赤ちゃん取り違え被害者に「出自を知る権利を」訴訟 A Baby Switched at Birth (Trial for the right to know the origin)

原告は昭和33年4月10日頃に東京都立墨田産院での出生直後、他の新生児と取り違えられ、その賠償責任については平成18年の裁判で認められたにもかかわらず、その後も東京都が一切の事実調査を拒否し、未だに原告が生みの親と接触することができない状況にあるという事件です。まだ見ぬ両親の寿命も限られていることから、この度やむなく原告は、東京都に対して、調査の実施等を求めて改めて提訴しました。 This is a case in which the plaintiff was mistaken for another newborn immediately after his birth at the Tokyo Metropolitan Sumida Maternity Hospital on April 10, 1958.
①訴訟費用:弁護士費用や裁判に係る諸費用(コピー代、交通費、専門家の意見書作成費用等)について、100~150万円程度 。
[Baby mistake case]
Plaintiff Satoshi Egura (62) is a victim of a baby mistake. On April 10, 1958, an employee of Sumida Maternity Hospital mistakenly mistaken for two newborn babies. Since then, Mr. Egura has lived as a child of a "parent".
(Mr. Egura in his childhood (with his father))
Mr. Egura has been suffering from a sense of incongruity that he is the only person in his family since he was a child. Since the DNA test was conducted in 2004 and the mistake was revealed, I want to know "I want to know my" real parents "" and "I want to know my origin" for more than 15 years. I have lived with a wish.
Mr. Egura may be able to know his origin by examining the materials when the capital and country are seriously mistaken. However, despite Mr. Egura’s repeated requests, the city refused to investigate at all.
We have nowhere to go, angry about why we have to think like this, even though we have no fault.
[History so far-Tokyo's inhumane response]
(1) Discovery of misunderstanding-previous proceedings
Despite the fact that the results of the DNA test revealed that there was no parent-child relationship with any of the "parents raised", the hospital management headquarters in Tokyo, the person in charge at the Sumida Ward Office and the Social Insurance Agency said, "Make up. I didn't really deal with it.
Therefore, Mr. Egura and his "parents raised" filed a lawsuit for damages due to tort (previous proceeding) against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Although he lost in the first instance, the Tokyo High Court granted the request of Mr. Egura and others and ordered the city to pay damages. In this 2006 decision to finalize the appeal, it was found that the mistake was a "basic error as a maternity hospital" and that the life of Mr. Egura and others was upset by a serious negligence in Tokyo.
(2) Background to this proceeding
Mr. Egura has repeatedly asked the city for more than 15 years to cooperate with his biological parents in finding the biological children of their "parents". However, despite the decision to finalize the appeal, which admitted that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government was liable for the mistake, Mr. Egura said, "It's already over." And "It is necessary to consider the privacy of the other party's family." We have continued to refuse cooperation and investigations without responding to the request of.
(Mr. Egura (2018) who visits the Tokyo Metropolitan Government many times and asks for parents)
However, it should be easy to at least investigate and identify the misplaced child and confirm the intentions of the other family member. Nevertheless, Tokyo has continued to ignore Mr. Egura’s simple request to "know his origin" and to ignore it. As a result, Mr. Egura has been forced into a situation where his life has been upset from birth to the present.
Mr. Egura is already 63 years old, and his mother generation is around 90 years old. There is little time left for the reunion of true parents and children. Since the Tokyo Metropolitan Government did not accept the negotiations, I thought that there was only a lawsuit to know my true parents in the remaining time, so I had to file this lawsuit.
[Significance of claiming "the right to know the origin"]
Article 7.1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Convention on the Rights of the Child), which Japan also ratified in 1994, stipulates that "children ... have the right to know their parents as much as possible and to be raised by their parents". We guarantee the right to know. The origin is deeply related to the formation of individual identity, and it is considered that the right to know the origin is guaranteed by Article 13 of the Constitution of Japan.
In recent years, legislation has been amended in European countries and Victoria, Australia, to enhance the guarantee of the right to know the origin, especially in the field of assisted reproductive technology involving third parties. The universal importance of the right to know the origin is gradually being evaluated.
In this trial, Mr. Egura, who has suffered from not knowing his true parents and not knowing his origin, will be rescued, and everyone will know his origin by getting many people interested. I would like to fight to get closer to the realization of a society where people can enjoy their natural rights.
[How to use donations]
(1) Court costs: Attorney's fees and various costs related to trials (copy fee, transportation fee, expert opinion writing fee, etc.) are about 1 to 1.5 million yen. ..
(2) Policy proposal costs: About 500 to 1 million yen for activities such as policy proposals, events and their public relations costs to make this trial widely known to people and respond to cases of the same type of baby mistake.
First of all, I would like to raise 500,000 yen as actual expenses that are indispensable for filing a complaint, such as stamp fee, copy fee, transportation fee. Once the target amount is reached, we would like to collect expert costs and policy proposal costs related to this trial at the next step.
Getting widespread support from society is a great help to plaintiffs and their lawyers, both financially and mentally. Thank you for your support.
[Comment from the defense team]
The parent and child in the top photo were not blood-related parents and children. I spent many years as an ordinary parent and child without my parents and children knowing about it, and my child became an adult. When I learned of the fact of the mistake, it seemed that a hole suddenly opened under my feet.
The plaintiff is deeply and deeply grateful to his parents for raising him, even though he knew the fact of the mistake. I think I'm a real parent. Still, the desire to know the creator cannot be suppressed. Plaintiffs' parents also want to see their biological child at a glance or from a distance. It is a natural feeling as a person, and I think that knowing the parent who gave birth to oneself and the child who was born with a stomachache should be guaranteed as a basic human right.
(Mr. Egura taking a walk with her mother (2018))
Of course the problem is not simple. In particular, if it takes a long time to discover a mistake as in this case, there are problems such as the peace of the family of the mistaken child and the parent who raised it, and the privacy of those people. However, in some cases, the child and the creator of the mistake were reunited after the mistake was discovered, and a constructive relationship could be established. Given the importance of the right to know the origin or the right to family integration, it is a mistake to close the path of remedy just because of the above problems, and legal matters that should be overcome with careful consideration. I think it is a social issue.
Plaintiffs do not want to force their creators to meet. I want the government to notify me that my birth parent was involved in a misunderstanding, and I want the misunderstood child to confirm my intention to exchange contact information because I want to see my birth parent. I'm just there. If the creator still refuses to exchange contacts, he says he will give up meeting with respect for the will of the creator. Even such a small wish cannot be heard at all. Is it okay to allow this?
This incident is said to be the tip of the iceberg. What would you do if you learned that you were mistaken at the maternity hospital?
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