司法の独立を脅かす岡口裁判官の罷免訴追に反対します!【アーカイブ】 I oppose Judge Okaguchi's criminal charge, which threatens the independence of the judiciary! Support for the impeachment lawyers

#政治参加・表現の自由 #Democracy/Freedom of Expression
#アーカイブ #Archive

現在の支援総額 Total amount of current support

1,236,000円 ¥ 1,236,000


目標金額 Target amount

1,000,000円 ¥ 1,000,000

サポーター Supporter

160 人 160 supporters

支援の募集は終了しました Application Closed

岡口基一裁判官がSNSでの投稿・発言を理由に弾劾裁判にかけられました。司法の独立の意義が多くの人に伝わることを願い、罷免が不当であることを広く社会に訴えます。 Judge Impeachment Okaguchi was impeached for posting and remarks on SNS.


Thank you for your support

2024/5/31 16:47





*Translated by google translate

I would like to thank you for your support regarding the impeachment trial in which I am a defendant.
 I am extremely grateful. Thank you so much.

 As you are aware, the outcome was extremely unfair, and in particular, it contained unjust judgments about the "integrity of the facts," denial of the principle of trial on evidence, adverse treatment in relation to responsibility for results, and a serious violation of the principle of proportionality. It cannot be said that a fair trial was conducted, and it has had a serious impact on the principle of separation of powers and the people's freedom of expression.

 We would like to continue to take various opportunities to appeal to the public about the injustice of this ruling, so we would appreciate your continued support.

Kiichi Okaguchi


The 16th session of the impeachment trial against Judge Motoichi Okaguchi was held.

2024/4/4 19:54


1 この日行われた手続は、以下のとおりです。

・ 判決言渡し

2 判決の内容は以下のとおりです。




On April 3, 2024, the 16th hearing of the impeachment trial of Judge Okaguchi Motokazu was held.

The procedures carried out on this day were as follows:


2. The contents of the judgment are as follows:

Dismiss the accused.

The costs of the proceedings shall be borne by the defendant.

*The summary of the judgment, which was provided by the Impeachment Court to media outlets and defense lawyers today, is posted here .


Regarding changes to the judgment delivery date

2024/3/14 19:59



The impeachment trial judgment against Judge Motoichi Okaguchi was scheduled to be handed down at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27th, but the decision has been made to change the date.

The new deadline is April 3rd (Wednesday) at 2:00 p.m.


The 15th session of the impeachment trial was held.

2024/2/29 3:17

  1. 令和6(2024)年2月28日、岡口基一判事に対する弾劾裁判の第15回期日が行われました。
    • 弁論の更新
    • 弁護人の最終意見陳述
    • 被訴追者本人の最終陳述
  2. 弾劾裁判員の欠席について
  3. 次回期日は、令和6(2024)年3月27日(水)午後2時と指定されました。判決言渡しが予定されています。
 On February 28, 2024, the 15th session of the impeachment trial against Judge Motoichi Okaguchi was held.
The procedures carried out on this day are as follows.
  • Oral update
  • Defense attorney's final opinion statement
  • Final statement of the accused person
  1. Regarding the absence of impeachment jurors, among the jurors, Rep. Kazunori Tanaka (Liberal Democratic Party) and Rep. Masaaki Akaike (Liberal Democratic Party) were absent, but there were no replacements from reserve members, leaving the number of jurors at 12. .
  2. The next deadline has been set as 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. A sentencing hearing is scheduled.


The 14th session of the impeachment trial was held.

2024/2/8 20:44



  • 弁論の更新
  • 裁判官訴追委員会による証拠請求、これに対する弁護人の意見、証拠の採用、要旨の告知
  • 弁護人による証拠請求、これに対する裁判官訴追委員会の意見、証拠の採用、要旨の告知
  • 裁判長が証拠調べの終了を宣言
  • 裁判官訴追委員会の最終意見陳述





On February 7, 2024, the 14th session of the impeachment trial against Judge Motoichi Okaguchi was held.

1. The procedures carried out on this day are as follows.

  • Oral update
  • Request for evidence by the Judge Prosecution Committee, defense attorney's opinion on the request, acceptance of evidence, and announcement of summary
  • Request for evidence by the defense attorney, the opinion of the Judge Prosecution Committee regarding the request, acceptance of evidence, and announcement of the summary.
  • The presiding judge declares the end of evidence examination.
  • Final opinion statement of the Judicial Prosecution Committee

There were only two members of the Judicial Prosecution Committee in attendance: Representative Takao Ochi (House of Representatives, Liberal Democratic Party) and Representative Masahiko Shibayama (House of Representatives, Liberal Democratic Party).

2. Regarding the absence of impeachment judges

Among the jurors, the first acting presiding judge, Representative Masaji Matsuyama (3rd Liberal Democratic Party), Representative Sushimaro Fukuoka (3rd Liberal Democratic Party), and Representative Masako Mori (3rd Liberal Democratic Party) were absent, and in their place, Representative Hiroshi Nakata from the reserve (Mr. Liberal Democratic Party) and Representative Tsuneyuki Sakai (Mr. Liberal Democratic Party) attended.

3. The next deadline has been specified as 2:00 pm on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. The defense attorney's final statement of opinion is scheduled.


