新たなケース 日本の「黙秘権」を問う訴訟 〜56時間にわたる侮辱的な取調べは違法〜 が掲載されました

New Case Posted


新たなケースとして、日本の「黙秘権」を問う訴訟 〜56時間にわたる侮辱的な取調べは違法〜 が掲載されました。


A new case,Lawsuit challenges Japan's "right to remain silent" -56 hours of contemptuous interrogation is illegal has been posted.

The plaintiff Eguchi, who was suspected of a crime, despite declaring the right to remain silent, was subjected to various verbal abuse, sarcasm, and insults such as "brat" and "childish" by the prosecutor for approximately 21 days and approximately 56 hours. Is this considered an "interrogation"? This lawsuit aims to demonstrate through the trial that such interrogations are illegal, in order to create a society where the right to remain silent is truly guaranteed.

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