of mobility while maintaining their life stability. Secondly, this case asks the questions of whether the Constitution permits the state to deprive an individual of nationality without consent, and how court should play its role in thinking about the relationship between people and government.
Attorneys in Charge
Hironori Kondo, Tokyo Bar Association, Tokyo Taiju Law Office
Motoharu Shiina, Kyoto Bar Association, Shiina Law Office
Teruo Naka, Kyoto Bar Association, Shiina Law Office
Ikuya Nakao, Osaka Bar Association, C&L Law Office
Nobuhiro Yamanishi, Fukuoka Bar Association, Tomiyama Matsuo Yamanishi Law Office
Join Our Petition
We would appreciate it if you could also join our petition < Help us change the law for Japanese nationals to have a choice to keep or leave their citizenship when obtaining citizenship abroad > on change.org. Please click here.