レペタ訴訟【アーカイブケース】 Right to Notetaking in Courts[Archive]
The case that disputed the illegality of not being able to take notes at the hearing at the hearing of the trial (Before this case, taking notes in Japanese court was uniformly prohibited).
【Archive project No. 0001】
※ The donation for this case will be paid to JCLU who supported the trial at that time.
Plaintiff Lawrence Lepeta was an American lawyer. He was watching a criminal case in violation of the income tax law in order to study Japanese economic law.
When taking notes in court, he was banned from the presiding judge. He offered to have them take notes several times, but none were accepted, and finally filed a lawsuit.
In trial, he found that if you are a media reporter who joins a press club, you can take notes. He argued that the presiding judge, who forbids to take memorandums, is unlawful to lead a lawsuit because of violation of the open principle of the trial, freedom of expression, freedom of coverage, infringement of equal right, etc.
Both the first and second trial rejected the request.
The Supreme Court has ruled out that the appeal itself has been dismissed, but the act of taking notes in the reasons should be respected in principle, and it will be possible to take notes at national courts thereafter. .
The Japan Civil Liberties Union (JCLU) is a public interest association which aims to protect and promote human rights for all persons regardless of beliefs, religion or political opinion. JCLU’s work is conducted in accordance with internationally recognized human rights principles, namely the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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