在外選挙権確認訴訟【アーカイブケース】 Voting Right for Overseas Japanese

#政治参加・表現の自由 #Democracy/Freedom of Expression
#アーカイブ #Archive

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

13,500円 ¥ 13,500


目標金額 Target amount

100,000円 ¥ 100,000

サポーター Supporter

4 人 4 supporters

支援する Support a Case


The Japanese supreme court ruled that it is unconstitutional to restrict vote right of the Japanese citizen who live in overseas in this case.






提訴後の1998年(平成10年)、公職選挙法が改正され、衆議院比例代表選出議員選挙と参議院比例代表選出議員に限定して選挙権が与えられましたが、衆議院小選挙区選出議員選挙と参議院選挙区選出議員選挙については、引き続き選挙権の行使が制限されていました。 その後、法改正を踏まえ、提訴内容は以下の内容に整理されました。 

  1. 本件改正前の公職選挙法は、原告らに衆議院議員の選挙及び参議院議員の選挙における選挙権の行使を求めていない点において、違法であることの確認 ・本件改正後の公職選挙法は、原告らに衆議院小選挙区選出議員の選挙及び参議院選挙区選出議員選挙における選挙権の行使を求めていないことの違法確認 
  2. (控訴審から)予備的に、原告らが衆議院小選挙区選出議員の選挙及び参議院選挙区選出議員の選挙において選挙権を有することの確認 
  3. 原告らが1996年(平成8年)10月20日実施された第42回衆議院議員総選挙に投票することができなかったとして、1人当たり5万円の損害賠償及び遅延損害金の支払

この訴えに対し、第1審の東京地方裁判所は、違法確認請求に係る訴えをいずれも却下するとともに、損害賠償については請求を棄却しました。 控訴審の東京高等裁判所も控訴を棄却するとともに、新たに付加された予備的主張も却下しました。 





Before 1996, Japanese residing overseas were not able to vote for all kinds of elections in Japan. Plaintiffs in this case filed a case against the government in November 1996 claiming that the lack of voting rights for Japanese nationals overseas violates the Constitution. As a result, the election law was revised in 1998 and courts confirmed the plaintiff’s claim.

Arguments and Decision 

The plaintiffs argued that the fact that Japanese nationals residing overseas who are eligible voters cannot vote in the constituency elections for Congress representatives violates the Constitution of Japan. 

More specifically, the lack of voting rights for overseas Japanese violates the equal protection clause in Article 14 (1), the voting rights for public servants under Articles 15 (1) and (3), as well as the right to elections of congress members under Articles 43 and 44. 

In addition to asking the court to confirm the unconstitutionality of the current situation, the plaintiffs also requested for a compensation of 50,000 Japanese yen for each plaintiff for not being able to vote in the 42nd election for the house of representatives in 1996.

Eventually, the court ruled for the plaintiffs, confirmed the unconstitutionality and ordered a compensation of 5,000 for each plaintiff. Congress also revised the PUblic Offices Election Act in 1998 to provide voting rights to eligible voters residing overseas according to the court decision. 

Use of fund 

The litigation has already finished, and the crowdfunding campaign has already ended. The funds are used to support the Japan Civil Liberties Union (JCLU), who played an essential role in supporting this litigation. For more information about JCLU, please see http://jclu.org/english/




The Japan Civil Liberties Union (JCLU) is a public interest association which aims to protect and promote human rights for all persons regardless of beliefs, religion or political opinion. JCLU’s work is conducted in accordance with internationally recognized human rights principles, namely the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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