結婚の自由をすべての人に訴訟(同性婚訴訟) The ”Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuit

A class-action lawsuit for the right to same sex marriage, the first of its kind in Japan.
We filed law suits in the district courts of Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya , Osaka and Fukuoka.
現在、北海道訴訟は最高裁判所に上告しており、その他の訴訟はすべて高等裁判所に係属しています(追記 2025年1月22日 東京一次訴訟と九州訴訟についても違憲の判決が出ましたが、両訴訟とも上告しています。)。
【申し訳ありませんが、当方は、認定NPO法人や公益社団法人等にはあたらず、ご寄付について、寄附金控除(所得控除)や寄附金特別控除(税額控除)の適用はありません 】
[Your donation will cover litigation costs, excluding attorney's fees. Your donation will not cover attorney's fees.]
[Thanks to your support, we have reached our goal, but we believe there is still more cost to be incurred, so we would like to raise the goal. (October 30, 2024)
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone for their support since the lawsuit was filed on February 14, 2019.
This lawsuit is a large-scale class action lawsuit involving a total of more than 30 plaintiffs and approximately 80 lawyers, with six lawsuits being filed in five courts across the country. The lawsuit incurs large expenses, such as transportation costs for the plaintiffs and legal team to appear in court and for meetings, printing costs for legal documents, and communication costs. However, thanks to your donations, we are able to continue the lawsuit, and in the first high court ruling, the Sapporo High Court ruled on March 14, 2024 (Hokkaido lawsuit), it was recognized that the current law prohibiting same-sex marriage violates Articles 24 and 14 of the Constitution.
Currently, the Hokkaido lawsuit has been appealed to the Supreme Court, and all other lawsuits are pending in the High Court (Addendum: January 22, 2025: The Tokyo Primary Lawsuit and Kyushu Lawsuit were also ruled unconstitutional, but both lawsuits have been appealed).
All lawsuits are scheduled to proceed to appeals. Although we have achieved our initial fundraising goal, we have raised it because five and a half years have passed since the lawsuits were all filed and we expect to run short on funds for legal activities at the appeals hearing, such as travel expenses for the plaintiffs and their legal teams from Hokkaido, Aichi, Kansai, and Kyushu to travel to Tokyo.
We ask for your continued support in our quest to have this law ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
[We are sorry, but we are not a certified NPO or public interest incorporated association, so donations are not eligible for the donation deduction (income deduction) or special donation deduction (tax deduction).]
Japan's first same-sex marriage class action lawsuit ("Freedom of Marriage for All" lawsuit)
On February 14, 2019, a lawsuit was filed simultaneously in district courts in Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka in an effort to allow people of the same legal gender to marry in Japan.
On September 5, 2019, a lawsuit was also filed in the Fukuoka District Court, and litigation is currently underway in five locations across the country.
In addition, a new lawsuit (Second Tokyo Lawsuit) was filed in the Tokyo District Court on March 26, 2021, and six lawsuits are currently ongoing in five locations across the country.
Why do we want same-sex marriage?
Some people may think, "If we love each other, it's okay if we don't get married."
However, people of the same legal gender cannot marry each other in Japan, and there are many things that are not legally recognized.
For example, if you do not make a will, you will not be able to inherit any assets, no matter how long you were together.
Even if two people are raising a child together, they cannot both be granted custody of the child.
If you have a foreign partner, if they are male and female you can get married and qualify to stay in Japan as a spouse, but if they are the same sex you cannot get qualified to stay in Japan as a spouse.
In addition, if a man and a woman are not legally married, they may be protected as if they were in a common-law marriage.
It is clearly stated that the receipt of survivor's pensions is guaranteed by law, and there is also protection through legal interpretation, such as the ability of survivors to claim compensation.
However, in the case of same-sex couples, it is unclear whether they will be protected as common-law marriages, and there have been cases of people who have been sued after their same-sex partners were killed and were denied crime victim survivor benefits.