The 13th session of the impeachment trial was held.

2024/1/25 17:22



  • 弁論の更新
  • 被訴追者(岡口判事)の尋問のうち裁判所訴追委員会からの反対尋問、裁判員からの補充尋問




On January 24, 2024, the 13th session of the impeachment trial against Judge Motoichi Okaguchi was held.

1. The procedures carried out on this day are as follows.

  • Oral update
  • Among the questioning of the accused (Judge Okaguchi), cross-examination from the Court Prosecution Committee and supplementary questioning from the jurors.

2. Regarding the absence of impeachment judges

The impeachment court is made up of 14 jurors, but the case was heard by 13 jurors because no successor has been decided for former juror Takashi Yamashita (Public Democratic Party and Liberal Democratic Party), who resigned. Please note that Judge Kazunori Tanaka (Public Party, Liberal Democratic Party) was absent, and a reserve member, Judge Masako Okawara (Public Party, Constitutional Democratic Party) attended in his place.

3. The next deadline has been specified as 2:00 pm on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. A final statement from the Judicial Prosecution Committee is scheduled.


The 12th session of the impeachment trial was held.

2023/12/22 10:03


  1. この日行われた手続は、以下のとおりです。
  2. 弾劾裁判員の欠席について
  3. 次回期日は、令和6(2023)年1月24日(水)午後2時と指定されました。被訴追者(岡口判事)の尋問のうち裁判官訴追委員会からの反対尋問が予定されています

On December 20, 2023, the 12th session of the impeachment trial against Judge Motoichi Okaguchi was held.

  1. The procedures carried out on this day are as follows.
    ・Updating the argument ・Announcement of the summary of some of the evidence submitted by the defense attorney ・Main question from the defense attorney among the questioning of the accused (Judge Okaguchi)
  2. Regarding the absence of impeachment judges, Acting First Judge Masaji Matsuyama (senior, Liberal Democratic Party) and Judge Shimaro Fukuoka (senior, Liberal Democratic Party) were absent, and Hiroaki Shioda (senior, Komei) was appointed as a reserve member in their place. I participated.
  3. The next deadline has been specified as 2:00 pm on Wednesday, January 24, 2023. Among the cross-examination of the accused (Judge Okaguchi), cross-examination by the Judges' Prosecution Committee is scheduled.


Regarding the resignation of Judge Takashi Yamashita

2023/12/18 10:23





On November 1, 2023, the defense attorney filed a motion to challenge the case, arguing that Judge Takashi Yamashita's behavior both inside and outside the courtroom may lead to an unfair trial.

On December 12, before the impeachment court made its decision on this petition, Justice Yamashita submitted a resignation letter, and on the 14th of the same month, the Speaker of the House of Representatives approved his resignation.

Once a replacement judge is selected, it is expected that the information will be posted on the impeachment court's website.



The 11th session of the impeachment trial was held.

2023/11/24 12:32


  1. この日行われた手続は、以下のとおりです。
  2. 忌避申立てに対する判断について
  3. 弾劾裁判員の欠席等について
  4. 次回期日は、令和5(2023)年12月20日(水)午後2時と指定されました。弁護人から請求して採用された証拠書類の一部につき、弁護人からの 証拠説明が行われ、引き続き岡口判事に対する弁護人からの主尋問が予定されています。

On November 22, 2023, the 11th session of the impeachment trial against Judge Motoichi Okaguchi was held.

  1. The procedures carried out on this day are as follows.
    ・Updating the argument / Examining witnesses for the defense attorney application (Mahiko Ichiki, professor at Tokyo Medical University, Hiroshi Takeuchi, presiding judge of the district court division)
    The main questioning of Professor Ichiki by the defense attorney was conducted while explanatory slides were projected on two screens.
    ・Request for evidence by the defense attorney (documentary evidence related to the statement of the president of the Tohoku Bar Association, etc.), the judge's prosecution committee's opinion regarding this, and adoption of the evidence requested by the defense attorney.
  2. Regarding the decision on the motion to challenge After the previous session, the defense attorney filed a motion to challenge Judge Takashi Yamashita, but the impeachment court has not made a decision on the motion as of today.
  3. Regarding the absence of impeachment judges, Judge Yuji Yamamoto (House and Liberal Democratic Party) and Judge Takashi Yamashita (House and Liberal Democratic Party) were absent. Judge Yamashita's absence appears to be due to the fact that he has not made a decision on the challenge petition.
  4. The next deadline has been specified as 2:00 pm on Wednesday, December 20, 2023. The defense attorney will explain some of the evidence that was requested and accepted by the defense attorney, and the defense attorney is scheduled to continue questioning Judge Okaguchi.


Filed a petition for recusal of judges.

2023/11/8 4:15




On 1 November 2023, a motion to recuse Judge Takashi Yamashita (former prosecutor and Minister of Justice) was filed.

Petition for recusal of a judge.

Supplementary Statement of Grounds for the Petition

*You can view all the litigation documents by clicking  [Other] of the Materials page.

20 件中 1-10

1-10 of 20 cases


We believe that it is not right to impeach Judge Okaguchi. We take legal action against this impeachment.

中村 真(弁護士)
南 和行(弁護士)