There are other medical issues as well.
There is no legal restriction that the person must be a legal family member, and as long as the hospital is willing to accommodate, there are cases where, because the person is not a legal family member, they are not able to receive an explanation of their partner's medical condition, are not able to visit, or are not able to consent to medical treatment.
Furthermore, not allowing same-sex couples to marry means that they will remain socially unrecognized forever.
It could also be seen as an inferior relationship, as "a relationship that is not even recognized as marriage."
Unfortunately, there must be quite a few same-sex couples who have broken up because "same-sex relationships have no future."
We are seeking compensation from the government, but money is not our goal.
In this lawsuit, the plaintiffs are seeking 1 million yen in damages from the government, claiming that "the fact that the Diet has continued to withhold legislation allowing same-sex couples to marry is a violation of constitutional human rights and is illegal, and the government should pay compensation."
Technically they are asking the government for 1 million yen in compensation, but they are not suing because they want money.
Because Japanese courts cannot simply ask for a ruling on whether a law violates the constitution, they are only seeking compensation; what they are really asking for is for same-sex couples to be able to legally marry each other.
Litigation defense team
The legal team (Freedom to Marry for All Lawsuit Legal Team) consists of more than 80 lawyers from all over the country.
How your support will be used
Your support will be used to cover litigation costs excluding attorney's fees (stamps, copying fees, transportation costs, fees for requesting opinions, etc.).
The Freedom to Marry for All Lawsuit Legal Team is considering filing a lawsuit in the same format as the lawsuit on February 14, 2019, after the simultaneous lawsuit was filed on February 14, 2019, and filed a lawsuit in the Fukuoka District Court on September 5, 2019. A second lawsuit was also filed in the Tokyo District Court on March 26, 2021. The support received this time will also be used to cover the costs of subsequent lawsuits after the simultaneous lawsuit was filed on February 14, 2019.
We would appreciate your support in our lawsuit to grant freedom of marriage to all, so that in Japan too, people of the same legal gender can choose to marry each other, and so that people other than those with a different legal gender can have the freedom to choose whether or not to marry.
■北海道弁護団 8名
【札幌弁護士会】上田文雄 加藤丈晴 須田布美子 高橋友佑 綱森史泰 林拓哉 皆川洋美 本橋優子
■東京弁護団 36名(うち1名は愛知弁護団にも所属)
【東京弁護士会】安藤光里 上杉崇子 榎本一久 金子美晴 熊澤美帆 樋田早紀 佐藤真依子 清水皓貴 寺原真希子 中川重徳 永田真衣子 永野靖 半田虎生 北條友里恵 増井俊輔 溝田紘子 山下敏雅 油原麻帆
【第一東京弁護士会】井上皓子 宇治野壮歩 小谷磨衣 西村夏奈
【第二東京弁護士会】加藤慶二 佐藤樹 沢崎敦一 鈴木創大 仲村渠桃 藤井啓輔 三浦徹也 向井香織 横山佳枝
【千葉県弁護士会】喜田康之 南川麻由子
【神奈川県弁護士会】大﨑茉耶 齋藤信子
■愛知弁護団 5名
【愛知県弁護士会】砂原薫 堀江哲史 水谷陽子 矢崎暁子 山田麻登
■関西弁護団 7名
【大阪弁護士会】大畑泰次郎 寺野朱美 宮本庸弘 三輪晃義 森本智子 山岸克巳
■九州弁護団 24名
【福岡県弁護士会】安孫子健輔 石井謙一 石田光史 井上敦史 岩橋愛佳 太田千遙 太田信人 緒方枝里 久保井摂 後藤富和 武寛兼 寺井研一郎 徳原聖雨 富永悠太 仲地彩子 塙愛恵 吉野大輔 渡邉陽
【熊本県弁護士会】藤井祥子 藤木美才 森あい
2022. 10. 27
2021. 8. 25
2021. 3. 2
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